HE MICHIGAN DAILY _.. '. .. f Sleep Anyplace 1i Eat at Rex 's THE CLUB LUNCH 712 ARBOR STREET Near State ad Packard mmwmm ut I i l JI L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST The Store of Reliability & Satisfaction 11S 113 South Main ANN ARBOR, - - Street MICHIGAI W1omen There will be a Senior society meet- ing tomorrow night at 7:15 o'clock inI Martha Cook building. All entering students should make arrangements at Barbour gymnasium for medical examinations. t i 2 7 l r 1 I to attend a banquet which will be 1iiIIIIUIUI11iI1illilillIIIllIiIlllil given by the circle at 6:30 o'clock Sat- urday night at the Chamber of Corn- =_' merce. The "Y" Inn I The girls will be entertained over - night and Sunday noon willtlunch aT LHall with Miss Florence Simms, the na- 1 at Lan j~l tional industrial secretary of the Y. W. C. A. Miss Simms will be one of the speakers at the banquet and also Rates Reduced at the luncheon.= GIRL RESERVE LEADERS 'II 111111111 1111111111111Ii11111i11NlHii; Mimeographing and Typewriting e No job too large small to receive attention. nor too careful 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Dancing classes will be discontinued until further notice. Necessary changes in gymnasium schedules should be reported by Fri- day noon at Barbour gymnasium. There will be a Women's leaguel party at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon inI HEAR ADDRESSES TONIGHT Girl Reserve club leaders will meet at 6 o'clock tonight at the city Y. W. C. A. Supper will be served and will be followed by several talks. Miss Car- fne L. Dicken, principal of the Perry school, will bring suggestions for club I work from the viewpoint of a teach- er. Mrs. J. M. Wells will speak on Ii - ' A Barbour gymnasium, the work of the clubs from a mother's standpoint. Mrs. T. E. Rankin will All freshmen and sophomores who speak on "Individual Membership in are not taking regular gymnasium the National Y W. C. A." !' work -should see Dr. Eloise Walker and report at Barbour gymnasium by Friday noon. Extra basketball practice will be held for any girls who wish to report at 5 o'clock this afternoon. A sophomore song parody is needed for the cotillion. Songs should be giv- en to Elsa Oiesen, 1414 Wastenaw ave- nue, before Monday. i 1 i - -- .i TUTT LE'S LUNCH ROOM I A Nice Cozy Place Where You Enjoy Your Neal One half block South of "MAJ" FULL DRESS and TUXEDO SUITS Special at $50 Tailored by the KIRSCHBAUM CUSTOM SHOPS All Sizes In Stock E. & W. Tuxedo Shirts F. W. GROSS 209 SOUTH MAIN !{ 11 The Girls' Mandolin club will meet; at 7 o'clock this evening instead of 7:15 o'clock, in order to allow the! members to attend the lecture in Hill auditoriuml . : 11 MURADS COST 20 CENTS for a BOX of 10-BUT THEY'RE MURADS! MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the 100% Turkish tobaccos of the purest and best varieties grown-or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco. But they wouldn't be MURADS-they'd only be Foxes! "Judge for Yourself-!" Special attention is called to Murad ZOs in Tin Boxes .. drefft..Q.~refwki4 T1z1 THIS LUMN LASSIFIELUMN CLOSES CLSES AT 3 .li. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. FOR RENT FOR RENT-For one or two *tudents, large corner room.' One bloc1K north' of campus. South and west expos-, ure. Light housekeeping if desired. ,Phone 1317-R. 13 FOR RENT-Large, attractive, warm, well-furnished suite for two. Very reasonable price. Block and a half from campus. 725 Haven. Phone 2574. 96-1 FOR RENT - Furnished apartment. Two room or four rooms. Every- thing supplied. Near campus. Call mornings. 1207 Willard St. 96-3 FOR RENT-Suite and single room furnished or unfurnished. Clean and quiet. 437 Maynard St. 95-2 FOR RENT-One large suite of rooms for two students. All conveniences. $6.00. Call -2004-M. 95-2 FOR RENT-Suite and single room for ladies. One block north of campus. 1724-J. 95-3 FOR RENT-Light housekeeping. Two rooms and kitchennette. 110 N. In- galls. 95-3' FOR RENT- Two extra good suites' with running water. Call 907-R or 616 Church St. 96-3 FOR RENT-Cozy, comfortable suite on second floor. One block north of campus. Phone 1407-W. 96-3 FOR RENT - Suite of rooms, well heated and lighted. 1335 Geddes Ave. 96-2 FOR RENT-Pleasant front rooms at 948 Greenwood Ave. 95-2 FOR RENT-Room for one or two lady students. 114 N. Division. 96-1 LOST AND FOUND LOST - Gold Eversharp on M. C. tracks. Initials R. R. L. Call 384-M. Reward. 96-2 ]COST-Black leather notebook, 4x7 inches. Probably left in Union. Name on cover. Call 2309-W. John John D. Peterson. Reward. 96-2 MISCELLANEOUS STUDENT ELKS! Fischer's Kalama- zoo Exposition Orchestra at Armory Thursday night, Feb. 24. For Elks only. 95-2 WILL THE person with whom I ex- changed one of my galoshes at the Alpha Kappa party, Monday, Feb. 21, kindly phone 2704-M? 96-1 FRENCH AND SPANISH tutor. Un- iversity graduate and three years study abroad. Inquire 203 S. Thay- er St. 13 SERVICES of a high-grade cook avail- able for catering in your own home. Dinner parties a specialty. Phone 2705-J. 95-6 GOOD BOARD-$6 a week for three meals. $5 a week for two meals. Mrs. F. M. Cilley, 314 E. William. Phone 2121-M. 96-3 LOCKSMITH - All kinds, door and trunk keys. Repairing locks a spec- ialty. Phone 2498. Dell Keeler. 92-12 BOARD THAT satisfies. "Good eats" a specialty at "Ma" Failings. 714 Monroe. Just $7.00 per week. 95-3 WIL PERSON taking wrong galoshes at Armory Jan. 7, call 885-W. 95-1 FOR SALE FOR SALE - Chiffoniers with bevel plate mirror and five large drawers, golden oak finish. $20.00 each. These are new designs just from the fac- tory. The St. Clair Shop, 309-311 No. Fourth Ave. Phone 454. 96-3 FOR SALE - C-melody saxophone- "Conn." Price reasonable. Phone 557. 95-3 FOR SALE - Airedale dogs. Thor- oughbreds. Fred Klinesmith. Sal- ine. Phone Saline 197-R22. 95-3 LOST AND FOUND LOST-A gold fountain pen in Ann Ar- bor Savings Bank or between State and Main Sts., during exam week. Finder please call Youngjohn at 1855 and receive reward. 95-2 Women To Give fashion Parade News will out, and the cat is out} of the bag at last! The event whichl the social committee of the Women's league is arranging for 4 o'clock Fri- day afternoon, in Barbour gymna- sium, is a fashion show of such com- pleteness that it will prove to all be- holders that Michigan women are not behind the times in any way. All types of new spring costumes will be exhibited, and the display bids fair to equal the Palm Beach fashion parade which is at present in full swing. Frocks, coats, and dresses for all occasions will be shown upon liv- ing models. In spite of the new and unusual na- ture of the entertainment, the Wom- en's league will follow its time-hon- ored custom of serving tea, and there will be dancing in the gymnasium, following the exhibition. UNIVERSITY WOMEN TO VISIT DETROIT INDUSTRIAL WORKERS Twenty-five University women, 20 students and 5 faculty women have been invited by the cabinet of the Grace Whitney Hoff circle of Detroit WANTED WANTED-Agents ev.erywhere to sell Choc-Lo. A new and delightful food product from house to house also to retail trade. We have special con- tainers for hotels, restaurants and boarding houses. Write for our lib- eral agency proposition and free full size package. Addresss Choc-Lo Food Company, 316 Eason St., High- land Park, Mich.. 96-4 WANTED - Students desiring good paying positions for summer vaca- tion will find a chance to make. big money by calling at 310 S. State St. 3rd floor. A few permanent agen- cies already built up will be open in June for seniors who can qualify. Farm and Collegiate Dep't., Nation- al Casualty Co. Phone 310-M. 95-10 WANTED-Men students. Fewplaces left at514 E. Jefferson. Price rea- sonable and you get home cooked meals. 95-31 WANTED-Good Drawing Set, K. & E. instruments. Give description and rice. Address Box X. X., Daily. __ _ 96-3; STUDENT wants to work for room. Prefer to care for furnace. Address Box L. L.. Daily. 96-3 WANTED-Data, problems and lab. work in E. E. 3. If interested, ans- wer, care Box X. Y. Z., Daily. WANTED-University student to do sweeping for four hours per week.. Address Box L. 0., Daily. 95-2 WANTED-Roommate to share desir- able suite near campus. Call 1568-M or 527 E. Liberty. . 96-1 -PAI DING -~ Athletic Equipment And Outdoor Ct4t1( gge on request A. G SPALPING & EROS, 211 S. State St., Uhicago, II. p NOW S HO WING A PARAMOUNT PICTURE r a GEORGE MELFORD'S PRODUCTION "THE JUCKLINS" The famous story sprung from the heart of the Carolina mountains. Seething with feud and fighting. Tender with home and love. Played with a brilliant cast including Monte Blue, Mabel Julienne Scott and Clarence Burton. -SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION A FILM THAT EVERY MICHIGAN MAN SHOULD SEE!!! MICHIGAN vs. PENNSYLVANiA Football at Philadelphia in 1915 with every play clearly THE FOLLOWING GIVEN shown. Johnny Maulbetsch s great ability is shown in nearly every play HAVE SEEN THIS PICTURE AND HAVE ENDORSEMENTS AS BELOW This picture is remarkable for its clearness, different pictures of athletic games in that the plays and players recognized. from most are easily H. A. TILLOTSON, Assistant Athletic Director. This picture should be of interest to every football fan. Besides giving an historical account of the game with Pennsylvania, it shows very clearly the type of plays used at that time. LeGRAND A. GAINES, President Students' Council. A clear action picture of a football game, which also features the other things that make up a football game, such as the crowds, the bands, the coaches, etc. Of special interest to Michigan men. 1. D. MITCHELL, Director of Intramural Athletics. i tlB nIIIlIIttIIU 11111111t11111 1liu i i 1111111111111111I IImluIIIi IIsI 1111I I I 11111lIlIllIlllfIllli DANCES FRIDAY. AND SATURDAY BEST,. MUSIC IN TOWN. TICKETS AT GRAHAM'S SLATER'S AND FISHER'S ni rt tt ttrrri rtrrrr ru t ruru rtur rnrrirtrrnrrrnrrurrrnrrrrrururrr rurrrnrrrn rrrrurr rrruunru