THE MICHICAN-; Ly Ready to Serve From 11a.m. to 1p.m. - 5 to 7p.m. Pot of hot tea and bowl of rioe PLAIN CHOP SUEY 35 cento CHINESE and AMEftICAN Style Short Orders H. M. H. Air Service. Passenger: taken up morning or afternoon. $7.50. Street car crossing.-Adv. Phone White Swan Laundry-165 We call for your clothes. We was! in soft water; sew on buttons, and dc reasonable mending.-Adv. J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST The Store of Reliability & Satisfaetion 113 South Main Street ANN ARBOR, - - iMICHIGAN Q9iang T1,n 6s X . Liberty st.. Lo PYronize Daily Advertiers -Adv. Ulomen Freshmen and sophomores are re- minded to keep their medical appoint- ments. These appointments have pre- cedence over classes. Classes in outdoor work for fresh- men ani sophomores begin on Mon- day, Oct. 18 or on Tuesday, Oct. 19, according to schedule. All University houses which have organized and elected a president are requested to report the name of the elected officer to Marguerite Chapin, '20, at Barbour gymnasium. Sophomores who left any of their gynmasium clothes either at the field house or at Barbour gymnasium last semester may obtain them from Mrs. Blackburn from 2 to 5 o'clock Wednes- day afternoon, Oct. 20, and from 9 to Saddle Horse- By the Hour LYNDON & COMPANY I MULLIS,'OS RIDING STABLE Drivir Single an 326 EAS ANIN lI ALSO ng Horses nd Dcuble Rigs. t1111i11tliillilliliiiiil!l111lit lili1IltI I Illillilillllilllllillil llill1lI1lII {111111111_ =- 'r LET YOUR FRENCH I BE USEFUL TO YOU BY ACQUIRING THE f FRENCH ACCENT PRIVATE LESSONS ,MLLE LUCE RACHMIEL 802 S. University Ave. PoeCallfrom 1 to 4 Phone: 1472-M. .il llllili1ilu i1li11t11l111tsilillilllltl~ tii"lrtin l - EST. 1905 - 719 North University Avenue T ' .N STREET 11 4 -,RBOR, VCH. Are you going to take pictures today? Better bring the films here for develop- 12 o'clock Thursday morning,Oct. 21. ing and printing. Your pictures get the benefit of our experience and upa to-date methods. a? Ems"Wommmm"m TH GR SH4 Lunches - - Specials Ice Cream & Candies EY Home Made Fudge CAP . We invite you to come in after the show or dance. OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 1'6 i1litllllllllillittilillililillilliillillllllltillll1tliiii111h0 ..iRoonm mecoratfons .. Pennants Pictures Banners Laundry boxs & bags Blankets Oileloth 'Willowrs { uslin Memory Books Towels and a Book Ends full line of gift Sheets and novelties Pillow cases DARLING & MALLEAUX 234-226 SOUTH STATE STREET 7 NICKELS ARCADE All classes in gymnasium work will begin on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 18 and 19, according to schedule. This is a correct statement made by Missj Wood. The first regular meeting of the Uni- versity Y. W. C. A. cabinet will be held at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Margaret Mac D. Stewart, 1015 Church street. All girls who are good at printing, pasting ad general poster-making are asked to come to the Women's league rooms in Barbour gymnasium, Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Please bring scissors and attractive mag- sine corers. Try outs for the University Girls' Glee club will be continued at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 19, in room 24, in the School of Music. The date of the tryout for the Freshman (Sins Glee club will be anonunced lal r. Read The Daily for Campus. FOR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE-Suital :.for club or fraternity. Large home completely furnished, firt class lo- cation and A-1, oondition. Cn be beught on terms. Call l)imcansonw, Harking & Son. Phone :X5, 110 ?.' Liberty. FOR RENT - Want 1, two refineJ young men or wom- n f. occupy large double room in bc:tiful east end home. Five blocks from cam- pus. No other students in house. $5.00 each per week. Box CC, Daily. FOR RENT-Several apartments one block from campus. We write In- surance of all kinds-Potter and: Allshouse-601-4 1st National Bank. Telephone 2072. FOR RENT-Single or double room, two blocks from Main St. No other roomers. $5.00 single; $8.00 double. Phone 1588-J. FOR RENT-A very desirable suite. One and a half blocks from cam- pus. Call 725 Haven Ave., or Phone 2574. FOR RENT- Pleasant single room conveniently located. Phone 1079-W 549 Packard. FOR RENT-Single room in desirable location close to campus, reason- able. Call 1234-M. FOR RENT- Suite of rooms. Two' blocks from campus. Price 9.00. Answer FF, care of Daily. FOR RENT-Two suites and one large room all decorated for boys or mar- ried couple. 545 E. University Ave. FOR SALEj FOR SALE-Bickerderfer Portable Typewriter, $15.00. New Fox Port- able Typewriters, $50.00. Marston, f 555 Packard. Phone 1951-R. FOR SALE-A 1920 Buick Roadster, practically new and in A-1 condi- tion. A bargain for cash. Phone' between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M., 490. FOR SALE-Ripe Bartlett Pears and Jonathan Apples. Just right for eat- ing. 2305 Geddes Road. Phone 197-W. FOR SALE-Wireless receiving set. In walnut case. Call after 8 P. . 510 Benjarmin St. FOR SALE-Ford roa'dster, equipped with winter top. Call for Louks at 343. dKAOI u v i(o' FOUND-( sleeves in automobile. Owner .y have same by calling 2072 < paying for this notice. LO -Phi Delta Theta badge. Re- (1 if returned to 1437 Washtenaw. one 396. MISCELLANEOUS MISS M. SHELLHORN dressmaker. Room 24, Wuerth Arcade. Coed's a specialty. _1l11ll~ t I t112@t.lll t1111111[1111111lill 1ll A Gift to Please - those you would favor with a mark fs-ur personal es- .teer ,- urI ' a:'ait. Noth- it ; xculd be i. -e appro- Pr- . a a See Our Line arni ,Lake an Appointrinc - CORBITT & H AM I LT ON i 334 South tate Streut Teleph 303-W QUA ATY COUI TESY SERV'I+CE - "M I Warm And Comfortable Attractive In Both Price and Quality. Tailored To Fit You From The Cloth You Like At A Price That Will Please Your Pocketbook. Ccme In Today Order Your Fall O'Coat. We Guarantee You'll Be Well Pleased. Overcoats Gordon Leather and Sheep Lined Coats J.K aolu .... .... ... .... .... .. .... ... Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled df o+o 410, B§T, 1857 THIS . COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P. M. LASSIFE AflVERTISI NO THIS COLUMN CLOSES ,AT 3P. M. Manufacturers Display and Sale of Fr s LOST AND FOUND LOST--- corner of State and Wil- liam a gold "M" pin set in pearls. Between 2 and 3 o'clock Saturday. Finder please return to Jas. 'R. Os- wald 603 Madison and get reward. LOST - Probably in room B, Lady building, Tuesday morning, small black pocket book. Name of own- er on card within. Finder call 663-W or leave in Secretary's office. Re- ward. LOST-Between Newberry and Mar- tha Cook-brown pocketbook con- taining money and papers. Finder please call 217. Reward. LOST-Alpha Phi pin. Name on back. Finder please call 368. Reward. Florence Freeman, 814 S. tUniver- sity. LOST-A red silk umbrella. Finder please return to Wooloff Brayton, 416 E. Huron. Phone 299-W. LST-Pair of shelled ring glasses, sbmetime in September. Reward. Daily office. LOST-Fountain pen made in Sioux City, Ia.Think it was lost inFarm- ers and Mechanics Bank. Call 450-W. Reward. LOST-Blasdale Quantitative Analy- sis. Willard's Quantitative Manual. Louis S. Pratt, 607 E. Ann. 1175-J. LOST - Meal ticket - on the Arcade Cafeteria. Name, Killalea on ticket. Return. to this office. Box G. WANTED WANTED-A room-mate in a double room. Electric light, hot air, bath and phone. $3.50 a piece. Well equipped for study. Freshman eng- ineer preferred. 409 N. Division St, WANTED-A room-mate by upper- classman. Two rooms two blocks from campus. Call 1223-J. 801 E. Huron St. WANTED- Student with experience wishes position in store all day Wednesday and from 3 to 6 other days. Phone 976-J. Mr. Pearson. WANTED-High prices paid for your old clothes. Phone 1981-W and Vill call at you rconvenienee. WANTED-Women students with bus- iness ability who wish to earn good money. Address Box DD. WANTED-A roon-mate to share nlee clean suite. $4.00 a piece. 934 S. State St. WANTED--Student on second floor wishes room-mate. Inquire 517 S. Division. 'Phone 2627-M. WANTED-A room-mane. Nice room in private family. $2.50 per week. Phone 1901-1. WANTED-Student laundress want- ed. Box AD., Daily. WANTED-Cook for fraternity o . men. Phone 785. very girl loves beautiful furs. The luxury of fur coat or neckpiece is simply irresistible. nd every girl loves to see lovely furs. This 1il be your opportunity to look over and p:irchase, if you wish, the best in the fur line. On Friday and Saturday of this week, we will have a display and sale of manufacturers' line of furs. Coats of every description, long, short and three-quarter length, of practically ev- ery kind of fur and every style. Neckpieces, scarfs, made of the whole skin, or tiny chok- i ers as you please. Muffs, to match scarfs, or Separate if you so choose. Capes, coatees, stoles, in fact every style and fur you may want, We cordially invite your inspection of this really fine line of furs. Friday and Satur- day of this week in our second floor salons.