SUNDAY FEATURE SECTION SUPPLEMENT FEATURES THEATRES MUSIC LITERARY 1 gan. :43ttiiu SECTION TWO VOL XXXI. No. 94. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1921 PRICE FIVE CENTS LEARNING I Campus Tried And Is Found Quilty Of Superfciality CMAR BS THAT STUDENTS DEVOTE MUCH TIME -TO FRIVOLITIES, LITTLE TO INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITY, SUPPORTED (By Sturn Stuart) Now and then the Supplement, acting under what Mencken terms the ;'messianic delusion," attacks society, the campus, student affairs, or some other such grandiose institution for the purposes of reformation. Sometimes the institutions which thus come under the caustic tongue, or more strictly, typewriter, of the critic, are properly impressed and sincerely vow to act upon the suggestions made-more often they smile knowingly and label the stuff as "bunk." In following up the campaign of finding out whether the Campus is really asleep or only "playing 'possum," consider this question: Just how much of our lives in this hyperbolic civilization, which is our constant boast, RELIGIOUSLY AVOIDED s G todern Qirl Takes Place In New World (By Elizabeth Vickery) For approximately fifty years it has{ been deemed proper and even logical that woman should complete her edu- cation in coeducational colleges and universities. During this period, how- ever, her position in the world has been greatly changed. - Formerly a girl went to a boarding] school, after which she made her de- but into her social circles, and was a candidate for immediate marriage. If she and her parents or guardians were unsuccessful in .their nupitial campaign, she became the confirmed maiden lady who kept a private' school, or who spent all her surplus time and efforts in the interest of prohibition. Since she was unmar- ried her life was wasted. She did not know how to become an influential factor in lnter the Lady Medic The woman who first graduated from universities entered either the teaching or the medical profession. At that time an unusual demand for feminine physicians was noticed. That. type of woman came to the University with set purposes-not for a desire of mere culture.She wished either to teach or to become a physician~. Slowly but certainly with the' changing curriculums and with the. realization of woman that she can en- ter many Selds of work, the new col- lege . graduate has developed. With ever increasing opportunity to con- tinue her education woman is more and more taking advantage of the privilege to obtain a diploma. She nds innumerable positions at her command. The recent war has given her many a chance in the bus- iness world which had, otherwise been denied. her. Her immediate purpose after graduation is not necessarily marriage. Specialization helps If she has specialized in sociology social service workers are in"great demand. Many times she has fitted herself to enter the heretofore sanc- tuary of man by taking many courses in economics. She has the choice of studying law, medicine, surgery, den- tistry, chemistry, and even architec- ture and engineering. The college woman is rapidly showing herself competent in all these lines. She is making a niche for herself in all the different types of the world's work, where she will not soon be forgotten. With very few professions and lines of trade unentered by the woman of today, we wonder what her next step will be. is devoted sincerely to advancing our- selves intellectually, and how much of it is given over to nothing more than frivolous consideration of things which should hold for us no more than a passing interest. The question is an interesting one, and doubtless really worthy of some sincere thought if the campus wishes to give up its valuable time in a dis- cussion of the problem which it calls up. Consider, for a moment, the amount of time which is daily spent by both men and women in "doping" the uniform of the day. If the "doper" is a girl, it is, what waist shall it be; which skirt goes best with my new brown shoe laces, or other such irre- levant questions. If it be a man, he needs must spend precious moments in a consideration of the day's collar, the choice of tie, or whether he deems it advisable after mature reflection to wear a polo shirt or don the more con- servative stiff collar. Considering Dress Funny, isn't it? Yet it's true. Stop and think, just for a minute-what did you do this morning? Got up for your 9 o'clock, maybe, with plenty of time to spare, but were late just because you couldn't get dressed quickly' enough, or because you couldn't decide whether or not you were correctly dressed for the day's classes. But clothes are only the outward manifestation of the ridiculous, the frivolous part of the day's thinking. This is .not an advocation of slovenly appearance-there is nothing which is commendable more than neatness of dress, but what should be censured is the waste of valuable time, spent in wavering between the choice of a black necktie dotted with white or a dark blue tie splashed with grey. The error is not in the act itself- it is is the fact that this act is con- sidered paramount in the business of the day. "Clothes do not make the man, but after he is made, he looks well dressed up" is a more or less modern turn of an old proverb, and it is, in the main, the principle which shouldi be followed in dressing- clothes should be thought of, but only incidentally, not as a life and death matter. There is considerable talk about clothes in the above lines, but isn't the present attitude towards the sub- ject symbolical of the attitude adopted by society today towards its life in general? Are we, after all, living in the super-civilized age which we some- times like to boast of? What Is the Matter? It all reverts back again to the ques- tion of what's the matter with Michi- gan today, and to some of the answers which were received in reply to the question. Michigan loses at least some of its functions as a real live univer- sity because its students do not at- tempt to educate themselves outside of the actual scope of the courses which (Continued on Page Four) Welcome Dean! Bottoms Up! ($y H. L. V.)CBefore long you midnight prowlers, In ,this wave of reformations, Fussers, Elmerites, night owlers, Wars against inebriations, Will be forced to be in bed at half Each restriction dropping on us like past ten. a bomb, The report is circulated, Pause a moment in your hurry, On authority, it is stated, Now, at least, you should not worry, That we soon inaugurate a dean You can still maintain some rights of men. with strict aplomb. No more boulevardic rambles, Utter not your witticisms, No more late hour State street gam- Save your cutting criticisms, bols, Of the profswho make the rules Every night a virtual curfew will you must obey. be tolled. Bottle up your righteous ire Make much of your last few pleasures, For the time is drawing nigher Soon you'll walk to stately measures, When the faculty will nurse you Say Goodbye to masculine Michigan night and day. men of old. Pr- Thedi at Enough Elctionos" (By P. B. Belcamp) It is rumored that providing "suffi- collegiate appearance. Lectures by cient elections are made," the follow- outside authorities. ing courses will be presented to stu- Serenading 23-Technic of vocal ac- dents, with the aim of further pro- companiment for guitars, banjos, and mulgation of a broader education. ukes, including fine points of outdoor Small Talk 1-To be elected by singing. Recommended for blase col- male students only, in preparation for lege youths. evenings to be spent "in company." Equestrianship 5 - Horsemanship Photo-drama 8 - Generally known for women. The University main- as "Maj" and "Arc." Lab courses on- tains an excellent stable of thorough- ly, requiring twelve hours work, for breds. Instruction given under the six hours credit. personal direction of Professor Mulli- Boulevarding 18-Complete course son. in insinuating oneself into the good Positions 15 - Study of the grace- graces of another. Given only in the ful posing of the figure under all cir- spring and early fall. cumstances. Complete instruction in Paddle-making 3 - Special course the assuming of postures and atti- in manual training, given for the ben- tudes. efit of fraternity freshmen. Sorority Dining 13a-Includes study Terpsichorean Art 16-A course in of fine points of etiquette and the art graceless undulations. May be taken of making a little suffice. at the Union, Armory, or Packard as Procrastination 25 '- Practical les- desired. sons in the use of the telephone, to- Oral Criticism 4 -- Has as its spe- gether with a compendium of sub- cial aim the knocking of existing jects of small importance which will things in general, and of campus af- create discussion in other classes fairs in particular. which will be given during the se- Grooming 1 - Special instruction in mester. the selection of brogues. Brooks' A supplement dealing with Summer models, etc., to the end of assuring a session courses will be issued. See Blu;e HISTORY OF ANCIENT METHODS OF CRUELTY APPEAR MEAGRE IN COMPARISON WITH PRESENT DAY BLUE BOOKS; HAS DEVELOPED INTO ART (By F. Lunk) Torture, in all of its many horrible and agonizing forms, has always been one of the favorite sports of civilized men-and, in more recent years, of professors. proEach age has tried to outdo the last, but complete perfection was never attained until the invention of that abominable outrage of our age-the modern "blue book." By comparison the 'early Greeks were mere pikers at the game. They had to content themselves with such crude methods as the wneel and rack- by means of which those entertained were converted into material for sausages. They also used burning tiles to show their warmth of feeling. Their affection was built from the ground floor-as it were. The Romans,O ei made more of a real job of it. The O leading professor of that day, Nero, ignited the metropolis of Rome, theIhree7TiRide, sufficient. On another festive occa- sion, when the city light plant had a short, the above mentioned gentleman found a new use for Christians-he (By Leo Hershdorfer) used them as torches, to illuminate the Whenever it gets near time for the royal gardens. finals to approach, it's a funny thing, After considerable investigation, he but didja ever notice how a lot of discovered that he could boycott the these real studious birds, the kind profiteering butchers by feeding what wears big, shell-rimmed head- Christians-some more of 'em-to the lights and smokes pipes and goes to Ye Ancients Look For Real Torture Book ' 3 ~,. f d p . t : t t . l s . $ 1 I tai Cal wai Pro sity Mo and goo I tha by wa trig wil E Sar fee her ago you per eff fee ste h thi' the ste Al mo - -. Are You Familiar With Atountain Hop-Not Brew, (By Walter A. Donnelly) t seems strange to think of 'a moun- been disconnected, and at the escarp- n as dancing, yet the mountains of ment, or point of visible displacement, ifornia have been hopping north- it had taken a neat little rise of 47 rd for many years, according to feet. afessor A. C. Lawson of the Univer- As the Volstead amendment was y of California. In a reverse step then unconjectured in even the wildest unt Tamalpais made a hop of six of alienist's wards, the hunter had I six-tenths feet, which is pretty some time in convincing himself that d even for a mountain. it was a trick of the playful little t seems to be an undisputed fact mountain, and not an attack of t the "shimmy" was first thought of "tremens." some one on a mountain when it Sometime when you wish to ponder s doing its little danseuse eccen- on the future state of affairs, and the que, as undoubtedly all text books actual manner in which the world is 1 refer to the motion. going to the dogs, you.may take as Dvery year Mount Hamilton, near your subject, by way of introduction, n Jose, jumps two and two-tenths the lamentable shape which the friv- t as gracefully as Isadora Duncan olous world is endeavoring to make self could do it, and a few years the mode. Instead of being a virtuous , when the mountain was a little sphere, the earth (would you believe anger and livelier it did four feet it?) is rapidly approaching the shape annum. With apparently as little of a tetrahedron with symmetrically ort it could have jumped a hundred truncated angles. t, the only objection being that long To think of any self-respecting ps are not the style in California. world assuming such a shape is Mountain hops are erratic little enough to drive a man to hashish. In- ngs, for example after a faulting, deed he might wish that a seismic name of one of the seismic dance water wave, or rather a tsunamis, ps, had occurred some years ago in would sweep away, in the words of aska, a hunter returning across a Mr. 6. Khayyam, "this sorry scheme of untain path found that the path had things entire." lions. Things Were Warmish This, though, was mere trifling com- pared to the methods of the Spanish Inquisition. These old sports con- ceived the scintillating conception of parboiling their victims in oil-density 7456.29, boiling point, 1962 degrees Centigrade, and giving them a flagon of molten lead as a chaser. The Chris- tions got pretty hot under the collar, but like the present day victims, they didn't and couldn't say much. For a time torture slumped off on the market, as men saw the approach of prohibition, and devoted their time to other things. Our own dear American Indians con- tributed the noble idea of scalp col- lecting. A, sure token that they wouldn't forget to toughen up the vic- tims a bit by brushwood fires, to pre- pare them for what was to come in parts hereafter. Fuel got blamed short over yNew England way about that time, so that the rage turned to the burning of witches, whom it was found, flamed admirably, once they got 'em started. This practice, due to its unwholesome effect on the census returns, was soon' discontinued. The Idea Continues The general idea, the real aim, the same ambition, was cherished even unto the present day. Enter the blue book. Insidious? Deliberate? Fiendish? Yes. Thrice these and more. The foregoing methods as appears obvious, were crude, crass and imma- ture-having many salient faults, no- table among which was the fact that the victim usually died, and killed the good time. The material got scarcer and scarcer and wilder and more wild. And, it would seem, they should have become wiser-but they didn't-see blue book. Origin Shrouded The exact origin of this thing is shrouded in mystery, but the most au- thentic information obtainable is to the effect that Mephistopheles, jazzing by in his monoplane stopped off long enough to spread the good word to one of his disciples who turned tail and beat it, and was received as a hero among the grey beards, and made forever after welcome. (Continued on Page Four) i 1 den they get real studious and outline their books. That's so they can hit the big blue books. That's foolish, I opine. I always do what the philosophy professor says, that a fellow ought to go to, a movie or have some other kind of recreation before an examination. That means me. So the last coupla days I been reading a book that O. Henry, a great Irishman who never got to be a cop wrote, "Cabbages and Kings," and "The Four Million" Well, the fellow who wrote this sure had the dope on New York, and he sized up the big town pretty well, I'm thinking. I remember one story where he tells about the way they talk in the beaneries in the big burg, and the real tough eggs-or yeggs-that work there; what manner of folk they are. When I read this story, I got a funny hunch that maybe the food distilleries here in Ann Arbor were the same. I walks into this salle de manger- that's classical-and tackles one of the stools' that surround the counter until the blamed thing stops toddling and then I seats myself Some big guy in a white apron, and his sleeves rolled up, standing down the other end of the place, slants me and with- out battin' an eyelid, lets out a yell: "What'll ya have, and say it quick?" some more. "Any ,spuds? What ya drinkin'? Fur dessert we got some fresh angel cake wid ice cream. Howzat suit ya?") "All right bring 'em on," I said, thinking of the Black Prince. Gosh, this was just like it said in the book I read, and this lad was sure as tough as any New York hash slinger O. Henry wrote about. He goes over to the kitchen door and sings the order. "There's a gent here what wants Bowery eggs, so make 'em hard boil- ed. Put the spuds in a plate, he's par- ticular. And the durned thing is so delicate he orders angel cake a la. Plant one foot in heaven, revoise the other and grease the road. I'll spill the Java myself." "Pardon me," I queries, "but are you acquainted with 0. Henry?" "Dunno, maybe. Is he a Mason?" EJAM the Armory because there's a saxo- nhone in the orchestra-all of a sud- GRAHAM wo Stores GR Both Ends of Diagonal Walk