THE MICHIGAN DAIL' 4 '._ West Lecture Room, Physics Building Mr. May's Sections. Mr. Ross' Section. Mr. Taggart's Section. F. M, TAYLOR. JAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1921. Number 93,1 it I- otice to Members of the University: The last issue of The Michigan Daily for this semester will appear on unday, Feb. 6. Publication will not be resumed until Feb. 23. Conse- uently the Daily Official Bulletin will not be printed during that period. mportant notices, however, may be handed 'in at my office and special ulletins will be posted as occasion requires on the bulletin boards in the pace reserved for the Daily Official Bulletin. Faculty members should 'atch that space for official information. 0. L. BUHR, Assistant to the President. iterary College, Second Semester: Immediate provision, should be made for all classes not listed in the iterary College Announcement. All reservations of rooms not made in he Announcement must be made through this office. It is highly desir- ble that the enrollment cards now distributed, be examined and that pro- ision for larger rooms, where necessary, be made immediately. Office hour: Monday and Tuesday 3-4 p. m. L. C. KARPINSKI, Chairman Committee on Rooms. Uttendance Committee: In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts the last meeting of he Attendance Committee for men for this semester will be held Monday, 'eb. 7, at 3:15 p. m. ARTHUR G. HALL,+ Registrar. 'edera'l Board Vocational Education: The following notice has been received from the District Vocational 9fficer. Doubtless it refers to Section Two men only. "All Federal Board Trainers are subject to the Income Tax Law and should file their claim before the first of March if possi- ble." Signed: CHAS. W. SYLVESTER. F. B. WAHR, Counselor. olleges of Engineering and Architecture: Students graduating at the end of the first semester should pay the di- loma fee of ten dollars before Feb. 18. WHAT'S GOING ON 9:00-Highway Union. conference banquet, U-NOTICES The Newark club meets in room 304, . SATURDAY Union, immediately after tue basket- 11:00-Sophomore engineers meet in ball game tonight. room 348, Engineering building. The initial baseball practice of the 6:30-Mihigan informal hockey team Michigan team will be held at Wat- meets the Varsity News, Coliseum. erman gymnasium on Feb. 15. 7:00-Upper Room Bible lass meets All members of the Scroll who wish in upper room, Lane hall tickets for the winter term party 7:20-Members of Varsity band meet should communicate witbJ . A. in Waterman gymnasium to play for- Starr, 2663-, before Feb. 21. M. A. C. game. Full uniform. Tick- Members of- the Richard N. Hall post ets not necessary. of the Veterans of Foreign Wars 7:30-Ann Arbor Radio association i may obtain tickets for the post meets in room 248, Engineering dance to be given Saturday evening, building. Feb. 26, from Ben Burbridge, 802 7:30-Varsity basketball game, iMich- 1Monroe street any time this week. igan vs. M. A. C., Waterman gymnas- ium. INTERCLASS BASKETBALL TO 7:30-Craftsmen club meets, Masonic COMMENCE FEBRUARY 21 temple. (Continued from Page Three) SUNDAY A new system will be tried in this 9:30-University Men's Bible class tournament. By this method the meets in the upper room, Lane hall weaker teams will have a chance to 4:30-Student volunteers meet, Lane stay in the fight longer than usual. hall. A separate league will be formed 6:00-Social half hour at the Meth- composed of the homoeop, forester, R.O.T.C. TARGETS SHOW GOOD SHOTS Scoring 74 points out of a possible 75, R. S. Moore, '22E, established the record in the R. O. T. C. rifle contestL that is being held at the Armory. Moore is high man in this week's shooting. L. R. Gillis, '22E, is second with a score of 67. The next six high men, with their scores are as fol- lows: M. K. Jessup, '23E, 65; L. B. Stokesberry, '24, 65; O. H. Richen- brode, '24, 64; J. R. Polhanus, '24E, 64; R. A. Granger, '24E, 64; and S. Standish, '23, 64. Major Willis Shippam, who is in charge of the contest, said that all members of the R. O. T. C. have not as yet shot. Every member is re- .quired to shoot and it is hoped that those who have not will soon do so. Football Rules Body to Meet in N. V. New York, Feb. 4. - The annual meeting of the intercollegiate football rules committee probably will be held' in this city Saturday, March 5, ac- cording to tentative arrangements an- nounced here today. Acceptance of all of the members of the committee is expected and several proposed changes or amendments to the play- ing rules will be discussed. Band Will Play at Game Tonight Music by the Varsity band at the M. A. C. game tonight will do its part in helping the team continue the spurt made in the last four Conference games. The members will meet at 7:20 o'clock tonight in Waterman gym- nasium in full uniform and will be admitted without tickets. Learn Shorthand and Typewriting next semester. Hamilton Business College. State and William Sts.-Adv. OVER THE WIRE Chicago, Feb. 4. - Wholesale prices of meats in the large consuming cen ters have dropped 15 to 40 per cent since last September and retail prices have declined from 11 to 40 per cent, according to statements issued tonight by the institute of American meat packers and by the. United Mas- ter Butchers of America. "Fifty cents now'will purchase meat which cost ,$1 five months ago," said the retailers' statement. Denizia, Calif., Feb. 4.- Brigadier Gen. Thomas McGregor, retired, vet- eran of a dozen Indian campaigns, the Civil and Spanish wars and the Box- er rebellion in China, died here at the age of 84. His funeral will be held this week at the Presidio, San Fran- cisco. Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 4.-Aus- tralia has cabled a challenge to the United Mtates for a match for the Davis cup, the International Lawn Tennis trophy, recently won by an American team. Chicago, Feb. 4.-- The Western Open Golf championship meet was awarded to the Oakwood club of Cleve- land for August 24, 25 and 26. SPECIAL 90c Chicken Dinner, Sun- day, 12 to 2 p. m., Chinese Gardens.- Adv. Come to Teet's Dining Rooms, 805 E. Huron St. for your Sunday Night Lunches.-Adv. Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of . Ann Arbor's buyers.-4dv. LOUIS H. HOPKINS. w Allege of Engineering: All students ihust finish Classification for Second Semester, Fridhy and turday,- Feb. 18, 19. Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22, Vacation for one day only. For ab, nces before and after this date, doctor's certificates are required. In- ructors will report all absences Feb. 21 and 23. Students must be present to begin semester on Monday, 'Feb. 21. W. H. BUTTS, Assistant Dean. athematical Club: Regular meeting will be held in room 401 Mason hall, on Tuesday, b. 8, at 8 p. m. Prof. W. F. Colby will present a paper, "Relativity Kine- atics" "W. W. DENTON, Secretary. Students Taking honor Examinations: Each student is expected to sign a pledge stating that he has neither ren nor receivedAlfi during the examination. Furthermore, each stu- nt is bound to report any violations of honor which he may see to one the undersigned members of the senior honor committee. He is per- itted to warn the offender once orally before the whole class, without cessarily mentioning any names, before turning in a report. R. C. Angell, Chairman Harcourt Johnstone Lois DeVries . Stewart Baxter. Robert Kneebone Alice Hinkson Lawrence C. Butler Donald Porter Bernice Nickels leorge Duffield ietorie Course 1: Examinations in -Course 1 in Rhetoric will be held Thursday, Feb. 10, om 2 to 5 p. m., according to the following schedule: Room B, Law Building Mr. Bouchard Mr. Hall Mr. Schmiedeskamp West Lecture Room, Physics Building ' Mr. Adams Mr. Conkey odist chinch followed by Wesleyan guild meeting. 7:30-Rev. V. H. Shahbaz, of Persia, will lecture on "Held Captive by the Turks," at the Baptist church. FEBRUARY 7 4:30-Twilight lecital, Hill auditorium. FEBRUARY 8 4 :30-Twilight recital, Hill auditorium. 8:00 - Sascha Jacobinoff, violinist, plays, Pattengill auditorium. FEBRUARY 9 7 :30-Meeting of the University post of the American Legion, Union. FEBRUARY 10 4:30-Twilight recital, Hill auditorium. FEBRUARY 11 4:30-Twilight recital, Hill auditorium. FEBRUARY 14 4:30-Twilight recital, Hill auditorium. FEBRUARY 1) 4:30-Twilight recital, Hill auditorium. FEBRUARY 16 9:00-Colonial ball by the Sarah Cas. well Angell chapter of the D. A. R., Union. FEBRUARY 18 8:00-Emmeline Pankhurst lectures on "The Woman Voter vs. Bolshe- vism, Hill auditorium. FEBRUARY 21 8:00-Concert by the Detroit Sym- phony orchestra, Hill auditorium. 9:00-Craftsmen club dance, Barbour gymnasium. - _______ i architect, graduate, and- pharmic teams, and the winner of this league will probably play with the winners of the other tournament. Awards to the winners will be ' composed of sweaters and class numerals to first and second places. If the classes wish to defray expenses sweaters will be given to third and fourth places also. Blue Books. a °d Fountain Pens of All Sizes and Kinds at FEBRUARY 22 2:00--Girls' Glee club dance,. Armory. Lecture Room, Memorial Hall Mr. Crocker Mr. Everett- Room 205, Mason Hall Mr. Kuhn. Mr. Lasher Room 1019, Economics Building Mr. Mitchell Mr. Quinnell Room°202, Tappan Hall Mr. Schenck Mr. Walter Auditorium, Natural Science Building Mr. Abbot Mr. Wicker Mr. Wier FEBRUARY 23 10:00-Morning session of Midwestern highway conference, University hall. 2:00-Afternoon session of Midwest. e'n highway conference, University hall. Teet's Dining Rooms for dinner parties. 805 E. Huron St.-Adv. e$E BEST WINTERTIME TREAT - IS AE NDANCE OF HEAT! - W INTER time is the time of year when a man and his family appreciates the bounti- ful blessings of perfect plumb- ing. If your home isn't prop- erly heated you ought to call us up on th phone and let us figure out with you just what's needed. Our prices are correct. BERENAK & MARTIN UIAEJDC U N IVE RS ITY I WW~EI~~.BOOKSTORES I n- - w . Iw 1-t a - I I IMPI - r I- I w- _ I F. N. SCOTT, the FINAL EXAMINATION, Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1921, 2 to 5, the Sections in ECONOMICS I Are Assigned as Follows: Room B, Law Building Mr. Benner's Sections. Mr. Clark's Sections. Mr. Ellis's Sections. Mr. Chamberlin's Sections. Mr. Adams' Section. t Room 101, Economics-Building Mr. Seltzer's Sections. Mr. Nutter's Sections. Natural Science Auditorium Mr. Walker's Section. Mr. Thorp's Sections. Mr.' Berger's Sections. PLUMBING HEATING Lecture Room, 2nd Floor, Memorial Hall Mr. Fleck's Sections., Mr. Hanselman's Sections. Mr. Cahow's Sections. REPAIRING Phone 2452 320 NORTH MAIN STREET