THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, __ v i Mrs.T. L. Stoddard Hair Shop Rainwater Shampoos Marinello and E. Burnham's Cosmetics J. L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST The Store of Reliability & Satisfaction 113 South Main Street ANN ARBOR, - - MICHIGAN Ready to Serve AT ANY TIME Open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pot of hot tea and bowl of rice PLAIN CHOP SU EY 35 CENTS CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders Qi.ang Tung La 615 Iberty St E. Jlusic And Refreshments While Foreign Women Learn Our Ways Manicuring Marcelling (B. H.) I1Home-Makers." Does everyone stop to consider communities in what the life of an immigrant must have adopted the be when he comes to America, unable organized other to speak or understand the English same name and language? Has everybody wondered pose. how the newcomer learns the Amer- Every Wednes ican ways and adapts himself to the tween 3:30 andk new conditions and circumstances foreign women i around him? No, everyone hasn't school building. thought of these things, but a group a sewing class,I of Ann Arbor women did, and as a. covered that the result, in December, 1919, an organ- learn to sew, bu ization sprang up, a society founded of American cus Since then other Michigan and Ohio same plans and have societies under the for the same pur- day afternoon be- 5 o'clock a class for s held in the Perry At first it was only but it was soon dis- women came, not to t to learn something toms and to pick up Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or smail. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital -and Surplus, $625,000.00 Resources .........$5,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North University Ave. SUGARBOWL HOME MADE CANDY ABSOLUTELY CLEAN BEST LINE IN THE CITY EVERYTHING MADE IN ANN "BBB LIGHT LUNCHES ANN ARBOR SUGAR BOWL Wigs for Rent t 707. N. Univ. Phone 2652 IL 'I , Reg. O.D. Army Wool Shirt now only $4,38 SHOES (Barracks and Dress). Leather Put- tees and Wrapped Leggings. O. D. Wool Laced Breeches and Full Length Trousers. Barrack Bags, suitable for laundry bags. Wool Army Blankets, Leather Jerkins, Gloves, Toques, Navy Wool Under wear, Mess Cans, Canteens, Canned Goods etc. on Sale at ARMY SURPLUS STOflE - 213 N. FOURTH AYE. THE TURKISH CIGARETTE /. - _S for the sole purpose of assisting the scattered bits of the English lan- foreign women of this city. This or- guage. This discovery caused a re- ganization was named "The American vision in the plans of the club.A new line of wvork was undertaken, each foreign woman (and there are now more than 40 enrolled of all conceiv- o 1 n1 able nationalities), was assigned to some member of the club, who teaches her to speak, read, and write English. The different needs of each individual Chaperones for the week end dances are met and the proper kind of train- are as follows: Armory, Friday-Miss ing is given to her. After a serious Martha Hills; Saturday-Mrs. Yates igi ie ohr fe eiu struggle with lessons, refreshments Adams; UnionF - rH. areserved and a musical program is Berger; Saturday-Mrs. Walter Sher-j given. man. The mothers do not worry about their children while they attend If it is necessary to make any classes, for they bring them along, changes in gymnasium classes for the all of them, and leave them with the new semester, these changes should ladies upstairs in the Ferry school. be reported at the gymnasium office in The tiny babies are cared for in one Barbour gymnasium by Wednesday, room while the older youngsters play Feb. 23. in the room across the hall. One of the most alluring features of Tickets for the Detroit alumnae the whole plan is the part that the luncheon to be given Feb. 12, may be Rotary club of Ann Arbor plays. secured from Marguerite Clark, '21, or Every woman is called for at her from presidents of the dormitories home, and at 5 o'clock, when the meeting is over, she is taken safely Gymnasium classes will begin on back. Many women's clubs, the D. A. Monday, Feb. 21, for the new semest- R., the Woman's Relief corps, and the aid societies of the various churches er. are all assisting in the movement. The whole organization is based on volun- New Spring Woolens are now on display. at the new low prices All our regular staple stock has been reduced to the present low prices. Don't wait until you want to step into a suit to place your order. It takes time to do good tailoring. "Some sap" prices will be higher in April. J. KARL MALCOLM LIBERTY STREET AT MAYNARD Mrs. Fox was bragging one day about the large number of her cubs. "How many cubs do you bring into the world t oe time she "Only ONE,"replied the Lioness -"but it's a LION I" MURADS COST 20 CENTS FOR A BOX OF 10 BUTTHEY'RE MURADS MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the 100% Turkish tobaccos of the purest and best varieties grown- or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco. But they wouldn't be MURADS --they'd only be Foxes I "Judge for Yourself-!" We call special nttention to Murad 20s in Tin Boxes Makrs of ho ' tg.YuGiG, 'Trkish and E& phan t gar fes in the WordS Behold! . How Large a Fire the small match kindleth-Yea, an exceeding great- fire--and know, oh man, that even the humble waste paper basket be- neath your table costs more, yea much more than $100 worth of FIRE INSUR- ANCE; and that after the fire that $100 does comfort with an exceeding great comfort. BUTLER INSURANCE Phone 401 M .209 NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Are you going to have a party? Let Teet's Dining Rooms serve the dinner. -Adv. I. Learn Shorthand and Typewriting next semester. Hamilton Business1 College. State and William Sts.-Adv. Elective work in gymnasium for the new semester will be held at the same hours and will begin on Monday,! Feb. 21. Headquarterstfor the social service department of. the Homoeopathic hos- pital will be at Newberry hall while the hospital is under quarantine. Mag- azines, paper dolls, or victrola rec- ords to be donated for use among theI patients may be left there. Informa-1 tion concerning service work at the Homoeopathic hospital may be had by calling 937-W. Member of Hospital Staff !n New York Miss Rena S. Eckman, household di-1 rector of the University hospital, is spending a few days in New York! where she is attending the executive session of the American Dietetic as- sociation. Miss Eckman is vice-presi- dent of the association. Sunday night specials. Both Amer- ican and Chinese, for your entertain- ment. Chinese Gardens.-Adv. Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best ofl Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. DRESS WELL AND SAVE MONEY Nobody likes to look "econom- ical"- BUT everybody likes to save money Do this by having your clothes MADE TO YOUR MEASURE You spend less because you buy less often- SUITS AND OVERCOATS $35.00 AND UP Albert Gansic, Tailor 113 South Main Street Second Floor THIS TIIS 0 LUMN COLUMN :YSESc.A S SIIE CLOSES AT PM. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. tary assistance, and it is financed by contributions of the different organi- zations and those of individual mem- bers. SCollege exchanges Nevada-Twenty-four states, ole ter- ritory and five foreign countries make up the 453 who registered so far this semester. A little over half are from Nevada while a large number of the remainder are from California. Vermont-Following the similar plan adopted throughout the country by other schools, Vermont will soon obtain news from other colleges by wireless. At present messages are exchanged regularly with Dartmouth, Cornell, Princeton and Kansas. It is planned to increase both the receiving and the sending ranges of the plant. Illinois-The students who register- ed in the new course in aviation of- fered at the University of Illinoi. were compelled to first gain the c n- sent of their parents. The univerity has taken such action to safeguard!'it- self against complications in cas of accidents. Wisconsin- Church affiliation was declared by 2,313 of the 2,797 new stu- dents who entered the University of Wisconsin this fall, and most of them are church members. Craftsmen's Club Dance at Barbour Gym, Monday, Feb. 21, 9 to 1." Spec- ial music by Rhodes Orchestra. All Masons invited. Tickets at Treasurer Campbell's office.-Adv. Have you tried those wonder1 Sun- day Chicken Dinners at Teet s Din- ing Rooms.-Adv. Learn Shorthand and Typewriting next semester. Hamilton Business College. State and William Sts.-Adv. FOR RENT FOR RENT-One two room suite, one double room, one single room. At 908 Monroe, one block from campus. House is owned and run by a stu- dent. 492-3 FOR RENT-Double room for next semester. Price reasonable. 1012 E. University. Phone 1130. 92-3 FOR RENT-Fine suite, quiet house. $6 for two or $4 for one; underpric- ed. 908 Mary. Phone 2480-J. 93 FOR RENT-Large front Suite. Run- ning water. One block from cam- pus. Single room. 802 Monroe. 93, FOR RENT-Large, newly decorated front room, on first floor. 923 Green- wood Ave. 92-3 FOR RENT-Two large single rooms. Steam heat. 430 So. 5th Ave. Phone 1100-W. 93-2 FOR RENT-Small furnished apart- ment. Address Box M. P., care of Daily. 93-2 FOR RENT-Excellent suite. High- ly desirable location. Call 544-W. 93-3 FOR RENT-Front suite. 924 Oak- land. 92-3 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Light tan muffler in Econom- ics Bldg., at 9:00 A. M. Thursday. Kindly return to Wendell Herrick,1 526 Church St. Reward. 92-2 LOST-Three $20.00 bills; sum fort tuition for second semester. Rewardk if returned to Daily office. 93-2 LOST-Package of photographs. Re- turn to 1345 Geddes, 1420-J. Reward. 92-2 LOST-Phi Sigma Delta fraternity pin. Call 1589-W. Reward. 93-2 LOST-Alpha Phi pin. Finder please call 368. 93-2 WANTED WANTED-Room for use as exclusive art shop. Near campus,-on or near State St, preferred. Phone 1438-W or call at Wisteria Shop, No. 10 Nickel's Arcade. 92-3 WANTED-Girl to share suite with two beginning second semester. $4 per week. Opposite campus. Box J. J., Daily. 92-3; WANTED-Roommate to share nice front room on second floor with Soph. Engineer. 923 Greenwood. 92-3 WANTED-Six men students to board at private home second semester. Inquire 206 14th St. 91-3 WANTED-Essays, notebooks, etc., to type. Call 962-M. 90-4 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Set of drawing instru- ments, American Vignola, I and II, Reed and Guthe's College Physics. Phone 2019, or inquire 333 E. Huron St. 93 FOR SALE-Highest grade oak din- ing room set, also mahogany china cabinet; telephone 1558-J. 91-3 FOR SALE-Drawing outfit, complete with instruments. Pratt, 517 S. Div- ision or phone 2726-W. 93-2 FOR SALE- One $40 Pathe, almost new, and ten records for $35.00 cash. Call 2703. 93-2 MISCELLANEOUS- REWARD-Twenty-five dollars cash reward will be paid for arrest and conviction of the person or persons who took from the hallway of the Law "Building, my green bag con- taining case books on criminal law, Sunderland on Pleading, and God- dard on Agency. F. D. Leonard. Phone 136-J. 92-3 ~jlI 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111t111111 111111111111111111111I1111111IIIII, -a r LAST TIMES TODAY /fSSE I LSY - PRESE~NTS_ r ss sACE seRI- trighe(Uharm School"YUY _ r r -9 r SStarting- SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY sr The Forbidden Thing What is this mysterious somethingl= who says thou shalt not?= r .s Ifs cn pesn~s"""!\' !'"/htn' ~ =a _ r - w _ r r r -i IIIaa11111[fl 1111[1]11111]111111111t 11tI1EIt llilt i. /1 - Announcement to the Student Jiody: GENFRAL CATERING V , i v v, i v s We are prepared to take care of Special and Private Parties. Wedding Parties and Ban uets served on short notice. Phone in for arrangements. Phone 166. TR U1 Y 218 South Main Street L~OCKSMITH. All kinds door and trunkMkeys. Repairing locks and fitting keys a specialty. Phone 2498. Dell Keeler. 92-12 II A U