THE MICHIGAN DAILY - -P- owderAndCream rarred In Y Pool Perhaps it was just the instinctive ninine desire to offset the monotony uniform gray suits, or perhaps the drability of secented baths was a alluring. At any rate, before their tial splash into the depths of the M. C. A. swimming pool, certain itators of Mack Sennett's nymphs re been seen ruthlessly and gener- sly applying their favorite brands cold cream and powder to noses, ms, and shoulders. Whereupon the wers in charge recently summoned the swimming class into a corner, ere it was solemnly exhorted never contaminate the Y. M. C. A. waters th dier-kiss and lip-sticks again! Clo~er investigation, however, heap- ed the guilt upon only a few juvenile high school members who evidently be- came afflicted with the spirit of Wal- lace Reid's "Charm School" in advance of its press notices. Needless to say, the training of the enlightened co- ed swimmer exonerated her as being far too practical to indulge in such temporary wiles-(other than at sea- shores in the summer!) EDUCATION CLASSES TO VISIT HIGH SCHOOLS OF JACKSON Prof. Calvin O. Davis of the edu- cation department is planning to ac- company 50 members of his Education 50 classes at their convenience with- in the next few days to Jackson. SUMMER' COURSE OPEN TO GRADUITE NURSES WJt~omen All freshmen who have missed their More than 15 graduate nurses have physical examinations or have failed written to the Department of Public to make an appointment for one should Health Nursing, according to Mrs. take them between 8:30 and 12 o'clock Barbara H. Bartlett, head of the de- this morning or from 1:30 to 4:30 partment, stating that they would o'clock this afternoon. attend the Summer session starting; June 30, 1921. Sophomores who have finished their The department is offering a shprt required gymnasium work should take course in Public Health Nursing open a physical examination today at Bar- pital will be at Newberry hall while the hospital is under quarantine. Mag- azines, paper dolls, or victrola rec- ords to be donated for use among the patients may be left there. Informa- tion concerning service work at the Homoeopathic hospital may be had by calling 937-W. All social service workers of the Homoeopathic hospital are requested to report at Newberry hall at their regular hours. Posture examinations will be held Thursday and Friday of this week at Barbour gymnasium. Exclusively I BENZOL-g used THATS WHY THE "SPOTS" WON'T Jim's Cafe Come and Try Our 25c Luncheons only to graduate registered nursesI who desire to fit themselves for pub- lic health work. The course covers four months' study and consists of two months spent at the University' in theoretical work followed by two months of field work. Students whoC have sent in their credentials willI come from Iowa, Washington, Wyom- ing, Pennsylvania, Maine, and Illi- nois. Some of the applications are from nurses residing in Michigan. An unusual feature of the fieldc work is that after one month of ob- servation and instruction in various forms of public health nursing at the Delray Health Center in Detroit, every student will have an opportu- nity to study rural problems in Wayne and Washtenaw counties. There are many demands for public health nurses sent in to the depart- ment, most of the letters asking that the nurses have a sympathetic under- standing of rural problems. In order to give the student an opportunity to. study county organization, a survey} of Washtenaw and Wayne counties has just been made through the as- sistance of the county chapters of the American Red Cross. Learn Shorthand and Typewriting next semester. Hamilton Business i College. State and William Sts.-Adv. Gymnasium classes will begin on Monday, Feb. 21, for the new semest- er. Elective work in gymnasium for the new semester will be held at the same hours and will begin on Monday, Feb. 21. Headquarters for the social service department of the Homoeopathic hos- Illinois Women Run Honor system The University of Illinois has for the past two years referred all women students reported as violators of the honor system during examinations to an honor commission composed of seven women of the university ap- pointed by the Student council. Stu- dents found guilty are turned over to the council of administration for pen- alty. I Ann Arbor's only CLEANERS not using gasoline in any form bour gymnasium. COMIE VAN'S LUNCH YA CK! Tell-A - 1890 or Phone 1891 12 to 2-5 to 8t Where they all go Try our Special Sunday Dinners Let a classified ad find that lost ar- ticle.-Adv. at a popular price 1116 So. University Ave. We cater to the best eaters of the stu- dent body as well as after-adance parties and theatre parties We Invite inspection of our kitchen and foods that we use. JIM'S CAFE .:. -_ w _ _r _ r TODAY and TOMORROW FAI RSK R P H EUM THEATRE TODAY and TOMORROW JAS. HARDING,Mgr. Formerly known as S. U. Restaurant - 1121 South University Ave. WHERE SOME OF THE GOOD EATERS GO irIS toLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. LS FITHIS AR I G LUMN CLOSES ADVERTISING 1AT 3 P.M. WANTED VANTED-Room for use as exclusive art shop. Near campus,-on or near State St, preferred. Phone 1438-W or call at Wisteria Shop, No. 10 Nickel's Arcade. 92-3 V'ANTED-Girl to share suite with two beginning second semester. $4 per week. Opposite campus. Box J. J., Daily. 92-3 VANTED-Roommate to share nice front room on second floor with Soph. Engineer. 923 Greenwood. 92-3 VANTED-Single room near Engin- eering Building. Must be reason- able. Box E. J., Daily. 92 VANTED-Six men students to board at private hometsecond semester. Inquire 206 14th St. 91-3 FOR SALE FOR SALE-18 ft. Old Town Canoe and equipment, set of drawing in- struments, American Vignola, I and II, Reed and Guthe's College Phys- ics. Phone 2019, or inquire 333 E. Huron St. 92-2 FOR SALE - Furniture. Highest grade oak dining room and mahog- any buffet. Phone 1558-J. 90-3 FOR SALE-Man's evening clothes, size 36. Call at 1109 Prospect. Phone 1405-J. 90-3 FOR SALE-Highest grade oak din- ing room set, also mahogany china cabinet, telephone 1558-J. 91-3 MISCELLANEOUS REWARD-Twenty-five dolilars cash reward will be paid for arrest and conviction .of the person or persons who took from the hallway of the Law Building, my green bag con- taining case books on criminal law, Sunderland on Pleading, and God- dard on Agency. F. D. Leonard. Phone 136-J. 92-3 LOCKSMITH. All kinds door and trunk keys. Repairing locks and fitting keys a specialty. Phone 2498. Dell Keeler. 92-12 I 2 Dougs" latest United Artists productin in which the big punches pack fremendous Wallops. rapid fire action.-appealing romance thrills aoi'e CONSTANCE TALMADGE n~ THE P E R F E CT WOMAN TANTED-Essays, notebooks, to type. Call 962-M. etc., 90-4 FOR RENT OR' RENT-One two room suite, one double room, one single room. At 908 Monroe, one block from campus. House is owned and run by a stu- dent. 92-3 OR RENT-Furnished housekeeping apartment.; Two rooms and kitch- ette. Near campus. Quiet surround- ings. 1207 Willard St. 90-3 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Light tan muffler in Econom- ics Bldg., at 9:00 A. M. Thursday. Kindly return to Wendell Herrick, 526 Church St. Reward. 92-2 RENT-Double room for next' semester. Price reasonable. 1012 LOST-Package of photographs. Re- E. University. Phone 1130. 92-3 turn to 1345 Geddes, 1420-J. Reward. OR RENT-Large, newly decorated -92-2 front room, on first floor. 923 Green- LOST-Envelope =containing themes. wood Ave. . 92-3 V. P. John. Phone 2682. 92 OR RENT-Front suite. 924 Oak-- LOST-One gray glove. Reward. land. 92-3 Phone 2638-M. 92 rr7 om the A4ll tor Weklq' hol e Curse cof Capistrarno' y Johnston Mc cul/off FRED NIBLO ; l IDtLl i l1'B G , y r i .' / .,+:s^ v f, (u ' w - i F R S T N A T 1 O N A L 4 + A breezy story of a perfect woman. Who fell in love with a hating man, Tried to vamp him into submission By applying for a steno's position But she was too alarmingly pretty, Let's Got IT'S TRUE= There isn't much we can say except, if you come early perhaps you can find a seat. A T T R A C T 1 0 N I,. /. SKATING TODAY at the COLISEVM Hockey Game Tonight Skating Session Starts 8 O'clock