FTHE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 GOSP EL MEETING One anc I so Velvet Skin FRIDAY EVENINGS, 7:45 AD-In eu n Try this soothing lotion ____________ for chaps and windburn Subject: 1 Corinthians, 1:1-4. WS/UO MR HMS. H(MO,~ Th 1I declare unto you the Tone 628. CONE BACKI TO TALKh OUE1 "I 01)3OLb tte Gospel, how that Christ died fo1)rsnsacrdn t h fouu isacrigt h Doctors, lawyers, merchants, chiefs rich men, poor ien; artists, play- Scriptures, and that He wass wrights, and men in every walk of life -but all of them Micign men--i j buried, -.and that He rose alumni of the University, were here during te past tal to take another T EA H & S N C O again the tird day accord- lookt at Ann Arbor and to sing her praise. Shades of Michigan's point-a- .,mute football team-they came from the east, they came fromu the west,- 200 a 204 EAST LIBERTY STREET ing to the Scriptures." ladies Party Gowns a Specially they came from the north, they came from the south! mliuet ae _____________________________ e ~~But howanwhr shall we sat with such amliuet ae =ner has nicknamed it. Emory Thomason, '04, makes his home there, butj - = every so often he just naturally takes time out from his duties asbui bui ness manager of the Chicago Tribune, and boards the train for Anil Arbo. W LLI.AM HOCHR IN = This fall Mrs. Thomason accompanied hrim, and, by the way, Emory = told stories with his classmates; hie was apparently having as good a time . .hhaincle.leemksitapntt in ieearlttwe .. Syear-during the fall and at comnmencemet. ri ll iflgY!6-a. and Hot Wae eating D res s S - He used to be head of the Tribune's legal staff, and being involed i law suits is aboutas common a thing for him as eight o'clocks are for . freshmen. Seceuring a judgment in theRe a r n a Sp c lt .. amount of $600,000 in one case, and Tfhre is Stanley MeG 'raw, membere a rn p c a t w .~~ another of $400,000~ the size of the of the class o 92, with a seat in thep a- =sums in question is not to be dis-( New York Stock Exchange. He was counted. Of course Emory was a wit-!here this fall, and usually arranges Sness in the Ford libel~case, and nlow to get one of his two or three annual Bell Phone 525 211 S. Fourth Ave d ergmenytandisthrdess that the city of Chicago is suing the visits during the football season. A'. de:tet.n-e tee Tribune for the mere amount of mem nciber of the firm of McGraw, Blag- dresses. You will find gowns for. = 000,000, he will probably figure prom-;dcin & Daper, he occupies a position! All Work Guaranteed Satisfatory all social needs, which will be _ inently, although he has now been! of power and influence in New York; = both practical and becoming. C promoted from chief of the legal staff fnnces, though you would never find tbusiness manager. this out from himi. - Did~~t you know Emory was first mn- tnlyisng&adi fvre aging editor of The Daily after its re- haunt is an excusive bachelor's club. : ; _ ~organization? That was back in thel As a salesman of cons ervative, highI daswee"soty"was'te and when grade secuitieh has been highly lX 5linotyeweesiloyth dream of" uc ces. ful, partly, perhaps5 because he 4-y M e g n h l r N o e e h m s, G r d e n t a e f o r u m n , f o h chc -a ' -f g o y le an d D aily h o u sed u n d er t e i hl e ea rly sh o w ed a n av ersio nl. T A E M K R . U. ., . " -same roof at'that time. An enthsias- Way back in the early '0's, as a ptic worker, Emory was active on thef sophomore, he roomed with the then' =campus. He was elected to M1ichi-!"Harry" B~ates, now Dean Henry M. S rn h e o 'p gamna and Quadrangles, play'ed classiBates, of the Law School. Old-tiiersfo t ali h s s p om r ju or ndI ec lt at he i eofS n ey M r w :dllrllfootballllinlhislsophomorelljuniorlandllrecalllthat the[flife of Stanley Mc11raw1Spring11Shoes for senior yer, n was catainwhn a andl "lariry" Bates wvas difert from!Y u g P o l IIII~F111IttI111UN1181111t11IIgr1111g11Ul;II~lunior.1g11As aQ1freshman111Ihe made theaaremosta emroonhcies"-theye n-tey ver arggue 1 I C Al-fiosh team. So much for journal- xcpt once. Stanley insisted that the CkO s ism and athletics. He was also quite ltoeama} was io Ug no electric ights Born 'with February E c l u b . A s o hfwr e shnd m a no s m seeh s c r a n i o t s o g h sB a d Nw A r v l soh eenvrable to carry m goff.one argumn et wasso conspicuous has , rn rw A rvl Served Sunday a Emory used to get a paltry $50,000 the only one that Dean Batesdecae e nu scmestoko rs htM.M~a slkl omnin p., I ~services on 'the Tribune. We don't! the incident any time they meet. v'For.Fo T eensD ni g ooIms =know how much lie's getting now. Be- The roommates had an Irish boy,r diecs - cnce sides wrkngon the paper he drct ynamne M ddnor smtigt n ep' .-P W om en -= a few banks on the side. Q uite fre- atttend to their ihe, but Stanley al-I .mqu n l he t k a j u t to C ad w a s p t n ed he l d of E i to b ?g- = or Alaska to see how the company's ianEnlish butler, andcaldhm"r le1an e l Ergeef ct pup__pae il aewrig akr. uighscleeyearsl = ~~~~Physically, he ismore portly than he was a remi akale tennis player,!Biflof~aro Q-R T~E . 1 when in~ college, say his friends, but nd his luty voice could often be~Bifuoftearf BO R Y Tl E Khe kee ps in the pink of condition by heard to sige out "ortylove" on "Dear Old Lunnontown" 2J*eatakin8 0 ar in athletics. Js to be the corts in the southwest c 'e of 3 c feaedan"Mamn n enns.Thic8mmoia0hll aaweek he plays handball, and when AlMract~w takes paict ular lte 77-,f ises last June, h playedoith alum- Strongest bakers in New York. Or' _________ni pick-up baseball team. fishing and hunting, Stanley is an a.- 115 South Main Street I = We have told you of a Chicago alum- thority, scarcely less than Lsaac Wal- T TyTrJ T = nus-now hear about a Michigan manj ton, and before the war he made ex- from Gotham.~N~j ped iifos to Scotland every yer. 805 EAST HURON STREET Buy d S / T TURKIH IT IS TRUE THAT WE HAVE HAD SOME SALE~S IN THE CIGARETTE PAST, BUT NONE EVER TO EQUAL THIS ONE. PRICES;t y $HAVE BEEN CUT TO THE LIMIT - A CHANCE TO SAVE THAT-YOU SHOULD BE SURE TO GRASP QUICKLY. f4 S~qNKNAPP FELTS v$12.0values, now ... ... .$8,00 $7.0vaues, now ......$4.67 $10.00 values, now . . .... .. .. .$6.67 $6.00 values, now ..... ... ... .$4.00 Mrs. FxWAS bragging one day about the large $ 7.50 values, now .*.. . . .$5.00 $500 values, now *....... ,. $3.33 number of her cubs! "How many ca~bs do you bring into the world at one tim'e)" she 'asked the LIONESS, "Only ONEF," replied the LiQness-"but its a ALL ADLER - ROCHESTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS ARE GOING FOR JUST ONE - HALF PRICE LION ~ MURADS COST 20 CENTS for a BOXSHRSHTCASUIOSUTPAAASETES&BHRBSON-IROF of 10- BUT THEY'RE MURADS !SHRSHASCASUIOSUTPJASSEAESATHOB-ONTIDOF MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the 100(/,> Turkish tobaccos of the pure4t and befit varieties grown-or if we substituted inferior ' grades of Turkish tobacco.Arm L l t i T he * S tore But they wouldn't beMURADS"-.they'dIonly be Fe!'Jdefryuef-"217 SOUTH MAIN STREET WITH THE FRENCH WINDOWS Specia attention is caled MHae, iagh, S ar kTu dfsh t#.iMurad Zsin Tin Boes adFE~gpfian (arl W bJ