MI i _ . AT TlE THEATERS TODAY "INDEMNITY SHOULD BE DETERMINED AT ONCE'" I Screen Mlajestie-"Clothes," with an ex- ceptional cast. Universal comedy, "Laughing Gas," and Pathe News. Arcade-Wallace Reid in "The Charm School." Also "The Race. of the Age," featuring Man o' War.' . Wuerth - Douglas Fairbanks' starring in his latest produc- tion, "The Mark of Zorro." Hallroom Boys comedy and Universal News. OrphetUm - Viola Dana in "A Chorus Girl's Romance." Last episode of "Daredevil Jack," and first episode of "Velvet Fingers," with George B. Seitz. THIS WEEK Stage Whitney - Today - Jack Nor worth in a whirly girly com- edy, "My Lady Friends." Garrick (Detroit) - Marjorie Rambeau in Channing Pol- lock's great melodramatic hit, "The Sign on the Door." It's an A. H. Wood production. Shubert (Detroit)-This is the last week of the peppy musical comedy scream, "Cinderella on Broadway." PROFESSOR CRANE SAYS ThAT 1)ELAY OF COUNCIL AIDS ' GERMANY Prof. R. T. Crane, of the political science department, in commenting on the newly proposed settlement of the German indemnity payments, said, "The fixing of the reparation is the greatest need of the world at this mo- ment. The reported plan of the Su- preme Council does not fix the in- demnity completely. Any move indi- cative of an intention to fix the final terms is welcome. "I do not agree with those who have held that failure to definitely stipulate the amount to be paid by Germany in the treaty of Versailles, is a great in- justice to Germany. No government in any of the allied countries would have been permitted to have fixed the in- demnity at figures not greatly exceed- ing those now suggested. Every month's delay has figured in favor of Germany. It is probable that further delay would result in further modera- tion. -But the disadvantage arising out of the uncertainty of the Germans as to what they will have to pay, now obviously outweighs any gain by a longer delay. The need for a definite decision has become imperative, Terms Are Disappointing "The terms outlined by the Supreme Council are disappointing. They have yet to be accepted by Germany and it is improbable that any agreement will be reached unless they are materially iltered. "Germany should be compelled, un- doubtedly, to pay all that can be rea- sonably extracted from her; not be- NAVAL .RESERVES cause she is a defeated nation, but be- TO HEAR OFFICER cause she was unquestionably the ag- gressor and inflicted more damage in France and Belgium than the utmost Lieutenant-Commander Broadhead, timit of which she can possibly pay, senior naval reserve officer of Michi- will be able to restore. Although the gale, who is speaking to the reserves amount that can be reasonably gotten' and the reserve officers this evening Out of Germany i primarily an eco- heUnion, has been brought here nomic question on which I am notniversity who have competent to pass an opinion, it seems, considered it to be of benefit to have a tlbya naval officer. highly unlikely that Germany can pay takb a lofcr the amount demanded in the present The purpose of the talk is to ac- proposals. Either the fiat indemnity quaint the men on the inactive list of 224,000,000 gold marks or the'12 with the latest orders pertaining to per cent tax on exports extending over discharge, retainer pay,, confirmation a period of 42 years alone would seem of rating, summer cruises, Victory nearer the measure of her ability to medals and organization of the re- pay. As between the two, the tax on serves. exports appears to be the more desir- Commander Broadhead speaks to able form of indemnity, providing the the officers at 7 o'clock this evening extremely difficult problem of collec- and to thb men at 8 o'clock, both meet- tion can be solved." ings to take place in the Union. Come to Teet's Dining Rooms, 805 Use the advertising columns of The E. Huron St. for your Sunday Night Michigan Daily to reach the best of Lunches.-Adv. Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. --- I 1111 i111111 111111111111 111II11111 1 11111 1 11111111!IICI~1II1lIIII II1I11lIII1II Are You Hungry for a Real Waffle? T H -E WE HAVE TEM r GREY SHOP Also Fountain Service and Lunch Specials- 6 _ g 600 East LibertyHoeMdFue f MILADY'' :~Y~7GA\\ 'I 0 Latest in Gage Hats -AT-- DARLING & MALLEAUX 224-226 S. State Street i = __________# ___l_[____1111111t Ifl 11 11111111111111111111IIN III 1Ullllill1lIIIIII 1111111111_ aw ar a. ar isa ' =g- .. w ( a~ , w w- w a .r wa wwa'- " w w. A.LURIE LIJMAIZ I aI wa w . KL5ACDEPOE 0M- w w a wa wa w . wa ar w w