THE MICHIGAN DAILY f JHOLARS GET $250 ASE; I. C. L. IS CAUSE have announced an addition of 50 house. pounds yearly to apply on the tuitions - of the Rhodes scholars. W omen There will be a meeting of the cast This increase amounts to about $250 Iof the Junior Girls' play and of alli Menorah Society Elects Officers Officers for the coming semester Want Vic Records were elected at the meeting of the Menorah society Sunday night: Pres- to the increase in general main- ce and living costs the adminis- s of the Rhodes scholarship fund and makes the tuitions worth $1,750 instead of $1,500 as in former years. NOEP NOW The i Castie THE ORIGINAL HOME OF 4OME C'OOKED MEALS STATE St. at HILL St. THE BANK OF SERVICE Commercial Banking in all its Branches. Savings Department and Safety Deposit Vaults. Exchange on All Parts of the World. A. B. A. Travelers' Checks. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK ,girls who tried out for the play at 4 Dean Myra B. Jordan will be at o'clock this afternoon in Sarah Cas- Music, especially of the peppy and home to University women this after- well Angell hall. cheerful variety,, would do much to noon for the last time during this dispel the gloom which the quarantine semester. Gymnasium classes will be held; has brought to the children's wards today as usual. in the hospitals. In, order to have The meeting of the Michigan Dames music in a hospital ward both a vic- which was to have been held at Lane Posture examinations will be held trola and records are necessary. The hall tonight has been postponed. from Wednesday, Feb. 2, to Friday, victrolas are already there, but the ;___Feb. 4.vcrlsaearaytee u h records are numbered among the An important meeting of Athena All social service workers of the missing. Literary society wilHomoeopathic hospita are requested Obviously there must be a number o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu room. to report at Newberry hal at theirof out-of-date records lying unused in Election of officers for the new semes-ru the music cabinets of Ann Arbor, ter will be held at this time. regular hours. which, "stale" though they are, would yet prove pleasing to a rather unex- Regular rehearsal of the University Local Standard 0il Agent Leaves acting audience. The social service Girls' Glee club will be held at 4:30 George F. Phillips, local agent of the headquarters at Newberry hall stands o'clock this afternoon. Standard Oil company, has been made ready to take any such records, and assistant manager of the Peoria di- see that they are delivered to the There will be a meeting of the Girls' vision, with headquarters at Peoria, wards, where they will be appreciated Educational club at 8 o'clock Wed- Ill. Mr. Phillips has been here for just as much as if they were brand nesday night at the Delta Delta Delta three years. new. i 4 ident, Samuel R. Rosenthal, '21; vice- president, Sayde G. Strauss, '22; sec- retary, Louis Gottlieb, '22; treasurer, Maurice P. Meyers, '23; board of di- rectors, Harold Herman, '21, Morton H. Steinberg, '23, Leah I. Levin, '24; Menorah delegate, Simon Shetzer, '21. Prof. White Explains Bulletin Notice According to Prof. E.. A. White the notice in The Daily Official Bulletin, in Sunday's issue, requesting all jun- ior chemical engineers to report to Prof. E. A. White, in room 306, Chem- istry building, Jan. 31. or Feb. 1, ap- plies only to men who are juniors this semester and not to those who will become juniors next semester. Miss Pansy Johnson, Contralto teacher of singing. 904 South Sate St. Phone 269-R.-Adv. Patronize Daily advertisers.--Adv I - .:i i , i :9 '3 LASOT TIMES 11-103 So. Main St. 330 So. State St., (Nickels Arcade) TODAY Member of the Federal Reserve System. SEE THE DEATH BAT- steak Supper WE WILL FEATURE ONE OF OUR FAMOUS STEAK SUPPERS WEDNESDAY EVENING FROM 5 TO 8 Tomorrow - Thursday - Friday and Saturday TLE IN WHERE THE FOREST ONLY YOUR ECHO RESPONDS TO A WANTED 2000 OF THE PRETTIEST GIRLS IN ANN ARBOR TO ATTEND CALL FOR HELP! WE HAVE FEATURED THESE STEAK SUPPERS BEFORE, AND The Opening of THE CHARM SCHOOL He thought he knew all about women. Till an aunt willed him a girls school! Fifty dain- ty, dimpled darlings who thought he was "just grand." : So he swept Aside the old