SCHUBERT DETROIT The Winter Garden Eighth Annual Revue The Passing Show of 1919 GARR1 K THIS WEEK PICCADILLY TO B KOA DWAY WVUERTHm M WEDNESDA Y T"HURSIJA Y H. B. Warner "IHAUN TING SHADOWS" 12:15; - Dlental faculty lunicheonin h room 133 of the Union. 2 :30-Comnmittee of appeals meeting in room 302 of the Union. S :S3Final try-ounts .for Schoeol of JIus- ic Glee club in Miss Kleyn's studio. All students of voice eligible. 4:00-Ferris Institute club meets iii room 206 of University hail. 6:15--Tau Beta Pi dinner in rooni 319 of the Union. 7 :00-Taisity band !ieers&..1 Unt- ,versity Hall. 7:15--Veterans of Foreign Wars meet in room 318 of the Union. 7 :1;-Student council meets In room 306 of thfe Union. 7:30-Friars' meeting In room 302 of the Union. 7 :30Tryouts kfor the University Sym- phony orchestra will be held at the University School of Music. 7 :30Board'of directors of the Chamber of Com'merce meet in rooms 323 and 325 of the Union~. THIURSDAY S :0Butffalo, N. Y., students meet for smoker in reading room of Union. i I ADD)ED FEATURES K! NOGRAMS HALL ROOM BOYS CO MEDY' ORCHESTRA and ORGIAN MUSIC ADMISSION ADULTS .. ....W CHILI)RN .......10c SHOWS AT 2:00, 3;30a 7:00 $.830 LAST TIME o R P H EU MTOA Buck Jones IN "Firebrand Trevision" COMEDY - -4 - - SERIAL Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c FAQ AN Wednesday, Oct. 13 Illlllllllllllllill1111111111111111[IIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllfllltll . .._...