THE MICHIGAN D A [ave you company coming? Bring m to Teet's Dining Rooms for din- .-Adv. or results advertise in The Micn- ,n Dily --Adv. i , .. . . ,. Daily advertising will spell prosper- ity for you.-Adv. Students especially invited to pat- ronize Chinese Gardens. H. C. of L. reduced.-Adv.I ANNOUNCES FRESHMAN- ORCHESTRA MEMBERSi 1 1. _ 11 TVTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM A Nice Cozy Place Where You Enjoy Your )'Ieal One half block South For STUDY LAMPS and all kinds of ELECTRIC SUPP1IES go to WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 273 200 WASHINGTON ST. _ Announcement of the personnel of the Freshmen orchestra was made yesterday by H. S. Sherman, '21E, chairman of. the Union music commit- tee. Tryouts were held last Thurs- day evening. There are still a few vacancies in the orchestra and men wishing to try out for these positions may do so by attending the first re- hearsal to be held at 7:30 o"clock to- morrow evening in the assembly hall of the Union. Successful tryouts are: Violins, H. L. Robinson, '24, G. B. lHartman, '24D, G. G.. Carman, '24, F. W. Be- vier, '24D, H. F. Poehle, '24E, E. B. Ornstein, '24, H. F. Lown, '24D, and Charles Frankman, '24; flutes, G. Dillman, '24, H. M. Case, '24E, and C. B. Jones,.'24; cornets, L. E. Cour- rier, '24, and O. E. Fifield, '24; sax- ophones, C. A. Campbell, '24, and G. W. Kirsch, '24; trombones, D. J. Fra- ley, '24, and J. K. Alland, '24; piano, William Katz, '24; drums, H. D. Mast, '24D. WIomen There will be no more Women's league parties until next semester. The Friday afternoon parties, will then be resumed. Gymnasium classes will be held on Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, as usual. Posture examinations will be held from Wednesday, Feb. 2, to Friday, Feb. 4. exclusively Of "ZMAJ" -B .LNZOL LYNDON & COMPANY = Ir Used 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY THA TSWHY THE "SPOTS"9 EXTRA!!! SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION On all Kodaks and Cameras togo into effect at Once. " Take advantage of these prices and this weather. 7ijiJ1illli lI11IIIII{111 m ALKINy- WON'T, PECAN NUT COME VACK! LO AF Ann Arbor's only CLEANERS not using gasoli ne in any form Have you tried it? Made by the' people who make "Charms". It is one of the nicest confections Why are you so Insistent? Because M'r. lesimer's ileefsteak, Dinners are so Hard to .Equalf Opposite D. U. R. Station Just Above Rae Theatre Tell-A - Phone ever put out, In two sizes 1Oc and $1.00 and worth the price. Try it! 324 SOUTH STATE ST. i EAST and SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVE. 711 PACKARD ST. ilil 1818 - F IETHIS CCASSFIE 0 COLUMN CISSES GPCLOSES IT 3 P.M.C ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. WANTED NTED-Six students for exclusive ccupancy of second floor of new ome. Room and two meals per ay-$8.00 per week. Call 2522-3 r see Mrs. Bebout at 1331 White t., near old gate of Ferry field. 87-2 .NTED-Young man who is an ex- erienced typewriter operator, 'reshman or Sophomore preferred. steady work. Give full particulars egarding hours available. Address: YPIST, Care Michigan Daily. 88-3 .NTED-Private board by from ten twelve students. Possibility of roup increasing td eighteen stud- nts. Prefer private room.V Box H. M., care Daily. It88 NTED-By two upperclassmen, a- ' arm and comfortablesuite, not ecessarily near the campus. No her students. Box',D. E., Daily. 87-2 NTED-To buy a Ford Roadster. ust be in good condition. Address r. Kling, 614 E. University Ave. "86-3 NTED-Washerwoman to do wash- g for two students. Phone 1808-M Id call Farnam. 87-2 MISCELLANEOUS L eTRADV one new set Nelson's oose-leaf Encyclopedia. (Twelve lumes) for an Underwood type- riter. Henry D. Goff, 4 5 Church 88-2 [DIJNTS wanting employment and. steady income, with a chance to ild up a permanent business, ould call at 310 State St., third aor. National Casualty Co. 13, KSMITH-All kinds of door and unk keys. Repairing locks and ;ting keys a specialty. Phone 2498. ell Keeler. 87-2i FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large double room, four windows, a block and a half from the campus, for one or two students, low price. Call 751-W, ask for Klee. 88-4 FOR RENT-A suite of rooms suitable for two or three students. Half block from campus. Call 1660-R or 220 So. Ingalls. 86-5 FOR RENT-Suite for two men on second floor. Double suite for two on third floor. 1209 S. University. Phone 1217-W. 87-2 FOR RENT-A suite ofrooms suitable for man and wife or two students, third year or better. 811 E. Huron St. 88-2 FOR RENTOne room with private family. 604 Mary Court near State and Packard. 88-2 FOR RENT-Two large suites, two blocks from campus. 708 Church St. 88 FO RRENT-Double room. 1012 E. University. Phone 1130. 88 FOR RENT-Sleeping porch and large room. Call 829. 88 LOST AND k OU D LOST-Tuesday evening between Lib- rary and 826 Tappan, silver Alpha' Phi pledge pin. Reward if return- ed to above address. Phone 114. 87-3 LOST-Black and Tan Airedale pup, female. Seven months old. Detroit license when lost. Reward. 302-J. 618 Church. 87-2 LOST-Small leather note-book with name on cover. Keep the book if you need it but please mail me the rec- ords inside. J. A. Bacon. 2726-R. 88 All social service workers of the Homoeopathic hospital are requested to report at Newberry hall at their regular hours. There will be a reharsal of the cast of the Junior Girls' play at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The Freshman Girls' Glee club will meet at 4:30 o'clock Monday after- noon in Barbour gymnasium. The social service department of the University hospital has sent out an appeal for late numbers of the popular magazines. The hospital is under quarantine and the need for reading matter is very pressing. It is requested that the contributions be sent to the social service department. TICKETS FOR COLONIAL BALL LIMITED TO 200 Tickets for the Colonial ball to be given by the Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter of the Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution Feb. 16 at the Michi- gan Union will be limited to 200 cou- ples. Tickets may be secured from Mrs. Ray E. Bassett, 2328-J, or from Miss Sara Whedon, 1814-M. Single tickets for ladies who wish to play cards may be secured. These are also limited since only a definite number 4f ta- bles will be used. OldRags Wanted by Hospital Patients Service workers at the Homoeopa- thic hospital would like contributions of old clothing to be used in the making of rag rugs by patients in the hospital who need some light occupation to lessen the monotony of the days. Such contributions may be taken to Newberry hall, the tempor- ary headquartersrofthe social serv- ice department, or they will be called for if doners will telephone 937-W. Tea Dance for Foreign Relief Fund A tea dance, netting $56, wes given for the benefit of the Foreign Relief fund yesterday afternoon at Martha Cook building. Music was donated by the Rhodes brothers' orchestra. More than 50 couples were present. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Green gold pencil. Pencil is a collapsible Swan pencil with a re- movable lead. A keepsake. Reward if returned to Box H. J., Daily. 88 LOST-Reward for return of a brown overcoat taken from Chemistry building Thursday. Charles Cog- " shall, 311 Thompson. 1198-J. 88-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE- Schiller Piano in good condition, quartered oak case. Will be a bargain at $175. Call at 523 W. Liberty St. Side door.' 87-2 FOR SALE--Skates with shoes attach- ed. Size 4 1-2. Call mornings. 1345 Wilmont St. 87-2 FOR SALE-Pair of track shoes. Size 7 1-2. Good as new. C. N. Snyder, 715 E. Huron. Call after, 6 P. M. 88 Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled All High Shoes i~nn n ,Ro- .r - - -. 1 A2 off EST. 1857 t ; I I' This sale will start February ist and willlast one week. All high shoes: brown and black kid or calfskin, with Louis, Cuban or military heels. Also a lot of high shoes at less than 1-2 price. These are broken sizes and are'nearly all Louis heels. They are exceptional values in gray, brown, and black, formerly priced as high as six- teen dollars, during this sale at $5.45. Another lot, broken sizes, in Oxfords and pumps in tan, brown, and black kid and calfskin with Louis, Cuban, or military heels, former val- ues to $12.00, at $4.95. These are practically all Dorothy Dodd shoes but do not include a few spring models which just arriVed and have been marked at the new low price levels. P 0 (FIRST FLOOR) ...,....r....., _ ... . Isa m.amma m - - A h /. I .r