SLLLEU:1 IJ E01 O1KIALS LOYALTY TO THE UNI- VERSITY (From the Detroit News.) It ought to take neither elaborate proof nor extraordinarily strong ap- peal to their finer feelings to convince the still recalcitrant students at our StatetUniversity. that the results of their failure to heed Dr. Burton's warning reach beyond the campus and city limits of Ann Arbor. They affect the good repute of the University. Any student who does not know this by the time he reaches college ought to be considered as one on whom a uni- versity education would be wasted. The university student has no cause to complain'of the attitude of the cit- izens of this State either toward him or toward the University. On those escapades which necessarily spring out of the fact that thousands of young men are gathered as closely as they are at Ann Arbor, the citizens of this State have always looked with evid- ent good nature. They have excused things which it required no little pati- ence and insight to condone. The cit- izen has never forgotten that boys will be boys.. But when after repeated warnings from the faculty certain students per- sist in violating the prohibition law, the limits of what may be excused or over-looked have been passed. It is not that anyone expects students to be more careful, more law-abiding than other people. It is not that anyone ex- pects these young men to show dis- cretion and understanding beyond their years. What is-expected of them is simply that they shall be as fully cognizant of the law and as willing to obey it, as we expect young men to be who have not had the advantages of a higher, education. Any student in our State University who does not know what efforts are being made at this time to maintain the high standards of excellence which have always characterized Michigan, and who is unwilling to remove every obstacle to the. realization of this pro- ject, must be lacking in some of the essentials which make an educated person valuable to the community. We have heard a good deal of college spirit; but If obedience to the law is not a part of*this college spirit, it should be made the most important part of it at once. Undoubtedly this evil is confined in Ann Arbor to but a very small group; and in his efforts to deal with the ut- most sternness with these*individuals Dr. Burton will have the support of every citizen of the State. Inter-City Motorcycle Racing Banned A ban on inter-citymotorcycle rac- ing his been passed by the Motorcyple and Allied Trades association at a meeting held recently. in New York City. The reason given is that the AT THE THEATERS TODAY r Screen Majestic-Mack Sennett's latest five-reeler, "Love, Honor, and Behave." "The Hope," with a notable cast of well known stars, and Pathe News. 9 'U prepare noon-dy lunches without City ivews'''"""" "***'t City 'leaving the building. Work on Ann Arbor's four new Molloy Scott, nine, daughter of Mr. grade schools will begin this spring and Mrs. Claude Scott, 111 North Sev- and all four buildings will be ready enth street, was instantly killed when for occupancy not later than Sept. 1, she fell beneath the rear wheel of Hertler Brothers' truck, driven by Jos- 192sraccording toanrosutiedoftheph Gruschow, shortly before noon to- construction plan as presented before !day. the Conopus club by Supt. L. A. Butler lIn his statement to the prsecutor, at the Union. IGrushow said that the child was S HUBER T DETROIT . S"Cinderella on Broadway" G;A R R I c K DETROIT WALTER SCANLAN in "Hearts of Erin" Arcade-Fatty Arbuckle in his famous new side splitter, "The Life of the Party." Also a Hot Dog comedy, "Crowning j King Blizzard."J Wuerth-Von Stroheim's produc- tion, '"The Devil's Passkey," called one of the ten best pic- tures of 1920. Also comedy and Pathe News. Orpheum- "Go and Get It," a First National attraction with Bull Montana. Universal News and a Christie comedy. THIS WEEK Stage Garrick (Detroit) -Walter Scan- Ian, that winsome Irish singer, in an Irish comedy, "Hearts of Erin." Schubert (Detroit)-"Cinderella n Broadway," the latest Win- ter Garden success of New York, with 125 popular enter- tainers. Fresh Florida Strawberry Sunaaes are being served at Tice's Fountain. 117 S. Main St.-Adv. t Increase your btsiness by advertis- ing in The Michigan Daily.-Adv. TVTLE'S' LUNCH ROOM A Nice Cozy Place Where You Lnjoy Your leal One half block South of " MAJ" The new buildings will contain all the latest features of educational de- velopment including a kindergarten, a gymnasium and an auditorium with provisions for manual training. A rest room will be provided for the teachers in each school with a kitchenette at- tached, in which the instructors may stealing a ride on his truck and that he was unaware of her presence. following his statement to the pros- ecutor, Gruschow was released. Miss Pansy Johnson, Contralto teacher of singing. 904 South State St. Phone 269-R.-Adv. TIHE BANK OF SERVICE Commercial Banking in all its Branches. Savings Department and Safety Deposia Vaults. Exchange on All Parts of the World. A. B. A. Travelers' Checks. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK WHITNEY THEATRE IFebruary 2nd an.d 3rdI 101-103 So. Main St. 880 So. State St., (Nickels Arcade) 0 , Member of the Federal Reserve System. I ____________-- p° LAST TIMES TODAY ( NOT A ?ICTURE) IcriF sCTEL ifSK RESENTS z ROS5 E-- (FATTY ETH J1 I.CHENCK) CI' ______ ~C armoiwl .911tre V i \ i: /// ~ . 4" . i, i r r Best Seats $25o I MONDAY MORNING iM tAJUAa STARTING SUNDAY THREE DAYS ONLY 04 I ® .._ I s I. ORPHE UM DON'T MiSS IT sport caused wholesale breaking fhighway laws. ofI TODAY ONLY ONE OF THE GREATEST PRODUCTIONS OF THE YEAR SURGEONS, DISTRICT ATTOR- NEY, JUDGES, GUN MEN, REPORTERS, AND EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND PHONE 166 TRU BE Y 218 SOUTH MAIN QUALITY ICE CREAM (16e DLAVSKE THE MAD CRAZE FOR PLEAS- URE, THE GAIETY, THE BEAUTY, ALL THAT MAKES PARIS WHAT IT IS TODAY IS DEPICTED IN THE UNIVERSAL SCREEN CLASSIC, "THE DEVIL'S PASS KEY.r CHILD IN THIS CITY Go To See "GO AND GET IT" Caters to Fraternities axd - Sororities MARSHALL NEILAN'S Sararnoust 9tu AN OLD, Played by depths oft the most the West! Music - - a drun SENSATIONAL PHOTOPLAY OF THE ROMANCE, THRILLS, PERILS AND EXCITE- Mrs. Fox was bragging one day about the large number of her cubs. "How man cubs do you bring into the world at one time ?" she asked the LIONESS "Only ONE."replied the Lioness - -"but it's a LION ! MURADS COST 20 CENTS FOR A BOX OF 10 BUT THEY'RE MURADS MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the 100% Turkish tobaccos of the purest and best varieties grown or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco. But they wouldn't be MURADS -they'd only be Foxes!t ",uge for Yourself--'" We call special atention to Marad2s in Tin Boxes IS this the end of the picture --the kiss of reconciliation between the American play- j wright and his scandal-stir- ring wife, about whom the tongues of slander played like serpents? Or is it her kiss of j treachery to quench his sus- picion? See this master pic- ture today! Another Wonder- Picture b ' l wHU o made 'BLID H$B~'JD" NEWSPAPER LIFE TODAY ONLY MENT OF the prize a Then the hunted ou the light. brave, tha member - Mae Busch, the Australian musi- cal comedy artist, has the role of Odera, the Spanish dancer, an im- portant role in Erich von Stro- heim's latest production, "The Dev- il's Pass Key." For the benefit of the starving children of Europe, a special show is being given at the WUE RT H I IA POE - lSt OLD SONG OF LOVE! a sweetrfaced girl in the the- Redwood Forest. To notorious outlaw band in beauty - fierce passions ken brawl - and the girl )f the strongest! miracle - love! And a tcast's struggle upward to A struggle so fine, so t your heart will long re- M OF THE SIERRAS ' SATURDAY, 10:30 A. M. THE TETING By William S. Hart, Picturized and Directed by Lambert Hillyer Photographed by Joe August, A.S.C. - A William S. Hart Production ADDED - SUNDAY COURTS HIP" I;; 1tll[Illlil ll ----q SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY H. B. WARNER in "WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE" HAROLD LLOYD in "NUMBER PLEASE" FOX NEWS WUERTH ORCHESTRA. MATINEE PRICES "SAVE A LIFE" I II "N