THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ibeing made by social service workers at Newberry hall to be sent to the I I otĀ°eF ch ildren in the University hospitaW during the quarantine. Girls who do ON C I PROL sodialservice work at the hospital There ill be no more Women's should report at then customary league parties until next semester. The ours at Newberry hall"Our work consists mainly in train- Friday afternoon parties will then be ing native leaders in the public health resumed. Gymnasium classes will be held on movement among the women of Chi- Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 31 and Feb. na," is the statement of Miss Abby Chaperones for the week end named 1, as usual. Mayhew, who has returned to America at the office of the dean of women from Shanghai, China, where she or- are as follows: Saturday at the Posture examinations will be held ganized a normal school for women in UnIon--Mrs. Walter Sherman; at the from Wednesday, Feb. 2, to Friday, hygiene and physical education. "The AMdory-Miss Martha Hills Feb ' Chinese girls in our school are vitally interested in their work," said Miss The social service department of Mayhew. "They are going out through the University hospital has sent out All relief drive teams with money the nation teaching the people how to an apeal for late numbers of the not yet turned in should leave it in preserve their health." popular magazines. The hospital is room 306 in the Union from 3:30 Dr. Clara Sargent, '5M. who is be- under quarantine and the need for o'clock on this afternoon. ing supported by the University Y. W. reading matter is very pressing. It C. A., is assisting in the work of pop- is requested that the contributions be All social servie 'workers of the ularizing health among the people who sent to the social service department. Homoeopathic hospital are requested heretofore have thought of illness as to report at Newberry hall at their the result of the workings of the evil Toys, puzzles, and scrap-books are regular hours. spirits instead of disobedience to the laws of hygiene, according to Miss Mayhew. Dr. Sargent is connected U. S. Army Wool Blankets, all kinds. with the council of public health ed- w ucation and is interested primarily m Reg. Q. D. Wool Shirts, Wool Navy Underwear, preventative medicine. 0. D. Wool Laced Breeches and Full-Length Trousers, Miss Mayhew left yesterday after-, noon, following a luncheon given by Extra quality;FRUIT JAMS, 7 lb. can for . . '....$1.60 lMrs. Frederick P. Jordan, where she Sliced Pine Apple in No. 2 cans at........ ..... . .25 met the Chinese girls of the Universi- Bacon in cans, less than 20c per lb. Canned Roast Beef, Corned ty. She also attended a meeting with beef, Pumpkin,. String Beans, Corn. Barracks Bags,aPuttees, Jerkins, Y. W. C. A. officials here. Gloves, Toques, Rubber Boots, Arctics, Shoes, etc., on sae at "Y" WORKERS AMONG FOREIGN ARMY SURPLUS STORE - 213 N. FOURTH AVE. STUDENTS ARRIVE TOMORROW Charles F. Hurrey, internationally prominent Y. M. C. A. worker and chairman of the committee on friend- ly relations among foreign students, comes here Sunday for a four day stay in Ann Arbor before his' trip to South America, where he will inspect the universities and tell them of the con- ditions of South American students in W SCHOOLSthis country. THMr. Hurrey will be accompanied by Elmer Yelton, Daniel C. Fu, Oscar A. Gacitus, and Dr. Kalo, foreign mem- bers of the committee of which he is 4W U E R TH -NC EL chairman. During their stay here these men will speak in the local churches, ad- dress gatherings of foreign students and make a general survey of the for- eign student work here particularly that of the South Americans. Sunday night at 9 o'clock 'there will be a reception in Lane hall for all students who are interested in meet- ing Dr. Hurrey and his associates. The Students' Christian association is planning tc have the men come in contact with the student body as much HALSEY'S DAN CE STU DIOSas possible and in addition to their work among the foreign students they will tell at their meetings something of the opportunities for development and commerce that lie in South Amer- 'WUERTH - Arcades - NICKELS ica. GIRL RESERVE LEADERS HEAR TALK ON COMMUNITY WORK "Community Work and Co-opera- tion in Community Affairs" was the subject of a talk-by Miss Genevieve Forsberg to Girl Reserve leaders Thursday night at Newberry hall.j Miss Forsberg gave a general out- THIS THIS line of what cmmunity work is, how IC it has been conducted, and what girls' CLOSES CLOSES clubs can do to help. Some of the AT3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT a P M methods that have been successfully tried are safety first campaigns, hos- pitality week, recreation week, clean- up week, thrift campaigns, and munic- ipal Christmas trees. Miss Hulda FOR SALE-- Schiller Piano in good WANTED-Six students for exclusive Bancroft conducted a model discus- condition, quartered oak case. Will occupancy of second floor of new sion as a demonstration for use be a bargain at $175. Call at 523 W. home. Room and two meals per among the groups. Liberty St. Side door. 87-2 day-$8.00 per week. Call 2522-] or see Mrs. Bebout at 1331 White GRAND-DAUGHTER OF PRES. FOR SALE-Skates with shoes attach- St., near old gate of Ferry field. 87-2 ANGELL TO WED FEB. 14 ed. Size 4 1-2. Call mornings. 1345 AEB Wilmont St. 87-2 WANTED-By two upperclassmen, a - warm and comfortable suite, not Members of-the University faculty FOR SALE-Farland banjo. Wooden necessarily near the campus. No will be especially interested in the rim, beautiful instrument. For par- other students. Box D. E., Daily. ticulars call1791-M. 82-6 87-2 marriage Monday evening, Feb. 14, in Chicago, of Constance Winsor Mc- FOR RENT WANTED ROOMS-Instructor, mar- Laughlin, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. ried, wants suite of two rooms near FOR RENT-A suite of rooms suitable State St. business section. Call Andrew C. McLaughlin, of the Univer- for two or three students. Half 713-M after 7:00 P. M. 86-2 sity of Chicago, to Donald Ross Green. block from8campus. Call 1660-R or WANTED-To buy a Ford Roadster. Miss McLaughlin-is a grand-daughter 220 So. Ingalls. 86-5 Must be in good condition. Address of the latc President James B. Angell. FOR RENT-Suite for two men on Mr. Kling, 614 E. University Ave. second floor. Double suite for two 86-3 University Woman Speaks at Saginaw on'third floor. 1209 S. University. WANTED-Roommate to share suite. Mrs. Barbara H. Bartlett attended Phone 1217-W. 87-2 Call after 7:00 P. M., at 815 South a state meeting of nursing education FOR RENT--uite\during second sem- State St. Phone 1184-M. 86-2 at Sagniw, Jan. 26 and 27. Mrs. Bart- ester. Call 2316-J. 86-2 WANTED-Washerwoman to do wash- lett spoke at the Wednesday meeting ing for two students. Phone 1808-M on "Training of Public Health Nurses MISCELLANEOUS and call Farnam. 87-2 in Michigan." Miss Mary Welsh, sup- ARE YOU working your way through STUDENT in good health wants study erintendent of the University hospital, College or a part of it? Don't for- room and sleeping porch. Must be was elected president of the Michigan ,get that working for the National reasonable. Box P. J., Daily. 87 State League of Nursing education for Casualty Company, furnishes you LOST A-D i0UND the coming year. an income the year round. 310 State St., third floor. 82-6 T fl-r! v , ha...'. T 1h_ R Y4D1 CHANCEI Contribute to European Relief Fund and Help Save a Life YOU GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH, TOO! Special Charity Matinee THIS MORNING AT 10:30 O'CLOCK Special Program jL M eighatx IN "The PrinceChap" AT THE MAJESTIC Adults 25c Children 10c Every Penny turned over to Hoover Relief Fund YOUR DUTY TOCM I ___-_______________ Smtart Apparel for Spring Is Here Onyx "Shee silks" NYX "Sheer - silks" are the smartest things in hosiery now, and we've underpriced our entire recent shipment of them. The colors are polo gray and black, by far the most popular shades. The immediate special price is, per "pair. $ Onyx Silk Hose, in black only, with "Pointex" heels, are, per pair, $3 and $5 (Main Floor) : , STUDENTS wanting employment and a steady income, with a chance to build up a permanent business, should call at 310 State St., third floor. National Casualty Co. 13 LOCKSMITH-All kinds of door and trunk keys. Repairing locks and fitting keys a specialty. Phone 2498. Dell Keeler. 87-2 FRENCH lessons by native French teacher. Phone 1158-R. 816 ,vi 1--t usay evening geween i.1 rary and 826 Tappan, silver Alpha Phi pledge pin. Reward if return- ed to above address. Phone 114. 87-3 LOST - Tortoise rimmed spectacles- Tuesday - corner Cambridge and l Olivia. Return to 1004 Olivia or call 2730. Reward. 87 LOST-Black and Tan Airedale pup, female. Seven months old. Detroit! license when lost. Reward. 302-J. 618 Church. '87-2 SENIOR ENGINEERS i pp, Senior engineers can pay their class dues from 9 to 10 o'clock any morning this week in room 306, Engineering building. Only names of those fully paid up will be placed on commencement in- vitations. 124 South Main Street n