THE MICHIGAN DAiLY :.,,_.. A WUtomen Chaperones for the week end namedl the office of the dean of women aref follows: . Friday, at the Union- s. H. G. Berger; at the Armory- s Yates Adams; Saturday, at the ion-Mrs. Walter Sherman; at the rory-Miss Martha Hills. there will be a rehearsal of the A of the Junior Girls' play at 4 lock this afternoon in Sarah Cas- 11 Angell hall. Phe social service department of 3 University hospital has sent out appeal for late numbers of the pular magazines. The hospital is ler quarantine and the - need for ding matter is very pressing. It requested that the contributions be t to the social service department. kll social service workers of the moeopathic hospital are requested report at Newberry hall at their ;ular hours. toys, puzzles, and scrap-books are ng made by social service workers Newberry hall to be sent to the ldren in the University hospital ing the quarantine. Girls who do social service work at the hospital should report at their customary hours at Newberry hall. CHINESE WORKER VISITING H E R E Miss Abby Mayhew, formerly physi- cal director at Wisconsin university, and for three years connected with the public health movemnt in China, is the guest of Mrs. Frederick P. Jor- dan. At noon Mrs. Jordan will en- tertain with a luncheon at the Y. W. C. A. tea room, honoring Miss May- hew, Mrs. Marion L. Burton, and the Chinese girls in the University. In the afternoon opportunity will be given women of the Y. W. C. A. who are interested in the Sargent campaign to meet Miss Mayhew, who is a personal friend of Dr. Clare Sar- gent. I I SENIOR ENGINEERS Senior engineers can pay their class dues from 9 to 10 o'clock any morning this week in room. 306, Engineering building. Only names of those fully paid uip will be placed on commencement in- vitations. News From The Other Colleges Fresh Florida strawberry Bunaaes Use the advertising columns of The are being served at Tice's Fountain. Michigan Daily to reach the best of 117 S. Main St.-Adv. " Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. Pennsylvania - "Domestic Science, 53" will be the name of the new course at Pennsylvania State college. It is for men and in it they ll learn the nutritive value of foods and will! learn how to prepare them. The num- ber of men that can cook is few and they prefer to go to a restaurant than to cook themselves a cup of coffee and a fried egg. Cincinnati - The University of Cin- cinnati Student council recently vot- ed down a' proposition to adopt an, R E S AN PPOINTNON- ESIDENTLECTURERS, honor system. came from the ing schools. E The chief opposition medical and engineer- Victor Vi~ctrola i Iowa - It is almost impossible to obtain chaperones at university affairs because they cannot countenance the mode of dancing and because they do not like to reprimand the couples on the floor. Columbia- At Columbia university Hofflin middy suits have been adopt- ed as the official uniform for the women this winter. Navy serge blous- es with regulation white braid and em- blems on the sleeves, together with plaited skirts make Ap the uniform. The women of the university consider this outfit 'to be good looking as well as economical and practical. The One Instrument The one instrument for which the great- est artists make records. The one instru- ment specially made to play their Victor Records. The one instrument that repro- duces their art in exact accord with their own ideas of interpretation. Victrolas $25 to $1500. ords 75c to $3.50. Victor Rec- NATIONAL FIGURES SELECTED GIVE TWO NEW COURSES IN LIT COLLEGE TO: Harvard-Harvard has 28 boat crews, 16 of which are made up of freshmen students. VIC"T ROLA IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIII1' T ON IG HT = Opening Night for After-Dance Parties - Special Menu between 10 P. M. and 2 A. M. SOUPS Cream of Tomato........................15 Chicken .................................. .20 SANDWICHES SALADS '. Cream Chicken.............. .25 Waldorf................... .35 Club House ................ .35 Fruit ...................... .45 Chicken .................. .25 Chicken ......................50 JI/ s Cafe Special.......... .35 Read Lettuce, Thousand = Island Dressing ........40 WAITER SERVICE +i Come and try our 25c Luncheons during the week- 12 to 1 - -I MENU VEGETABLE SOUP_ BREADED PORK CHOPS BAKED PORK AND BEANS w BROILED WHITE FISH MASHED POTATOES CABINET PUDDING FRUIT SAUCE COFFEE OR TEA JIM'S CAFE Formerly known as S. U. Restaurant - 1121 South University Ave. WHERE SOME OF THE GOOD EATERS GO TITHS'A S 4111COLUMN COLUMN C ASSIFIE Til CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P .N Appointment of non-resident lec- Wisconsin .. Women proved to be turers in highway engineering and better students than men at the Uni- highway transport courses for the versity of Wisconsin during the last coming semestek' have been recently year according to official records. authorized by the Board of Regents. Non-fraternity men and women had Two new courses will be started, and higher grades than fraternity men and will be open to students in the Col- women. lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts. 'Trench While l AThe non-resident lecturers are: Charles J. Bennett, state highway YouE at" ables commissioner of Connecticut; J. H. LS Lst5 A4V~# Collins, manager commercial survey de- At e 'b' partment, Chilton company, of Phila- D delphia; J. D. Eggleston, chief trans- portation engineer, Paige Detroit com- "Parlez-vous francais?" is to be the pany; F. W. Fenn, secretary national question considered in assigning ta- motor truck committee, national auto- bles in the dining room of Betsy Bar- mobile chamber of commerce; A. H.lbour house next semester. Beginning Hinkle, chief engineer of maintenance, with Feb. 22, there will be one table Indiana state highway commission; at dinner where all conversation will A. R. Kroh, manager development de- be in French. Madam Lucie Rach- partment, Goodyear Tire and Rubber miel Nissle, a Parisianer who has late- company and George H, Pride, presi- ly come to Ann Arbor, will direct the dent Heavy Haulage company, of New conversation and correct it. Prof. A. York. G . Canfield, of the romance language The two new courses open to liter- department, has spoken highly of Ma- ary students are C. E. 41, "Highway dam Nissle's accent and pronuncia- Transport Surveys and the Theory and tion. A plan will be carried out Economics of Highway Improve- whereby all residents of Betsy Bar- ments" and C. E. 44, "Highway Trans- bour desiring this training will have port Economics, Methods, Legislation an opportunity of sitting at this table and Management." Both are two hour for a certain time. courses consisting of lectures and li- brary reading. Three Trustees Resign from S. C. A. At the regular meeting of the Danto, '23D, Announces Engagement board of trustees of the Students' The engagement of Samuel B. Dan- Christian association, Tuesday even- to, '23D, to Miss Sylvia K. Guthman, ing, at Lane hall, Mrs. Marion L. Bur- of Detroit, was recently announced. ton, Mrs. Myra B. Jordan and Mrs. A. E. Jennings resigned from the 1 110 S. Main St. rii Schaeberle & Son, Music House Why are you so Insistent? Because i. 1$T$resimer's 2leefsteak Dinners are so Hard to equal Opposite D. U. R. Station Just Above Rae Theatre Paronize Daily Adverters.-Adv. board. a . 'S. a 4 q LOST AND f OUND IT-On Granger between Fair Oaks id Packard, a small brown fur. lease return to the Daily office, Box . Z. 84-3 IT-Tuesday evening between Lib- ry and 926 Tappan, silver Alpha hi pledge pin. Reward if returned above address. Phone 114._ 86-3 T-Tortoise rimmed spectacles- uesday- corner Cambridge and livia. Return to 1004 Olivia or il 2730. Reward. 86 WANTED WANTED-A number of live fellows for a money making proposition this summer. Can make $1,000.00 or more in 75 days. For particulars call Martin Larson._Phone_959._84-3 WANTED ROOMS-Instructor, mar- ried, wants suite of two rooms near State St. business section. Call 713-M after 7:00 P. M. 86-2 WANTED-To buy a Ford Roadster. Must be in good condition. Address Mr. Kling, 614 E. University Ave. . _ __ 86-3 To Close Out OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Winter Suits and Overcoats if We will Sell on SATURDAY, JANUARY 29 Every Suit or Overcoat in our house at exactly HALF-PRICE Nothing Reserved N. F. Allen Co. -the House of Kuppenheimer Clothes MAIN STREET I of&OPit~ ST-Parker pen in Lane hall. Find- r call 1720-M. Reward. 83-4 FOR SALE R SALE-A new Spring top-coat. .rdmore style, size 37. Never been orn. Call at 1107 Willard, after inner. 84=3 R SALE-Farland banjo. Wooden m, beautiful instrument. For par- culars call 1791-M. 82-6 MISCELLANEOUS E YOU working your way through ollege or a part of it? Don't for- et that working for the National asualty Company, furnishes you n income the year round. 310 State t., third floor. 82-6: IDENTS wanting employment and steady income, with a chance to! wild up a permanent business, could call at 310 State St., third or. National Casualty Co. 13 I ENCH lessons by native French acher. Phone 1158-R. 82-6 WANTED-Roommate to share suite. Call after 7:00 P. M., at 815 South State St. Phone *1184-M. 86-2 WANTED - Single room by Senior with private family. Call Morse, 1328. 85-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Suite for two men on second floor. Double suite for three on third floor. 1209 S. University. 85-2 FOR RENT-A suite of rooms suitable for two or three students. Half block from campus. Call 1660-R or 220 So. Ingalls... 86-5 FOR RENT-Large, warm, attractive suite suitable for two or three men, within two blocks of the campus. 725 Haven Ave. Phone 2574. 86 FOR RENT-Two large suites, two blocks from campus. 708 Church St. Phone 1145-J. 85-2 FOR RENT-Suite during second sem- ester. Call 2316-J. 86-2 1