THE MICHIGAN DAILY (Fi fro Sig tre the bu Me to Ja the We er I at to ati be ot Th Re the ern Pr tu th th ci Mi A s d 3- a vs n - Ai a Lr t- r- r d A I 27, COMPANIONS OF POLAND GIRL ciation, is now occupying a position in OFFICER DEFENDS ORATORICAL EXAMINED BY OFFICIALS the reference room of the Library, ASSOCIATION'S PROGRAM which has been .only temporarily fill- An examination of the two men who ed since last fall. (Continued from Page Seven) were with Miss Johnson and Miss Po- as it is to give the invitation. Money land, the young girl who was found DR. WILLIAMS TO ADDRESS is not an effective consideration. Ef- unconscious on Williams street early A. L E. E. MEETING TOMORROW ofrts to bring Hoover, Root, Hughes, Sunday morning, was conducted yes- Lansin, Harding and others were terday morning by Jacob Fahrner, dis- Dr. Neil H. Williams, professor of this year unsuccessful. tr.cteattorneylThomaspH.fe'srien, Professor Hobbs concludes by ex- trict attorney, Thomas H. O Brien,l physics, will speak on "The Electron pressing the desire that the choosing chief of police; and Mrs. Maria Peel,' Tube" at the meeting of the Detroit-'ofpresntresre hat the choong poainofficer. The district attor- ue ttemeigo h ri- of lecturers be placed in the hands of ptobationoiin. the str t Ann Arbor section of the American those "representing a vigorous and ney is examining the case further, but institute of electrical engineers, at th eeseina vigoous and says that no action will be taken un- 73 'lc oorwngti h enlightened American viewpoint." The sys fture nevelopentsl jutikfn it. 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night in the faculty and students who make up the less future developments justify it. . physics lecture room. The adapta- Oaoia soito li ohv I £tficials at the Homeopathic hospi- Oratorical association claim to have a tahaebee ablhe tometatheirl o tion of the electron tube to the prob- "vigorous and enlightened American tai have been able to get the girl to len, fcmuiainadteDo .«a ft..'.1 a ~ e. lem nf cofmmunicaht~ti(n arnd the pro- . . . . .. s t s 4 l talk a little, but as yet she has not duction, transmission, and reception of given any coherent account of what electro-magnetic waves will be dem- happened previous to the time she was onstrated. The importance of the found unconscious. phenomena of resonance and the ac- tions of the tube as detector, ampli- Addition Made to Library Staff fier and generator will also be dis- Miss Henrietta Scranton, a gradu- cussed and illustrated. ate of Vassar college, and until rec-1 ently an assistant in the New York Use Classified advertising and sell office of the American Library asso- your miscellaneous articles.-Adv. viewpoint," which he always so care- fully ascribes to himself and we con- sulted many prominent members of the faculty before announcing the lec- ture course. WILLIAM H. MESSINGER, '21-'23L, Treasurer, Oratorical Association. Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.--Adv. Mi~chigax%' Memory Books, S20% REDUCTION ON ANY MICHIGAN MEMORY BOOK IN STOCK UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES - A DESIRE FOR ANY TYPE OF DANCING may easily be satisfied at MLLE. L EANERS JEANETTE KRUZSKA'S D DANCING STUDIOPRESSERS AESTHETIC DANCING 2O r: was IO roM SOFT SHOE DANCING Tone 6Z8. TOE DANCING BALL ROOM DANCING We aim to make you graceful in addition to knowing steps Instructors MLLE. KRUZSKA PHILIP MILLER, '23 Studio-324 E. Huron St. Phone 2808-RLadiesPrty Gowns a Specialty New Spring Woolens are now on display at the new low prices All our regular staple stock has been reduced to the present low prices. Don't wait until you want to step into a suit to place your order. It takes time to do good tailoring. "Some say" prices will be higher in April. J. LKARL MALCOLM LIBERTY STREET AT MAYNARD Mrs. Fox was bragging one day about the large number of her cubs. "How many cubs do you bring into the world at one time?" she asked the LIONESS. "Only ONE," replied the Lioness-"but it's a LION." MURADS COST 20 CENTS for a BOX of 10-BUT THEY'RE MURADS! MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the 100% Turkish tobaccos of the' purest and best varieties grown-or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco. But they wouldn't be MURADS-they'd only be Foxes"! "Judge for Yourself-!t" , Special attention is called to Murad 20s in Tin Boxes h nu 'Ui 1i The Players Club Presents our One Act lays Sarah Caswell Angell Hall - 8 O'clock Sharp Tonight and Tomorrow Night January 27 and 28 Admission 50c Tickets at Wahr's & Graham's f