THE MICHIGAN DAILY ER SPEAKS ON [E NEW EUROPE, -7 world must be patient. It is a ser- ious situation but it is going to work out." Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Anin Arbor's buyers.-Adv. 'ing the war and immediately aft- Is there was a wide spread tend- o hope for great things, but the has been impatient. Far from pessimistic, we have every rea- o be optimistic," said Prof. W. ayer, In his talk on "The New e," given before the Y. W. C. A. group, yesterday afternoon, at erry halI., Professor Frayer of the new Europe from the point of territorial changes and cal reconstruction. sum up the European- situa- he said, "affairs are not work- ...- inoothly, but after the tremend- urmoil time is needed to bring P y I a state of equilibrium. The es.Peabody &Co.Jnc.froybJX . r' WIomen There will be a rehearsal of the cast of the Junior Girls' play at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall. The social service department of the University hospital has sent out an appeal for late numbers of the popular magazines. The hospital is under quarantine and the need for reading matter is very pressing. It is requested that the contributions be sent to the social service department. All social service woikers of the Homoeopathic hospital are requested to report at Newberry hall at their regular hours. The Women's Athletic association board meeting has been postponed un- til 7:30 o'clock Thursday night, Jan. 27, at the Pi Beta Phi house. Aesthetic dancing classes will not meet this week. Toys, puzzles, and scrap-books are being made by social service workers at Newberry hall to be sent to the children in the University hospital during the quarantine. Girls who do social service work at the hospital should report at their customary, hours at Newberry hall. STUDENT VOLUNTEER WORKER STRESSES SOCIAL SERVICE W. A. A. GETS PROCEEDS FROM MAJ. MATINEE SATURDAY' Tickets for the Saturday matinee at the Majestic theater are being sold by the Women's Athletic association. A double feature including an all star cast in "The Hope," and a Mack Sen- net comedy, "Love, Honor, and Obey," will be shown. Tickets are for sale at dormitories, sorority hous- es, league houses, and at Barbour gymnasium. Proceeds from this sale will go to- ward the expenses of the annual co- tillion given by the association on Sat- urday, March 5, and to pay for the expenses of sending a delegate to the Athletic Conference of American Col lege Women to be held March 18 and 19 at Indiana universit. Use Classified advertising and sell, your miscellaneous articles.-Adv. LIGHT LUNCHES I C. G. GRUBAUGH & SON 722 MONROE STREET STATIONERY FRESH CANDIES i _ 9 _~ \_f 9i p ; , ON A MOONLIT NIGHT take her for a ride in one of our auto cabs. How she will enjoy it! Perhaps you have an engagement to escort her to a dance, to dinner, to the- atre, or to some affair even out of town. Order one of our cars and ride there in privacy and comfort. CIGARS TOBACCOS TRY OUR Full Dress and Ready to Serve AT ANY TIME Open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pot of hot tea and bowl of rice PLAIN CHOP SUEY 85 CENTS CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders Quang Ttu Lo 615 Liberty at E. Tuxedo Suits CITY TAXI TAILORED BY THEt Kirshbaum Custom Shops SPECIAL ERST jPHONE 230 - - Ib Lunches, Specials, Wa files I - ° T H E G R E Y A Good Hot Cup of Coffee and a Sandwich will help SHOP- you prepare for that Blue Book II - Nunnally's Candies 600 East Liberty IItII~ tlltliltllilltl~tlilllllilll lt11 illtl lll ll Hililltlllttl IHh $50 Miss Ruth Roche,1 tary for the student ment, while in Ann travelling secre- volunteer.move- Arbor Tuesday Tailored in FINE UNFINISHED WORSTEDS PURE SILK LININGS AND SATIN FACING I. EXCLUSIVE LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE F. we GROSS 6 309 S. Main I SUMN CLASSIF IE COLUMN LOSES CLOSES S .M. I ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. LOST AND FOUND T-Monday A. M., north of cam- is, small silver Eversharp, ringed; tesday A. M., bottom part of small aterman fountain pen. Finder call 48-R or 200 N. State. 85 T-On Granger between Fair Oaks .d Packard, a small brown fur. ease return to the Daily office, Box Z. 84-3 '-A black &ebetically ase return leather, pocket size, indexed notebovok. to P. L. L., College 85 P - Black loose-leaf notebook, e about 7x4 inches. Return to cretary's office, U-Hall. 84-2 r--Parker pen in Lane hall. Find- call 1720-M. Reward. 83-4 WANTED TED-A special opportunity for ambitious man to start build- up a good business for himself. ergy is the one capital required. are time to start. Inquire today. mumunicate with Geo. Malcolm, 508 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Furnished apartment, two rooms and kitchenette. Avail- able Jan. 28. Near campus. 1207 Willard St. - 83-3 FOR RENT--Suite for two men on second floor. Double suite for three on third floor. 1209 S. University. 85-2 FOR RENT-One large room on 2nd floor, 1 large front room on 1st floor, half block from campus. Call 1724-M. 85 FOR RENT-Two large suites, two blocks from campus. 708 Church St. Phone 1145-J. 85-2 MISCELLANEOUS ARE YOU working your way through College or a part of it? Don't for- get that working for the National Casualty Company, furnishes you an income the year round. 310 State St., third floor. 82-6 I OCKSMITH, all kinds door and trunk keys. Repairing locks and fitting keys a specialty. Phone 2498. Dell Keeler. 74-12 STUDENTS wanting employment and a steady income, with a chance to build up a permanent business, should call at 310 State St., third floor. National Casualty Co. 13 FRENCH lessons by native Frepch teacher. Phone 1158-R. 82-6 FOR SALE FOR SALE-A new Spring top-coat. Ardmore style, size 37. Never been worn. Call at 1107 Willard, after dinner. 84-3 and Wednesday, was entertained at dinner Tuesday evening at Martha Cook building and Wednesday even- ing at Helen Newberry residence. "Girls still seem to think that for- eign missionary work consists of standing under a palm tree and preaching to two or three cannibals," said Miss Roche -when addressing the Martha Cook girls. "In reality, the gospel can be brought to these people better in a practical way. Women are needed in many fields, such as do- mestic science, physical culture, com- munity social service, literary, edu- cational, and recreational work. Vol- unteers are not only needed in such countries as Turkey and India, they are also wanted in France for Y. W. C. A. work." Thirty University girls have en- listed as student volunteers and are purposing to go as foreign mis,4ion- aries. Miss Roche intends to take up medicine and plans to go abroad in 1926. COMMUNITYWORKTO BE SUBJECT OF TALK TO WOMEN "Community Work and Co-opera- tion in Community Affairs" will be the subject of a talk to Girl Reserve lead- ers at 7 o'clock tonight at Newberry hall. The address will be given by Miss Genvieve.dForsberg, the new community service worker. Miss Hul- da Bancroft will conduct the meeting of the Girl Reserve leaders in order to demonstrate to them how to carry on discussions among their groups. All girls who have been in the lead- ers' training class are asked to attend regardless of whether they have yet been assigned a group of girls. EXTENSION SERVICE SPEAKERS GO TO WAYNE AND BLISSFIELD Dr. -Carl V. Weller, of the pathology department, addressed the Boys' club of Wayne high school last night at Wayne, on "Hygiene and Morality." Prof. J. R. Hayden, of the political science department, addressed a public meeting last night at Blissfield, Mich., on the subject, "Michigan Men in Ac- tion." The lectures were given under the aifspices of the Extension service. Mrs. Stock Visits Betsy Barbour Mrs. Frederick Stock, of Chicago, is1 the guest of her daughter, VeraI Stock, '24, at Betsy Barbour house. Mrs. Stock will be in Ann Arbor dur- ing the Eastern tour of the Chicago Symphony orchestra. Mr. Frederick Stock is the director of the orches- tra. Martha Washington Candies, fresh every Friday. 90c. Tice's Drug Store, 117 So. Main St.-Adv. Daily advertising will spell prosper- ity for you.-Adv. Home of Sweet and Purity Always Fresh . ..__ . _ ftv Wool Jersey Suits Spring Sport Coats. $14.75 $ 23.75 Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled It has been a long time since we were able to write such welcome news as this. New, up-. to-date jersey suits for $14.75. They are made in sport styles with pleated backs, nar- row belts, some with pockets, others in Tux- edo style with trimming of a contrasting color. The jersey is firmly knit and the suits are well made. Colors are heather mixtures in brown, blue and gray, brown, navy, Copenhagen and tan. (Ready-to-Wear Salon - Second Floor) A few sport coats have arrived and are marked at $23.75. These are nearly all short coats, although a few three-quarter lengths are here. Colors are light, tan and gray predom- inating. Belts feature all these coats and fan- cy buttons are used for trimming. It would be hard to find better values than these. (Ready-to-Wear Salon - Second Floor) 302 S. Main EST. 1857 What's Newest for Spring Phone 474-W Plaid Wool Skirts $6.95 --$14.75 =d-h i Z,-- i- s7 4. .d~ Liberty St. Phone 719-M. 83-3 TED-A number of live fellows a money making proposition s summer. Can make $1,000.00 or re in 75 days. For particulars call rtin Larson. Phone 959. 84-3 TED - Single room by Senior ;h private family. Call Morse, 8. 85-2 TED-Single room, must be rea- able. Box P. J., Daily. 85 Spring days call for separate skirts to wear with sweater or separate blouse. We have these skirts and at prices that will surely sur- prise you. They are mostly all plaids, large and small and are pleated or plain models. Three lots are included, $6.95, $9.95 and $14.75. (Ready-to-Wear Salon - Second Floor) Our buyer has just returned from the east where she has been buying spring hats and has brought some back with her. The newest styles and colors are exemplified in these east- ern hats of straw and silk combinations. Har- mony hats are among the new arrivals and are the last word in style and workmanship, as well as material. We cordially invite you to inspect these new hats. (Millinery Salon - Second Floor) Second Floor 'ED-Nice Suite for two. or at 2451. Call 83-3 FOR SALE-Farland banjo. rim, beautiful instrument. ticulars call 1791-M. Wooden For par- 82-6 E SKATING TonighI-at-Weinbers Coliseum 7 0 'IND,0