I HE MICHIGAN DAILY _,._.,. i- W1~om en Squad captains interested in prac- ticing apparatus work are requestedl to reportatuthe (gymnasiusmat 5 o'clock this afternoon. The Women's Athletic association board meeting has been postponed un- til 7:30 o'clock Thursday night, Jan. 27, at the Pi Beta Phi house. Aesthetic dancing classes will not meet this week. Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his- tory department, will address the open forum of the Y. W. C.'A. on the topic, "The New Europe," at 4:30' o'clock this afternoon at Newberry hall. - Toys, puzzles, and scrap-books are being made by social service workers at Newberry hall to be sent to the children in the University hospital during the quarantine. Girls who do social service work at the hospital should report at their customary hours at Newberry hall. Colonial Ball to Be Annual Affair The colonial ball to be given by the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion from 9 until 1 o'clock Wednesday night, Feb. 16, according to the com- mittee in charge, has created such in- terest that the committee has decided " make it an annual affair. JUNIOR COLLEGE HOTEL MANAGEMENT NEW WOMEN HEAR DEAN' FIELD FOR WOMEN WORKERS Helen M. Woods, a dinner guest at In pursuance of the policy of the' Helen Newberry residence last night, Women's league to prepare the girls spoke of hotel organization as a prom- of the Detroit Junior college for the ising field for women. life of the University where many of "This work," said Miss Woods, "is them intend to complete their college one of the biggest fields for women course, Dean Myra B. Jordan address- that is offered today. It is more at- ed the women of that institution Fri- tractive work and has a more direct day afternoon. appeal than many occupations open Dean Jordan stated that she is much to women, because of the housekeep- impressed by the manner in which the ing qualities involved." girls are taking up the customs and * Miss Woods is now organizing a ideals of the University, learning its hotel in Pontiac which will be started songs and attending its functions. in the spring. Previous to this she Parties of junior college girls are was employment manager for the planning to attend the annual lunch-| Bowman chain of hotels in' the east. eon of the Detroit alum~nae, Junior l The father agreed to make good all checks passed, three more have been turned in yesterday. She will be giv- en medical treatment. Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. Paronize Daily Advertiers.-Adv. SUGARBOWL HOME MADE CANDY ABSOLUTELY CLEAN BEST LINE IN THE CITY EVERYTHING MADE IN ANN ARBOR LIGHT LUNCHES ANN ARBOR SUGAR BOWL Particularly yfor Students PLAYERS CLUB PRESENTS ALL SUITS anid OVERCOATS Girls' play, the women's annual lunch-j eon, field day and lantern night here. MUSIC STUDENTS WILL GIVE RECITAL THIS AFTERNOON DETROIT SYMPHONY HERE FILLING CANCELLED DATE Owing to the refusal of the Minne- apolis Symphony orchestra to keep its engagement in the Choral Union se- FOUR One =Act Advanced students of the piano and ries Feb. 24 this concert will be omit- voice departments of the University ted. In its place the Detroit Sym- School of Music will appear at 4:15 phony orchestra with Ossip Gabri- o'clock this afternoon in a public re- lowitsch as conductor and Ilya cital at the School of Music hall. ThQ Schkolnik, violinist, as soloist, will 331/3% Off general public may attend.1 The program is as follows: Romance ................... Sibelius Valse, Op. 18 ............... Chopin Max Ewing again be heard Monday Feb. 21. Patrons will please use marked "5" for admission. evening,{ coupon The Great Writing Machine with Interchangeable Type PLAYS HATS, CAPS, GLOVES AND ALL FURNISHINGS Simple Histoire............Dancla1 GIRL FORGER TAKEN HOME; Howard Rufus FATHER MAKES CHECKS GOOD 20 Per Ccnt f Etude Mignonne............ Schutt Polish Dancen..........rScharwenka Irene Hohlenkamp Second Movement from Concerto ...................... M endelssohn John Chandler Recit. and Aria: "But Who May Abide the Day of His* Coming" ("Messiah") .............. Handel Richmond Gardner The 16-year-old girl, whose name has been withheld, apprehended Mon- day for passing bogus checks, at the floral shop of Cousins and Hall and the confectionary store 'of J. A. Trub- ey, was taken home yesterday by her father, a resident of Royal Oak, who had traced her to this city after her disappearance a few days ago. All Business, All Sciences, All Languages, may be had on ONE machine. 365 different arrangements of type and lan- guages, including Greek, Armenian, Chinese- Phonetic, and all modern European languages; also, type set for Engineering, Chemistry, As- tronomy, Mathematics, etc. Lectures, Notes, Theses, may be most beau- tifully and clearly transcribed on the Multi- plex in condensed type. Monthly payments. Good rebuilt machines. tilachines rented. aDetroit Office - 154 Wayne Street THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO. S45 East 6oth Street New York City Been Arranged. -Sutro, "The Open Door,' _-Sumro. I Wadhams & Co. TwO COMPLETE STORES / STATE STREET MAIN STREET Z-A Mothers" -Mliddleton. 0 II i _ iniEW E W w r Onr Cleaning and Pressing SHas No Equal w S Our Service Has No Equal Let Us Call for Your Clothes -209 SOUTH PHON PGakn FOURTH : AVENUE = s~fe oeH o nerEne w a SCLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING THIS TNils COLUMN COLUMN CLOSES COE AT 3 P.U ADVERTISING LOSES.M AT 3P.M I "Tradition" -Middleton SHOWING-- Matinee at 2 - 3:30 Evening at 7 - 8:30 TODAY AND BALANCE OF WEEK .1 Sarah Caswell Who said nobody loves a fat man? .. THE INI I ITA iL E WORLD ASPIRING Angell H' 8 O'CLOCK EACH NIGRT OF JANUARY, 27 and28 ADMISSION FOR THE PUBLIC 50 Cents Ttekets at WAHRS I LOST AND FOUND LOST-Brown Fox Fur on No. Uni- versity or State St. Please return to 1315 Cambridge, Road. Phone 1322-M. /83-2 LOST-On Granger between Fair Oaks and Packard, a small brown fur, Please return to the Daily office, Box ,M. !Z. 84-31 LOST - Black loose-leaf notebook,' size about 7x4 inches. Return to Secretary's office, U-Hall. 84-2' LOST - Will person who took the wrong galoshes at Armory, Jan. 15, please call 885-W. 84 LOST-Parker pen in Lane hall. Find- er call 1720-M. "Reward. 83-4 LOST-Black wool scarf. Call 60-R. Reward. 83-2I MISCELLANEOUS ARE YOU working your way through College or a part of it? Don't for- get that working for the National Casualty Company, furnishes you an income the year round. 310 State St., third floor. 82-6f -i WANTED WANTED-A special opportunity for an ambitious man to start build- ing up a good business for himself. Energy is the one capital required. Spare time to start. Inquire today. Communicate with Geo. Malcolm,508 E. Liberty St. Phone 719-M. 83-3 WANTED-A number of live fellows for a money making proposition this summer. Can make $1,000.00 or more in 75 days. For particulars call Martin Larson. Phone 959. 84-3 WANTED-Room or roommate for sec- ond semester. Address Box C. E. H. 84, GRAH AMS OTHER FE TURES FOX NEWS and BRAY PICTO i ORCHESTRA SLATERS N WANTED-Nice Suite for two. Victor at 2451. Call 83-3 VOR SALE FOR SALE-A new Spring top-coat. Ardmore style, size 37. Never been worn. Call at 1107 Willard, after dinner. 84-3 FOR SALE-Farland banjo. Wooden rim, beautiful instrument. For par- ticulars call 1791-M. 82-6 Jesso L: Lasky presoits (by Ar'M r n h k / l -ch'n 'k (FAT F - e ' From the Story by Ir)in S. Cobb Members Should get Their Tickets from the Treasurer on WEDNESDAY, I JANUARY 26, from 1 to IOCKSMITH, all kinds door and trunk keys. Repairing locks and fitting keys a specialty. Phqne 2498. Dell Keeler. 74-I2 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Furnished apartment, two rooms and kitchenette. Avail- able Jan 28. Near campus. 1207 IWillard St. 83-3 II in University Hail FRENC lessons by native French Phone 1158-R. 82-ft D rected by Joseph Hlenabery Seenaro by Walter Woods