THE ICHIGAN DAILIV ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN te I SNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1921. Number 82. To the University Senate: President Burton has asked me to call a meeting of the University Senate in room C, Law building, at 8 o'clock on Jan. 31, 1921. Special order: Matter 'of University Editor. Regular Business: Report of Board in Control of Athletics. J. L. MARKLEY, Secretary. ledical Jurisprudence Lectures: Mr. Clarence A. Lightner will continue 'his lecture on Medical Juris- prudence on Monday, Jan. 24, 1921, at 3:45 p. m. in room B in the Law building. HENRY M. BATES, Dean. Homoeopathic Medkal School: The Staff club will be. addressed at 12:05 Monday, Jan. 24, by Mr. Fred M. Taylor, Professor of Political Economy and Finance. All members will attend. W 1. HINSDALE, Dean.' New Courses in Highway. Transport: The following courses 1 may be elected for credit by students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and in the College of Engi- neering:; Civil Engineering 41-Highway Transport Surveys and the Theory and Economics of Highway Improvements. No prerequisites. Second Semes- ter. Two hours; Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 a. m. Civil Engineering 44-Highway Transport Economics, Methods, Leg- islation and Management. 'No prerequisites. Second Semester. Two hours. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4 p. m Committee on Rooms: The Committee on Rooms will hold office hours on Thursday and Friday of this week from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock, and next week daily from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock for the purpose of assigning rooms to classes not provided for in the Announcement of the Literary college *r for making necessary changes in assignments. -. C. KARPINSKI, Chairman, Committee on Rooms. BILIIARD MATCHES FURNISH INTERESTING COMPETITION (Continued from Page Four) quite a few missed set-ups. Scores: Moreland, playing at 21 made 21; Palmer, playing at 23 completed 17. Monday afternoon's game between Shepherd, playing at 25 and Nagde- man, playing at 23, should prove to be a close match with the winner a mat- ter of conjecture. Shepherd, with two wins to his credit, is a slight favorite over Nadgeman, who has only one vic- tory in his favor. Sunday Night Lunches at Teet's Dining Rooms. Try them. 805 E. Huron St.-Adv. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Ad- PLAYERS' i I CLUB PRESENTS A FOUR! Students Lunch SCENE FROM BOOTH TARKINGTON'S "CLARENCE," AT THE WHITNEY THEATER, MONDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 24. UNION REFUSES TO PERMIT | titions were also received from C. B., ANNUAL ARCHITECT DANCE Hayes, of Jackson, and Robert F. Gauss, of this city, and these names (Continued from Page One) will be posted on the bulletin board The name of Van Loken Sels, ap- of the Union, in accordance with the plicant for annual directors' member- rules, until the next meeting, when ship, was voted upon and passed. Pe- their names will be voted upon. One -Act 409 Jefferson High Class Food I PLAYS Open 6 a.m. Close 11p.m I Mnichisaft iemr ok ON ANY MICIIGAN MEMORY BOOK IN STOCK A U NIVERSITY BOOKSTOR ES LDE Y "A Marriage Has, Been Arranged," -sutra. WIIAT'S GOING ON SUNDAY 12:00--Prof. Henry Sanders speaks at the University religious foium, Con- gregational church. 2:30-Meeting of all juniors and sen- iors in assembly hall, Union. 3:30-Gilbe#t Lounsbery speaks in the assembly hall, Union. 5:45-Social hour and young people's meeting, Unitarian church.+ 6:00-Social half hour followed by Wesleyan guild meeting, Methodist church. 6:30-Clarence De Puy, '22, leads a discussion, "The Blue Laws at the; University of Michigan," at the Con- gregational church. 7:30-Rev. Laurence W. Kelly, of De- troit, gives address to Universityl students, Baptist church. MONDAY 4:15-Dr. J. F. Rippy, of the Universi- 'ty of Chicago, lectures on "The Growing Interest in Hispanic Am- erica," in the Natural Science audi- torium. . 7:30-Acolytes meet in room 106, Ma- son hall. 8:00-Choral. Union concert, Detroit Symphony orchestra, Ossip Gabrilo- witsch'"conducting, Hill auditorium. TUESDAY 4:15-Prof.0. J. Campbell, of the Un- iversity of Wisconsin, lectures in the Natural Science auditorium. 7:00-Comedy glub meeting in Univer- sity hall. 7 :00-anad.ianclub.meets at Union. 7:80-Annual track pep meetiW ng, physics lecture room. 7 :30-Dixie club meets in room 302, Union. 7:30-Spanish club meeting and lec- ture by Caesar Barja. U-NOTICES Tryouts for the Union opera should see Mr. Shuter in room 308 of the Union. from 10:30 to 12 or from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock any week day, except Saturday. It is important that- all members of the Union orchestra be at the as- sembly hall, Union, at 2:20 o'clock Sunday. Tryouts for "Zaragueta," a play to be presented by La Sociedad Hispanica will be held at 7 o'clock on Monday, Jan. 24 in room 202, University hall, and at 4:15 o'clock on Jan. 25 in room 401, South Wing. PLAYERS CLUB TO PRESENT PROGRAM OF 4 ONE-ACT PLAYS (Continued from Page One) the time when it can become instru- mental in the buildinfg of a Little The- ater for Michigan. It is trying to sup- ply a laboratory for prospective stage managers, playwrights, producers, and those: interested in other branches of dramatic work. The price of admission to outsiders is 50 cents. Members can get their tickets by presenting a membership card to the treasurer of the club on Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 5 o'clock in University hall: Enrollment for Infantry Unit Began Enrollment for the R. O. T. C. in- fantry unit has begun. Maj. Robert Arthur who is in charge of this en- rollment states that 100 men must en- roll before the unit can be authorized. That number has not as yet been reached, but it is hoped that enough of those who are eligible will enroll and thus provide a real infantry unit for Michigan. Prof. Young Well; Returns to Duties Prof. L. J. Young, of the forestry department, who has been suffering from an attack of influenza, has re- turned to his duties. 1IMPORTANT MEETING OFI UPPERCLASSMEN There will be a meeting of all Junior and senior men in Union assembly hall promptly at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon for the discussion of campus problems. THE STUDENT COUNCIL, By Le Grande A. Gaines, Jr., I President. "The Open Door," -Sutro. F L A SH L I G H T S Call 303 views - Outdoor Gi DEY STUDIO EYSTATE STREET DEyY r.oues "Mothers" -iddleton. " Tradition" -Middleton. i Sarah Caswell Angell, Hall. I I 8 0CLOCK EACH NIGUT OF Qhiinfibgncg JANUARY, 27 and 28 ONE of the most gratifying things about our business is the confi- dence that our patrons place in us confidence based upon the knowledge that we can supply their musical needs, however large or small, with goods of the highest quality. F there is anything more satisfying than finding just what you want, surely it is discovering that the price is right, too. And this is the double satisfaction that all our patrons may ADMISSION FOR THE PUBLIC 50 Cents I Ttckets at WA HRS I I GRAHAMS Sunday Chicken Dinners at Teet's Dining Rooms. 805 E. Huron St.-Adv. Fresh Florida Strawberry Sunaaes are being served at Tice's Fountain. 117 S. Main St.-Adv. and SLATERS 1 enjoy. 4 I Any way you look at it - whether from the standpoint of purity, therefore safety; or from the standpoint of food value, of genuine good- IIt -tH musir e Mrs. A., M. Root 601-6115 Tia9t 3villiam otrut Members Should Their Tickets from Treasurer on get the I WEDNESDAY, ness; you are justified in ordering I JANUARY 26, i from 1 to 5, I ICE CREAM in University HalO I 1