A HE iVIl&tHI..AiN DAILYI OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univzr- sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second clesM matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street. . Phones: Business, g66; Editorial, 2414. Communications not to exceed oo words, if signed, the sig- nature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith. and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if -left at or mnailed to The Daily office. Unsigned oommunications will receive no consideration. No man- uscript will be returned unless the writer incloses postage. The Daily does, not necessarily ondorse the sentiments ex- pressed in the eommnications. "What's Going On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock on the evening preceding insertion. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 MANAGING EDITOR ........-..GEORGE O. BROPHY, JR. NewsEditor. -............-. . Chesser M. Campbell Night Editors- -i.'.iic~o~ T. II. Adams1:.WHicek J. A. Bernstein J. E. McManis B. P. Campbell T. W. Sargent, Jr. Y, I. Dakin Editorials. ..tee Woodruff, Robert Sage, C If. Murchison SPdr......................obert Angell Assistant News....... ... . oveo Women's Editor ... .................Mary D. Lane Telegraph . ....... - - .. ........ ...-- West--alloglY Assistants Josephine Waldo- Thomas J. Whinery harry 1. Grundy Paul G. Weber R. W. Wrobleski Winefred Diethan Almena Barlow George Reindel Robert D. Sage Elizabeth Vickery Dorothy Monfort Marion Nichols G E_ Cla2rk Minnie Muskatt Frances Oberholtzer ''t . _ -dlr BUSINESS STAFY Telephonle 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ...+.-LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. Advertising....................D. P. Joyce Credits and Classified Ads....a.... ...J. . wHegs Publication........ .... ......................-- ' r Heth Accounts ..........................E. P Iries Circulation. ..... .............. C. P. Schneider Assistants e R. WV Lambrecht B. G. Gower Lester w. Millard Robert O. Kerr - Sigmund Kunstadter V. F. Hillery The night. editors for this week will be: Monday night, Hugh Hitchcock; Tuesday night, T. W. Sargent, Jr.; Wednesday night, B. P. Campbell; Thursday night, T. H. Adams; Friday ight. J. I. Dakin; Saturday night, J. A. Bernstein. Persons wishing to secure information concerning news for any issue of The Daily should see the night editor, who has full charg of all news to be printed that night. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1920. KNOW YOUR UNIVERSITY There are eight .regents of the University of Michigan. Every odd year two new regents are elected -and those two who have'been on the board the longest time retire. At present the regents, with the time their teris expire, are as follows: Hon. Walter H. Sawyer, Dec. 31, 1921; Hon. Vic- tor M. Gore, Dec. 31, 1921; Hon. Junius E. Beal, Dec. 31, 1923; Hon. Frank B. Leland, Dec. 31, 1923; Hon. William L. Clements, Dec. 31, 1925; Hon. Jarnes o. Murfin, Dec. 31, 1925; Hon. Lucius I Hubbard, Dec. 31, 1927; and Hon. Benjamin S. Hanchett, Dec. 31, 1927. JOIN THE PROCESSION Thursday morning will mark the first time in forty-nine years that the inauguration of a presi- dent has taken place at Michigan. Forty-five classes have graduated without the privilege of viewing the formal retirement of one head of the University and the occupation of office by a new executive. Those who witness this ceremony will carry .with them through life an impression out- ranking probably any other recollection in their college syears. But, unfortunately, owing to the limited seating capacity of Hill Auditorium the greater part of the students will not be able to at- tend the inauguration ceremonies. For these, how- ever, there is an opportunity almost as great, and in addition a duty to their University. Assembled in Ann Arbor on Thursday and Fri- day will be more than two hundred delegates from forty-three state universities and colleges. When they return to their respective institutions they will carry with them an opinio'n, in fact a decision in regard to the University of Michigan. They will1 spread throughout the United States the story of Michigan, for better or for worse, according to the impression they receive. Thursday morning, before the ceremonies at Hill Auditorium, an inaugural procession will be held through the streets of Ann Arbor. Those who are fortunate enough to be able to attend the inaugu- ration itself must be in their places before 'the pa- rade commences. But every other man and woman on the campus should, out of loyalty to Michigan, flank the line of march and let the visiting dele- gates know that each student on the campus has the welfare of his University at heart, and realizes 'the significance of the day. COMING - MEN'S DORMS Although dormitories at Michigan for men have been considered in the past, their necessity has never been brought out so plainly as during the "room scramble" which marked the opening of this school year. Nor have the advantages and disadvantages incident to their construction ever appeared more in their favor.W For comfort and satisfaction, living in a dormi- tory of the successful type which divides the occu- pants into groups of twenty or so, with a separate entrance for each group, would be greatly superior to life in the average student's room'in a stran- ger's house. For economy, experience has proven dormitory accommodations to fad surpass those of rooms in private houses in normal times, and par- ticularly in a period when high prices are demand- ed, as at present. Still other benefits of the dor- mitory system are good fellowship and democracy, sure to arises through this method of bringing the students closer together. Because of the large majority of men not housed by fraternities, these organizations need have little fear that dormitories will draw away prospective members. As President Burton has explained, two dormitories would have to be built every year for the next fifty years to accommodate the total en- rollment of men expected at that time. The new buildings would be reserved for freshmen for some time, and would thus both bring first year men more quickly to a realization of the Michigan spirit, and at the same time help solve the room price problem by reducing the demand. A downward trend in the cost of building mate- rials has already been noted, and as soon as con- struction costs become stabilized again, the erec- tion of dormitories for men will be highly feasible, and should be one of the first steps in Michigan's new progressive program. "WHAT CAN YOU DO?" Through brilliance, constant application, or, more likely, a combination of both, eleven engineers made perfect scholarship records during the past year. Although the results in-the other' depart- ments of the University have not been published, these records have not been confined to the engi- neering college but have been duplicated all over the campus. That these men have been rewarded for fidelity to each day's duties is not the only thing vhich their marks signify. More important is the fact that they are on the right track. The characteristics of the successful student are the very ones which ordinarily will do most to in- sure success after graduation. The question that is asked of the aspirant for the world's rewards is "What can you do?" For the engineer this often means "Have you the preparation to carry out this project, or can you only qualify for a subordinate position?" For the doctor the unvoiced query is "Do you know medicine well enough to cure this case, or shall I take it to a more thorough practi- tioner?" And the same is true of every profession and business. Competition is keen, and no one knowingly will employ a college man in preference to a more efficient rival who has not attended a uni- versity, simply because of a degree. Ability is the eternal standard. The all-A student is a man who has trained him- self to organize and accomplish work, slighting no part of it because it is disagreeable. The quali- ties he possesses- will serve him well after college, for the successful business and professional men are those who are "A students" within their spheres of activity in life. TeTeep A DETROIT UNITED LINES In Effect June 15, 1920 Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Limited and Express cars leave for Detroit at 6:10 a. in. and hourly to 9: 10 p. in. Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. in. and every two hours to 8:48 p. in. Ex- presses at 9:48 a. in. and every two hours to 9:48 p. m. Locals to Delroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m. and every two hours to 9:00 p. in.,, also 11:00 p. in. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m. and 1:10 a.n. Locals to Jackson---7 :50 a. in., and 12:10 p.m. Burnett Made Advertising Manager Verne E. Burnett, '17, telegrAph editor of The Daily in 1916, was re- centlyibnade advertising manager of the Liberty Motors in Detroit. He had been with the company only a few months. For STUD Y LAMPS and all kinds of ELECTRIC SUPPLIES go to WASHTENAW FELECTRIC SHOP AATWO STORES Books and Supplies for all Colleges at both Stores w Both Ends of Diagonal Walk PHONE 273 200 WASHINGTON ST. I a Iip I Southwest Corner of Main and Washington Money Back If You Can't Get Complete Satisfaction Flattery If you would that your instructors Think of you no whit the lesser, When with them you would commune Address them as "Professor." Dear Noah: What is the national anthem of Russia? Student. Since Lenine and Trotsky have taken charge, "Till We Eat Again," is being sung everywhere. Our Daily Novelette I It was the terrible 32d day of March, 1918. Prince Komoff Yourperchsky who also bore the honorable title of First Pace Setter for the Impe- rial Wolfhounds was modestly sewing a pair of imported rubber heels upon his exquisite wooden shoes. Totally unaware of the impending disaster that threatened both him and his beautiful young bride from the Follies was this noble nobleman as he sat in fancied safety in his luxurious fortress upon the mossy plains of Moscow. HI Stealthily through the heavy folds of tapestry hanging between the royal salon and the stable, a cold black muzzle appeared. Slowly but surely in an ominous circle it moved until its wicked eye waa aimed unerringly at the leonine head of the aris- tocrat. "The gods be with me; I will get him this time," muttered the unseen plotter. The words were hardly clear of his whiskers before there was a blinding flash. Dense smoke filled the apartment. One horse bellow escaped the prince's throat. Like all Russians he lived in constant fear of being blown to bits, but by a remarkable display of will power he manged to hold himself together. A courteous smile upon his beard, the man step- ped from behind the curtains. His work had been well done. Fondly he polished the evil black muz- zle with his silk necktie, and bowed courteously to the princess who stifl regarded him in dazed horror. "The flash-light picture will be a success, Your Highness," said the photographer. Thanks to L. G. Pamous Closing Lines "Ha, a striking# costume," he remarked as he noted the fighter's pink tights. NOAH COUNT. +oPyright 1920 Hart Schaffner & Marx Hundreds o o looking overcoats You want good looks in your overcoat; and we are here to see that you get it. We show you just one type of many we could show; they're all very good looking Hart Schaffner & Marx clot he s are the true economy. Ready made clothing is better today than ever before;it gives you more value, per dol- lar, in' service and good looks than you can get any other way $40 to-$75 R e Conlin, iegel Co. The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes 5! I f