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Wolverine Victory ShouldResult If th
Basket Tossing Shows Im. th
Michigan begins a strenous three
game series tonight with the quintet
from the University of Iowa as the
first oppone.nt. The other two games
are away from home. The team leaves Wh
for Evanston after the game with ed th
Iowa, and plays the Purple in Patten vern
gymnasium tomorrow night. From ed ne
Chicago Coach Mather will lead the petiti4
squad north to Madison for a return tune,
game with the Wisconsin five on Mon- the at
day, Jan. 24. ger t
dThe only game Iowa has played this meets
year on which predictions can beThe U
based is that with Minnesota, won by of the
the latter team in the last few minutes ,in the
of play, 24 to 19. In this game Iowa igan<
produced a high scoring forward in 28, a
the person of Shimek, who tossed five grega
field goals and as many from the foulA.W
line, missing only two attempts at The
free shots. His total of 15 points was will l
just three higher than the number riving
obtained by Captain Oss, of Minne- noon.
sota, who was responsible .for the de- take
defeat handed the Hawkeyes by throw- Sn
ing four field goals in the last six min- work
utes. week.
The feature of the Iowa game was smas
the fast teamwork that enabled the utes
defeated team to keep the lead until appro
the Arnston-Oss combination was able swim
to break through in the final moments. is sti
But one foul was called on the fast time,
travelling Iowa team during the en- shoul
tire game. On
In Captain Kaufmann, Iowa has a bersc
guard of high merit who will be a exhib
stumbling block for any Conference ing
forward. The presence of two new class
men in the Iowa lineup was the cause Y. M.
of the defeat of the Hawkeyes. place
The game tonight will be Michigan's mit t
fourth Conference contest, and one tain
that should be won by the Maize and the C
Blue team, if there is any sort of im-
provement in basket shooting, the one
feature of the game in which Michigan
has been distinctly inferior to visiting
quintets this year. Both Michigan and
Iowa play a tight guarding game, and
the scores will probably be close.
Dunne, Varsity center last year, who
reported late for the team, is expect-
ed to start against Iowa in the pivot
position. Captain Karpus and Whit-
lock, with Miller in reserve, are the
forward choices, and Williams and
Rea the guards.
Iowa will probably lineup with Au-
brey Devine and Shimek at the for-
ward positions, Frohwen at center,
and Captain Kaufmann and Smith at
Prof. H. C. Anderson, head of the
mechanical engineering department of
the engineering college, has just been
notified that a Studebaker chassis of
the newest design will soon be pre-
sented to the automotive laboratory
for experimental work.
* Guy P. Henderson, '1E, chief eng-
ineer of the Studebaker corporation,
is the man directly responsible for
this addition to the practical apparatus
of the engineering college.
According to Prof. W. E. Lay, in
charge of the automotive laboratory,
this chasis will be a most valuable
asset to the present equipment of the
laboratory. It will be useful not
only for inside research work, but also
for running road tests to ascertain
the characteristic performance of this
type of design.
The letter in the hands of Professor
Anderson states that the chasis will
be thoroughly tested before being sent
to the University, first at South Bend,
Ind., and later at Detroit.
All men who received tank
ts from the Athletic associa-
n please turn them in to In-
mural department at once so
at insignia may be sewed on
en the Michigan Aggies cancell-
eir swiming date with the Wol-
e tank team for Jan. 29 it seem-
xt to impossible to secure com-
on for the date left open. For-
however, saw fit to smile on
ttempts of the swimming mana-
o engage an opponent, two dual
being the results of his efforts.
Iniversity of Cincinnati, with one
strongest non-Conferefice teams=
Middle West, will engage Mich-
at the Ohio city on Friday, Jan.
id on the following day the ag-
tion of the Cincinnati Y. M. C.
ll furnish the needed opposition.
12 men who will make the trip
leave early Friday morning, ar-
in Cincinnati late in the after-
The intercollegiate meet will
place at 7 o'clock in the evening.
ppy practice has featured the
of the Wolverines for the past
Yesterday afternoon Hubbard
hed his own record of six min-
in the 440 yard free style and
ached the Conference mark by
ming the distance in 5:49. There
ll room for an improvement in
as his turns are not all they
d be.
Thursday evening picked mem-
of the Varsity squad will give an
Ition of various styles of swim-
before the women's swimming
es now being conducted by the
. C. A. The exhibition will take
at 7:30 o'clock in order to per-
he members of the team to ob-
plenty of rest before starting on
incinnati trip.
Phi Gamma Delta provided the fea-
ture game of Wednesday evening's
basketball contests when she won
over Kappa Nu in a tight game by a
score 12 to 11. The Phi Gams broke
into strong lead of 5 to 0 in the first
quarter, uncorking short, quick pass-
es which Kappa Nu was unable to in-
tercept. The next quarter showed
Kappa Nu with a punch behind the
ball. With Kaufman guarding in un-
ering manner the Kappa Nu forwards
fed the ball to the basket and the
tally in the first half being 6 to 6. In
the fourth quarter Phi Gamma Delta
caged three field baskets in succes-
sion, Kappa Nu retaliated with two
field goals and one free throw. With
the score 12 to 11 against them, Kap-
pa Nu lost the chance to tie the game
when they missed another chance at
the basket from the foul line.
Spectators were afforded a sight of
well played basketball when the De-
troit club defeated the Grand Rapids
club, 18 to 16. The first half ended
with the count 6 to 5 in Detroit's fav-
or. At the finish of the third quarter
the tally stood 14 all. Detroit drop-
ped the winning tally in the last few
minutes of play after the teams had
each made two baskets from the
free-throw line. Thompson showed
up best for the victors, while Cook,
of the losers, played the best game
of any man on either team.
The results of the other contests
played Wednesday night follow: Pe-
tro's Pre-laws defeated the Mechan-
ical Engineers 22 to 14. Nick's Busi-
ness-ads overcame Goldman's Engi-
neers 20 to 14; Van's Lits beat Van
Boven's Business-ads 26 to 7; Mt.
Clements club defeated Western club
30 to 10; Sigma Nu defeated Delta
Theta Phi 22 to 8.
Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv.
To Speak At YPs SF Prof. C. S. Barry, of the educE
department, addressed a public m
At the Conference of the Michigan - ing last night at Onaway, Mich.
Physical Education society to be held FIGHTING POWER OF TEAM BIDS "The Education of Backward
in Ypsilanti today two prominent Brilliant Children." The meeting
members of the Universty's athletic WELL FOR GOOD SHOWING given under the auspices of the
department will give talks of much IN FUTURE versity Extension service.
import to the 100 members of the so-
ciety who are expected to be present. Lack of team work and poor con-
Coach Elmer D. Mitchell, director dition were the most noticeable de-
of intramural activities, will address fects displayed by the Michigan in-
the gathering on the subject, "The formal hockey team in its game with
Forward Trend of Physical Education the Detroit Rayls at the Coliseum
of Today." Coach Mitchell, through Wednesday night. This weakness may
his years of experience in this work, be attributed to the unusually late
is entirely capable of handling his opening which the game has, had this
chosen subject in the best possible year and will be remedied by the time
manner and is sure to have a message the well under way.
of interest for his listeners. Aneffort is being made by Manager ARE YOU INTERESTED in th
Dr. George May, in %charge of phys- Pletcher to have the two games with WELFARE OE YOUNG MEN!
ical education at Waterman gymna- the Michigan College of Mines, sched- Play is as necessary as work
sium, will speak on "The Nomencla- uled for Jan. 27 and 28 at Houghton, Any game which is interestin
ture of Calisthenics." He will illus- postponed for at least a week so that enough to afford real Re-crea
trate his talk by practical demonstra- the team may be in the best possible tion ista beneficial game, pro
vided it is played amid clean
tions of the gymnastic art and his condition for its first intercollegiate decent surroundings.
words are sure to be well received. competition. If the necessary ar- Most young men prefer game
rangements cannot be made the team like billiards for their leisur,
willanvmefothenothexdthTesday hours. If you are interested i
will leve for the north next Tuesday the welfare of young men, yo
Ae Echoe as planned. are invited to visit our billiar
(By H. B. G.) Every man inserted into the Vichi- parlors as often as you wish.
-- gan lineup during the Rayl encoun- You will find that this is
ter gave an account of himself that gambling, profanity and othe
Baseball practice has been started bodes well for success this winter. undesirable elements are abso
at Wisconsin with a turnout of 25 men. Kahn and Cannon made their first lutely TABOO.
Practices are being held three times a appearance on skates for the winter HUSTON BROS
week in the gymnasium annex. Coach when the opening whistle was blown
Lowman predicts a good year for his Wednesday night, yet Kahn turned in Pocket and Carom Billiards.
protegees and is especially encour- the most spectacular bit of individual Soft Cigars and Candies.
aged with the return of Captain El play of the evening when he rushed Cigarettes and Pipes..
liott, shortstop, who was laid up last from his defense position, scoring un- "We Try to Treat You Right'
season with a broken ankle, assisted, while Cannon's play showed No.
an improvement over last season eve.
Ohio State though handicapped by his poor con-
Ohio'State-dition. Barkell at center for the
Stinchcomb and Harley, Ohio's All- Wolverines was the individual star You tell 'em, State Street,
Americans, will go with the Scarlet with three goals scored. He followed
Mask club's opera, "Oh My Omar," on the puck closely during the major They all take Liberty.
its coming trip between semesters. portion of the game and was on hand
Performances will be given in Colum- in the vicinity of the net to receive Wh
bus, Toledo and Detroit. the few opportune passes made by his
teammates which were converted into is
Creole pralines (original) from Newpons
Orlean's at Tice's Drug Store, 117 So. poInts.
Main St.-Adv. It was the defense that bore the a
brunt of the play in the closing
Michigan Daily liners bring re- period with the Rayls raining shots on
sults.-Adv. (Continued on Page Eight) berry
TerrificC lothigWallo0p
BETTER treat ourselves rough at the start of clearance
time and have it over than lose out. We MUST clear
out season-old clothing - we MUST take a great loss on
this merchandise - so WHY play tag about it? We need
the money for new goods - you need the clothes - fair
Kuppenheimer Good Clothes
25.00 $35.00 $45.00
Kuppenheimer good clothes - we can't make a bigger statement - we couldn't offer you
finer clothing. This winter's suits and overcoats.
N. F. Allen C o.
- the House of Kuppenheimer Clothes
Mrs. Williams, wife of Prof. N. H.
Williams, of the physics department, is
recovering from a major operation at
the hospital, where she has been con-
fined for the past week. Mrs. Williams
is actively connected with the Wom-
en's league and has a large circle of
acquaintances among the women of
the University.
. .o- -.- ---------- -
I DLUAN O1U Afnr MI AIAAMN IAMI N Annnintmnnt q w-& Studio 319Ei-Huron