IHE MICHIGAN DAIL I ___..: AlLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ume I THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1921. Number 79. Vo Second Semester Elections: Election blanks for the second semester, in the College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, must be handed in next week: By freshmen throughout the week as explained in a sheet of directions; by upperclassmen Wednesday to Friday, Jan. 26 to 28. A supplementary announcement stating the few changes and new courses is now in press. In order that these elections may be final, students (above freshman rank) should NOW consult instructors for information and advice. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. Committee on Rooms: The Committee on Rooms will hold office hours on Thursday and Friday of this week from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock, and next week daily from 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock for the purpose of assigning rooms to classes not provided for in the Announcement of the Literary college or for making necessary changes in assignments. L. C. KARPINSKI, Chairman, Committee on Rooms. To Members of the Faculty:F The representative of the railroads has given me information concern- ing rates and arrangements for the Atlantic City meeting of the N. E. A. I shall be glad to impart it to anyone interested. ARTHURG. HALL. Changes in Address: All changes in address should be promptly reported to the secretary of the students' School or College, in order that various communications, including the February grades, may be received without delay. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. Changes in Courses: Course 2 in Education will not be given this year, in the second semester. Course 5, section 1, will be given at the hours announced, but by Pro- fessor Jackson, instead of Professor Whipple. ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. The Housing Committee for women will meet in Barbour gymnasium Thursday, Jan. 20, at 2 o'clock. MYRA B. JORDAN. Senior Students, Electrical Engineering: Men interested in securing employment in June may secure of Miss Spiegelberg, in my office, an interview blank of the General Electric com- pany. "These blanks are not applications for employment and students are under no obligations if they fill them out." These blanks must be filled out and returned by 5 o'clock Thursday evening. JOHN C. PARKER. Class in International Relations: There will be formed a class for the study of international relations, room 302, University hall, on Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Members of the men's and women's Cosmopolitan clubs are eligible to membership. At that time the class will be organized and a time and place for meeting arranged. J. A. C. HILDNER. Men's Education Club: There will be a special meeting of the Men's Education club Friday evening, Jan. 21, 1921, in the 'reading room of the Michigan Union at 7 o'clock. Superintendent Charles L. Poor, principal of M. S. T. A., will ex- plain the 1921 Educational Program for Michigan. All men interested in i ORGANIZE CLASS TO STUDY INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS I 'ENSIAN NOTICES Discussion and study of internation- This is the last week for sen- - iTis isohe lastuwees for en-r al problems of the day will be the iors to have pictures taken for aim of a class in international rela- the Michiganensian. Arrange for tions, which will be organized at 7 sittings immediately. o'clock tomorrow night in room 302, University hall. The class, which will Organizations that have not be carried on under the auspices of returned their proofs to the the Cosmopolitan club, will be in photograhper, are requested to charge of Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, of do so immediately. Otherwise the department of foreign languages. photographer will use own dis- The class is open to any student in- cretion in selecting print for terested in the work it will take up. Michiganensian. The Cosmopolitan club is also plan- - ning a series of lectures on interna- _ tional subjects. The dates for thes firt to, hic wil pobaly e gv- Martha Washington Candies, fresh first two, which will probably be giv- every Friday. 90c. Tice's Drug Store, en before the end of this semester, e1r Frida.i Store, will be announced later. 117_So._Main__St.-Adv. The date for the annual Cosmopoli- tan entertainment has been set for March 17. A trip is being planned, to be taken through Michigan manu- facturing centers, during the spring CORDS OF vacation. Pi Occupational Therapy Course Begun Miss Hazel Baxter, of Detroit, has begun the instruction of occupational f therapy at the Homoeopathic hospital. Miss Baxter studied this work at the Red Cross headquarters in Detroit and at Berea college in Kentucky. - s_ +;~ r-. - 4 ,Q. . . - 1 u / t IlAVE A CAR CALL to take you for a ride, a visit or to attend to some business matter. Just phone us when and where you want it and the machine will be there on the minute. Much pleasanter and quicker than any other way of traveling. Not ex- pensive either. We shall be glad to send you our card of rates. CITY TAXI PHONE 220 Fresh Florida Strawberry Sunaaes Something of real merit in 61 spec- are being served at Tice's Fountain ulation; room 302, Michigtn Union, 117 S. Main St.-Adv. Thursday, 4 P. M.-Adv. ftdryyes THEM - ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE rice $2.00 i -T- UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES I1 i Education are invited to attend. J. B. EDMONSON. WIIA'S GOING ON THURSDAY 12:15-Barrister luncheon at Union. 4:15--Hermann Hoexter, music critic, of Detroit Times, gives an illustrated lecture in Pattengill auditorium. 6:00-Regular Conopus club meeting at the Union. Prof. F. N. Scott will speak. 6:30-Lecture on "Science and Bible Miracles" in Upper Room, Lane hall. 6:30--Technic staff banquet at Union. 7:15-Varsity Mandolin club rehearsal in assembly hall, Union. 7:30-Phi Sigma meets in room Z 231, Natural Science building. 7:30-Alpha Kappa Psi meets at Un- ion: 7:30-"Freudalism:. A Critique of Psy-! cho-analysis," title of a lecture to be given by Prof. Carl D. Camp, of the Medical school, in Natural Sci- ence auditorium 7:30-Meeting of PI Delta Epsilon at Union. 1:30-Iron County club meets at Lane hall. 8:00-Relief Spotlight in Hill auditor- ium. 8:00-Christian Science society meets in auditorium of Lane hall. 8:00-Workshop company meets in Workshop. 8:00-Debate, Northwestern vs. Mich- igan, in Hill auditorium. 8:00-Cercle Francais presents play by Labiche, "Un Monsieur qui prend La Mouche," in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. 8:30-Polonia Literary circle meets in Lane hall auditorium. U-NOTICES The president, or his representative, of the following organizations is urg- ently requested to be in room 306, Union, at 7:30 Thursday evening: Bayonne club, Craftsmen, Chinese club, Commercial club, Cabinet club, Forestry club, Men's Educational club, Griffins, Mt. Clemens club, New Art club, New England club, Quart- erdeck, Rochester club, Round Up club, Sphinx, Scalp and Blade, Sag- inaw club, South African club, Tri-, angles, Vulcans, Web and Flange, Druids, Newark club. 'By authority of the Student council. Tryouts for the Union opera should see Mr. Shuter in room 308 of the Union, from 10:30 to 12 or from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock any week day, except Saturday. The meeting of the Mu Alpha society will be held Thursday hi room 319, at the Union. The Boxing club picture for the Mich- iganensian will be taken at Water- man gymnasium at 2 o'clock Satur- day afternoon, Jan. 22. Members and associate members are request- ed to be present. SIX CONTESTS PLAYED IN BASKETBALL TOURNEY (Continued from Page Three) Alpha vs. Sigma Chi, 'Beta Theta Phi vs. Phi Chi, Jerome's engineers vs. graduate engineers; 9:15 o'clock, Upstaters vs. Kalamazoo, Foreste's vs. Craftsmen, New England club vs. Youngston club, Straight its vs. Mar- tin's pre-laws. Nagdeman Beats Beale at Billiards Nagdeman beat Beale 23 to 13 in a three cushion billiard match at, the Union yesterday afternoon. The game was part of the tournament which is now being run off. For results advertise in The Mich igan Daily,-Adv. IL sllllti111111111111111 i -- SMATINEE Cc r 2:00 r 3:-30 =liiIII tli liii! iili' PRESENTS E ITIY WITH EVENING 7:00 8:30 t -WESLEY lARRY - aturday "Aw! spare me blushes!" "D'jer hear what de papers said?" "Dey let me break into de front page-not cos I've got a voice to make ol' Enrico McCormick listen like a screechy flivver - not cos I got more freckles dan de di- voice scandals in de papars -- not cos I'm de head of de Noosboys' Trust wif 47 branches - all of which IS something" "No! Dey're kidding me I'm a hero an' orta git a medal fer saving a white goil from de Chinks." "An' now Marshall Neilan's gone an' put it in de movies. "Aw-dese noospapers an' pitcher prodoocers ain't got no cares for a guy's modesty!" 1i111111 ltl lII1II1IlIII11II I 111111111111111 1111111111111111111 111111111M IH I li 1 COMING-SUNDAY Ilim t shall N eian ttt tttttttt#ittiitit . dal ar a laal tr rat ar ! r w ara ar wMM a.r a i rM wit awe rr air rs ru air Ma11 ar w ... A. M1a1 ai ar aa ral Illpl ar ral a a" ra ar ! aar ar , ral r it iMf Ya/ rw 1 a rr 1111 ar u.r r. _. . E .. ._ ._ . lilillttltlUtlttltti Famous P~aye - Lasky Carporation .Presen ts .rr.ENwq- .. MarhatMohan Poduction "DiNJY"with Wesec, 6armrj IM2 I JIINFY--MATINEES 2:00 SATURDAY 3:30 ADDED FEATURES FOR THE CHILDREN ROOKERIES AND SQUAWKERIES BRAY PICTO I A cosmopalitanfProduction a O9aramount 9iCktia s. Cl; Jim. x 4 :p J.SO a tUp f ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION LECTURE COURSE HEAR 1.1 I FRIDAY Stephl eacock l.::e. 4:15-Dr. L. H. Cone, of the National Aniline and Chemical company, ad- dresses the local chapter of the Am- ericanhChemical society, in room 165, Chemistry building. 6:30-Dinner in honor of Dr. Crane at Union. 7:30-Varsity basketball game in Wat- erman gymnasium, Iowa vs. Mich- igan. 7:30-Polonia Literary eircle meets at Lane hall. 7:30-Methodist students skating party and oyster supper. Meet at church. 7:80-Alpha Nu meets in University hall, fourth floor, to attend Varsity debate in body. 8 :00--Dr. David Fink speaks on "Prin- cipals of Socialism and Organic So- ciology," before Intercollegiate So- cialistic society in room P 162, Na- tural Science building. 8:00--Party at Baptist guild. "The Canadian Mark Twain" Subject: "LITERARY FOLLIES OF THE DAY" Saturday, Jariuary 2 2nd Admission $1.00 Season Tickets (5 Lectures) $2.50 Last Chance to Get Your Season Ticket