A THE WEATHER UNSETTLED; COLD TODAY rsfr :4Iatg ASSOCIATED PRESS PAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE r p VOL. XXXI. No. 78. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1921. PRICE FIVE CENTS PESIGNERS OF OPERA C90 I ET OU IN-GDesigns are wanted for the ABINURING posters, window cards and co- ers for the music scores of this year's Union opera. Although the production is still more than two months away, work on the covers must be begun at once if COMPLETES CONFERENCES ON satisfactory designs are to be FUTURE POLICY AT MARION secured, according to E. Morti- YESTERDAY mer Shuter, director of the opera. Those interested In this kind WILL GO SOUTH FOR of work are asked to see him R EST AND RELAXATION between 4 and 5 o'clock tomor- RESTAND ELAX TION row afternoon at his office in room 306 of the Union, when he Recommendations for Tax Reform and will explain what is required. Final Preparations for Inaugur- ation to be Worked Out (By Associated Press) I EIfl Marion, Jan. 18. - President-elect Rarding has completed his confer- ences here on the policy of his ad E-I ministration and will leave Marion late Thursday night for St. Augustine, Fla., where he will arrive Saturday to spend most of the time remaining be- S. Q. Wong, Former Professional hi fore his inauguration. Vaudville Field, to Present A two weeks' house boat trip along Mystic Act the shores oftFlorida is to follow Im-PROGRAM SHORT SO AS NOT mediately after his arrival in the !>PRORACORITTH SNTDE South to give him a period of isola- TO CONFLICT WITH STUDIES tion. Rest Planned To make the Chinese Spotlight Vitalalo evaudeville tomorrow evening in Hill Virtually all of February he will auditorium cover as wide a range of live at a St. Augustine hotel, mixing acts as is possible but to keep with- golf and relaxation with various work in a reasonable time limit on ac- of final preparation for the presidency count of the proximity of examina- During the house boat trip, which tions, American students will aid the is to be devoted to fishing in the Chinese Students' club in the produc- stretch of shoal waters known as tion. From American jazz music to Indian river, the President-elect will plaintive Chinese melodies and from be the guest of Sen. J. S. Freyling- American chatter to Oriental mystic- huysen, of New Jersey, several other ism is the gamut of the show. senators and close friends of Mr. Davis to Give Monologue Harding are to be in the party. Arden Davis, '22, who appeared During the stay at St Augustine he successfully in the summer Spotlight will receive some callers, but will give two years ago, is to give a Jewish the bulk of his working hours to con- monologue, while the act of George sideration of the first acts of his ad- Sloan, '23, explains itself, being called ministration. "Just Talk." Will Choose Cabinet In a demonstration of a variety of Selections of the cabinet is one of Chinese magic, ghosts, and poems, S. the problems that must be solved in Q. Wong, '21E, who has. performed on this period. He also must write his American vaudeville circuits, will be inaugural address and formulate the the central figure in his "Black Art" recommendations for tax reform he act. Other features on the Chinese Is to. make to a special session of program will be music on native in- congress. In addition it is likely that struments, such as the moon mandolin he will determine finally a form of and others. Gorgeous Chinese gar- initial diplomatic approaches to the ipents will be worn. great powers on the subject of an as- Using two pianos, the Rhodes sociation of nations. Brothers' novelty orchestra will pre- sent something which is said to be JANUARY ALUMNUS, DEVOTED out of the ordinary in American jazz JANURY LUMlJSDEVTED music. As at the Union Spotlight MOSTLY TO BUDGET, APPEARS vaudeville, the Union orchestra will open and conclude the program. Issue Contains Several Selections Tickets Are on Sale from Shaw's "University of The not proceeds of the show will M ebigan,, be given to help alleviate the suffer- ing of the starving millions in China. Tickets are on sale at bookstores, Devoted mainly to a discussion of drugstores, and downtown merchants the attitude of various newspapers on at 50 cents each. the University's request for $8,690,000, -_ the January issue of the Michigan HIRAM BURT, FORMER REGENT, Alumnus appeared yesterday. The DIES MONDAY AT UNION, ME. number contains about 60 pages. The feature article of the issue is Word has been received that Hiram a reprint of the LansingState Journ- A. Burt, a regent of the University al's article on "The Needs of the Uni- from 1868 to 1876, died Monday at versity," which discusses the subject Union, Maine. at length. In the editorials are ex- Mr. Burt was born near Detroit and cerpts from several newspapers which educated in that city's public schools. have commented on the situation. Before coming to the University, he Following this article are several spent two years in Kalamazoo col- selections from Wilfred B. Shaw's new lege. He received an A.B. degree from book "The University of Michigan," Michigan and two years later was whichinclude "The University's Early awarded his master of arts certifi- Days," "Student Life," and "Athletics." rat The report of the Graduate school by For m y Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, is published in For many years Mr. Burt made his full. The last article is a copy of the mining interests. During the latter minutes of the University senate mem- misong i fe , hes.aDu r esideri orial to the late Henry Smith Carhart, Uenars of his life, he has resided in who was professor of physics in the on, ne. University until 1909, when he became professor-emeritus. Alphia Nu Will Attend Debate in Body presor-eert t A short parliamentary drill, after The usual departments make up the which the members in a body will at- balance of the magazine, tend the Varsity debate at Hill audi- torium,' will take the place of the regular meeting of Alpha Nu at 7:30 'ENSIAN NOTICES o'clock Friday evening. This is the last week for sen- 1 __ > i, i ! Lit School Exam 'CAKESPS 2 Fail To Obey IlIT~TI Schedules Ready & .mvv E ar. .. .. Housin-' liureau: I1TIILLILTELL. For Distribution Final examinations in the literary college have been arranged, and schedules are ready for distribution at the office of Registrar Aruth G. Hall. Registration for next semested will take place all next week for fresh- men and on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for upperclassmen. The regis- tration days have been placed two weeks beforeaexaminations in order that students may consult their pro- spective instructors before deciding their courses. Every student is required to take the final examination in every course elected. No examination can be chang- ed from the time given in the follow- ing schedule without special permis- sion of the standing committee of the faculty, nor will a student be allow- ed to take examinations at special times or to change sections: Examin- ations will begin at 9 o'clock, Monday, February 7, in accordance with the following schedule. Afternoon exam- inations will take place at 2 o'clock. Monday classes-at 8, second Mon- day morning; at 9, first Tuesday morn- ing; at 10, second Tuesday morning; (Continued on Page Six) LOCOCK TO LECTURE HERE SATURDAYNOCT IS CONSIDERED BY MANY BE MODERN MARK TWAIN TO Stephen Leacock, the great Can- adian humorist, who is consideredaby many as the modern Mark Twain, will appear here at 8 o'clock, Saturday night in Hill auditorium, under the au- spices of the Oratorical association. His subject will be "Literary Fol- lies of the Day." His reception here last year and the repeated requests that he be booked for the present year, made the Oratorical association find a place for him on the 1920-21 program,, according to C. M. Youngjohn, '22L,! president. Leacock has written for many of the prominent American periodicals among which are Harpers', Vanity Fair, and Judge. The editor of Harpers' says of him: "All America has laughed with Stephen Leacock over his bur- lesque of various schools of fiction. In the 'Nonsense Novels,' the drolll genius of the Canadian humorist finds its fullest and most delightful expres-{ sion." Leacock is a graduate of McGill uni- versity, where at present he is pro- fessor of political economy. Among his well known works are "Behind the Beyond," "Further Foolishness," "Non- sense Novels," and "Literary Lapses."1 300 Pro bationers 15 Rapid- Fire More than 300 probationers, as wellt as many others interested in theirt mental capacity, were hurried through1 a rapid-fire intellectual examinationZ yesterday afternoon and emerged, for the most part, victoriously.I Shortly before 4 o'clock crowds thronged the corridors of the Law, building. It seemed as if more than 1 half were wearers of the gray toque,I but upperclassmen and spectators t formed a good part of the gathering.x Many were the whispered commentsc among the spectators -- they wereI evidently keenly interested not only; in the unique proceedings but also as t to the "Who's Who" roll call of those 7 on probation.t The test itself lasted but 20 min-It utes. The questions asked were, onE the whole, easy, but the plodder found1t ' A lUHUM IUNIGHITNow Ineligible EXPERIENCES AT Talk Will Be Illustrated by Moving Failure to comply with a decision Ol IC 1H IS I sreached by the University Housing Pictures Made by the American bureau in regard to the vacating of Red Cross rooms has resulted in drastic action being taken in the cases of two stu- LARGE CROWD ATTENDS ALL. S. C. A. BEGINS SERIES OF dents by the deans' committee. Both ATIILETIC BANQUET OF INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS students have been placed on proba- S. C. A. tion, rendered ineligible for student Opening the first meeting of the activities, and informed thatttheir PLAY GAME OF LIFE Openng te fist eetig ofthecredits will not be recorded until they World Service forum at Michigan, Dr. follow out the instructions of the SQUARE-MG CRACKEN Joseph C. McCracken, dean of the Housing bureau. The deans' commit- medical college of St. John's univer- tee has thought it unnecessary to pub- Carl Johnson Says Conditions of Trip sity ca Shanghai, China, will lecture lish the names of the students. to Antwerp Were Just as s . , In an announcement made several Described on "China's Challenge to America" at months ago the deans' committee 7:30 o'clock tonight in Hill auditor- made it plain to all students that the Experiences at theOlympic ium. Posters stating the time as ; students that the decision of the Egames Housing bureau must be followed out 21 years ago and last year were re- o'clock were printed incorrectly. ltda h l-tltcbnutgv to the letter and that a penalty would lated at the A thleti anquet glv- D.M raknwlilutaehis en by the Students Christian assoca- talk by moving pictures which we be inflicted if this was not done. T tion last night in the Union when Dr. made by the American Red Cross to bureau was appointed by the Un Joseph C. McCracken and Carl John- b e c y at the beginning of the last se be shown in China. He has spent mester to adjust all differences be- son, 20, two Olympic stars, spoke to years in that country and has a broad tween students and landladies. It I the largest crowd of athletes from the knowledge of the people and the con- composed of Prof. J. A. Bursley, of edifferent branches of sport ever gath- ditions existing there. the mechanical engineering depart- re at Michigan. The meetings are free and open to ment, James I. MClintock,g'21L, an Dr. McCracken told of the Michigan everyone. They are not religious as Mrs. Emma Yerex, representative of and Pennsylvania teams traveling to the University services are, but the (Continued on Page Six) Paris together for the meet in 1900, purpose of the Students Christian as- and of many incidents of the games. sociation in inaugurating the plan is"Sometimes there were not more than to give information of the industrial. THEDC USHIONl ITP 500 spectators present," he said. political, social, and religious condi- Only 6,000 Attend tions in different countries. The ISl la BY ni, nrn u Johnson stated that lasr, year there speaker will talk 20 or 30 minutes, I YOwere more than 5,000 people present after which questions from the audi- on only two occasions, on one of ence will be answered. which the admission was free. "The This plan has been tried success- BALKLINE GAME EASILY TAKEN trip going over was just as it was re- fully at the Universities of Chicago, FROM OPPONENT BY , ported," he said. "The only thing I Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. HOPPE would like to add is that poor travel- ing conditions did a world of good. It FRENCH FACULTY Willie Hoppe, undisputed balkline formed coser friendships among the PRESENTS COMEDY billiard champion of the world, beat false pride." Charles Peterson, 350 to 198, in a Speaking of an athlete's responsi- "The Touchy Gentleman" is the game of 18.2 balkline billiards last bility t liis Universitpy Johnson said English title of the play that will be night at the Union. The winner's that the goodan athete:gts0gm the given in French at 8 o'clock Friday average was 58 1-3, while that of the sity isar .greater thn what he night in Sarah Caswell Angell hall puts into it. by members of the French faculty. loser's was 33. "The great game is fter all to use The play is a comedy in one act by Following the match the two men what ability we :are given,"' said Dr. Labiche, the celebrated nineteenth played 10 points cf three cushion bil- McCracken in speaking eto "The century French humorist. According liards, Peterson running out in eight Greatest Game in the World." "The to Jean Cloppet, director of the Cer- innings, while oppe was garnering thing is to give everyone we come in cle Francais under whose auspices eight counters. Peterson, who is the contact with a square' deal.' the play is being given, the speeches acknowledged best fancy shot artist Remembers 1900 ame-, and especially the dialogues in the in the world, then put on an exhibi- "I have fond. recollection of the tion of rapid billiard making, count- Pennsylvania-Michigan football game ity of students will have litle difficulty ing 650 in three and a half minutes. in 1900 as the hardet game i was in understanding the action and com- The entertainment closed with a ever in," said the doctor. "I can re- ical situations. fancy shot performance by Peterson, member Mike Murphy .teliip g .s be- After the play a dance will be given who astonished the crowd by the ec- fore the game that we had 0to win. in Barbour gymnasium. The admis- centric antics through which he made He said we owed it to odr friends, to sion for both play and dance will be the balls go. our families, to the 'Unireitlty, and 50 cents for those who are not asso- to ourselves to win. the ganie. It is ciate or participating members of the REPRESENTATIVES OF JUNIOR the same way .in life" he cor luded, Cercle Francais, who will be ad- COLLEGES TO MEET THURSDAY "we owe it to them to play tms game mitted upon presentation of their -.square and see thadt every m n has cards. .a ,square deal Organization of junior colleges, transfer of credits from them to the-7 Prof. Young Has Influenza Attack University, and 'other phases of the I I rt Prof. L. J. Young, of the forestry situation will be discussed s at a on- OVER THEMIR department, is confined to his home ference to be held Thursday in Ann by a slight attack of influenza. Arbor of representatives; of , junior colleges throughout the state and the Greenfield, Ohio, an. $$ -venty- committee on junior collegs of the two persons were 3n'juied, t4Aio or literary college. three seriously, when a fast New i Prof.C. H. Van Tyne, chairman of York-St. Louis passgetr tnriW on the the committee, who has made a con- Pennsylvania -railroad jumped a siderable study of the junior college switch three-quarters of 'a'mie east the road difficult as quickness was situation, will bring up certain ree- of here at noon todaly and,erashed the chief requisite. "What concern ommendations in its behalf. .In 'addi- into a freight tr in standig on a has the slogan 'Eventually, Why tion, questions of mutual interest will sidetrack., ba th slgn'vetal, WyIbe discussed.r,,I Not Now?'" "What is Peruna?" e sussWashington, an.8-A'bo one- "Who write 'Barrack-room Ballads"''Wshgt J.1.-b n- 'Who wrte Bara-om ads "' PROe CROSS LECTURES AT third of the ballots in the 14 higan were some of the questions asked senatorial election 'of 1918 hiad been If one can judge by the comments DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS recounted tonight by the t priv- made in the corridors of the Law building after the examination, the Prof. Herbert Richard Cross, head iegFes and* elections comi te, 6 participants were well satisfied with of the fine arts department, lectured votes over SB-enator Newberry. The the test. They were looking forward last evening at the Detroit Institute commttee has reounted ballots of much more optimistically-to the sec- of Arts on the subject of "The Art of10oft22s recntbu ast and installment of the mental tests Portraiture." He discussed the prob- reached a bulk of the canvas In De- which is to be given at 4 o'clock next lems presented by the portrait and troit Thursday afternoon in the same place reviewed the most famous portraits han they did to yesterday's chapter. of history with the aid of lantern information that Americans were be The only criticism was that some felt slides. ingvca de the rapid-fire nature of the examina- Professor Cross will lecture in De- invirtually excluded fnm trade In tion made the students nervous and troit on "Mural Painting," Jan. 25, son, Republicans of California, to in- excited, thus destroying their effec- and on "The Significance of Draw- so re uion osin an in- ivenss.ing Fe. 1triiduce a resolution proposing an in- 'iveness, ing," Feb. 1. vestigation 'of the matter by the sen- ate foreign relations committee. The "resolutionalso would provide for in- quir'y into activities of the .American military expedition in Siberia. STUDENT COUNCIL TO HEAR PRESIDENT BURTON TONIGHT Members of the Student counel THURSDAY, JAN. 20Li Burtonearessesbetesidengaiot L. Brton at a banquet to be given at At W ahr s & G rahamin s 6:15 o'clock tonight at the Union. All councilmen are urged by President Le-Grande Gaifies, '21, to be present M fors to have pictures taken for the Michiganensian. Arrange for sittings immediately. Organizations that have not returned their proofs to the photograhper, are requested to do so immediately. Otherwise photographer will use own dis- cretion in selecting print for Michiganensian. 1i --1 Relief Spo HILL AUDITORIUM, Tickets 50c. On Campus l.