4,p AT THE THEATRES TODAY Tired of taking her to the movies? -Then drop around to the pet stock and poultry show being held by the Washtenaw County Poultry and Pet Stock association all this week on Fourth avenue, between 'Huron and Washington streets. More than 800 breeds and varieties of fowls and animals are shown, in- cluding a 45-pound turkey, a leghorn cockerel, valued at more than; a $100, an Angora cat, some very valuable An- gora guinia pigs, Chinese geese, rab- bits, a 27 pound prize winning goose, and Pekin ducks. Ring neck pheas- ants are present as are also the golden and silver varieties. Almost every breed of bantam is present, including the Lakenwalder, so rarely seen in this country. The white and pearl guinias are popular, the Texas owls always attracting a crowd. Much interest is evinced in the pea- cock, who- seems to appreciate the honor and obligingly spreads his plumage for the admiration of the spectators. TheaCanaries are not forgotten, al- though the recently imported Waltz- ing mice claim'the center of the,stage. Some Mexican quail, received last" week, drew many comments from the men. For those rocking chair natur- alists who have never hunted in the South, a real, live skunk is on exhibi- tion. Professor Wise, one of the best known judges of poultry in this coun- try, expressed the opinion that the local showing was one. of the best that he had seen in years.y d The show began. Monday and will continue every day until 9 o'clock in the evening. .On Saturday night, the last night of the display, the doors will close at 10 o'clock. In answer to the doctors and dent- istfs of Ann Arbor, the lawyers have made thb following answer: "We, the legal profession of Ann Arbor, here- with resent the allegations of the doc- tors and dentists that we are attend- ing the Chamber of Commerce ban- quets ill large numbers for the sake of publicity. As to who's who, regard- less of the doctors, the wise ones know." The meeting Monday night promises to be interesting. The board of directors of the Cham- 'ter of Commerce recently passed a resolution asking that the race track be discontinued and a park be made in its place. The resolution will come before the city council Monday night. The date of this meeting is also that of the Chamber of Commerce ban- quet. Screen Majestic-Mildred Harris Uhap- lin in a snappy comedy drama, "Old Dad." Arcade-H. B. Warner in "Un- chartered Channels," a social satire. Also Fox News and ai Bray comic. Wuerth-"Girls Don't Gamble," th David Butler. Orpheum-"A Tale of Two Cit- ies," from the famous book by. Charles Dickens, with William Farnum playing a double role. THIS WEEK Stage Whitney- Sunday --"The Cent- ury Midnight Whirl." Wuerth--"Rainbow Revue" with Helene McCree,. Gertie Hoff- man, and John Roberts. Garrick (Detroit) - Marguerite Sylvia in "The Songbird" a snappy, peppy musical com- edy. Shubert (Detroit)-"Florodora," one of the most popular mus- ical plays ever written, with Elanor Painter in the lead of an unusual cast. New Dramatic Course Offered English 22a, a special course in dramatic technique, under Mr. J. R. ]VNoore, will be offered next semester' for students who have shown profic- iency in Englieh 22, a course now be- ing given. The department feels that the special type of work to be covered will require more individual attention than can be given in a larger class. Students must interview Mr. Moore before electing the course. CLEMN COLECTION SUBJECT OF LECTURE Librarian W. W. Bishop and Prof U. B. Phillips, of the American history department, lectured before advanced students in American history at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the Library on the collection of Americana donated to the University by Regent W. L. Clements. Starting with a letter written in Latin by Christopher Columbus, and continuing through the records of Rev- olu'tionary times, the collection has been selected with great discrimina- ion. Librarian Bishop stated that, while other collections greatly exceed the Clements library in quantity of docu- ments, in some particulars, notably the records of the settlement of Virginia and the Puritan Colony, the pamphlets from the time of the Revolution, and late 18th century newspapers, this collection has much greater historical value. Regent Clements has not limited his efforts to documents on North Amer- ica or to the period before 1800, and consequently there are some extremely valuable records dealing with Cen- tral and South. America and of a later date than 1800, the usual limit for col- lections of this kind. Dance at Packard Saturday night, Jan. 15.-Adv. Fresh Florida Strawberry Sundaes are being served at Tice's Fountain, 117 S. Main St.-Adv. MICHIGANENSIAN NOTICE Bills for organizations and fraternities are, past due and must be paid at once. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. 33# .! Get your Sunday Chicken Dinner at Teet's Dining Rooms, 75 cents. 805 E. Huron.-Adv. DETROiT Marguerita Sylva "THE SONGE GARRIC D©ET R O I T "FLORODORA" ELEANOR PE VAN'S LUNCHI Where they all go 1116 So. University Ave. f I- Domestic Sweaters 1 A% -I ^t -i LAST TIMI TODAY H. B. WARN I ill Unchar Channe The Story of ' Heiress, a Plumi er and a Soci Leper :: :: A Snappy Satire Sinister Scallyw Also BRAY COM FOX NEW II Ann Arbor's progressive merchant: use The Michigan Daily.-Adv. ALALL ILI ~~~.. - .- ........ sI l;U.UU Imported Sweaters 1-3 Off :r Wool Hose PERFORMAN( $1.35 0 TOMORRC A t.PAboy&C. hy1'L Jane l4~ H'n 111111f ill" 1 111111 111111 l l n 1111 I I II 111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 Lm - - Have You Tried Our " HUNGER CURE SANDWICHES " after an Evening's Study T'H E . GREY You are Invited to Come in After the Show for S H 0 P HOT WAFFLES __ __ __ __ __OR A- LUNCH SPECIAL - 600 East Liberty N Nunnally's Candy "Nt """ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""""" IIIl0lIIII~I~lI11liI9Ilt: Ask for the -! The Smart Looking, Popular Shoe for CAlMPUS ..dCLASS ROOM Ideal, All Round College Shoe Same High Quality as the TOM LOGAN GOLF SHOE ' If your dealer cannot supply you write us for catalog and prices THOMAS H.LOGAN COMPANY Hudson, Mass. Send for the Tom Logan Calendar, which pictures, suitable for framing, Ue International Golf match between Ouimet, Ray and Vardon. 41111 Ili M 11111111#111111111111111111111111111111111111111 6III 11111111If II IIIIII III 1111.111it 1Ili 1111th, w .. .. r r s w r r s cwm s s ON. r w w w rR r w w r w w s r s r s r w w s uommercial w s sr w w s s r r w r s Photographers s V w s r r. s s r s r c ' s 0 w rs - 719 N. UNIVERSITY w w . w r M s r r ' 111111111U 11111111fU1111111U 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111i1111111111111lI1 r e _ M The Difference You have without doubt known persons who were continually buying new clothes and yet who never looked neat. On the other hand you have probably known persons who looked stylish and n e a t in clothes a year or two old. This is no paradox - no puzzle. There is no riddle to solve; any one can analyze the case in two words- SCLOTHES CARE" - - "The Home of Energine" Phone 2508co 209 S Fourth Av. ' liDi l I llt ili1111111 11 lllllli1liD UI DD~ii i 111111111t1i i11D1111111Il fl11111i II ------- BERT LYTEL - THE MIS- LEADING L,4 A 20TH CENTAHRYCAT WAS IHE 1 Added Feature A Week of Hoo and Happiness Shop I - 1 Singleton ,&I I .. 8 ENUS PENCILS- D THEATRICAL MAKE UPS 0 OR the student or prof., Fthe superlY VENUS out rivals all for erfect pencil work. 17 Mlal degrees and 3 copying. American Lead Pencil Co. f 27A Fifth 4ve.- NewYork °Ii jargtt s "4'q ^. Stein's Grease Paints, Creams, Pow- A COMPLETE LINE OF I- Hootch! Hootch every in the bath, in the fire the hydrants! No won whole wide world wa when the fire-carts cam out the blaze! Charlotte Dawn, AlB leitehie Charles make the pace a cracke A Boot-Legger's Jai A First National Attr ders, Rouge Liners, etc. The Eberbach & Son Co. 200-204 EAST LIBERTY STREET . . ....... TODAY' A Good Show TODAY Mostly Humorous MILDRED HARRIS CHAPLIN, in "Old Da