. . t t 2 C. 1ViA..,UI~i'flĀ±NL V IiL * RST OUR SODAS AND SUNDAES ARE TREY GOOD I I'LL SAY THEY ARE vlitchell Announces Re*ulations t i Of intramural Sports Awards CHEMISTRY COATS HOSPITAL COATS Home of Sweet and Purity Always Fresh FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Corner State and Liberty 802 S. Main Phone 474-W 'i1 Mother Should Have Your Photograph Made at STUDO. Coach Mitchell, director of intra- mural athletics, has announced the regulations concerning the awarding of the various colored numeral jer- :eys, as adopted last year by the in- tramural department. Numeral awards are of three kinds. Highest awards are given to the members of the in- formal varsity teams such as swim- ming, hockey, golf and soccer, and to the five intramural managers. White sweaters with blue numerals are the awards given to these men. Major Sports Prove Attractive To the men qualifying for intra- mural major sports, such as football, basketball, baseball and track, blue jerseys with red numerals are given. Major sports have in previous yea.rs drawn the largest number of men and have attracted great interest because of the interclass contests. Blue jerseys with red numerals are worn by the winners in the intramural minor sports, such as interclass Ihockey, tennis, swimming, and soccer. No yellow letters are worn by any athletes except those of Varsity teams. ing the highest number of points in athletic events, and also to the run- ner up. These cups must be won twice by a fraternity before it can have permanent possession of the tro- phy. It is not necessary for the fra- ternity to win contests in order to secure points. Points are awarded to every fraternity for entering teams in the various contests, and for each contest won an addition is made to its total. At the end of the year the grand totals are published and the fraternity athletic standing is pub- lished. Alpha Delt' Last Winner Last season the highest honors were won by Alpha Delta Phi, while the runner up was Phi Kappa Sigma. One of the conspicuous happenings was the standing of Theta Chi. This fraternity did not capture any cups, but was active in all the events which placed its grand total at a high ruark. Of the professional fraternities, Nu Signma Nu was high. SlIX'iY STUD)1NTS RECIVE 1All) F~1itIM tR~OVi~lINMN.''f LASTYEA Waist Aprons, Bib Aprons,' DENTISTRY COATS Aprons, Class .Toques, Freshman Caps Parcel Post Laundry Boxes Clothing, Furnishings and Hats Ayres and Smith Caps OjvELRALLS. AND COVERALLS Rubber 721 N. University 296 J Wadhams & co. .. Roorn Ecrtio n00 .. r _-I Pennants Pictures Banners Laundry boxs & bags 211lankets Oilcloth Pillows Muslin Memory 2ooks Towels and a Book Ends full line of gift Sheets and novelties Pillow cases DARLING & MALLEAUX - -} E 224-226 SOUTH STATE STREET 7 NICKELS ARCADE m - iil it lli fI####[#[#111111111,11111111111111 fl ll .111111111[11111111111i fill i f IIII TWO COMPLETE S'ORES STATE STREET MAIN STREET CUPS to be Given Cup awards will also be diferent than they have been in the past. Most of the cups are given in interfrater- nity contests. Permanent cus will be awarded to the fraternity winning in football, basketball, indoor base- ball, hockey, indoor relays, boIinh g, track arnd tennis. Last year's ganmes were hotly contested and the cups were evenly distributed. Alpha Delta Phi was the only fraternity. wining more than one cup. Ai"-around efficiecy for te con- tests of the year is also a factor, be- ing stressed by Coach Mitchell. Cups will be awarded to the fraternity hav- e Highest Prices for Discarded Clothing La t year at this time there were 60 male students inr the University re- ceiving assistance from the govern- ment. At the close of the University year there were a few more than 100, according to Prof. Wabr. Si ILE I; IFIRIM FOR ]I. 0. V2. (C. iUIT 1iI IlVES AT OFFICE The samnle uniform for the R. O. T. C. unit is on hand at the office of Mili- tary Science and Tactics for inspec- tion. A vote will be cast during the present week in regard to the pur- chasing of these uniforms. AER eae Ladies Party Gowns a Specialty NOTICE! Young women who would earn extra money during lei- sure hours will find lucrative employment at the Tele- phone Exchange. As an empioye, you enjoy the priv ilege of the cafeteria where home cooking is served at cost. Call at the Office be- tween 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. lICHIGAN STATE TELEPHONE CO1PANY Cor. Mai and Wasldngion Exciusi Clean: I"I Kindly notice Cleaning stays ever had.' Phone 25 ENERGINE x\ . i1//. I , , '7'ff 11 111 NTAN v ,,U Cleaners 0 nk Pressing repairing vmfflmwwww Claude Brown will pay you the highest price for your old clothes, Men's, Women's atd Chil- dren's garments. Sell me your old clothes before ye Odorless invent Cleanu I the moths get them. hfie highest price will be paid without quibbling. Phone 2601 and my wagon will call at your house Gompany 0 Claude Brown oiu of 8nergine- 120 N. FOURTH AVENUE PHONE 2601 EAST SIDE OF COURT HOUSE $ $ $ $ $-FOR DISCARDED CLOTHING-$ $ $ $ $ how clean much longer our Energine over any other cleaning you 209 S. 4th. Ave. 08 , m I THE ANA ARBOR SAVINGS BANK. ains to be of utmost service to all its depositors It is the largest bank in the county and has grown to over $5,o000,00 resources in its more than a half century of existence. I1 I I. III CARE OF FUNDS I 1. Two-thirds of the checking accounts of transients are carried by us at an actual loss. 2. We ask you to help reduce this loss by drawing no small checks. Come into the bank and draw enough cash to pay for what you buy in a half dozen places instead of giving a check for each purpose. A small check is one under $10.00. 3. Overdrafts are forbidden by law. 4. Your EARNEST CO-OPERATION will obviate our re- verting to the custom of a monthly charge for carrying small T'IRANSIENT ACCOUNTS. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK. I I We solicit your business. Main Office, North West Corner of Main and Huron Streets Branch Office, 707 North University Ave. ( t I. I