THE .MIHIAN DAILY FR1IDAY, JAI r'tlI S .tu ay a' 5 Unrestricted 9 Will Offer You Your Choice, of Any Raincoat, LeatheMat Leithercoat, Sheeplined Coat in the Store at Just Just Think Adler- America's I Suits and- offered you Fellows Rochester Eighest Grade Overcoats are at /2 Price We offer you your unre- stricted choice of our en- tire stock not just.a certain lot. All good staple pat- terns that you can easily wear next spring. We have a beautiful line of top coats that will go at/2price I They were from $50 to $100 Now $25 to $50 I I Extra Special Pure Silk Jersey Shirts in White $5.95 Extra Special $4.00 $3.00 $4.50 $4.00 $2.50 Ladies "i Ladies "9 99 Wool Sport Hose Silk Lace Hose Glovesilk "9 Silk Hose f $2.75 $2.00 $3.50 $3.00 $1.95 _ i r PRICE Here Is Some More Good News 3 OFF Vassar Union Su Emery Shirts C. & K. Hats Merton Caps iits Bath Robes Paj amas Sweaters C.&K. D.&P. 3 OFF f Caps Gloves c Soft Collars 25c 50c Soft Collars 35o ERMS )ASKf Lutz Clothing S tore ALTERATIONS EXTRA With the French windows 17 So. Main