fHE MICHIGAN DAILY Iomen ouse groups which intend to enter stunt contest at the Women's gue fancy dress party on Jan. 22, uld notify Theodosia, Burton, '23, nediately, if they have not done so. ,ady. heart and lung examination is re- red for all upperclassmen taking tive work in gymnasium. ed, because of a meeting of Collegiate alumnae at that time. The board of directors of the Wom- en's league will meet at 9 o'clock Sat- urday morning in Barbour gymnas- ium. All senior women are invited to .a tea dance to be given by Mortarboard from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock this after- noon at Helen Newberry residence. RED CROSS TO CO-OPERATE WITH STATE HEALTH BUREAU COMMERCE CLUB ADMITS WOMEN TO MEMBERSHIP Women's part in the Commerce club of the University was explained to is estimated to be 3 to 1, it was de- BETSY BARBOUR TO HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL cided to elect one officer from the FOR WOMEN TO IEGN Fl]DAY women members. Nominations for G I V E RECEPTION vice-president were made as follows: A number of events will take place Margaret Adams, '22, Sylvia Hosbein, Betsy Barbour house residents will at the Ann Arbor high school prior spec., Mary Griswold, '21, and Martha entertain at a formal reception from to the closing of the semester on Feb. Seeley, '21. All elections will be 8 to 11 o'clock Friday night. Five 4. At 3:15 o'clock Friday afternoon made at the meeting of the club at hundred invitations have been issued the sophomore girls will meet the ju- 7 :30 o'clock Thursday night in room to members of the faculty and resi- niors in the first basketball game of Swimming classes will begin this Lansing, Jan. 11.-The American1 week..Girls who have paid the requir Red Cross and State Anti-tuberculo- ed fee are asked to enroll at once at sis association have signed an agree- te CityesY.tW. C.nA.ment to co-operate with the state de- the City Y. W. C. A. partment of health and will hereaft- er employ public health nurses rath- The Junior Girls' play committee er than others for specialized fields. will meet at 12 o'clock today at the Mrs. Helen D. DeSpelden Moore, of Spedding studio for the Michiganen- the Michigan Anti-tuberculosis asso- sian picture.- ciation, and Miss I. Malinde Havey, of the Red Cross central division, Masques will meet at 4 o'clock Fri- have been appointed as assistant su- day afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell pervising nurses to Miss Harriet Leck, hall. state director of child hygiene and public health nursing who will su- All members of the steering con pervise all nursing activities in Mich- mittee of the, forum will meet at 3:30 igan. o'clock this afternoon at Newberry Representatives of the Red Cross hall. central division and the Michigan Anti - tuberculosis association, the There will be a meeting of the for- professor of public health nursing of um cabinet committee at 3:45 o'clock the University of Michigan, and the today at Newberry hall. state commissioner of health are to =-'act as a standing committee regard- The board of representatives of the ing policies affecting the relationship Women's league will meet at 10 of these nursing agencies. o'clock Saturday morning at Barbour gymnasium. The time has been chang- Michigan Daily liners bring re- ed from 9 o'clock as was first announc- sults.-Adv, those interested in economics yester- B of the Law building. Women who dents of the town who are personal the season. Interclass games will be day afternoon by Glen H. Marcy, '22, wish to become members may pay friends of the girls living in the dor- played every Friday afternoon. chairman of the club, canvassing for their fee and enroll before the meet-; mitory. Friday night there will be a fancy members. ing. The board of governors will re- dress ball for all the girls. Dancing At a previous meeting women de- The vice-president will be chair- ceive, while Miss Eloanor Sheldon, and several stunts have been planned cided to accept active rather than man of the women's committee for Mrs. Marion L. Burton, Mrs. Harry for the evening. On the afternoon of honorary membership. All students in canvassing for members and will ap- B. .Hutchins, Mrs. Alfred H. Lloyd, Jan. 21 and the night of Feb. 4 all the departments of economics, sociol- point a committee of 10 immediately Mrs. Junius K Beal, Mrs. Shirley W. school parties will be held. ogy, and political science are eligible after election. Smith, and Mrs. J. C. Christenson The annual honor banquet is to be to membership by payment of the fee will pour coffee. given on Jan. 22. Students who have of one dollar. Forum on Women as Citizens to Meet The entire house will be open to distinguished themselves particularly "The plan of the club is to bind The forum, "Women as Citizens," the guests. The finishing touches in some department of work or in the department together by bringing will be held at 4 o'clock Thursday were added to the dormitory during school activities are guests. Alumni speakers to the meetings from the afternoon at Newberry hall with Kath- vacation, and several gifts have been and students are called on to make business world and by establishing a erine Greenough as leader. There received which increase its attractive- addresses at this time. bureau of employment and informa- will be only one meeting a week of ness. tion," stated Marcy. the forum until after examinations. For results advertise in The Mich- Since the per cent of men to women Everyone is invited to attend. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Ad igan Daily.-Adv. i Original Dixieland Jazz Band Margie Palesteena Victor Record No. 18717 Stop In And Hear It V Sphaeberle & Son, Music House 110 S. Main St. The place for Genuine Victrolas and all Musical Instruments I #1111l1i111111##111##111llltltl#191#91#I1#Ilt1l11!#11[1111111#11#111111#II#11lltllH111i81#t##lilttt#I##iitllt#11#11#i#I#il#tl#1t1tlt##i111#161t11t11#111#iltll##1111(#11(11(#111llllli#11[111#1(l111lIIil#!11!11#!,- W W , W r c W wr r Y r JOY s Ww W W r r r r r W o e r° r R W ° r Th Ra r sr r r . _ r .ice .} 1 ry " ^2t-'"'Ov $+ {} ^ 4k{f F T T r z r r : v:hY :"v. h a; ' A r } t r .. ..:::. :. .. 999 nqk" f. .... v{:'ti%:":: t r W .ti.. r f r w". } , a { r. w " r 26 Entert Lm, L aining ittle :IN _ _ t rr r r wr r .w r SNAPPYand UNUSUAL ROLES r r r r t r ° r r r r W r W W ° r _ r r _W r° w r Co ete Ch of w r ' a r *40 ° .. r W r r r s Wr W r r ° v . W r W r w T r r r " r _ r r W r I r and AN ADDED ATTRACTION _ r '-G i J .. .rls Do-n G b I t W } W starring DAVID'B"UTLER' rr r i W w r r r : 1 ° r _ a ' W r ' r 1 r r r w r v r W _ \ r w W rll 1 W W w WW r w i PRICES r SHOWS AT MATINEES EVENINGS 20 3: 9:00Adults - 30c Lower Floor .60 Children }- 15c Balcony - 40e Children - 20c f11|H111111111111111111tIII~i lH iill lillllli11l1111111l1111111111IIIIU111111111111I lllhllllllllllllllt11111111IIU1111[IIIIIII11111111IIU IUIIIIIH l 1 1 i 1 11 11 1 1 1 I I I I II a .I THISI COLUMN CLOSES AT3 IP.M.I LASS F I COLUMN LASS IIL IICLSES ADV RTIIN AT 3 P.M. _ M i LOST AND rOUND LOST-Beaded watch fob before vaca- tion. Color, maize and blue. Swas- tika design. Call 1802-R. Valued as a keepsake. 71-2 LOST-A black leather handbag, con- taining check and coin. Please leave at Secretary's office or call 917-J. Reward. -71-2 LOST-ABlack leather, notebook in or about Waterman gym. Name on cov- er. Reward. Phone 131. 72 tOR SALE FOR SALE-One pair men's shoes.1 Size 7. Also pumps. Were twelve dollars, now five. Call at 1355 Wi- mot St. Phone 2432-J. 71-2 FOR SALE-Three Oliver typewriters at $20.00 each. Inquire Edwards Bros., State St., over College Inn. 72-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Apartment, one and two rooms furnished. Running hot and cold water. Near campus and down- town. Leith, 203 S. Thayer St. 71-3 FOR RENdT-Large single suite. Fac- ulty m rgember desired. Must rent immediately; leaving school. 516 Mack .oad. Phone 2287-W. 72-2 FOR RENT-Two office rooms at rea- sonable terms. Inquire Edwards Bros., State St., over College Inn. 72-2 FOR RENT-Large warm double room. Two''blocks from campus. 311 Thompson St. Phone 1198-J. 71-3 FOR RENT - One large suite near campus. Price reasonable, 1317 Wil- mot. Phone 2624-M. 71-3 WANTED WANTED- A roommate to share a warm, well-lighted suite of two rooms, two beds. Price, $3.00 per week. See Chester F. Kuhn at 607 East Ann St. 71-3 WANTED-One or two girls to share five room apartment. 1209 Geddes. Six dollars for two or five for one. 69-3 WANTED-Students silk shirts laund- ered by hand. Also girls' blouses and lingerie. Call for Mrs. Luce, 1209. Geddes. 70-3 WANTED-Garage. Preferably heat- ed or what you have. Jos. C. Mor- ris. 293-W or 751-W. 71-4 WANTED-A room for two brothers in private home. Must be a quiet place. Address Box XYZ, Daily. 72-3 WANTED-A canoe. Call 1838-R any noon hour. 72-6 MISCELLANEOUS WILL FELLOW who borrowed brown Crocker fountain pen in F. & M. Bank day before Christmas. vacation, please communicate with I. B. Neely. 354-J. 70-3 STUDENTS wanting employment and a steady income, with a chance to build up a permanent business, should call at 310 State St., 3rd floor. National Casualty Co. 13 GOOD BOARD-$6 a week for 3 meals a day. $5 for2 meals a day.PMrs. F. M. Cilley, 314 E. William. Phone 2121-M. 71-3 PRIVATE LESSONS in Russian; those wishing to study, write Box H. S., care of Daily. 72-3 LAUNDRY WORK done for men stu- dents only. Phone 2569, 110 N. In- galls. 72-3 FOR RENT-Single room. 815 Arch. Phone 1337-M. Enquire 70-3 OR RENT - Garage. Arch. Phone 1337-M. Enquire. 8151 70-31 I*