BANK OF SERVICE 1:1. Commercial Banking in all its Branches. Savings Department and Safety Deposit Vaults. Exchange on All Parts of the World. A. B. A. Travelers''Checks. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-103 So. Main St. 330 So. State St., (Nickels Arcade) Member of the Federal Reserve System. x f " Any way you look at it - whether from the standpoint of purity, therefore safety; or from the standpoint of food value, of genuine good- ness; you are justified in ordering ANNOUNCES 0 LECTURES~ DANSANT TO BE GIVEN AT CLOSE' OF COURSE FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS Arrangements have been completed for a series of six lectures to be given during the next four months under the direction of La Sociedad Hispanica, it was announced yesterday by Octave Antonio, '21, president of the society. Two of the lectures will be illustrated with slides. The course, designed for the benefit of students of Spanish, is somewhat of an innovation in the Uni- versity. Tickets and printed announcements will be placed in the hands of all the Spanish instructors this week, and the tickets are also to be handled by the State street book stores. After the end of the lecture course a dansant is to be given for members of the society and their friends. Those holding course tickets for the lectures are to be admitted to the dansant with- out additional charge. Another project under consideration by the society is the presentation later in the year of a modern Spanish drama, which has not been formally undertaken by students on the campus before. Norman L. Willey, faculty di- rector of the society, believes that par- ticipation in the drama will be of ma- terial benefit, especially to prospective teachers of the language. The list of lectures follows: Jan. 25, "Modern Spanish Writers," Cesar Barja; Feb. 23, "Spanish-Ameri- can Writers," Julio del Toro; March 9, "The Progress of Education in Costa Rica," Gustave L. Michaud; March 24, "Benito Juarez," Norman L. Willey; April 6, "A Journey Through Spain," Herbert A. Kenyon; April 27, "Popu- lar Serenades in Spain," Jose M. Albe- lade jo. Allthe lectures are to be given at 7:15 o'clock in the evening. Those on March 9 and April 6 will be in 'the Natural Science auditorium and the others in Tappan hall. copies will, be sold at commencement. I U Gleeful, Gorgeous, Melodious, Girls! Mrs. T. L. Stoddard Hair Shop JYIL~4J~OLL>~ 3 YEARS AT / THE CENIURY 1 n ,,nTHEATRE, N.Y sellers. One store has sold nearly 100 copies and another almost 50. "Considering that the book arrived only two days before the students left for vacation, we have had a very good sale," said one store-owner. He went on to say that the late arrival of the book made it impossible to advertise it properly in time for thetChristmas buyers. It is expected that many i Sunday, January 16 Rainwater Shampoos We do Expert Work in the MAnufacture of Hair Goods, Switches, Ear Muffs, Pompadrest WHITNEY, THEATRE. A NOTABLE ALL STAR CAST INCLUDING It's a Genuine Roof Show, The First Ever Offered in the City Richard Carte Blanche Ring Charles Winninger Jay Gould Winona Winters on ICE CR EAM 707 No. University Avenue OrOTOI Ink Pencil Haller & Fuller State St. Jewelers Particularly L for students I Best Seats $2.50 4 Re-Adjustment Sale Now On $16.00 Shoes, now . . .....$12.80 #i MAIL ORDERS NOW ALL $15.00 Shoes, now.... $14.00 Shoes, now... . $13.00 Shoes, now ..... $12.00 Shoes, now...... $10.00 Shoes, now... . . 12.00 11.20 10.40 9.60 8.60 QUITS and OVERCOATS 331/3% Ott HATS, CAPS, GLOVES AND ALL FURNISHINGS . r 20 Per Cent Off Wadha ms & Co. TWO COMPLETE STORES Thirty Years Ago (From U. of M. Daily, Jan. 13, 1891) THE CAMPUS Mr. Belser's class in Minna Von Barnhelm began reading Emilia Ga- lotti today. The senior dents are reading tireir theses to Mr. Taft. It has been reported that Grant E. Lilly, '89L, was killed in an affray at Irvine, Ky., last year. His friends will be pleased to learn that the report is a mistake. It was his brother, Dr. P. E. Lilly, who was killed. Although Mr. Lilly was also dangerously wound- ed, yet he has recovered and has been elected county attorney of his county. The first form of the Oracle will be out today. A lady of modern views, in Iowa, named her twine daughters Kerosine and Gasoline. The Boston Herald fol- lows with a desire that they will grow up a parafine girls., The Great I Writing Machine with Interchangeable Type All Business, All Sciences, All Languages, may be had on ONE machine. 365 different arrangements of type and lan- ,guages, including Greek, Armenian, Chinese- Phonetic, and all modern European languages; also, type set for Engineering, Chemistry, As- tronomy, Mathematics, etc. Lectures, Notes, Theses, may be most beau- tifully and clearly transcribed on the Multi- plex in condensed type. Monthly payments. Good rebuilt machines. Uiachines rented. Detroit Office - ,4. Wayne Street THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO. 545 East 6oth Stret - New York City Determined to close out completely all Winter §hoes- Oxfords and Pumps-for Met and Women. This cut takes care of three different things: The Break in Wholesale Prices Any Further Break that may happen in Spring And Our Usual Mid-Winter Reductions A MOST FAVORABLE CHANCE TO BUY HIGH GRADE SHOES W - WalOverDot ohp ('r 115 South Main Street d ;, yy 4'-ii ,L v STATE STREET MAIN STREET l i l lllIi llllli1l~lii iI1111ilill iillillilllIlI1liil I lii 11lili liii 111iiii You have withbut doubt known / 4-s persons who were continually buying new clothes and yet who never looked neat. On the other hand you have probably known persons who loQked stylish arid n e a t in clothes a year or two old. This is no paradox - no puzzle. There is no riddle to solve; any- one can analyZe the case in two words- "CLOTHES CARE" The Home of Energe Phone 2508 209 S Fourth Av. persns wo. wre cntina~l Tony Sarg s MARI. NETTES City News Floyd Mayett, who has been running a hotel at Chelsea for the past year and a half, was fined $125 and placed on five years' probation by Judge Sam- ple Saturday. He was charged with having six barrels of liquor in his pos- session. The "wet goods" consisted of wine and hard cider, one barrel con- taining a mixture of the two drinks. On New Year's eve it is said that 12 high school boys of Chelsea, all intox- icated, were found in Mayett's place. The students who are objecting to the prices of the local boarding houses would do well to try the county's meals for a while. The sheriff's last report to the board of supervisors shows the cost per meal served to the inmates of the county Jail to be nine and nine-tenths cents, an average of about 25 cents a day, or about $2 a week. Angelo Mowero, the Italian who ran amuck last summer and was re- cently deported after six months in the lockup, is said to have gained 38 pounds on the diet. Breakfast usually consistsof cereal, bread and coffee. The other two meals generally com- prise some simple dish, such as Irish stew, weiners, or beans, together with coffee, potatoes and bread. " SHAW'S BOOK, "UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN," SELLING WELL "TheyUniversity of Michigan," a new book by Wilfred B. Shaw, general sec- retary of the Alumni association, is selling well, according to the state- ments of several State street book- Wednesilay, Jalliary 12 AFTERNOOI, AND EVENING PERFORMANCES Sarah Caswell Angell Hall Rip Van W3:30 DOORS OPEN AT 3 P. M. Olla Podria-Vaudeville 800 DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 P. M. Tickets--Children, 75 cents. Adults, $1.50 Students, $1.00 For Sale at Wahr's & Graham