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January 09, 1921 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-01-09

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All See Need of
Nelv Buildings,

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.4round The World on Foreign Students
The MichiganCam In UJi st.
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(By Gerald P. Overton)

What, in your opinioni does the yea
1921 hold in store for the Universit:
of Michigan?
Predictions that promise a decide
advance in the already envious posi
tion of the University and a period o
substantial and solid growth, regard
less of what the business condition
throughout the country at large ma:
be, were made when this question wa
asked of President Marion L. Burtol
and the deans of the various college
during the past week. Although th
answers were from as many differen
angles as there are units in the insti
tution, all established the firm convic
tion of the leaders of the University
that it will add fresh pages of credit.
able history to its story during th
coming twelve months.
Now that the unusual conditions i
educational fields brought about b
the war are being rapidly readjusted
it is anticipated that the enrollmen
during the year may not show th
same phenomenal growth of the las
two years, but there is every reaso
to believe that there will be a materia
increase over former registration fig-
Need New Buildings
In one very significant respect all
were agreed-there must be adequate
provision of new buildings to meet the
normal growt" of the institution, or
else the crowded condition in all de-
partments will rapidly produce an im-
possible situation. Complete confi-
dence is expressed by President Bur-
ton that this need will be recognized
and provided for by the state fegisla-
ture during its present session.
Granting the approval by the legis-
lature of the building program, this
year will see the beginning of new
structures which, when brought to
completion, will entirely change the
appearance of the campus and provide
the additional space now needed so
badly. Whatever construction work is
undertaken will be done along a gen-
eral plan of development which will
eventually give the campus an ap-
pearance of unity and architectural
beauty that has been found to add
very much to the atmosphere of some
of the larger universities over the
United States which have followed
such plans of campus development.
Several plans and policies with re-
spect to the organization of the Uni-
versity which President Burton has
been formulating for some time will
undoubtedly become realities before
the beginning of another year. There
are excellent prospects of the estab-
lishment of a School of Education as
a separate unit at an early date. The
appointment of a dean of student af-
fairs is under consideration, and such
a position may be created during the
second semester.
Urges Building Program
"I think that on the physical side
we simply must go into a comprehen-

sive building program," said President
Burton, in explaining his view of the
outlook for the coming year. "I feel
perfectly sure the state will make pro-
vision for this. My confidence is due
to the fact that I am certain anyone
who sees the situation and- gets the
facts will be convinced of the impera-
tive need of the program.
"Educationally, the most outstand-
ing probability is the establishment of
a School of Education as a separate
unit. The Board of Regents has voted
that 'it is inclined to look with favor
upon the organization of a separate
school for the Educational depart-
ment,"' he said, adding that the nec-
essary steps will undoubtedly be made
within the year.
"There is also under consideration
the appointment of a dean of student
affairs," continued President Burton.
(Continued on Page Three)

(By T. S. R.)
"There's the Argentines, and the
Portoguese, the Armenians, and the
Greeks." That makes four, and if you
will add just 27 others to that list you
will have the number of countries that
are represented on the Michigan
campus. Thirty-one foreign nations
have sent 323 men and women to
Michigan, and these 323 come from all
continents, all climates, and all races.
And there are some mighty interest-
ing characters and some mighty inter-
esting histories bound up in the 323.
Take Keizo Horiuchi for a example.
Horiuchi is a senior in the Engineer-
ing college who hails from Tokio. He
is also taking work in the School of
Music, being a bit gifted in that line.
His hobby is writing music. And he
will knock your conception of a "com-
poser at work" for a whole chain of
Uses Pen, Not Piano
When Horiuchi feels the urge to
write a couple of measures he simply
reaches for his fountain pen and tears
it off. There is none of this agonized
searching around the piano for the
missing chord, or any "tum-tee-daa"
used in the process. He draws the
notes and grace notes and the rests;
lays out the entire composition in
musical hierglophics, and when he is

satisfied he steps over to the piano and
tries it out. Simple, isn't it? One of
his friends tells of accompanying
Horiuchi to a concert. The talented
Jap liked one of the pieces very well,
so when it was encored he took it
down in a notebook. No, he didn't
copy the name of the selection in the
notebook-not a bit of it-he took the
music as it was dictated by the violin
player. Then he went home and "tried
it over on the piano." There's an idea
for a new course-musical shorthand.
Then there is Miss A. L. Haldar.
She is a Hindu, and Just to show that
she knows English as well as the next
one, she is now writing an article for
In Charge of Meet
Feng Chu Liu, '21L, has absorbed the
spirit of American ,initiative and push.
He was in charge of the two-week
Chinese conference that was held in
Ann Arbor last summer, and in order
to defray the expenses in connection
with that event he put on a Chinese
play for the Chinese residents of De-
troit and cleared the tidy sum of
$2,000. Dean Effinger has given Liu
the nickname of "General."
South Africa has sent up a delega-
tion numbering 43 and 40 of these are
dents. There evidently -is a shortage
(Continued on Page Four)

( By William W. Ottaway)

Christmas Holidays Down,

Atid- Year Finals

To Go

I American business will profit to a
vast extent in the future, from the
appointment to positions of trust in
its outside branches of foreigners edu-
cated in the United States, and these
same foreign countries will derive
vast benefit from the educating of
their peoples. This is the opinion.oP
Prof. Henry E. Riggs, of the Engineer-
ing College, who is prominent in the
work now under way in this country
to educate foreign students.
The University of Michigan, accord-
ing to Prof. Riggs, is one of the fore-
most universities of the country to
carry on this system of education, and
to co-operate with manufacturers and
railroads in the employment of for-.
eign graduates. It is rendering a dis-
tinct service and in a few years the
effects of the work will be seen much
more clearly than at the present time.
Wonderful Opportunity o
"There is a wonderful opportunity,"
said Professor Riggs, "for American
business due to the fact that South
Americans and other foreigners want
to spend several years in engineering
work after they graduate from our
universities. American business has
been slow to get into foreign countries
because their ways were not, known
and no effort was made to discover
them. It will be a fine thing for our
people to do business with South
America and China. The South Amer-
icans and Chinese are loyal and hon-
The Standard Oil company, Truscon
Steel company, and Singer Sewingi
Machine company all have offices1
throughout the world, and are looking
for engineering graduates among for-I
eign students. They employ regular!
managers of foreign offices whose
business it is to keep in touch witli
American universities' and seek outj
foreign students to act as representa-
tives of their business. ,
"The University of Michigan has had
a larger number of foreign students
since the war," stated Professor Riggs.
"Many men who before the war went
to Belgium or France, especially South
Americans, are coming here. In 1913
we had in the Civil Engineering de-

(By Leo Hershdorfer)

Now that it's all over, and the worst
is past, we don't mind looking back
- in a retrospective manner over the two
weeks of Christmas vacation that we
spent in Ann Arbor, while our many
friends and others departed. on the
first day of the recess to their homes
to enjoy a real vacation.
Let's begin at the beginning. Hos-
tilities suspended on Tuesday, Dec. 21,
and that day the town was as busy
as a bee-hive, with the departing ones
hurrying hither and thither-mostly
thither, to the railway station. The
rones were those unfortunates whom
the income tax hit so hard that they
were obliged, to put it politely, to re-
main here for the entire two weeks.1
Well, anyway, we went down that aft-
ernoon to see our friends off, and
after they had boarded the train and
the locomotive started to pull out of
the station, a certain heavy weight
seemed to find its way down our
throats, and we found it hard to swal-
low. We walked slowly up State
street, where the day before crowds
of students were always in sight. But
as we hit Liberty street, and looked
in the direction of the campus, you
should have seen how the town had
Without exaggerating, not more
than ten persons were walking about,
and one lone Ford was parked against
the curb in front of the Arcade. Other-
wise, it was so still that, as one fel-
low remarked afterwards, you could
have .dropped a pin and it would have

sounded like an explosion. And that's
the way it was for the rest of the va-
What was a fellow to do with all
that spare time hanging on his hands,
and no place to dispose of it? We
began with the movies-counted them
all upon our right hand, and found
that there were just five. So we went
to one movie in the afternoon and one
in the night. But the shows .in Ann
Arbor are only of ninety minutes' du-
ration, and With only two a day, it's
easy to see that this recreation didn't
go very far in an average day of twen-
ty-four hours.
Another way we passed the time was
eating. The Union tap room relieved
us of our change thrice daily, and gave
us in return a platter of food. Allow-
ing an hour for every meal, we thus
consumed three more hours. -
Got to SkateI
But it's an ill wind that brings no
breeze, and a slight change in the
temperature had a double effect-first,
the rink froze and we coulds go skat-
ing, and second, sleigh rides. This
seemed to dispel somewhat the gloom
which had pervaded our minds for sev-
eral days, and we soon began to grow
accustomed to it all. The sleight rides,
though; were "all to the good," be-
cause they gave a fellow an oppor-
tunity to do three things-relieve his
mind of his worries, get out in the
open air, and to meet some nice girls.
Two or three sleigh rides, and then
would come invitations to parties and
dances, which, to quote Bugs Baer,
was "better than good.",
Talking about parties, Lane hall

blossomed out into society with two
swell affairs. They had real music
and a jazz band that had some "wick-
ed" instruments-a laughing trom-
bone, a shouting cornet, a raggy piano.
And the floor was waxed so well that
every time you slipped your feet
across the boards with your partner
you really began to pity the boys who
had to go home for the holidays.
That wasn't all we did with our time,
though-there was still lots of spare
time to be found. We wrote letters,
mostly for the purpose of diversion,
and hoping that we would get cheer-
ing answers, and also knowing that
we could safely wait for the mail car-,
rier and know that he owed us some-
thing. Books! Why, we read all we
could get our hands on-the Saturday'
Evening Post, Al Taylor's book on
"How to Play Billiards," and one
other, the name of which we forget
No-Not So Bad
So, after all, it wasn't such a bad
vacation, taking it as a whole. We
had our good times here in Ann Ar-
bor, although, if the price of food
weren't so high, and the railroads
didn't have to raise their rates to keep
their presidents and directors from'
starvation, we would have much pre-
ferred to go home.
But it's all over now, and all of us
-those who went home and the others
who remained in town--have one
thing to look forward to-finals. It's
a great and glorious feeling to have
blue-books to top off a good, long va-i
cation, is it not?
Yes-IT IS NOT! -

a thorough knowledge of the business,,
and two years ago was appointed gen-
eral representative of the National.
Manufacturers' association in Spain
He will return next year to Soutf
America to take charge of the inter
ests of a numbea of American manta
facturers of machinery. He was on
of our best men and can do more witt.
South America than an American it
able to do in 25 years."
One of the Chinese graduates of the
class of 1915 spent three years with
an American firm learning the busi-
ness of designing, manufacturing, and
sales. He went to China in a branch
office' and is now at the head of an
office i Shanghai. He is one of the
firm's best men, and the only native
manager of an American hous4 in
"Three of our graduates," stated
Professor Riggs, "are with the Trus-
con Steel company. One Chinaman, a
fine electrical engineer, now with the.
Detroit Edison company, will go back
to his country In charge of important
American interests there, and with a
(Continued on Page Three)
Cam~pus Societies
Number Over ioo;
IncludeAll Types
Each year sees the formation of
several new organizations on the cam-
pus, until now, starting at the begin-
ning of the alphabet with the Adelphi
House of Representatives and ending
with the Youngstown-Michigan club,
Michigan has more than 100 honorary,
sectional, and educational societies.
Dating from 1843, Alpha Nu debat-
ing society is the oldest organization,
while the Players' club and the Uni-
versity Shrine club,'the two latest ad-
ditions, were formed this semester.
Most of the clubs are educational,
one-fourth are honary, and approx-
imately 20 of fhe societies sectional.
The educational clubs include organi-
zations for the promotion of lan-
guages, such as the Cercle Francais
and La Sociedad Hispanica, ad or-
ganizations for the different kds0.e
engineering, as the American Institute'
of Electrical Engineers, American So-
ciety of Mechanical Engineers, and
the Civil Engineering society. In fact,
there are educational societies for al-
most every activity in which a stu-
dent may be interested. Others fur-
ther interest in law, forestry, educa-
tion, aeronautics, business, debating,
politics, pharmacy, and dramatics.pk
Many of the honor 'societies picki
their members from a certain col\pe
and in most cases from a certan
class in that college. Iii the lit school,
for instance. Sphinx is the junior
honor society, while Druids is thb
senior society. Some societies, as
Griffins and Michigamua, are all-cam-
pus and t ke men from any college.


partment only
where we now

two South Americans
have twelve. French

and Belgium universities were seri-
ously affected by the war, and that is
the real reason for the influx'of for-
eign students. Many are coming from
the west. coast of South America to
take up work in irrigation, water'
power, and other lines of hydraulic
work, including road building. One
South American graduate of this Uni-
versity has been an employee of the
Michigan State Highway Commission
for four years.
Prove Successful
"Our graduates," continued Profes-
sor Riggs, "are proving their worth.
One member of the -class of 1913, who
went with a Pittsburg iron concern in!
their engineering department, secured


I -


Both Ends of the DiO''onal Wa I

A Complete Line of
Dairies and Desk Calendars

Both Ends of the Diagonal Walks


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