LED; WARMER TODAY I rt Sk~ U aitkj ASSOCIATED *PRESS. SERVIC VOL. XXXI. No. 68. PROPOSDsl BiL L SETS MEMBERSHIP Of H483 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1921. PRICE FIVE 1 WOULD 500 LIMIT FUTURE SIZE TO BY CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ; NO REPRESENTATIVES LOST BY ANY STATE Electoral. College Ineeased to _ 79; - 289 Votes Now Necessary to Elect a President (By Associated Press) Washington, Jan. 6.-The member- ship of the house of representatives will be increased to 483 under a bill which will be reported tomorrow by Chairman Siegal of the census com- mittee to fix a re-apportionment .for the next 10 years under the 1920 cen- sus. The bill would mean an in- crease of 48 over the present mem- bership. No States Lose No state would lose any representa- tion. At the same time Representa- tive Siegal will introduce a constitu- tional amendment to limit the size in the future houses to 500 members. Adoption of the re-apportionment measure will result in an increase in the total vote of the electoral col- lege to 579, making 289 necessary for the election of a president and vice- president of the United States. The presen vote Is 531, naking 266 nec- essary for a choice. . California Gets Most California wrould make the largest gain of members under the bill. She would receive 5, making her total 16. Michigan, New York, Ohio, and Penn- sylvania would gain 4 each; Illinois and Texas 3; Massachusetts, New Jer- sey, and. Carolina 2 each; Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Mary- land, Minnesota, New Mexico, Okla- homa, Oregon, South Carolina, Ten- nessee, Virgina, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin would gain 1 each. The basis of representation is fixed in the committee's bill at 1 member for each 218,979 inhabitants, as compared with 211,873 at present. U TWO CUMMERCE CLUB MEETINGS SCHEDUED PRELIMINARY EXPANSION STEPS TO BE TAKEN TO INCREASE SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES In line with the plans to increase the scope of the Commerce club ac- tivities two meetings have been sched- uled for next wee at which the pre- liminary steps in the expansion pro- gram will be taken. The organization now outlined calls for a memhiership of about 1,500, an average of 150 new members being expected weekly. The pupose of the Commerce club is to keep its' members in touch with the important developments in the business condition of the country, and a list of lectures by legal and com- mreal authorities has been planned to this end. Governor Alexander J. G esbeck has already been secur- ed as one of -the speakers. -The club is also arranging an employment bur- eau for the graduating members. The organization of the women members of the club will be completed at the meeting at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in room 101, Economics building. A general meeting for all members will be held Thursday after- Poon at a place to be announced later. Students taking courses in econom- ics, political science or sociology are eligible for membership, according to Glen H. Marcy, '22, chairman of the executive board committee. Coolidge Appears As Plain Citizen Boston, Jan. 6. - Calvin Coolidge,, vice-president-elect, appeared as a plain citizen tonight for the first time in years. As such he went to the family fireside at Northampthn for a husband's and father's rest from the affairs of state before going to the national capitol. The transition to or- dinary citizen was accomplished sim- ply. In an informal ceremony the retir- ing governor handed to Canning Cox, his successor, the key to the executive chamber, the butler Bible, and the ar- rowhead and flint that signify the idea of keeping faith with the state's van- ishing Indians. Then he took his hat and without official escort left the; executive chambers. After a luncheon in town with a few friends the vice- president-elect set out for home. Some Cafeterias and Boarding Houses Change Rates, But'Decrease { Is Not Universal HIGH OAS AND LABOR COSTS REASON FOR FEW REDUCTIONS, HOOVER'S -RECORD AIRE lNSENATE Row Starts Over Charges of Misuse of Appropriations for Food Relief in Europe POLISH ARMY SAID TO HAVE RECEIVED AID FROM FUNDS (By Associated Press) Washington, Jan. 8. - Herbert Hoover's administration of the food relief enterprises in Europe was crit- icised and praised in the senate to- day during an hour debate resulting from recent charges of Senator Reed of Missouri that Mr. Hoover had used a portion of America's relief appro- priations for maintenance of the Pol- ish army. Senator Hitchcock, -Democrat of Ne- braska, defended the former food ad-' ministrator as Senator Reed reviewed his criticism. He said: "Mr. Hoover* should be given credit for the work of forwarding and accomiplishing a project at whose magnitude the whole world wonders." Senator Hitchcock returned by pre- senting matter -to show that no Amer- ican relief supplies had been turned over to the Polish army. American army officers, the senator said, were vigilant in their efforts to keep their, supplies for civilian use. Senator] Reed replied that ,it did not matter whether the supplies went to the Polish civilians or army.. "They were given to her for the purpose of bolstering her up and en- abling her to carry on her war," the' Missouri senator declared.I During the debate Senator Reed al- so criticised American policies which he said had prevented re-opening of American commerce with Russia and Germany., SUBSCRIPTIONS BRING POOL FUND TO $9168 STUDENTS' POOR WORK DUE TO INABILITY TO ADJUST SELVES TO UNIVERSITY LIFE A 20 per cent decrease in the cost of some dishes most frequently call- ed for has been announced by seyeral cafeterias, the decline coming since the reopening of school. Boarding houses, too, are showing a tendency to lower rates. ,One house has gone to $7 per week for three meals, which represents a decrease of 50 cents. An- other house has also lowered rates 50 cents a week, the price now being $7.50 instead of $8 for three meals and $.50 instead of $7 for two meals. Lower Prices Not Universal The tendency to lower prices is not, however, unanimous among proprie- tors,-as certain cafeteria owners and boarding house managers refuse to make afiy change in their prices. Roast pork with potatoes, bread and butter, and a drink can be obtained now for 40 cents at some cafeterias, as compared with the former price of 50 cents in December. One cafeteria which formerly charged 55 cents is down to 50 cents on this same order. Roast beef, sirloins, or pork chops, including potatoes, bread and butter, and drink, are also selling for 40 cents at certain cafeterias. The former price was 50 cents. Prices Vary Prices range from 5 to 7 cents on single orders for milk. Some cafe- terias get 5 cents, others 6 cents, and still others 7 cents. One owner, who was, selling milk for 5 cents before Christmas, is asking 7 cents again. This increase, however, is the only one so far reported. Another pro- prietor, who formerly obtained 7 cents, is charging only 5 cents now when milk is included in a larger or- der. Cafeteria owners do not agree on charges for sandwiches and pie cuts. At some places, hamburgers have come down to 10 cents. Others are charging 15 cents. At one cafeteria cold ham sandwiches were reduced from 15 to 10 cents. Some proprie- tors are now selling cuts of pie, four out of a nine-inch pie for 10 cents, while others insist on getting out five cuts, also at 10 cents each. a Cakes Down to 10 Cents Cakes, butter and syrup are now down to 10 cents at some places and 15 cents at others. Apple sauce, cran- berry sauce, and other side dishes have been reduced 5 cents by some resturants but not by all. Ham and eggs or bacon have drop- ped at some places from 40 cents to 35 cents. Roast beef alone is 25 cents, meat pie 25 cents and spinach and spare ribs 30 cents. While some of the cafeterias and boarding houses are reducing prices and passing the lowered cost of food- stuffs to the students, there are some proprietors who can see little likeli- hood of a decrease. High overhead costs, especially labor and gas, is thein, chief reason for not following others in lowering rates. Those who have large stocks. on hand also think they can make no reduction at this time, as do some of the owners who are buying on old contracts, still in force. - (Continued on page Eight) DEFINITE PLANS FOR BALANCE NOT YET NOUNCED RAISING AN- Additional subscriptions to the bn- ion swimming pool fund reported yes- terday made the total amount received to date $9,168.05. This is but a small fraction of the sum iecessary to com- plete the pool, and no definite- plans have been announced as yet for rais-. ing the balance of. the fund. Students who solicited during the holidays and have not as yet turned in their reports are requested to do so immediately. Subscriptions will be received at the main desk in the lobby or in the business office in the base- ment. PI DELTA EPSILON CONVENTION HERE For the first time in 12 years Pi Delta Epsilon, honorary journalism fraternity, will hold its annual con- vention outside of New York City when it will meet in Ann Arbor next April, according to a decision of the grand council Monday. The convention is to be held at the Union the first week in April and will last for three days. At least two del- egates from each of the 19 chapters of the fraternity are expected to at- tend. "Alpha Kappa chapter has already begun making arrangements for the three day program for Pi Delta Ep- silon's meeting here next spring," said C. Stewart Baxter, '21, president of the Michigan chapter. Mark Elbert, '20, was elected na- tional president of the organization at the meeting of the grand council at the 'society's club rooms on River- side drive last Monday, and Philip C. Pack, '18, was elected national treas- urer.- Mark Elbert, who resigned as pres- ident of the local chapter last year to become national treasurer, was assistant managing editor of The Daily. He is now working with a large advertising agency in Chicago. Spain Files Challenge for Davis Cup New York, Jan. 6.-Spain is the first nation to file a 1921 challenge for the Davis cup emblematic of the world's team tennis championship. Notifica- tion to this effect was received by the United States Lawn Tennis associa- tion tonight. Outside Activities Lar ely Responsible for Unsatisfactory Results Inability of students to adjust them- selves to university life is, in the opin- ion of Prof. C. O. Davis, of the educa- tional department, adviser to fresh- men, the primary .cause for the poor work done by those students who were recently placed on the warned and probation lists. Outside actiyities, in- cluding manual labor and play, are also largely responsible for the un- satisfactory results. Intentions Are Good "I am greatly impressed," said Pro- fessor Davis, "with the seriousness and good intentions of the majority of students on the warned or proba- tion lists who have come to see me. Inmny opinion, a large number of these students have not adjusted themselves OMPLETES -flRAFT, OF CITY CHARTER Commission of Which Prof. E. C. God. dard of the Law School Is Chairman Files Report NUMBER OF CHANGES MADE TO SECURE DIRECTNESS1 With the aim of starting from the present city government, making only such changes as will insure simplicity and directness, the city charter com- mission of which Prof. E. C. Goddard of the Law school is chairman has completed the draft of the proposed city charter. Professor Goddard said yesterday that a draft had been filed with the city clerk. In view of the fact that much of the old charter deals with regulations which need revising from time to time, the commission suggests that these be enacted as ordinances. What the commission has attempted has been to include only fundamentals in the proposed charter. This aim has been accomplished with a few neces- sary exceptions., Directors Substituted1 Instead of the boards in existence under the present charter, the sub- stitution of directors of the depart-' ments chosen by and responsible to the council marks the chief differ- ence in officials. A mayor elected by the city at large and a council elected by wards is provided for in both char- ters. Eight wards, each selecting its own councilman and three councilmen elected by'the city at large, are pro- vided for in the proposed charter. It is pointed out that this arrangement serves the double purpose of keeping down the size .of the council, -thus making it a workable body, and al- lowing the city as a whole more share in the selection of the council. At the same time to each ward is left the nomination and election of a repre- sentative from the ward itself. Extends Term- of Office To give greater continuity to the government and also to avoid the expense of many elections, the pro- posed charter advocates extension of the term of office to four years, half being elected every two years. The present system, that of electing a jus- tice of the peace by the city at large, is to be continued. Under the new charter provision is made for city clerk, city attorney, treasurer, assessor, constables, and supervisors, all except the last to be chosen by and responsible to the coun- cil. The five directors of depart- ments, the active administrative offi- cers, are responsible to the council, and choose their own subordinates who in turn are responsible to them. It is not believed that the new char- ter necessitates a single' additional official. Essentially the same relations as at. present are those of the city clerk, treasurer, assessor, and city attorney. Budget Commission Planned A budget commission is planned to consist of the mayor, city clerk, and treasurer. The city's representatives on the board of supervisors are to be the mayor, assessor, city clerk, city attorney, and three councilmen at large. An important feature to be worked c4t under the proposed charter is that of zoning the city so as to protect residence portions and to secure a de-. 7elopment of the city as a whole in (Continued on Page Eight) to the University requirements. The latter are far more difficult than they have realized. Perhaps they do not know that it is an unwritten law of this University that the individual must put in two hours of outside study each week for each hour of credit. "On the otherhand there are a num- ber of students who are spending too much time in manual work. Univer- sity professors wish to help those stutdents who are working their way through school as much as they can, and yet there are certain students who are spending far too much time in this outside work." There are a few students, according to Professor Davis, who have acknowl- edged that they are not spending enough time on their University work. List a Friendly Warning The mid-semester warned and pro- bation lists are simply a friendly warning on the part of University of- ficials that the student's work must not drop lower than it is and in some cases must improve decidedly. The whole purpose is to keep students from penalty at the end of the semes- ter. The number of these students is practically the same percentage of the student body as in former years. "The pyschological tests to be giv- en to all students on the warned or probation lists will be a fine thing," said Professor Davis. "They will give the student a more sympathetic treat- ment, and will help them to find the; reason for their poor work. Students should not fear the tests. They are being devised for their own benefit." BASKETBALL TICKETSI GD FAST;_SOME LEFT' OHIO AND PURDUE CONTESTS LIKELY TO BE HOTLY -CONTE STED - Basketball tickets will be distrib- uted at the booth in University hall until Saturday noon unless the sup- ply is exhausted before that time. At the rate the tickets were going yes- terday there will be none available' after tonight, according to Athletic association officialsi. The Board of Regents has placed a limit of 2,200 spectators for each game. The requests- to date have been greater for the Indiana-Illinois and the Iowa-Wisconsin groups. Athletic of- ficials are at a loss to account for this- as, according to all advance in- formation, the Ohio and Purdue games will be the most hotly contested. The booth will be open from 9 to 12 and from 1:30 to 5 o'clock today. B ORGANIZATION OF AMIPAIGN T4 BE SIMILAR TO THAT OF PREVIOUS ONES $1 A MAN WILL MAKE _ PROJECT SUCCESSFUl Employment Bureau, Service Commit tee Are Among Those Included In Benefiting Departments With the aim of securing at leas $5,000, the budget for the coming year, the Student Christian associa tion campaign for funds begins nex Tuesday evening. Donald J. Porter '21, is general chairman of the drive Organization of the work will b4 similar to that of the Union life mem bership drive and to that of the Lane hall drive last year. Captains have been appointed by the general chair- man and these men each select teams of 10 men who will each see a cer. tam number of men to obtain thei contributions. Aim at $1 a Man With this year's budget set a $5,000, it will be necessary for nearly every man on the campus to con- tribute at least a dollar to secure th amount necessary for carrying on th year's work. Officials of Lane hal believe, however, that the studen- body is- beginning to appreciate the work of the University service corn mittee, the extension service, the em ployment bureau, and the other de partments of the S. C. A., and expec this will be shown in the size of the contributions. Seven Departments Included The seven departments of the S. C A., which will be included in the bud- get, are: university service commit te, religious education, extensioi service by students throughout th state, world service by Michigan grad uates in foreign countries, frienidl service to foreign students, studen employment bureau, and publicit: concerning religion. Instructions for team captains an details of the campaign will be ex plained to them at a luncheon at 1 o'clock today at Lane hall. GROESBECK'S MESSAGEn GOVERNOR DEALT WITH BUDGE'1 IN RIGHT WAY, SAYS BURTON President Marion L. Burton state last night that he was greatly please with the way in which Gov. Alexande- J. Groesbeck dealt with the matte of the appropriation for the Univer sity in his message delivered to th legislature yesterday. "The outlool for the acceptance of the Universit: budget is good," said the Presideni "and Governor Groesbeck's messag shows that he is in the proper fram of mind." Tells of Finances After covering the condition of th state finances and stressing the neces sity of economy in the adminstratio: of state affairs, the governor consid ered in his message the additional ex penditures that the state must mak in the next few years. "It will avail us nothing to criti cise the policies of the past, which, is alleged, have been largely instru mental in bringing about these condi tions," said the governor inn his mes sage. "We must deal with them a we find them, and formulate a fisca policy which will not only take car of the reasonable expenses of th state administration, but allow th building of such necessary extension to our institutions as is consister with reasonable demands. - Question of How Soon "If it is true that the University, fc instance, needs some $16,000,000 to re place obsolete structures, and tho this condition has prevailed for a col siderable number of years withoi remedy, then the question is how soc shall this work be started and ho soon shall the money be raised." v I OVER THE WIRE 1 Paterson, N. J., Jan. 6.-The federated board of governors of associated.in- dustries of Paterson today addressed an announcement to "the . citizens of Paterson" asserting that all silk work- ers must return to a 48 hour week basis by Jan. 17 and that lower wages are inevitable. Moundsville, W. Va., Jan. 6.-A tail- or shop in the West Virginia peniten- tiary was set on fire here tonight by several convicts who tried to escape. Warden Terrill announced that one prisoner, a man serving a life term, had escaped during the trouble. Ottawa, Can., Jan. 6.-Elimination of strikes and labor disputes in the building industry of Canada through the use of standardized wage agree- ments and contracts is contemplated in a plan to be considered by the As- sociation of Canadian Building and Construction Industries. Wages would be standardized throughout the Dom- inion and a standard contract form would be used. Washington, Jan. 6.-The war fin- NOTICE! ALL SENIORS Due to labor conditions affect- ing our engravers and printers the final date for taking of Sen- ior pictures for the Michigan- ensian IS JANUARY 22. Ar- range for sittings immediately. Saturday, January 22 is thq final date. Dont wait until the last ance corporation is hoping for busi- ness, Secretary Houston announced today, adding that the corporation would carry out the law creating it in the- spirit in which the statute was drawn as the result of action of con- gress in overriding the President's veto. The treasury secretary said that funds for making loans would be fil-i ed by the corporation but that no steps would be taken to acquire the fund until the needs of the corporation were known.