THE MICHIGAN DAIL.I :.. . a r t x DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I.' Volume I, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 5, 1921. Number 66. WAT'S GOING ON WEDNESDAY 5:00-Editorial staff of tie Michigan- ensian meets in the Press building. 7:15--Intercollegiate Zionist society meets at Lane hall. THURSDAY Qr 0 -1. C GlnraI cn~l-. ntnf "Excelsior" and "National" Diaries ---- ALSO THE Handy Desk Calendar oRIC 75cts. B UNIVERSITY WAH R OOKSTORES There will be a meeting of the Deans n the office of the President at 10 o'clock Wednesday, Jan. 5. M. L. BURTON. Dental Faculty: The regular meeting and dinner of the full teaching staff will be held at the Michigan Union at 6:15 o'clock Thursday evening. MARCUS L. WARD. Department of Romance languages: The regular monthly luncheon of the staff of the department will be held at the Union today, Wednesday, at 12:15. A. G. CANFIELD. Senate Council: The regular meeting of the Senate Council has been postponed from Jan. 10 to Feb. 7. R. W. BUNTING, Secretary.. University Club:+ . Thee next entertainment of the University club will be on Friday even- ing, Jan.7. Open only to members. ALFRED H. LLOYD. Varsity Debates: The Mid-West Debating question will be the Official Recognition by the American Government of the Soviet. Government of Russia. Society try- outs for this debate must be off by Saturday, Jan. 8. Those who are not members of a literary society will have a special try-out Saturday morn- ing, Jan. , in Room 302 Mason hall. Such persons should hand their names to the undersigned immediately upon returning from vacation. All who are eligible are urged to enter the try-outs. RAY K. IMMEL, Inter-Collegiate Contest Director. Junior Research Club: The regular meeting has been postponed until Jan. 18, at which date 8:00-Lhristman SCience society 11clts ..... ,. in Lane hal. U-NOTICES r" There will be no meeting of the Stu- dent council tonight. WEuJ TWO NEW CHAPTERS ADMITTED TO SIGMA XI AT CONVENTION=EE Two new chapters, one at the Mass- ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY achusetts Institute of Technology and RICHARD C. HERNDON Presents the other at Ames college, were ad- HEstinguishsdn tt . mitted into Sigma Xi, scientific hon- =America's Most Distinguished Emotional Actress orary fraternity, at its convention Dec. 30, at the University of Chicago. Twenty-one chapters were repre- sented by delegates, the Michigan chapter sending Dr. Okkelburg, of the zoology department, Prof. H. H. Bart- -INyHER- lett, of the botany department, and -NE Prof. A. F. Shull, of the zoology de-=[1 partment. The delegates attended a GREATEST NUM"S business meeting in the afternoon and a banquet in the evening at which sev- VXPTTH EMH eral prominent investigators spoke.SI NTE N Michigan Daily liners bring re- 1 NEW YORK CHICAGO sults.-Adv.IC - SIFLOW IE J MIMEOGR APHING CIRCULAR LETTERS ("La Malquerida," by Jacinto Benevente, Nobel Prize Winner, 1919) POST CARDS ETC. "A BLAZING GENIUS IN A WONDERFUL PLAY" 24 -HOUR SERVICE -Amy Leslie, in Chicago Daily News Leave Orders at THE ORIGINAL CAST AND PRODUCTION ENTIRE Either of BestE Wahr's Bookstores Seats -ta T 01T10TTOW or Edwards Bros. $2,50 :11#11# 1111## 1111#111111111111111l 1# 11l N#1#111111#1111#11111111##11111111111111111 IIl#1111[I[I 1 IIII##li#ll IIIII I111 1111 11 111##Ii F nouncemnt will be niade. R. O. BRIGHAM, Secretary. MODERN TOO; WORLD IS. SUPERIFIC AL -PRES. BURTON. Asserting that he world today is suffering 'from superficiality and the application of half truths, Persident Marion L. Burton recommended, as a solution to current problems, the sci- entific collection of the facts regard- ing them; followed by wise and timely legislation, without regard to the in- terests of aiy group or section, in his address on "The University, a Bond Between the Nations," given at the Cosmopolitan convention banquet in Newberry hall on last Wednesday eve-' ning. President Burton said he be- lieved it to be the duty of every citizen of every nation to give his country the kind of loyalty that will held it to be- come in all respects the nation it ought to be. 50 Colleges Represented The banquet brought to a close the 14th annual convention of the Corda Fratres association of Cosmopolitan clubs which began on Monday, Dec. 27. Delegatesafrom 50 colleges and universities throughout the United States were in attendance. The visit- ing members were guests of the local Cosmopolitan club. After devoting the first session on Monday afternoon to the business af--1 fairs of the organization, the dele- gates were entertained at dinner in Lane hall. In the evening they were addressed by Prof. T. E. Rankin, of the rhetoric department'. Reporters Barred Prof. J. C. Hildner, presiding of- ficer of the association, delivered his message at the session on Tuesday afternoon, and Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, former president of Northwestern un- iversity, spoke on "The International Mind," Tuesday evening. A a result of exception taken by the East Indian delegates to certain re- marks made by Dr. Hough which they regarded as partial to England, press representatives were excluded from the sessions on Wednesday. REFUSE DISCUSSION OF PLANS TO NEGOTIATE IRISH TRUCE Dubl/in, Jan. 4.-3y 22 votes to 15, the Dublin Corporation has declined to discuss proposals for an Irish truce. The negative vote came in spite of a strong appeal from High Sheriff McWalter, who declared it was a "poor honor to De Valera, who is alleged to'be in the country in the in- terests of peace, for persons profess- ing to be his followers to object to such discussion." PUBLIC DEBT DECREASES 192 MILLION IN DECEMBER Washington, Jan. 4.-A decrease of $192,932,075 in the public debt during the last month of 1920 was announced today byothe Treasury Department. On Dec. 31 the total gross debt was $23,- 982,224,168, compared with $24,087,- 356,128 on last Sept. 30, and $20,596,- 701,648 on Aug. 31, 1919, when the war debt was at its peak. ALLEGED BROTHER OF MARTYR MAYOR ARRIVES AS STOWAWAY Newport News, Va., Jan. 4. - Two men who identified themselves as Pet- er J. MacSwiney, brother of the late lord mayor of Cork, and another who said he was the present lord mayor of Cork arrived in Newport News to- night as stowaways on the American steamship, West Canon, from an Irish port. MacSwiney carried a passport vised by an American consul. For TIHE BANK OF SERVICE Commercial Banking in all its Branches. Savings Department and Safety Deposit Vaults. Exchange on All Parts of the World. A. B. A. Travelers' Checks. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK S T UD Y AMPS and all .kinds of ELECTRIC SUPPLIES go to WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP 101-103 So. Main St. 330 So. State St., (Nickels Arcade) Member of the Federal Reserve System. PHONE 273 200 WASHINGTON ST. . r U I. . ALL SUITS and OVERCOATS 331/3% Ott BACK TO WORK Resolve to make your 1921 school year more worth while. Apply a sufficient amount of mental and spirit- ual recreation along with your studies. Try music, the best medium known for rest and relaxation. WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR MUSICAL NEEDS {' HATS, CAPS, GLOVES AND ALL FURNISHINGS i from the lowly Jew's Harp to the world renowned King Band Instruments; from Ukuleles to the finest Martin Guitars and Mandolins, Victor Victrolas, High Grade Pianos and Player Pianos. , SEE US. 20% O)tt Wadhams & Co. Two COMPLETE STORES SCHAEBERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE 110 SOUTH MAIN STREET STATE STREET MAIN STREET .... .. mwww. "EANERS 06 4 --AND- PRESSERS 20Q4 E: WMSINOTffoO Wne6Z8. Ladies Party Gowns a Specialty DEY P PLEASED! YOU SURE WILL BE PLEASED WITH PORTRAITS MADE BY i THEY'RE 11 THEY HAVE REAL INDI- VIDUALITY ING THE THING i N'CE O'NEIL IN HER GREATEST SUCCESS, "THE PASSION FLOW- EU," WHITNEY THEATER, SATURDAY NIGHT, JAN. 8. STATE STREET PHOTOGRAPHER DEY .