SUPPLEMENT FEATURES THEATRES MUSIC LITERARY SUNDAY FEATUR:E SECTION , i ttn 4])atl VOL. XXXI. No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1920 BIG YEAR (By Jack Dakin) An increased activity in all lines of University endeavor seems to be the keyrfote of Michigan at the beginning of the new year, at evidenced by the expressed policies of President Ma- rion L. Burton and the awakened at- titude of both faculty and undergrad- uates. The fact that the University is entering upon a new era of its ex- istence is doubtless responsible for the fact that professor and student alike are alert for developments. A period of change in one direction has been completed that progress in an- other may begin. The- fact that the enrollment this year is no enormous increase over last makes it probable that for a few years, at any rate, the University may remain numerically stable., While there will doubtless be much chance for further growth in attendance and the erection of new buildings end en- largement of educational facilities generally, the time has come' when Michigan may begin to make full use of such accomplishments as the Union, the new Library, the new wom- en's dormitories, and other new edi- fices such as the Natural Science building. Such, accomplishments will remain as monumetns to the regime of President Harry B. Hutchins. Prospects Bright At the beginning of every school year, one is impressed with the bustle on the streets, in the classrooms and all places where students congregate. But this year there is an undercur- rent in the atmosphere which, to one who has a failing for prophecy, spells but one thing: increased activity in all lines of work. While the athletic problem in gen- eral and the football situation in par-= ticular may not be of primary impor- tance this year, they are topics which LOOM are very near to the hearts of stu- dents and alumni who long for a re- turn of the old days of Michigan's athletic domination of the west. A part in making the football season is open to every student as well as to players and coaches. Michigan's fine track team will need to be re- built to a large extent, and in basket- ball the University has never placed as it should in the Conference. Last year, great interest was taken in such sports as hockey, swimming and golf. This year there is a possi- bility that regular teams will be or- ganized to represent the University in these sports, thus giving many more men an opportunity to exercise, and to compete for Michigan. The completed Union after a year of running service has proved itself a powerful influence in student life by fulfilling its functions of service and recreation. The part that it FOR played in University affairs last year may be taken merely as an indication of its potentialities in the year that lies ahead. For the Union offers al- most unlimited opportunity to both the student who wishes to become en- gaged in some sort of extra-curricu- lum work, and to the student who merely wishes to partake of the ad- vantages offered him by the Union. Stanley Resigns The fact that Dr. Albert A. Stanley will resign from his position as direc- tor of the University School of Music at the close of the present school year has but served to spur to renewed efforts the me , who arrange concerts and other mut cal entertainments in Ann Arbor, in order that his last year. may be a worthy one. It is said that an unusually notable number of art- ists will appear in Ann Arbor during the next eight months. ACTIVITIES OFFER OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE MICIA MANY VARIETIES OF WORK WHICH STUDENTS MAY PARTICIPATE IN (By B. P. Campbell) Among those various factors which go to round out the life of the Mich- igan man there is probably none more potent than that of participating in. some one, or more; of the various stu- dent activities with which the campus abounds. The athlete who enters col- lege has his .campus work fairly well cut out for him. Athletic teams are of paramount importance to a univer- sity, and there is always a place for the athlete who is willing to give his best. But what 'of the thousands of men who comne to Michigan unfitted to en- ter athletics? Must they be deprived of the opportunity for service merely because they are not the physical specimens which some of their class- mates are? Absolutely .not'. There is work on the campus, for every Michigan man who is ready to play the game, whateverone he picks, to the best of his.-ability. New Activity The rooming committee, which did such a great work this fall, was com- posed of students, working under fac- ulty supervision, and sponsored by the Michigan Union. The Union itself presents one of the widest fields for student activities on the campus. Un- der its direction are carried on cam- paigns for life members in this same institution. Last year it instituted, and carried to a .successful end, a campaign for the money for a por- trait of Preisdent Harry B. Hutchins. This year it has begun, and will carry through, a system of upperclassmen advisers for freshmen. Much of the actual work at the Union is done by its committees. All these tasks are placed in the hands of students, with- out whose aid they could never be ac- 4complished. ThepVarsity. band is a student af- fair, entirely, as is also the Glee club., Both of these Michigan 'institutions deserve and require the co-operation :of Michigan men. Without this co- operation they cannotexis and their failure would be a. blot on the Uni- versity's record. One of the greatest opportunities offered comes through the publica- tions. Artists are! always in demand by both The Chimes and The Gar- goyle while the former is constantly on the lookout for persons capable of writing good articles of current cam- (Continued on Page 4) 21o winj Offers Students Work Bowling has begun at the Union, with the opening of the alleys last Monday morning. Some difficulty was experienced at first in finding pin boys but the raise in price of bowling to twenty cents a line allows the payment of a sum large enough to draw more than enough boys. Union officials officials stated that the raise was due to the fact that pin boys could not be secured at the old rates. Many students are employed setting up the pins and more can be used, pro- vided.they can arrange their schedules satisfactorily. At the present the alleys are not used much during the afternon but well-filled during the evening. ALUMNI AC TI DRAWiSTTENTION Places Graduates in Limelight; Many Former Students Leaders in Their Professions (By John E. McManis) The activity of the Detroit Alumni chapter in meeting the recent athletic crisis at the University of Michigan has centered considerable attention on the campus upon the men that have graduated from the University in the past 40 or 50 years. As a leader of the Detroit chapter, J. O. Murfin, now a University regent the two Watkins, James and John, and Robert Clancy have rendered inval- uable service to the University. At the Alumni luncheon held at the Hotel Cadillac in Detroit last Wednesday, Judge Murfin stated that with the ex- ception of the time of the war the whistle has blown only once on Ferry field when he was not there. This is an example of the spirit that most Michigan alumni show, or would shov had they the opportsnity. Mr. Clancy is now the field secretary for the De- troit alumni, and' has personally aid- ed many of the men now playing on the freshman football team Ito come to thes1UFniversity. Others who will p'ay on other teams have been found Places to room, board and work by Mr. Clancy. Wiliam Heston, at present judge f the Peace court in Detroit, is another of the graduates of Michigan who has ,made a mark in the world. Judge Heston will be remembered as one of the most famous of the old-time foot- ball stars., Grads Are Senators At one time it was said that there were twice as -many graduates of the Michigan Law school in Congress as any other two schools in the United (Continued on Page 3) RUN UNION LIKE CORPORATION SAYS .. (By Byron Darnton) Paul Eaton has an idea. That is significant because Paul Eaton is the new president of the Michigan Union. New presidents have a habit of intro- ducing new methods. There are going to be some new methods at the Union. Back of these methods is the idea. And there is the story. The Union is a corporation under the laws of the state of Michigan. This year it is to be run like a cor- poration. The word corporation brings to mind such names as Carnegie and Schwab. This is true because these men made successful corporations. And when they told in magazine ar- ticles how it was done they all had the same story.. "I picked the men, and made them responsible." Department Head There is the idea. Committee chairmen (they are the department heads of the business corporation) are to be responsible, and independ- ent. Here is the way it will work. Sup- pose the Union decides to make a drive for members, or to raise money to' send the track team east, or to feed the Armenians, or what not. Eaton will pick his committee chair- man. That chairman will have hiss job explained to him. He will be told exactly what must be done. Then he will do it, and he will get the credit for it. There are several permanent com- mittee chairmen. There will be many special committee chairmen. These "heads of departments" will meet with the president once each week. They will discuss all the activities of the Union. They will criticize each other, and help each other. But every last one of them will run his own committee as he sees fit, as long as the work of that committee is done properly. When the work is not done properly, there will be a new chair- man. That is how the corporation will function, with its president and its heads of departments, to further the interests of its stockholders, the men of the University. More Incentive All this will accomplish just two results. - There will be a greater in- centive for men to work for chair- manships, and the added responsibil- ity of these positions will mean bet- ter work by the chairmen. It's the old story of Namgay Doola. The Union is getting to be a large organization. It now has more than (Continued on Page 3) Michigan Athlete Who Entered Olympic Competition Tells Of Gruelling Trip Across Ocean (Editor's Note -Confirming the reports of other Olympic athletes relat- ing to alleged poor quarters assigned to them on the trip across the ocean, "Duke" Dunne, Michigan letter man in football and basketball, who made the United States Olympic team and p articipated in the competition at Ant- werp during the past summer, has written the following story of the trip.) (By "Duke" Dunne) I started my journey with the Olym- pic team from the Manhattan Opera house, where we were given our final send-off. Thence we marched to the dock and were ferried across the Hud- son to the pier where our ship, the government transport Princess Ma- toika, lay. We went on board and shortly thereafter a steward came to conduct me to my quarters. I followed him toward , the stern of the ship, down several flights of stairs, and through a maze of passages. To my surprise, he stopped in a large compartment far be1ow decks which contained about forty b4inks slung from iron pipes, and told me to take my choice. The following quotation from the Boston American will give some no- tion of what these quarters were: "The Olympic Committee, after hav- ing arranged sufficient accommoda- tions for the American track and field team on the SS. Finland, canceled these accommodations and sent the cream of America's athletic manhood to Europe in the hold of an army transport-a hold that a few hours before the embarking had housed the bodies of dead soldiers-a hold that still reeked with the odor of the em- balming preservative-a hold well down in the bowels of the ship and ventilated by a single canvas air- shaft; and they crowded these ath- letes, sixty or seventy in a single sec- tion, where it was not uncommon for them to experience the creepy sensa- tion of a rat or two running over their faces or squealing among their trunks or handbags." (Continued on Page 4) Books and Supplies AT For All Colleges - Both Ends of the Diagonal mill 1111111