THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ Of things Beautiful OUR HOUSE IS Too full for Utterance -PROF. 1Ek)I WILL AI)I)JESS XT. LOUIS ADVERTISERS Prof. JoLn L. lrumm of the rhetoric departmc t is ccdulAd to give a talk Dcc. 28.hetore the St. Louis Adver- lsers' club of that city. The Adver- I e' cA b is an organaon of busi- ness men, newspaper men, engravers and printers, who are connected with the advertising busine s. It has adopt- ed the policy of securing men from various parts of the country to ad- Leacock Laughs Come Again in A n$tr Volume Gifts Suitable to all Giver a OPEN EVENINGS a ibe 3ames foster ioure of Art Holiday Neck wear dress its meetings. After talking to the club Professor trumm, wiii represent the University at the convention of the Americant ;t'eachers of Journalism, which is, being held in St. Louis Dec. 29 and 30. PASAD -,A EXPECTS IAR A? CROWDS TO ROSE FESTIVAL Pasadena, Calif., Dec. 18.-Pasadena expects no fewer than 500,000 people to attend the 32nd annual Tournament) of Roses here New Year's day. The estimate of attendance is based upont earlier tournaments which have showni a steadily mounting number of vis- itors. In the morniirg procession of flowers the number of entrants will be greatly in excess of 100, and thousands will line the streets on the line of march., The afternoon football game between the University of California arld Ohio State university will he attended by probably 32,000, and the annual bal will be limited in attendance to invita- tions.a- Invitations to Attend the tournament Another of those delightfully foolish volumes by Stephen Leacock has ar- rived, this time under the title of "Winsome Winnie and Other Nonsense Novels." Once more the jolly, red- haired, round-shouldered professor' with the merry twinkle in his eye has laid his stage with its mock scenery, set out his puppets, and pulled the strings that make the mannikins go through a series of the customaryj droll parodies on present-day fiction I as~ it appears in the most highly ap- proved parlor magazines. The new program consists of seven numbers: the conventional heiress story; the typical women's page cir- culation-increaser, "John and I; or How 1 Nearly Lost My Husband;" the bewhiskered political story; a master- thief, master-detective thriller; the desert island episode; the war narra- tive with the omnipresent hero; and the old familiar ghost story with its well-calculated thrills-all reduced to absurdity in the typical Leacockian manner. What if the book does lack some of the freshness and spontaneity of the earlier "Nonsense Novels?" What if, where we once laughed out-loud, we now merely chuckle to ourselves? "Winsome Winnie" is burlesque of the best kind, clever mockery that leaves no sting. Professor Leacock is still j LKIN " nishing a constant reminder of your affection, USEFUL GIFTS If you give something that is used every day, for weeks or months or years, you are fur- a SUCH AS A BRUSH, MIRRM OR TOILET SET A RAZOR, SHAVING LOTION OR TAL ACUME SET A MANIURE SET The finest Quality FACE POWDER R TuILET WATER A Wonderful Showing of Knits and Cut Silks OUR STORES ARE FULL OF SUCH THINGS LOOK THEM OVER Exclusive Patterns diving u *1 Wadhams & " . , ,, - "1 'y, Q1 have been sent to many notable per- and sons, including President-elect Warren s h C. Harding and Mrs. Harding. n c sis Work Progressing on Medical dtlin tis 1 Construction work on the new addi- rne tion to the medical building is about completed according to an announce- rmont by the buildings and grounds de- Judge partment. This addition, which will sentence incude a bacteriological laboratory achson, and a dissecting laboratory, will ac- >cn commodate about 80 students. cuts in s that concoction of serious- facetiousness that only he , ,-r - r, IA COMING HOLIDAY AT- TRACTIONS THAT YOU WILL ENJOY ! 11 REMEMBER THE DATES WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY DECEMBER 22-23 CC'U) Y, XI )X I)ECEIs 0i~ 11 one woman e Learned the Cru t h about Men 5.) Bitter Experience METRtO I cLASSIC d I. ' Y .t kYonly O E woman? Either saintly or satanic; one or the other; or both... Or is she like Claire Martin SUN. - MON. - TUES. DECEMBER 26-27-28 THOMAS H. INCE PRESENTS CHARLES in WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY DECEMBER 29- 0 I U FRIDAY - SATURDAY DECEMBER 31 - JANUARY 1 I 4 AnOl fashioo4; bnSO Strips the Glamour from Studio Life . . . . . Picturized from Arthur Stringer's novel, "The Waffle Iron" );Dred by PhILIP E. ROSEN ALSO BRAY COMIC THE EXPLORERS' STANDARD COMEDY 'STICKY--SIX" 4C .? 6 A METRO CLASSIC sh en versioni. of WilliamHurlbus £Play 'a'ithALC featured in the leading role? A drama of the Latin Quarter of Paris, where angthing may happen and everything does.' Adapted by HAYDEN TALBOT and MARC ROBBINS .a 4 i 9=MOW . r r Starring £?tgTa~tm intg'cture -1 r His taste was all for his grand- dad's ways, but his sweetheart was nothing like grand-mother ! So she jolted him out of his pre-historic past, and- No-, poor girl, she can't see him for dust! , Revealing the double life of a girl who sold her soul for dia- monds. Laid in the famous jewel fields of Africa. Athrill with vil- lainy, secrecy, love, and the mystic spell of Oriental sorceries 6_ Revealing some brand new angles (and curves!) on the old old game of love.. starting fast in a N'Orleans carnival. Gathering speed on New York's Gay White Way. Winding up to a breathless end in frisky, festive Monte Carlo ti l Directed by CHARLES SWICKARD OUT PAST i WITH JACK HOLT and I SELECT COMEDY THE SNITCH BRAY PICTO r4A2 The Tale of an 1860 Model Who Won in a 1920 Finish A BIG SUPPORTING CAST