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December 18, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-12-18

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VOL. XXXI. No. 64.


I sr HH e reo'n1 . B N D SnF ORn0I 0T g U niversity students w ill pay hom -VI TO
0 Uii r One of the most serious earthquakes U age to the Goddess of Terpsichore,
in recent years was recorded on the ._forgetting for, a while knowledge and
seismograph of the observatory Bits kindred associates, at a dance to
EQ DALIlI NB DEBT ~ : ft h bevtr Bill Now Pending Wold Establish b ie ne heasie fteLARGE COD N VO C A IO N AD IENCE
Thursday morning. The strength of Provision for Secretary in be given under the aspices of the
the shock is said to have rivaled that junior lits from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock
JULES BACIE PRESENTS PLAN of the Los Angeles earthquake of last this afternoon at the Union. DAN KL&Y SPEAKER AT NEEDS F
TOWAYS A" MEANS year, although the center of disturb- r Music will be furnished by "Nobe"
COMMITTEE ance in this case was far out in the AUTHORIZES APPROPRIATION Wetherbee's orchestra. A feature will SENIOR ENGINEER ASSEMBLY GRAPHICALLY TOLD IN
Atlantic and no damage was done. $100000,000 FOR STATES' USE be the introduction line, which will -TALK
The preliminary vibrations began ,enable girls attending the dance unes- Addressing the senior engineers -
to arrive here at 6:30 o'clock Thurs- At the adjourned meeting of the corted to meet others from their yesterday morning on "The Call of AUDITORIUM CROWDED
LIBERTY BONDS TO PAR day morning, and the last tremor oc- University Senate held last night a classes. the Practical," Dean A. H. Lloyd, of BEFORE SPEECH BEGINS
curred about 9 o'clock. resolution was adopted approving of Tickets are on sale at the Graham the Graduate school, drew a compar-
Also Submits Revenue Program That the appointing by the United States bookstores and in University hall, ison between hthe narrow pactical
Would Yield Three and One- congress of a department of Educa- while a few will be on sale at the man and the man of broader practi- Pays Tribute to Forme
S nin y tion. The resolution, which was drawn door. cability. Presidents Angell and
V u 0 uICT £ up by a committee of which Dean Immediately after the speech a
Washington, Dec. 17.-Flotation of answer to a questionnaire sent out by social committee reported that a Yesterday's All-University Student
a bond issue into which would be re- IJUIIDVPLCES the American committee on education, L '/{1Ijoint smoker had been planned in con- Convocation will stand out among
funded practically the entire bonded of which this University is a mem- lnjunction with senior lits for Thurs- similar events of other years for the
indebtedness of the American govern- ber. 111111 V II LL V lIday, Jan. 13, at which President Bur- extreme simplicity with which it was
ment was proposed to the ways and Eating House Proprietors Prepared The Department of Education is to . ton and Deans Cooley and Effinger marked and for the direct, convincing
means committee by Jules Bache, a to Cut Rates After be established by the Smith-Towner had consented to speak. manner in which President Marion L
New York banker, as a means 'of Holidays'bill now pending in congress, with a DEAN LLOYD GIVES ADDRESS Burton took his audience completely
equalizing the burden of taxation re- secretary in the President's cabinet. BEFORE MEETING OF into his confidence and placed.be-
suiting from the World war. MEATS, FLOUR, SUGAR AND In addition, the bill authorizes an ap- SOCIETY M S'flO PRISIFT fore them a rapid survey of the his-
Bonds of the new issue proposed OTHER STAPLES ARE DOWN propriation of $100,000,000 to encour- "U UE iLUL tory of the University, its present
would run for fifty years, bearing a age and assist the states in the pro- Alfred H. Lloyd, dean of the Grad- condition and needs, and the plans h
scale of interest rates starting at 6 While cafeteria prices are already motion of education, with the express uate school, addressed Sigma Xi, yes CUlL T has for keeping it in the forefront of
!per cent for the first five years with a little lower, the break having come provision that the management of the terday on the subject of "Universityies.
:per prvision hat themanagemnLong hbeforey 4:30h o'clockf "theersi-
a minimum rate of four and one-half as a result of the great price de- public schools shall remain excu- Policy in Relation to Research." Long before 4:30 o'clock, the ap-
per cent. Mr. Bache declared that such crease in sugar, flour and other sta- sively under state control. Following the address a business ~he Greatest Gift," the Masques pointed time for the convocation, th
an issue would serve to bring Liber- ples since summer, the .prevailing Appreciations of the late Profs. meeting was held in which the so- W Christmas play, will be presented at main floor and balconies of Hill aud
ty bonds back to par, while at the opinion among restaurant men is that Isaac Demmon, and W. T. Barbour, ety voted in favor of the creation of a the Women's league party at 3 o'clock torium were filled, and the attendance
same time permitting retirement of prices will go still lower. Some who died last March at New Haven, national Sigma X fellowship. The this afternoon in Barbour gymnas- was limited only by the capacity of the
two per cent of the outstanding Lib- boarding houses, too,' 'anticipate a were read by a committee consisting financial backing for the fellowship is lum. Carol singing by the Glee club auditorium.
erty bonds each year. lowering of 'prices to students, but of Profs. L. A. Strauss, Fred M. Tay- to be raised among the members of Given Applause
The New Yor banker also submit- others refuse to admit that a decrease sr, and Aldred S. Warthin. the society. In this manner graduate r tie wmusical background President Burton was greeted by a
ted a revenue program which he de- will be made. students may be materially aided in for the production, which is to be round of applause as he appeared on
clared would easily produce $3,500,- Wholesale prices of fresh meat cuts, AMERICANS KILLED IN RIOTS the furtherance of research. made up in part of tableaux depicting the platform. The entire audience
000,000 annually. Included In it was both beef and pork, reached the low IN PHILIPPINE ISLANDS It was also decided that in the fut- scenes from the story of the Nativity. then rose to ,their feet as a mark of
a sales tax of one per cent which he levels of the pre-war period with the ure associate members may be chosen According to Prof. J. Raleigh Nel-, respect to him and remained standing
estimated would yield $2,000,000,000 close of business last week, Armour Manila, P. I., Dec. 17. - Eleven from students who have completed until he motioned them to be seated.
annually. Continuatioii of the excise and company announced the first of men, four Americans and seven Phil- three years university work and have son, the work of the cast has been Entering immediately upon his me-
taxes yielding about $350,000,000 and this week. ippinos, were killed here last night shown particular efficiency in at entirely satisfactory, and a finished sage without oratorical flourish or
the enactment of a tariff which -would Promises Lower Prices during a riot between enlisted men least two sciences. The emblem of and pleasing performance may be ex- prelude, he proceeded to give the stu-
produce $700,000,000 were also em- "After Christmas we are going to of the Philippino constabularly and the associate member will be entirely pected. Beside the cast proper, many dents more information about their
braced in the program. lower our price from $7.50 to $7 per the Manila police. distinctive, the idea being malnly t other members 'of Masques will ap- University in- one hour than many
As regards an income tax he rec- week for three meals a day and from The Americans killed were Captain associate undergraduates contemplat- pear inthe tableaux, and the group had accumulated in the course of four
ommended the enactment of the fiat $6.50 to $6 for two meals," said Mrs of Police Wichmann, Patrolmen Tro- ing research work with graduates settings. A number of children have years.
normal rate of five per cent on all in- C. A. Failing of the Failing house yes- gue and Driscoll, and Augustus Jacu- and professors already engaged in been especially trained' for appear Wants to Know Students
comes with an exemption of $5,000. terday. "We can now buy quite a lit- man, field clerk of the United States these pursuits. Associate members ance in one part of the production.
Taxes on incomes below $5,000 he de- tle cheaper and are going to give the army. Fifty shots were fired when coming under this provision will, in A few girls from the Mandolin club "r tv e you ome ogeth-
.dared were small and did not come students the benefit of the drop in 40 constabulary men sought to avenge all probability, be chosen before the will prform the function of the usu- Universityu h oeid"W all it
from persons of whom the govern- prices." the shooting of one of their comrades end of the present semester.. al theater orchestra, and play be- Univerested in a common enterrls ian-
ment should seek revenue. He de- Promising a decrease in rates also by a Philippino policeman. Prof. H. H. Bartlett, of the botany there i chad t
elared that the super-income or sur tax after Christmas if the tendency to Gov. Gen. Francis Burton Harrison department; Prof. P. O. Okkelburg, The gymnasium has been especially t s mu vantage to be gained
had resulted in driving wealthy men lower prices continues, the Cutting and Brigadier General Crame took of the zoology department, and Dr. decorated. in holiday colors for the y you hearng from your President
to invest all their money in tax ex- cafe intends to make a reduction to active steps to quell rioting. - W. B. Shaw, alumni secretary, were 'dance, which will follow the play. what your University Is trying to do
empt securities. students. elected delegates to the national con- evera ure ances w be intro-f
In connection with consideration of D. M. Willet, proprietor of a State "LEAVE IF YOU BOLT BEFORE vention to be held in Chicago, Dec. 27. duced. that i know the students and their
__________ Memberships to the league will be sentimen ts. mgigt akfak
tax revision by the ways and means street restaurant, also predicts a HOLIDAYS," ENGINEERS TOLD
committee, one of its members, Rep- 'Irop, saying yesterday: "I believe the Gargoyle Has Large December saleurd at the door to faculty women and hat nonethis afternoonmisnderstand
resentative Treadway, Republican, of boarding houses will drop a little aft- "Engineers bolting the few days The entire issue of 2,200 Gargoyles me
Massachusetts, introduced a bill In er the first of the year." just before or after vacation are not was completely sold out before 1 I would not be here unless I b-
the house which would provide for Price Varies simply marked down for three bolts o'clock yesterday. More copies of the lieved in this institution. I came to
a tax of one-fourth of one per cent on At the cafeterias some of the mana- for each class missed," stated Dean December number were sold this year OVER THE WIRE Ann Arbor because I would rather be
all bank deposits except savings ac- ;ers are optimistic about the decline William H. Butts, of the Engineering than ever before. A few extra cop- president of the University of Michi
counts. This he estimated would pro- after Christmas. M. Behrens, assist- college, in an interview Friday. They ies will be on sale at the book stores gan than any other university on the
'duce $1,500,000,000 annually. ant manager at Fingerle's, said: "Aft- are told that their presence is no tomorrow for the benefit of any who New'York, Dec. 17.-A sum of mon- North American continent.
er the holidays I look for meats to longer desired in the Engineering col- were unable to procure a copy yes- ey, the amount of which was not dis- "I want you to understand that I
+S lm ([IHIrop five cents, vegetables will prob. lege, with the exception of course of terday. closed, was voted' today by the board do not misinterpret the past of the
ably be less and potatoes will go those who have been offi'cially ex- - of director of...the American league University. We are not criticising its
down to six cents." cused. A. S. M. E. Men Meet for Picture Today to be used in aiding the Cook county past by proposig plans for the fn-
E EANG LED b~e Is still"considerable variance Dean Butts remarked -that a wide Student members of the American state' attorney inpoecutin the ture. The only way to be true to its
both in cafeteria and boarding prices, variety of excuses were offered for Society of Mechanical Engineers will players and gamblers indicted by the remarkable past is to make a glorious
A comparison yesterday showed that acceptance, ranging all the way from meet at 12 o'clock at Rentschler' federal grand jury in connection with future."
DEATH OF ARTIST'S MOTHER at some places a complete dinner of a best girl being sick to the necessity studio fo'r Michiganensian picture. the 1919 world series scandal. TracesGrowth
NECESSITATES CHANGE roast meats or eggs, potatoes, vege- of husking corn in Indiana to save instead of 2 o'clock, as announced in Tracing the growth of the Univer-
OF PLANS tables, bread and butter, and tea, cof- the crop of the Indiana corn belt. . What's Going On column Friday. Washington,.bec. 17.-Congression- sity from its early days when 400 stu-
fee or milk 'could be obtained for 50 al leaders decided today that the way dents were considered a good enroll-
Cancellation of the reading to be cents. At others this price would TA7 out of the maze of farmer relief bills ment, he told of the celebration when
given by Miss Jane Manners tonight cover only meat and a single extra W ell Filed H ouse W itnesseswas enactment of an emergency far- the attendance assed the mark of
byth daudtofrthe rad esimoteiher . onanPie rp a tO 7~ ntes fft run for one year and to act as 1,300, and remnarked that the increase'
by the dtOrthe reade'ssteddsh. Fountain Prces Drop . Last Perform ance afninstrelsy an embargo against importation. It this year was larger than thatnu
word of which was received here yes- Several cafeterias are now charg- would apply to wheat, cotton, wool, ber.
terday by telgram. ing 45 cents for roast beef, 35 cents By Thornton W. Sargent, Jr.) by-play of the end men did not go beans, potatoes, live stock and beets. President Burton paid tribute to
. M. Youngjohn, 22L, president of for beef stew, 45 cents for roast pork, Minstrs i The last nigt well together. For this reason the Actualdrafting of the bill was start- the administration of the late James
the Oratorical assoation, expressed and 40 cents for hamburger steak, anded late in the day by members of the Burrill Angel, whom he haracter-
regret at the inability of Miss Man- this includes bread, butter and pota- of the combined Musical clubs pro- first part, while good in spots, was ways" and ,means committee. ized as one of the foremost educ-
ners to appear here and he stated toes, which price represents a decline duction was the best of the three per- not exceptional. The outstanding t s o neration. Te e-
f-rmance. n With two acts outstand- character of this and the Macbeth act tors of his geeration. The achieve-

that an attempt will be made to secure of about a nickel. While some are i'-VU U L "-
her after the holidays, or at least to still getting 15 cents for hamburger ing, Minstrelsy played for the first was William Michaels, whose humor- Topeka, Kan., Dec. 17.-A mob es- ments of President Emeritus Harry
get someone of equal rank to appear sandwiches, the price in a number of time to a well filled house, which ous interpretation of negro character timated at, 10,000 stormed the county B. Hutchins were described as noth-
in h erplacec afeterias, is nowr10cens, b appreciated the efforts of the actors was excellent. jail at Independence tonight seeking ing short of marvelous.
in hr plce.cafeeria isnow 0 cets.a negro who was arrested following The speaker explained the fact that
Miss Manners is a dramatic read- Soda fountain prices have been better than those of the two previous "Macbeth with Variations" was in th kg o U. Wart on he heassum ed the as of
er, who has been favorably received caught in the downward swing, one nights. a class by itself. Clever and fairly morning, according to reports reach- the University last July, there con-
wherever she has appeared, accord- fountain announcing a 5 cent drop in Knight Mirrielees in his farewell well acted, the farce was appreciated, ing here. The reports said that one fronted him problems that ha'1 been
ing to reports. The Oratorical asso- almost all 20 cent dishes. Plain ice appearance, accompanied by Pinky but the production as a whole lacked white man had been killed in the dis- accumulating for the past 20 years
clation expected this number to be one cream, which was 15 cents, is now 10 Roderick, was the outstanding star. co-ordination. It was on the order of order and seeral negroes wounded. as well as the difficulties resulting
of the features of their program. cents at that fountain and sundaes This pair was called back continually a professional minstrel but it was not from the phenomenal growth of the
have been lowered from 20 cents to 15 by the audience, and only the refusal as unified.
UNION WILL HOLD TRYOUTS cents. of the management to let them come Lacked Co-ordination Vienna, Dec. 17.-The famous street University since 1917. He consulted
TO FILL ORCHESTRA TODAY on again, prevented them from com- Taken individually most of the a called treFranzensring, part of Viere needs o s ther depatmens,and afte
Effinger to Speak at Niagira Falls ig on for several more encores. With and songs were good, but as a whole named "'Ring of November 12," in all their estimates had tabulated
Final tryouts for the Michigan Dean John R. Effinger will address his customary pep Mirrielees put his the show was not what had been ex-
Union orchestra will be held at 1:30 the Niagara Falls Alumni associa- personality into his act, and it was pected. The music of the Glee club, cocess of the $8,690,000, whichwas fin-
o'clock today in room 308 of the tion on the subject of "The Univer- undoubtedly the best received of the the Midnight Sons quartette, the cake r.ally asked from the eglslature.
Union. Prof. Earl V. Moore will be in sity," Dec. 29, at Niagara Falls. The whole show. walk dance, which went over because Has Definite Plans
charge. dean will speak to the local Rotary Bertram Bronson in a classical of its being danced to "Varsity," the Dean Effinger Talks to Fresh Lits Turning to the needs of the Uter-
More men are needed to fill a few club of that city at noon of the same violin act was a close second. His Romeo and Juliet scene, the dancing, Dean John R. Effinger spoke on ary department, President Burton
vacancies in all the parts, according day. interpretation of the best music was specialty, and the cornet solo by "Freshman Possibilities" at the fresh pointed out that it has had but one
to officials. Tryouts are asked to enthusiastically received. Frank Thomas were good. lit smoker at the Union last night. new building in the past 50 years. Un-
bring a few pieces of music with Bay City Club Meets Monday Night Micheals Scores For an initial venture of this sort, Sailor "Scottie" and a four piece or- der the proposed program, the needs
which they are familiar. Freshmen The Bay City club meets in room Heavy music in the first part was Minstrelsy was well given, and with chestra entertained the 300 or more of ,this department are to be met by
interested in forming a first year or- 302, Union, at 7 o'clock Monday even- entirely out of keeping with the spir- the elimination of certain evident de- that attended. Smokes and cider and the construction of the first section
chestra are requested to meet at the ing to organize for the Michigan Union it of a minstrel show, and the combi- fects, its place among Michigan's the- doughnuts were served throughout the of a new building on the site of the
same time and place. Swimming Pool Drive. nation of masterful selections and atricals should be assured. program (Continued on Pare Rirht

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