v v IIR- . SUGARBOWL HOME MADE CANDY ABSOLUTELY CLEAN BEST LINE IN THE CITY EVERYTHiING MADE IN ANN ARBOR LIGHiT LUNCHES ANN ARBOR SUGAR BOWL t HIOMOEOPATHIC MEDIC SCHOOL h REORGANIZED FOR SERTICEj__________ I AT THE THEATRES TODAY N'"OW Iy .C.n.1y Z - . The Most Bleautiful and Refined Dancing School I in Ann Arbor. WtitRTH ARCADE~ t Screen :1ajestic-Wallace Reid in his latest, "Always Audacious." Pathe'News. paramount mag- azine, and a Mack Sennett comedy, "It's a Boy." Arade--Viola Dana in "Black- mail." Comedy, "No Hope for the Drys," and "Buried Gold." Wuerth-Lewis Tracy's "The Silent Barrier." Sunshine comedy, "Pretty Lady," and Kinogramis. Orpheumn - Gladys Walton in "Pink Tights." Jack Dempsey in "Daredevil Jack.", THIS WEEK Stage Whitney-Wednesday, Thursday. and Friday. Varsity Glee and Mandolin club presenting a snappy minstrel show, "Min- strelsy." Garrick (Detroit)--" The Charm School," a bewitching musical comedy by Alice Duer Miller and Robert Milton and a touch of music by Jerome Kern. Schubert (Detroit): -- Theda Bara,* the famous vampire of the screen, playing in person in a real American play, "The Blue Flame." Homoeopathy, placing the greater emphasis upon the medical side of, practice, logically. justifies entering all patients at the hospital through the medical service where the preliminary examinations and surveys are made, and histories started in each partic- ular case before its final disposition. If a case finally falls into the surgical, gynecological, or any other one of the other departments of the hospital it is properly 'referred. After a patient has been dismissed from another service, it is referred back to the medical de-I partment for the history to be closed' and to be finally discharged.' The revised schedule for this year provides for a continuous daily clinic. Th epartment of internal medicine 'has been thoroughly reorganized to, provide for the foregoing plan. Thel clinic in this department has two! hours from 10 to 12 o'clock each fore- noon scheduled for special demon- 'strations, treatment, and class study. Sub-clinics in medicine are "open at all hours."~ Phiarmic College Receives Collection An interesting collection of special-, ties and other products from the laboratories of Eli Lilly and company1 of Indianapolis, has been received by the College of Pharmacy, and will be used for purposes of demonstration in courses of commercial pharmacy. 10 Cl dltreu Symphonic League Guests1 Ten children will be entertained at a Christmas supper at 5:30 o'clock to- morrow night at the University School1 of Music under the auspices of the Symphonic. league. The league has also arranged for the making of scrap books as, gifts to the -children at thel local. hospitals. j I THE BANIK OF SERVICE Commercial Banking in all its Branches. Savings Department and Safety Deposit Vaults. Exchange on All Parts of the World. A. B. A. Travelers' Checks. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK. I ,, I DEFY THE WIDE WORLD To SAY THAT MAN DOES NOT COME FROM THE MONKEY with my book called "Ani Educator.". And I have only done this for the army of students that go to the U. of M. PRICE 50c I'LL BE ON STATE STREET TO SELL IT MYSELF .DR. TOM LOVELL, Lt. Col. of Archery. 101-103 So. Main St. 3310 So. State St., (Nickels Arcade) i Member of the Federal Reserve System. 1 Paronize 'Daily Advertiers.--Adv. IN PThe Opportunity of the SesnToBy - - -i s .w omry rcdu t 2.0 IC_ IFOR MWOMEN-LOWDSHE= heel; essOxfoPumpeandOxor sorted into lots and' priced e at $.85, $.85&$94.85 pe p.-Icldatr heabovueresasilvoerian GdPums and aloestof terfiesttCordovan bouOxodmaea$1.5formerly priced $ w w SFOR WOMENH--HIG SHOES 12 Styles i dvd n 2 lsk-$7.85and b9.85 --Values up to $18.. reuedt r =_ r _ Thes ares QumanShOfods;havedvr inned5 lthe andlpitcedintorder5t-make5,he9prie Inclu etemalov.eYouic illareeive sandlourpscandfultftefiestCroa .^ r _ wa _ r nS~ _ FO.WMN--HG HE 12 Syle diide ino 2lot at$7.8 an $985.Vales p t $1.0= Thee real Quliy hos-e hveneer"shnnd hegulii" n9rdro mapprovals n see toe. ou il reeiv, a uual ou caefu fttig, ervce _ wS _ w TERMS _ r S123 E. Liberty Street, Corner Fourth Avenue - - ll~illlIIItBfItllri IIIIU11i 11III lillll11{I =nlilliliri{11111rll llllltltll111alnlinlllrl : i' . We Guarantee Satisfaction or You. Get Your Money Back I -. *1 ~..4. "v Copyigh 192 HatSrfnr&Mr * A Sae of portsCoats Leater Seepsins nd Latheette anonigraia rcerdcin onMn'.otso.eahr.n.eahr l I I I I I I u I I I ette and those with Sheepskin Linings. pared for the outdoor activities of the Be pre- holiday season by purchasing now. ,I 1 $45 to $65 Leather Coats, 1-3 Less. $25 Sheepskins, Now... --. $20 $15 and $18 Leatherettes, discount 1-3 1I Reule, Conlin, FiegelCo I Main at Washlugtou Downtown t