fHE MICHIGAN DAILY ERS- VISIT FRATERNITY ECOND TIME THIS YEAR yes entered the Phi Rho Sigma ity house early Monday morn- Ld while the students were g, made off with a quantity of g, jewelry and $82 in money. bbery must have occurred aft- 5 o'clock as some members did tire until after 1:30 and at 2:15 i one of the students came down Everything seemed all right time. This is the second time this year that the Phi Rho Sigma house has been robbed. Early last spring thieves entered and got away with clothing and jewelry. One of these robbers was later caught and is now serving time. Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. Michigan Daily liners bring re- sults.-Adv. '. We C. A. CONFERENCE PRONOUNCED SUCCESS. INDUSTRIAL CLUB LEADERS GUESTS OF UNIVERSITY "Y" CABINET ARE gB Of things Beautiful, OUR HOUSE IS. Too full for Utterance Gifts Suitable to all Givers OPEN EVENINGS Ulbe dames foster- Ruse of Art ANY MEMBER OF A FRATERNITY "Democracy demands an under- standing between all groups of peo- ple and I consider that this confer- ence has brought about a valuable ex- change of ideas," said Miss Elizabeth McGee, Y. W. C. A. industrial secre- tary, of Detroit, in speaking of the conference between members of the University Y. W. C. A. cabinet and the delegates from the Detroit Industrial Girls' clubs, which took place here Saturday and Sunday. "The University women contributed their theoretical knowledge and the girls from Detroit told of their actual experience in working. The two groups found that they had much in common and the conference, which is one of the few ever held, has been a decided success." Social Creed Discu~sed The purpose of the conference was to discuss the social creed of the churches of America, the substance of the creed being, "Equal rights and Justice for all men and in all stations of life." The delegates were entertained Saturday night with a banquet and the freshman spread. Sunday morn- ing and afternoon sessions for dis- cussion.were held in Newberry hall. Clubs Self Governing The 18 delegates from Detroit are members of self-governing clubs or- ganized under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A. Thirteen hundred girls who work in factories and stores compose membership in 16 clubs which are federated to enable the accomplishing of more extensive work. The federa- tion is sending one of its members to1 the English Working Woman's college in England for a year's study in this school for industrial workers who have had little opportunity for educa- tion. 1hey are also supporting, A French girl in the United States in order that she may receive training to organize Y. W. C. A. work in France. Co-operation between women in col- lege and industry will be further aid- ed by a similar conference in Detroit in January. REGENT TO ADDRESS D. A. Br ON PIONEER DAYS IN MICHIGAN The regular monthly meeting of the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu- tion, will be held at 3 o'clock Thurs- day afternoon, Dec. 16, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Brown, 1012 Hill street. The speaker of the afternoon will be Regent Junius E. Beal. His subject will be "Early Pioneer Days in Mich- igan." An exhibit of Indian baskets and French lace will be shown at the meeting. Annual dues are payable at this time. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv; Waomen University Girls' Glee club will meet at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. All girls who ordered pins are requested to pay for them at this time. Athena Literary society will hold its regular meeting at 7:15 o'clock to- night. The program for the evening consists of a debate 61 the propos- ition: "Resolved, That the present presidential primary system be ahol-' ished." The Girls' Education club will meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at the Pi Beta Phi house. There will be no meeting of the pub- licity committee ° of the Womens' league until after Christmas vacation. Members will be expected to submit reports of the work that is being done at that time. Girls who are planning to spend the Christmas holidays-in Ann Arbor should sign up in Dean Myra B. Jor- dan's office at once. It is- important that the exact number be known as soon as possible. Stylus will hold its regular meet- ing at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night at the Chi Omega house. Cover .designs for the program of the Junior Girls' play must be sent to Harriet Gustin, '22, 1520 South Un- iversity avenue, before Dec. 17. Lyrics are due on the same date so that the girls can work on the music during vacation. Upperclassmen who would be inter- ested in having a class formed for advanced gymnasium work are re- quested to sign up on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. Any girls interested in becoming apparatus leaders in gymnasium work are requested to see Miss Marian Wood as soon as possible. All fees for the use of the Y. M. C. A. swimming pools should be pay- ed at once so that classes can begin after vacation. The money can be left with Miss Wood in Barbour gym- nasium. The committee to adjust rooming difficulties for women will meet at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Anyone who has any complaint may lay it before the com- mittee at this time. Tryouts for the Junior Girls' play will be held at 4 o'clock Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, and at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Univer- sity Hall. Juniors who want information re- garding writing lyrics for the play may call Margaret Tibbles, lyric chair- man, at 398. Mt. Clemens Club to Give Dance For the purpose of bringing Michi- gan alumni and students together, the Mt. Clemens club will give a dance Tuesday evening, Dec. 28, in. the Chamber of Commerce hall at Mt. Clemens. About 200 couples are ex- pected to attend and every member of the University is cordially invited. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL FAIR -FORTUNES - WAFFLE KITCHEN -BEAUTY PARLOR -BAZAAR TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, 8-11 P. M CLASS ROOMS - HOSPITAL We are equipped with everything even incidentally necessary in render- UNIVERSITY MEN! Invest your spare monies with the HURON VAL- LEY BLDG. & SAVINGS ASSO. Div- idends wil double it in ten years. Can draw it ANYTIME & get 5 per ct. from date of investment. H. H.~ HERBST,tSec'y., A. A. Savings Bank Bldg.-Adv. Gilbert's and Martha Washington candies for Xmas. Packed for mail- ing. Tice's Drug Store, 117 S. Main St.-Adv. Read The Daily for Campus News. Sleep Anyplae .ut Eat at Rext'sI THE CLUB LUNCH 712 ARBOR STREET N ear State and Packard CALL CILANI 623 F-I for Anthracite - All Kinds Pocahontas and Solvay Coke Ohio & Kentucky Egg & Lump PRICES RIGHT Who Was Expecting o Banquet at The Chinese Gardens ing a cleaning service to you. Tuesday Evening This Week Kindly Get in Touch W ith Management. Phone 1549 THIS' THISa IUNLASSIFIE ATOTHIS LOSES CLOSES 3PM A DV E R T I S lNG 3. BENZOL USED EXCLUSIVELY Ann Arbor's Only Cleaners not using gasoline in any form FOR SALE R SALE-Hand made banners, pen- ants, and pillows. 1341 Wilmont.. hone 2384-M. 55-6 FOB RENT R RENT-Front suite with private, vatory, electric lights, hot water, eat. Also room for one student. ood board during vacation. Re-: uced rates for table of ten after olidays. 1021 E. Huron St. Phone 81-R. 59-3 R RENT - Housekeeping apart- ent. Two rooms and kitchenette. ompletely furnished. Near cam- us. 1207 Willard St. 60-3 R RENT- Pleasant, well heated oom near campus. Phone 2512-W. i 60 I _1 RENT-Single room block from campus. for lady. 1724-J. 60-3 WANTED ANTED - Students for profitable ositions during Christmas vacation -no book canvassing or peddling, ut a good position with a steady income for those who make good. ee Mr. Baldwin at Allenel Hotel. londay and Tuesday, Dec. 13 and 4. 58-3 LNTED-Roommate, 217 S. Thay- r.- one half block from campus. Phone 1032-M. 59-3 LNTED-A No. 1 Saxaphone player or dance work. Call 2291-R. 'hurch. 60 kNTED-A roommate for very de- irable front suite. 924 Oakland. _________60-3 LNTED- Log Log or Mannheim Ilide rule. Call Loewensohn, 2375. 59-2 ANTED-A student to share a front uite at 425 S. Division. Price rea- onable. Phone' 1565-J. 60-5 MISCELLANEOUS CHEST PRICES Paid for your old lothes. Phone 1981-W, and will all at your convenience. 50-12 ED MONEY for Xmas? Will buy our sheep skin coat. Box M. C. H. )aily office. 60 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Saturday at the noon hour, 12 to 1:30, at the Chinese Gardens, or between Chinese Gardens, Millen's store, and Chapman's jewelry store, a small hunting case gold watch, stem missing. Stem found at Chin- ese Gardens. Valued as a keepsake. If found, address Mrs. W. G. Doty, 412 S. Fifth Ave. or phone 1018-W. Reward. 60 LOST-A string of pearl beads with diamond clasp. Reward if return- ed. Phone 71-W. 710 E. Ann St. 60-2 LOST - Mannheim Slide Rule on Thursday, Dec. 9. R. C. Bergrall, Phone 1077-M. 58-4 LOST-Diamond platinum har pin at Barbour gym Saturday night. Re- ward. Call 988-W. 60-3 LOST--Black and tan Airedale fem- ale, 5 months. Reward. 618 Church 302-J. 60 FORB SALE FOR SALE-Rebuilt Remington, lat- est model, $70, bargain. Blickden- derfer portable typewriter, $5.00. Phone Marston, 1951-R. 555 Pack- ard. 59-2 FOR SALE- Full blooded Airedale puppies. Phone 197-R22 Saline. Fred Klinesmith, R. F. D., No. 4, Saline. 58-6 FOR SALE-Four tickets for remain- ing numbers of Choral Union Series with May Festival coupon attached. Call 2048-J. 58-3 FOR SALE--Dress uit of best mater- ial. Size 36 for man of medium height. Very reasonable. Call Todd. 1268. 60-3 FOR SALE- Remington Typewriter No. 10. Visible tabulator, In A-1 mechanical condition. Call 2303-J, 60-2 FOR SALE - Very desirable Ford speedster at a sacrifice if taken at once. Call 72-J. 60-3 FOR SALE - New set of Richtor Drawing Instruments. M. Williams: 723 Oakland. Phone 936-W. 54-7 FOR SALE-Tenor banjo and case. Fine condition. Call 1153, G. Hag- erman. 55-6 Ann Arbor, Michigam O. 1. MlRcILL 17 Nickels Arcade 336 South State Street December 14th, 1920. To my Customers: We have this day received a new consign- ment of Suits and Ulsters of the finest quality which we can retail at prices from Fifty to Sev- enty-five Dollars. Yours truly,