IVMUIIUtUI l tQ SOLO ON COMMISSION.I Submit Manuscript s., MILLEI'S LITERARY AGENCY, 211 Reisinger Ave, Dayton, Ohio. Sleep Anyplace 'Hit Eat at Rex's THE CLUB LUNCH 712A RdkR STREET Near State and Packard ....... !. Of things Beautiful OUR HOUSE IS Too full for Utterance Gifts Suitable to all Givers OPEN EVENINGS Itbe dames foster 1Rouse of Att III { s 3 r M "! , I' PLAN FESTIITIES FOR CHISTMAS HOLIDAS WOMEN IN ANN ARBOR DURING VACATION TO HAVE GOOD TIMES Girls who are planning to spend the Christmas holidays in Ann Arbor may look forward to many festivities and good times. The Women's league is making numerous plans for their en- tertainment, and preparations for some of the parties have been begun already. According to Theodosa Burton, '23, chairman of the social committee of the league, there will be a Christmas eve carrol party. All girls are to meet for several evenings before to prac- tice singing the carrols. Then, on the night before Chistmas, they will go in a body to the hospi- tals and other houses in which there are several little children, and sing the carrols after the good old English style. After the serenading, the car- rol singers will return to the Presi- dent's residence to .spend the rest of the evening. DETROIT Y. W. C. A. WORKERS GUESTS OF 'Y" CABINET Eighteen Delegates Attend Banquet Spread; Will Have Conference Today Detroit Y. W. C. A. cabinet mem- bers and industrial secretaries are the guests of the University "Y" cab- inet. Eighteen delegates arrived in Ann Arbor last night and were guests at a banquet at Newberry hall, after which they were taken to the Fresh- man spread. "Social Creeds of the Churches" will be the subject discussed at a con- ference of the Detroit and Ann Ar- bor cabinets at 10:30 'lock today. The visitors are being entertained at the dormitories and sorority houses 4n order that they may have an oppor- tunity to become familiar with col- lege life. ANN ARBOR-HIGH SCHOOL HAS IMPORTANT EVENTS COMING Three important events will occur at the Ann Arbor high school during the next few weeks. Miss Grace Greenwood, social director of Martha Cook building, will address the Girls' league at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Ninety per cent of the high school girls belong to this league which meets once a month. The program usually consists 'of stunts by the dif- ferent organizations or talks by prom- inent people. A pageant commerrorating the 300th anniversary of the landing of the Pil- grims will be given by the classes in American history on fthe afternoon of Dec 10. The'annual Christmas party and dance will be held in two weeks when there will be stunts, planned by the students, and a Christmas tree. There will be no meeting of the pub- licity committee of the Womens' lague until after Christmas vacation. Members will be expected to submit reports' of the work that is being done at that time. The Freshman Girls' Glee club will meet at 4:30 o'clock Monday after- noon in Barbour gymnasium. Girls who are planning to spend the Christmas holidays in Ann Arbor should sign up in Dean Myra B. Jor- dan's office at once. It is important that the exact number be known as soon as possible. Senior society will meet at 7:15 o'clock Monday night at Helen New berry residence. Stylus will hold its regular meet- ing at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night at the Chi Omega house. Cover designs for the program= of the Junior Girls' play must be sent to Harriet Gustin, '22, 1520 South Un- iversity avenue, before Dec. 17. Lyrics are due on the same date so that the girls can work on the music during vacation. Envelopes for ticket remittances for the minstrel show of the Glee and Mandolin club have been distributed to the various sororities and dormi- tories. All applications for seats should beyreceived at the Union be- fore Friday night. Extra envelopes may be secured by calling at Dean Myra B. Jordan's office in Barbour. gymnasium. Upperclassmen who would be inter- ested in having a class formed for advanced gymnasium work are re- quested, to sign up on the bulletin board in'Barbour gymnasium. Typewriters of leading makes for -ale or rent. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's kreade.-Ad v. Ann Arbor's progressive merchants ise The Michigan"Daily.-Adv. ~i~Z~~ice 'I without a L Y.N D ON KODAK -- EST. 1905 -- 719 North University Avenue i I Our Stock of Eastman Kodaks and Brownie Cameras (for the Kiddies) Is Complete. WHAT IS CHRISTMAS & Be Your Own Vigilance Committee CO Investigation is not a violatic A It BEA TS . as it Sweeps as it Cleans of good faith, but the means ti prove it. , Investigate our En e r glin Odorless Dry Cleaning. Telephone 2508 Compsany, 209 South Fourth Av( mrakes a very desirable and appropriate Christmas Gift. Ask for a demonstration and then take advantage of the SPECIAL CASH PRICE i Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing V- ----- Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Fille which we are now offering EST. 1857 11!111111llil MARTIN HALLER FURNITURE RUGS Holiday Sale o Silk Bl1ouses TIS THIS COLUMN COLUMN, CLOSES CLOSS ADVERTISING FOR SALR AI FOR SALE-Rebuilt Remington, lat- est model, $70, bargain. Blickden- derfer portable typewriter, $6.00. Phone Marston, 1951-R. 555 Pack- ard. 59-2 FOR SALE-Model A Gibson Mando- lin with leather case. $60.00 outfit: Will sell for $27.50. Call Davis or Martin, 612 Church. 1070-W. 58-2 FOR SALE- Full blooded Airedale puppies. Phone 197-R22 Saline. Fred Klinesmith, R. F. D., No. 4, Saline. 58-6 FOR SALE-Four tickets for remain- ing numbers of Choral Union Series with May Festival coupon attached. Call 2048-J. 58-3 FOR SALE - Lady's diamond ring, platinum setting, perfect stone.- will sell for $400.00. Box B. N., Daily. 57-3 FOR- SALE - New set of Richtor Drawing Instruments. M. Williams. 723 Oakland. Phone 936-W. 54-7 FOR SALE-Hand made banners, pen- nants, and pillows. 1341 Wilmont. Phone 2384-M. 55-6 FOR SALE-Tickets for Kubelik. Fine neat, Main floor, $2.00. Phone 1790-M. 58-2 FOR SALE-Tenor banjo and case. Fine condition. Call 1153, G. Hag- erman. 55-6 FOR SALE - Violin, excellent tone, been in use 30 years, $35.00. Call 1072-3. 57-3 WANTED WANTED - Students for profitable positions during Christmas vacation -no boob dcanvassing or peddling, but a good position with a steady income for those who make good. See Mr. Baldwin at Allenel Hotel. Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 13 and 14. 58-3 WANTED-Roommate, 217 S. Thay-% er. one half block from campus. Phone 1032-M. 59-3 WANTED-. Log Log or Mannheim' Slide rule. Call Loewensohn, 2375. 59-2 1.,fST " AIN 1 D F1N1 LOST-Camera on Sunday, Dec. 5, from an automobile in Ypsilanti or between there and 328 Thompson St. in Ann Arbor. Finder please call R. yl. Alexander, Phone 723-R, or at the latter address. 58-2 LOST-Black leather notebook with name Bernadette Cote engraved on outside. Finder please return to Betsy Barbour House office. 13 LOST - Mannheim Slide Rule on Thursday, Dec. 9. R. C. Bergrall, Phone 1077-M. 58-4 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Apartment, two rooms and kitchennette-running hot and cold water. Steamheat. Mr. Leith, 203 S. Thayer St. 54-6 lISCELLANEOUS Cleveland Alumni Will Give Luncheon The Cleveland Alumni club - will hold a special luncheon at the City club, Hollenden Hotel on Monday, Dec. 22, to which all university stu- dents who are home for the holidays are invited. Plans will be discussed at this luncheon relative to a ban- quet the club is planning to give dur- ing spring vacation. Red Cross Directors Meet Today AM Red Cross directors in Washte- naw county will assemble at 2 o'clock this aftrnoon at the Ann Arbor Red Cross headquarters to elect officers for the coming year. Reports will be given on Home service, Nurses' serv- ice, General Relief work, and Finae ces. New Englanders to Boost Michigan "Bring Michigan before the folks at home." This is to be the keynote of the activities of the New England club over the holidays, and a meet- ing for the purpose, of furthering this spirit will be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in Lane hall. Matinee Musical to Give Program The Matinee Musicale will hold its next meeting Wednesday at the Un- ion. The regular business meeting will begin at 3:30 o'clock and will be' followed by a program of Christmas music. and It is hard to realize the true values involved this sale, unless you have seen the blouses. If y 1i-2 P~rice Wool Skit have, nothing more need be said. attempt to describe them for you. If not, we w Imagine an overblouse of Hindu georgette, embroidered in self colored silk combined with navy. A sash of navy silk ties in back. The sleeves are short. Brown satin is made into a severely plain overblouse, distinguished by tiny pleatings of the satin at the neck. A blouse of navy georgette is rich with a panel down the front, heavily beaded and embroidered. The colors are rose, bisque and navy. Bisque georgette forms the lining. Mahogany is a charming shade, welldisplayed in a blouse of georgette, heavily beaded and embroidered down the front. A georgette and satin combination in navy and bisque is made in surplice effect and is also embroidered. Of course, it is almost impossible to convey in words the extreme beauty and style of these blouses. At half price they are really irresistible. The wool skirts are shown in pleated and plain designs, in rich plaids either accordian, box or knife pleated. Every one needs a separate skirt and at half price no one can afford to be without one. How would you like a wool velour in orange and green, very subdued shades, with one large box pleat at the front, the rest accordian pleated. A box pleated skirt, rich looking, is made of blue and tan plaid. One of black and gold combines box pleats with accordian pleats very effectively. First come the box pleats and then about five accordian pleats, making a very charming skirt. Brown and tan plaid make a very good combination in an accordian pleated skirt. The values in these skirts are very real and at half price are real bargains. Unicum hair nets just received. All shades at Quarry's.-Adv. FOR RFNT FOR RENT-Front suite with private lavoratory, electric lights, hot water heat. Also room for one student. Good board during vacation. Re- duced rates for table of ten after holidays. 1021 E. Huron St. Phonr 481-R. 59-3 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for your old clothes. Phone 1981-W, and will call at your convenience. 50-12 ,I ,I { - .. - - - 1 ie I reliability of our Photographs has assured satisfaction for a RtI trim 319