r ITCHIGAr DAILY [TCHTGA~DA"- WELEAS R SEYFRbY Christmas Gifts Suggestions Strings of Pearls 18 to 30 inches Priced at $10.00 to $40.00. Ladies Wrist Watches $15 to $75. Schlanderer & Seyfled 113 E. Liberty Street Ann Arbor Michigan ii ' My D aiy Lunch': SOur food is the best Our prices are right HOURS 7 A.M. TOIP. M. 5 P. M.,TO 7 P. M. SUNDAYS 8 A.M. TO 7:30 P.M. 512 EAST WILLIAM STREET 1n;ii ttII ,IunIIIInin un I 1" ... Of Interest to University Women - II ALUMNAE HOUSE TO SEND Collee V te RECENT UNIVERSITY RED PICTURES TO GRADUATES CROSS CAMPAIGN SUCCESS --~ Pictures and reports of activities Chaperones for dances tonight will According to final reports, 1,300' at Alumnae house will be sent as a be as follows: Miss Martha Hills at men and 900 women of the Univer- Christmas greeting to every organiz- the Union, and Mrs. Water Sherman sity joined the Red Cross during their w r r wr r s ar . wM. di 9 TAXI 999 mwWmmw=m2- LIZ A Dodge Car and Dodge Service enough said r a 9 TAXI- 999 Special Selections OF HOLIDAY GIFTS ed group of Michigan women. The board of governors of that institution has decided that this form of greet-! ing will be a pleasant change from! the communication asking for funds that is usually sent to these organi- zations. College Exchanges Cincinnati - The Honor System, as drawn up by the Woman's league at the University of Cincinnati, was voted down at a meeting of the Stu- dent council. It was discussed from various points of view. Those oppos- ed, however, finally won out. The strongest opposition came from the engineering and medical students. Colorado-The f.reshmen at Colo- rado State college have a habit of breaking off back porches, stealing brooms, and various other household articles with which to build bonfires for rallies. Gitizens are now demand-I ing that they be paid for the dam- age. School aunthorities are backing the city and it is probable that the sum will total about $40. Kansas-The University of Kansas was elected president of the Associa- tion of American Universities, at the twenty-second annual conference on* Nov. 17 and 19 in New York. The university did not have a representa- tive at the conference. Northwestern was elected vice-president and the University of Chicago secretary. The heads of these universities act as rep- resentatives and ofilcers of the organ- ization. The next meeting of the or- ganization will be held next fall at Columbia, Mo. Grinnell-It is estimated that the committee at Grinnell which recom- mends graduates and undergraduates for teaching positions saves prospec- tive Grinnell teachers $6,000 which would otherwise go to agencies. Wisconsin-The department of pub- lic speaking at the University of Wis- consin is no longer so called. The board of regents has decided that it shall be called the "department of speech." The name, public speaking, has been too narrow to be an accu- rate label for the department. CHEMICAL SOCIETY WILL TAKE IN SEVEN AFTER VACATION Phi Lambda Upsilon, the honorary chemical society of the University, will admit seven men to membership at the initiation Friday, Jan. 7. These men are: M. A. Dixon, '22E; R. A. Nugent, '22E; G. R. Strimbeck, '22E; E. M. Tucker, '22E; E. K. Bacon, '21; A. G. Aitchison, 119, and W. R. Hickler, '19. Read Tho Dal for Campus News. with Mrs. H. W. Cake at the Armory.! Senior society will meet at 7:15 o'clock Monday night at Helen New- berry residence. Stylus will hold its regular meet- ing at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night at the Chi Omega house. Cover designs for the program of the Junior Girls' play must be sent to Harriet Gustin, '22, 1520 South Un- iversity avenue, before Dec. 17. Lyrics are due on the same date so that the girls can work on the music during vacation. This will be the last week to enter the elective course in gymnasium work. The freshman spread committee wishes to urge that no flowers -be worn at the Spread and that no taxis be used except in the case of stormy weather. Freshmen whose escorts for the freshman Spread have not called them1 should call Cara Murbach, '23, 2676, at once. All sophomore girls who possibly can are asked to help decorate for the freshman Spread after 9 o'clock this morning or during the afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Envelopes for ticket remittances for the minstrel show of the Glee and Mandolin club have been distributed! to the various sororities and dormi- tories. All applications for seats should be received at the Union be- fore Friday night. Extra envelopes may be secured by calling at Dean Myra B. Jordan's office in Barbour gymnasium. Members of the freshman Spread committee will meet at 7 o'clock Sat- urday night at Barbour gymnasium. Upperclassmen who would be inter- ested in having a class formed for advanced gymnasium work are re- quested to sign up on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. Upperclassmen should plan to meet freshmen for dances at the freshman Roread under the initial of the fresh- man's last name. Letters will be posted all around the gymnasium forl this purpose. GIRLS ATTENTION! , Rainwater shampoos, marcel waving, manicur- ing, face and scalp treatment. Wigs for rent at Mrs. J. R., Trojanowski's. 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 696-W.-Adv. New is the time to order your PER- SONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS. Engrav- ing and Embossing. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Aarcade.-Adv. Pa ronize Daily Advertiers.-Adv. 1 GREETING CARDS. AND FANCY CHRISTMAS STATIONERY 20%/ OFF III Students lunch I k recent campaign for new member- ships. Miss Marguerite Reynolds, secretary of the local branch of the organization, stated that the cam- paign was a huge success taking into consideration the fact that it came at a time when the campus had al- ready been "driven to death." Blanks have been received at the Red Cross office, in the McCormick building, which are to be filled out by those men who were in the navy or naval- reserve and are eligible to receive the "Victory Medal." They may be obtained any afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. 409 Jefferson High Class Food 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Open 6 a.m. Close 11 p.m ..SPECIAL SALE U. S. ARMY WOOL BLANKETS.. DAILY WILL ISSUE DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENT The Michigan Daily, following its usual custom, will compile a supplement to the official Stu- dents' Directory, for the benefit of those students who enrolled late in +he University, and to correct unavoidable errors and 6hanges in the regular edition. Name, class, Ann Arbor ad- dress, home town, and Ann Ar- bor phone number, in the order named, should be placed on a one cent post card and mailed to the Directory Editor, The Daily, Press building, City..3 Gilbert's and Martha Washington candies for Xmas. Packed for mail- ing. Tice's Drug Store, 117 S. Main St.-Adv. Paronize Daily Advertiers.-Adv. CALL CILAME 62SFP-1 ______for Anthracite - All Kinds Pocahontas and Solvay Coke Ohio & Kentucky Egg & Lump PRICES RIGHT for Men Reg. 0.-D., grey or mixture, light or heavy, suitable for bed or robe - $4 and up. Regulation 0.-D. Shirts, Navy Underwear, Gloves, Overseas Caps, Mess Cans, Canteens, Laundry Bags, Binoculars, etc. For Fraternities and boarding clubs we have Canned Roast Beef, Corned Beef and Bacon at reduced prices. We are showing an excellent assortment of Knitted Neckwear and Scarfs. The latter to be had in both Wool and Silk and at prices consistent with the times. .ARMY SUPPLY STORE, 213 NORTH FOURTH AVE. Clothes, Furnishings and Hats Established 1869 TINKER & COMPANY S. State St. at William St. Christmas Vacation ~3) ct y.. - :PM THIS LOSES ASRTSIIE A DVE R T IS ING AI83P.M Is the time to have Your Rooms Dec- orated or floors refinished or polished. This can be done while you are away, thus avoiding all confusion. time NOW Reserve LOST AND FOUND 1 . FOI SALE P-Camera on Sunday, Dec. 5, FOR SALE-Reuilt Remington, latest )m an automobile in Ypsilanti model, $70, bargain. Blickdender- between there and 328 Thompson fer portable typewriter, $5. Phone in Ann Arbor. Finder please Marston, 1915-R. 555 Packard. 58-2 11 R. W. Alexander, Phone 723-R,, at the latter address. 658-2 jFOR SALE- Full blooded Airedale --_ -. puppies. Phone 197-R22 Saline. T-Gold fountain pen- Moore's Fred Klinesmith, R. F. D., No. 4, mn-Leakable. On State or Pack- Saline. 58-6 , between Madison and East Un- irsity or on Packard St. car. Re- FOR SALE-Four tickets for remain- .rd. Phone 571. 56-3 ing numbers of Choral Union Series 'A Call 353-F1 Oswald A. Herz 112 . Washington A I T-Black leather notebook with me Bernadette Cote engraved on tside. Finder please return to Asy Barbour House office. 13 'T -- Monday, small black purse, ntaining about $12. Finder call 34-W. Reward. 57-2 T - Mannheim Slide urseday;Dec. 9. R. C. gone 10 7-M. Rule on Bergrall, 58-41 WANTED ANTED - Students for profitable positions during Christmas vacation -no book canvassing or peddling, but a good position with a steady income for those who make good. See Mr. Baldwin at Allenel Hotel. Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 13 and 14. 58-3 ANTED-Roommate.cBest suite in Ann Arbor. One block from cam- pus. Only two other roomers. Come early and avoid the rush. See Ry- gle, 408 Thompson or call 1741-W. 56-3 ANTED-By two students; single or double room after Christmas; near campus if possible. Can give good references. Call 468-R eve- nings. 58-1 with May Festival coupon attached Call 2048-J. 58-3 FOR SAI)-Tickets for Kubelik. Fine seat, Main floor, $2.00. Phone 1'1 u-M. 58-2 FOR SALE-Model A Gibson Mando- ln with leather case.C$60.00 outfit. Will sell for $27.50. Call Davis or Martin, 612 Church. 1070-W. 58-2 FOR SALE-Hand made banners, pen- nants, and pillows. 1341 Wilmont. Phone 2384-M. 55-6 FOR SALE - New pair of cordovan brogue oxfords. Size 7. Worn very few times. Cost $17, will sell for $11. Box. B. L., Daily. 57-2 FOR SALE - New set of Richtor Drawing Instruments. M. Williams 723 Oakland. Phone 936-W. 54-7 FOR SALE-Tenor banjo and case. Fine condition. Call 1153, G. Hag- erman. 55-6 FOR SALE - Violin, excellent tone, been in use 30 years, $35.00. Call 1072-J. 57-3 PAJAMAS SHIRTS NECKWEAR HOSIERY GLOVES HAT CAP Buy Your "Bddie" Something Useful I SUIT OVERCOAT UNDERWEAR CUFF LINKS COLLAR BAG VEST CHAIN MUFFLER FOR SALE - Lady's diamond ring, platinum setting, perfect stone. will sell for $400.00. Box B. N., Daily. 57-3 FOR RENT I II Here Is Some Good News, Fellows No more will you have to risk your life trying to "rush" the Stocking Counter in a department store for you can ibuy Mother or Sister the finest silk stockings in the country right here in a man's store. We feature the "Alwin," world's supreme ladies' silk hosing and our prices will suit most any purse. Lutz Clothing Store fTED-Slx students for exclusive __ ___________j cupancy of 2nd floor in new home FOR RENT-Apartment, two rooms ond semester. Two meals and and kitchennette-running hot and m for $8.00 per week. Phone cold water. Steamheat. Mr. Leith, 2-1. Mrs. L. B. Bebout. 55-3 203 S. Thayer St. 54-6 TED-Roommate, next semester, MISCELLANEOUS after holidays. Pleasant, east nt room, hot-water heated. Un-' HIGHEST PRICES Paid for your old priced, $3.00. Call at 4 or by ap- I clothes. Phone 1981-W, and will itment. 908 Mary. 2480-J. 56-3 ' call at your convenience. 50-121 ON MAIN STREET WITH THE FRENCH WINDOWS 1 ,1