COLLEGE TOB WIT CONTEST OFFICILSINSPECT HELO BY JUDGE' CITYMAIL SERYE _i GARGOYLE WILL HANDLE CON- TRIBUTIONS OF LOCAL STUDENTS - r , m c c U i o c t E~t $12.00 e Exactly as illustrated, made of fine black p kid, flexible welt soles, inch and one-half t heels, medium round toe, with tip. Made I over combination last, fitting snugly and t close at arch and around ankle.-s b~t Priced within reason and warranted fer service p n C Walk-Over Boot Shop ,D 115 South Main Street c Y ouMight BuyHer an b Umbrella r with a quaint Japanese fer- _ I -" - t r t Or a'Donegal motor robe-- el light warmth of hundred =uses whether person 1.t school or at home or a-travel, or a blouse or some linenI handkerchiefs, or some silk underwear if she's a v e r y goad friend of yours. a.. Just to be sure that youll -a- come soon! I Ir a dy w r usswhte pronsr I~iI- Mai an ibryStet a.1111111111 11111111111111111111111 1!#1111II#11 flfl11 The Gargoyle has received a com- nunication from Judge, the humorous nagazine, announcing that another ontest between the humorous publi- ations of the different colleges of the nited States will be conducted early n 1921. In these . contests the best f the wit and cartoons of each of the ollege magazines entering is sent in o the editors of Judge, who consider she matter and award points to the everal contestants. The publication receiving the great- st number of points is awarded first rize, that having the best art con- ribution, second prize, and that send- Ing in the best piece of text takes :hird place. The first prize is a large ilver loving cup which must be won hree times by a college to make its ossession permanent. Last year Cor- ell took the cup for the first time. Cornell also won the second prize which is a smaller loving cup, and Dartmouth took third place. Any P tudent of. the University who ares to enter material in this contest may do so by sending it to Howard Weeks, editor of the Gargoyle, but material sent in to Judge by individ- uals will not be considered. At the proper time all of Michigan's contri- butions will be forwarded to the editors of Judge by the Gargoyle. After the contest is over, and the winners have been announced, a spe- cial number of Judge, containing the best wit and cartoons received, will be published. Alpha N'n D ebates Elective Franchise The question to be debated at th regular meeting of Alpha Nu at 7:1" o'clock Friday night is, "Resolved. That all students in colleges, universi- ies and.professional schools, between he ages of 18 and 21, should be grant- ed the full elective franchise." Details of pre-holiday initiation will be dis- cussed at dose of regular program. Patronizo Daly advertisers.--Ady. CONDITIONS FOUND SATISFAC- TORY TO DATE, STATE INSPECTORS With the ultimate purpose of im- proving the mail service in Ann Arbor, the United States Postal department has begun a thorough inspection of all carrier routes in the city. Inspector G. F. H. Birdseye, who with Inspectors E. O. Howe and W. E. Shutler, has charge of the work, has stated that thus far conditions have been found satisfactory. However, there is a lack of cooperation on the part of some people who fail -to erect mail boxes where they are in easy reach of the carrier. In regard to this Inspector Birdseye has made the following statement: "While most of the residential pa- trons have supplied either mail re- ceptaclesor slots in their front doors, yet there is a considerable number of residences where neither has been furnished. It will result in great benefit to the service and more prompt deliveries and collections if all patrons will erect mail receptacles at the most convenient place for delivery, prefer- ably on the inside post of the porch where tho box can be reached from the steps. Boxes should be either of sufficient size to hold magazines and papers, or have a spring attachment under which such mail can be placed. Carriers are not allowed to throw mail in hallways." 'WOODBURY ART COLLECTION BEING PACKED FOR SHIPMENT The Charles H. Woodbury art col- lection which was exhibited at Alumni Memorial hall during the month of November is being packed preliminary to shipment to Chicago where it will be exhibited under the auspices of the Chicago Art institute. This exhibit of marine views was shown here under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art association in coopera- tion with Alumni Memorial hall offi- cials. Several of the paintings and ink sketches were sold while the exhibit was being shown here. are Always NCW t A S YE sow ye shall reap." The store that paid high prices for merchandise just a little while ago must either get high prices now or hold a "sale" to dispose of overstocks at so-called "reduced" prices- prices reduced from the prices paid to manufacturers- when manufacturers were asking much higher prices than they do today. This store was buying lightly then, and, in turn, sold quickly. We are buying lightly now but we are paying the manufacturer's reduced prices and therefore keeping stocks clean, fresh, new 'i II I H I And Our Prices Lower Than "Sale Prices" Our business policy is to be ever ready with the nqwest and best in tailoring and furnishings and to show the latest -styles in each of the various lines. This policy always keeps our prices so absolutely fair and in tune with the times that men who care will think of us when they think of value received for the money spent. The reason for all this is logical. Without stocks that have been oer-long in the store we cannot hold "Sales." Without having paid the old high prices we cannot reduce the lowered prices that we are now Ray- ing ourselves. II I wiarsite sir I Fine Tailoring Fine Furnishings 111 tI. THE TURKISH CIGARETTE I 0 Night Robes Underwear Hats & Caps Bath Robes Sport Coats Pajamas Shirts Sweaters Knit Vests Suits Overcoats 20% OFF AV Mrs. Fox was bragging one day about the large number of her cubs. How many cubs do you bring into the world at one time?" she asked the LIONESS. "Only ONE," replied the Lioness-"but it's a LION." MURADS COST 20 CENTS for*a BOX of 10-BUT THEY'RE MURADS! MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the100 0 Turkish tobaccos of the purest and best varieties grown-or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco. But they wouldn't be MURADS--they d only be Foxes! i to TOQUES $1.00 Wadhams & Co. Two COMPLETE STORES STATE STREET MAIN STREET "Juge for yourself-I" _ rs the O & I Qwk fwih Sp~ecia attention is cdlled to marad os in Tn Sorts V .' ' The University Avenue Branch c Savings .Bank, as well as the Main ( for drawing Foreign Exchange direc country in the world. . We have daily quotati low __________________ fi## #111#1!11!111 1li1tl11111111l1l11lltH 1111!N l!!1p 1l11ai11#i### 1#!111#!#111##!!t!!# !1!!!t!!11!!! )f the Ann Arbor )ffice has facilities t on almost every ons.