MIC DAILY MIC DAILY rAX 999 x a- A Dodge Car and Dodge Service- enough said 999 TAXI 999 lEstblished 1869 Christmas Vacation IL STUDENTS MUST APPLY FOR POSTAL JOBS NOW LOCAL POSTMASTER WILL GIVE. BLANKS FOR M. C. TERMINAL POSITIONS TODAY _.._ du of tr cu io 8: ar A w si pc th m Students who are obliged to work uring vacation and wish to do post- ,lee work at the Terminal of the De- oit Michigan Central depot must se- ure their application blanks at the cal postofflce this morning between :30 and 10 o'clock, according to an nnouncement by Mr. H. J. Abbott, the nn Arbor postmaster. Those who ish to work in the Detroit postofilce hould make application direct to the ostmaster there, but no assurance hat they will be accepted can be ade. Only 15 Positions NEW AUTOMOBILE LICENSES APPEAR IN ANN ARBOR New automobile licenses are being issued throughout the state and sev- eral of the new numbers have made their appearance in Ann Arbor with- in the last few days. The 1921 number tags are exactly like those of last year except for the change in the color scheme. The new numbers are white on black as con- trasted with black on orange as was the case last year. All fafcy numbers under six digits have already been issued so there is no longer a chance to secure any of the so-called lucky numbers as 1, 13, or 23. 1111 M=i PITTSBURGH CONFERENCE ing the universities composing the ALUMNI PLAN BIG JAMBOREE "Big 10," will stage the annual "Jam- boree" in the Fort Pitt hotel at Pitts- The Western Conference Alumni burgh, Saturday, Dec. 11, at 8 o'clock Association of Pittsburgh, represent- p. m. I ihI Once Said I NOW is the time to order your Marshall ,Field Chicago's Mierchant Prince "Quick turn-overs mean small left-overs." The re- mark was urged because he desired to impress the managers of departments in his great Chicago store that to buy in small quantities was wise, if the store's stocks were to be always clean, fresh, new and sold with the least possible delay. "Old styles eventually reach the bargain counter and must be sold at bargain prices." And that is why here, in this store, #: Is the time to have Your Rooms Dec- orated or floors refinished or polished. This can be done while you thus avoiding all confusion. time NOW are away, Reserve, "We expected to be able to place the usual number of students in these places this year, but owing to the labor situation in Detroit it is more advisable for them to employ local men," said Mr. Abbott. "Therefore we have only 15 application blanks where in former years we have had as many as 175." The postmaster says that on account of the 'scarcity of these positions only those whose financial condition makes it absolutely necessary for them to work during the holidays to remain in school should apply. "Furthermore," he added, "no one who will not be able to start by Dec. 19 should consider himself an applicant. In case one has classes after this date he should con- fer with the Dean of his department for special permission to do this work." PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS while our assortment complete ENGRAVING & EMBOSSING WE Do NOT HOLD "SALES" But Often Sell Below is "Sale Prices~ Call 353-Fl Oswald A. Herz 112 w. Washington a specialty. In ordering from us you get the serv- ices of some of the most exclusive Engraving and Stationery houses in the Middle West. We never get over-stocked because we buy our mer- chandise in small quantities. Goods are always spic- span new and in correct, up-to-the-minute styles. That. is why, too, from day to day, prices show the savings we make by securing from the makers their greatly reduced prices which now prevail. The maker's prices prevailing in the past, when "Sale Stores" over-stocked themselves must, per-force, be lowered-but not here because we never over-stock. Marshall Field was right and his words still ring true--"quick turn-overs mean small left-overs. Night Robes Underwear Hats & Caps Bath Robes Sport Coats Paj amas Shirts Should Not Miss Classes Mr. Abbott said that no one should miss a class in order to be present this morning, but should secure a friend who has vacant periods to go in his stead. If, before the postmaster's door opens at 8:30 o'clock there are more applying than there are number of blanks, the applicants should de- cide among themselves who are to re- ceive the forms. Sweaters Knit Vests Printing and imitation of Engraving can be furnish- ed if desired. O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade wiu wl Suits Fine Tailoring Fine Furnishings Overcoats 20 OFF TOQUES $1.00 Wadhams & Co. TWO COMPLETE STORES STATE STREET MAIN. STREET PO u EL r a Ann Arbor's progressive merchants &"A;t h tb oe VatJY'%Lp M48R W6 Lt5Ofi W At4AlG.MjoT 140W.'~n ft S ou~tteu-0"%flIfHOe& KCoiie&d t t106M dun WA lZA4eOt SoAq, eatI~ et CL dae 0* xAq Cadm O.rAQ ut Q W~tki.&m-ibX. O A u ,qS A a ~ t ~ 4 O 4 ~ (~ amdL~~go$tLt Ckh "Ga 4 1- ..rte.. I' , use The Michigan Daily.-Adv.___II_ __m a -4 P1.441A TO YPSILANTI,-THURSDAY EVENING, DE- CEMBER 9TH, TO GIVE A CONCERT IN PEASE AUDITORIUM "Mr. Graveure is a master vocalist, the possessor of a voice of exceptionally velvety and lovely quality, which he uses with an art that is as remarkable as it is rare. His diction in English, French and Italian is beyond praise, and his grasp of musical style is com- plete. ,He is the greatest interpreter of song before the PUBLIC today. fe QA tt E aAJQtl CmSA. 9t1 t ut O dLmetAi ' AXrtAAJwtU"0 ~~oAL~~6e*, cLR.o~"p-~~ itLU 6nJ,* You are interested in Music when it is presented to YQL in the GRAVEUR Pay ;.0 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY TICKETS ON SALE AT MRS. ROOT'S MUSIC STORE 620 East William Street 50e-75e-$1.00 and $1.60-All Seats Reserved Special cars will leave Interurban Waiting Room at 7:46 Eastern Standard Time t~xp i.ltF$ M4 t i .L t fZe'ti. :_ .