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October 09, 1920 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-10-09

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I 1 1L 1J V1\. £A~.5S R.VJ LL 1

News From The Other, Colleges
rinnell-- Sixty-eight college men former president, Marion L. Burton,
r living in town have been assign- who remarked that he believed that
is associate members of the dorm- every first year student on the cam-'
les. These men will be eligible for pus should know at least three college
inter-dorm contests and are free yells, and both verses of the Minne-
take part in all the activities in sota song. The sophomores caught the
r hall. idea and are prepared to enforce it.


Ohio-Instead of the regular pea-
nut style freshman cap the Ohio preps
will be given woolen headgear, with
ear flaps, to be worn the year around.
Cornell--A woman's administrative
committee will take the place of a
dean of women at Cornell college this
year. The committee will be compos-
ed of the head residents of the various'
Self-government is also being es-
tablished this year. A committee of
seven has been elected to draft a con-
Iowa-An unusual record in dormi-
tory construction has been made in
the colonial group of buildings that
will house 240 women. "The Lodges,"
is the name of the new group. The
four dormitories are connected by cor-
ridors in which are located offices and
parlors and library. The five build-
ings are built around an inner court.
This is to be planted with shrubery
before freezing weather by the de-
partment of grounds, and will blos-
som in flowers as early in the spring
as plants can be secured.

New advisers to the Women's league
will be elected from the wives of fac-
ulty members at the board meeting to
be held at 9:30 o'clock Saturday
morning, in the parlors of Barbour
gymnasium. Delegates will be elect-
ed at this meeting to the State Fed-
eration of Women's clubs to be held
at Laning, next week. Other import-
ant matters will be brought to the at-
tention of the board on this occasion.
Girls' Attention. Rain Water Sham-
poos, Marcelled Waving, Face and
Scalp Treatment at Mrs. J. R. Tro-
janowski's, 1108 So. University.
Pkone 696-W.-Adv.
Michigan Song Books and Memory
Books at Wahr's University Book-

Mlnnesota-Sophomores at the Uni-
ersity of Minnesota have been quick
o follow up the siuggestions of their
Every Mason on the campus invited
o attend the first smoker and get-to-
'ether of the year. It will be held
,aturday evening, Oct. 16, at 8:00 p.1
a. at the Michigan Union. The Ma-
onic band will furnish the music for;
he occasion.-Adv.
Patronize Daily advertisers.---Adv.:

Remember the new Shorthand class,
Monday, Oct. 11. School of Short-
hand, 711 N. Univ. Ave.-Adv.
The "STANDARD" Loose-Leaf
Notes at Wahr's University Book
The "STANDARD" Loose-Leaf
Notes at Wahr's University Book
Engineer's Supplies at Wahr's Uni-
versity Book Stores.-Adv.
Shop tools and Lab. supplies at
Wahr's University Book Stores.-Adv.
Ann Arbor's progressive merchants
use The Michigan Daily.-Adv,

AT $P. M.


AT 3 P. M,

There are more requests for Univer-
sity women to do part time work along
the lines of light house work, table,
waiting, sewing, care of children, and
work for board and room than there
are applicants for these places, ac-
cording to Marguerite Chapin, '20, as-
sistant to the dean of women, who is
in charge of the placing of girls in
these positions.
Rates for this type of work have
increased somewhat this year. Car
of children is rated thirty cents per
hour with other services ranging front
twenty-five to fifty cents according to
the type of work and ability and seed
of the worker.
It was agreed by a committee re-
cnutiy acting upon such matters that
five hours per day at the rate of hirty
cents per hour should be given in ex-
change for board and room, this scale
amounting to $10:50 a week, the av-
erage cost of board and room for Uni-
versity women.
There have been very few calls for
stenographic and other clerical work
and there are many girls who have
applied for this sort of positions, some
of them with long experience. It has
been suggested by Miss Chapin that
professors and others requiring occa-
slonal services of this nature com-
municate with her in this connection.
Miss Chapin has asked that Univer-
sity women who are occupied in any
kind of outside work report to her im-
mediately so that record may be kept
of the number of women who are help-
ing to support themselves during their
college courses.
New Nurses' Unit of Y. W. . A.
A new nurses' unit of the University
Y. W. C. A. has been organized at the
Homoeopathic hospital. This unit is
auxiliary to the University Y. W. C. A.
The officers of the unit,;Margaret Lam-
bert, president; Edna Kneisley, vice-
president; Lena Thomet, treasurer;
Grace Johnson, secretary; will be in-
stalled by Lois De Vries, '21, president
of the University Y. W. C. A. The
services will take place Monday, Oc-
tober 18. All nurses of the Homoeo-
pathic hospital will be present.
Let us keep your clothes clean. We
wash in soft water. White Swan
Laundry. Phone 165.-Adv.
The "STANDARD" Loose-Leaf
Notes at Wahr's University Book
Engineer's Supplies at Wahr's Uni-
versity Book Stores.--Adv.
Shop tools and Lab. supplies at
Wahr's University Book Stores.-Adv.
Engineer's Supplies at Wahr's Uni-
versity Book Stores.-Adv.
"Portraits that please" at the Derr
WANTED -Reliable, trustworthy man
to take orders for trees, - shrubs,
roses, vines, bulbs, etc. nNo deliv-
ery or collection work. High com-
mission paid., FIRST NATIONAL
NURSERIES, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED - Woman student wants
part time stenographic work. Ex-
perience in both shorthand and
typewriting. Box C, care of Daily.
WANTED-Experienced stenographer
and typist for work requiring one
to two hours daily. Phone Univer-
sity 92-J for appointment.

WANTED-Upperclassman now room-
ing with freshman Lit, desires single
room. Will exchange with fresh-
man. Box B, Daily.
WANTED-Live salesman to introduce
a new line in Ann Arbor. Best sell-
ing proposition offered on the cam-
pus. Call Beatty, 1119-R.
WANTED-Garage, near Division and
Jefferson. Preferably heated or
what have you. J. C. Morris, 293-W.
WANTED-A young man of good char-
acter would like a room in a pri-
vate family. Write Box V. R.
WANTED-Club of upperclassmen to
board for the school year, by wom-
an of wide experience. Box B. B.
WANTED-Good bass soloist wanted
for church work. Apply 312 S. Di-
vision St. Phone 212-J.
WANTED-High prices paid for your
old clothes. Phone 1981-W and will
call at you rconvenience.
WANTED- Room-mate. Also single
room to rent. Phone 1194-M.
The Store of Reliability & Satisfaction
118 South Main Street

Locker tickets wil be given out by.
Mrs. Blackburn every day from 9 to
12 and 2 to 5 o'clock, with the excep-
tion of Monday, until Wednesday, Oct.
13, in Barbour gymnasium.
There has been some confusion as
to the numbers of phones at Betsy,
Barbour house. The general call for
residents is 2676, for the director,Miss1
Sheldon, 2339, and for the business
manager, Miss Royer, 2178. 1
The first two of these numbers were
formerly lines serving the second and
third floors of Helen Newberry resid-
An important meeing of the board
of directors of the Women's League
will be held at 9:30 o'clock Saturday
morning, Oct. 9, in the board room in
Barbour gymnasium. Members of the
board are urged to be present.
Freshmen taking gymnasium work
are asked to present their locker tick-
ets to Mrs. Blackburn before Wednes-
day, Oct. 13. Tickets may be bought
at the secretary's office in University
hall for $1, the regular gymnasium fee.
Sophomores should leave the sched-
Jles of their gymnastic hours in the
physical director's office in Barbour
gymnasium before noon Monday, Oct.

Repaired, Rebuilt.
Mechanical Service

A. C. Stimson

Mother Should Have Your Photograph
Made at


721 N. University

296 J

..,..._ ........,..w ..









All girls who are interested in oc-
cupational therapy, who have had
training in it and want to continue the
work, see Hulda Bancroft at Newber-
ry hall.
There will be an important meeting'
of the Girls' Mandolin club at 7:15
o'clock, Tuesday evening, Oct. 15, in
the Women's league room at Univer-
sity hall. Several announcements will
be made, and plans for the year will
be discussed.
The Junior advisers' supper is to
follow Dean Myra B. Jordan's tea,
Monday night, Oct. 11. All juniors
will come to Barbour gymnasium at 6
o'clock to meet their freshmen, and
bring them to the supper.

Pure Silk
Hand Framed
Knitted Cravats





Crowded every meal
Room for All Our
Last years customers
One half block South
of "MAJ"

508 Thompson St.

1579 M



FOR RENT-To one or two Medics or
Hospital Assistants, large front
room, opposite University Hospital.
All modern conveniences. Well furn-
ished. Price right. Call No. 1122-W.
FOR RENT-Several apartments one
block 'from campus. We write In-
surance of all kinds-Potter and
Allshouse-601-4 1st National Bank.
Telephone 2072.
FOR RENT-Furnished rooms, front
suite, second floor for three people
near cor. Washtenaw and Church
Sts., four doors from street car. 425
Church St.
FOR RENTExceptionally comfort-
able double study room with dorm-
itory. Two and one-half blocks from
campus. $8 per-week. Mrs. Foster,
924 Oakland.;
FOR RENT - Very desirable front
suite suitable for two or three. Two
blocks from campus. 429 S. Divis-
ion, phone 1741-R.
FOR RENT- Fine large suite with
two single beds. Half block from
campus. Men. $8. 210 S. Thayer.
Phone 2488-4.
FOR RENT-Two extra good suites,
one block from campus. 616 Church.
Plone 907-R.
FOR RENT - Double room on first
floor near the campus. Price $8.00.
Call 993-W, 421 E. University.
FOR RENT-Fine large suite with two
single 'beds; one block from cam-
pus. Girls. 911 Monroe.
FOR RENT-Room for two or three.
Half block from campus. See Graves
608 East William St.
FOR RENT-Single room for rent for
lady. 312 S. Division St. Phone
FOR RENT-One single room. 512%
East William.
AUCTION SALE-On Saturday, Oct.
9th,. at 1:30 p. m.-the householdf
goods of the late Mrs. Rosina Wahl
at her late home, 116 E. Hill St.
After which the house and lot will
also be sold. J. W. Finnell, Auction-

FOR SALE-Essex roadster. Practic-
ally new, run only 3,000 miles. Five
Cord tires and complete equipment.
Mechanically perfect and a bargain
for cash. Dr. S. G. Bush, Chelsea.
Phone 27.
FOR SALE-Modern six room house,
fine S. E. location. B'eautifully de-
corated, clean, ready to occupy.
$3,000 down and monthly payments.
Telephone owner, 1600-J.
FOR SALE - Nelson sport model
speedster, fine condition. Very rea-
sonable. Car just overhauled thor-
oughly. Will demonstrate. Call 258
after 6 p. m.
FOR SALE-Buscher E fia.t Baritone
and B flat Tenor Saxophones, like
new, with cases. C. E. Gilbert, 319
N. Main St.
FOR SALE - Gibson Mando-Cello.
Practically new, fair price. Over-
land Garage. Phone 2440, evenings.
FOR SALE-Drawing outfit, Smith's
inorganic Chem. text and. Zoology
lab. manual. Phone 1170-J.
FOR SALE--Ford touring car $250.00;
good tires and in fine running ord-
er. 1340 Volland St.
LOST-A lady's green purse about 6x3
containing about $23 and papers.
Lost around 555 S. Division. Return
to Ethel Ward at above address and
receive reward.
LOST-Trunk bearing "E. M." Detmioit,
Mich." Probably delivered to wrong
address. Call 1662-W. Reward.
LOST-Treasurer's receipt and Ath-
letic Coupon. Call T. M. Pettibone,
prone 1058-M.
LOST-Dunhill pipe Tuesday night
on Packard near Williams. Reward.
Box BB, Daily.
LOST-Thursday a Chi Omega soror-
ity pin. Name on back. Call 1325.
LOST-A bunch of keys. Call 344.
LOST-Pair of tortoise trimmed nose-
glasses. Same left in lobby of Un-
ion. Return to Daily office. Care
Box CC.


T HE Boyshform is a sturdy brassiere which
wears well and gives that much desired boy-
like, flat, smooth appearance.
It can be worn under evening gowns, street
costumes or waists of the sheerest materials
without the use of a camisole.

The Boyshform

sizes range from 32

to 46.

Prices are from 75c to $4.00, depending upon the
material used.


O UR discerning choice in buying only the best and
smartest apparel insures your complete satisfaction,
both as to quality and authenticity of style. Our prices
are surprisingly moderate.

_. r

F'~ 'A'A ~
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124 South Main

RIVATE Boarding house opened at LOST-On State St., 3 P. M. Friday,
445 East University. Strictly home Parker fountain pen. Reward. M.
cooking. Clark, phone 2780.




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