THE MICHIGAN DAILN i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Volume I TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1920. Number 54. PHOMORE ENGINEERS: The December Assembly will be held at 9 o'clock Wednesday, Dec. 8, Room 348 of the New Engineering building. Professor Roth will ad- ss the class on a subjetc of interest and concern to all engineers. W. C. HOAD, Class Mentor. There will be ridan'- College Lgan Union. a meeting of the local chapter of the Association of Professors Tuesday, Dec. 7, at 8 p. m. in room 304, All members are urged to be present. C. B. VIBBERT. Wards will please call for pay checks, Room 302 University Hall Tues- y, Dec. 7, from 8 until 5 o'clock. F. B. WAHR, Counselor. nior Research Club: The regular meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec. 7, at 8 p. m. in Room F, 6 New Science building. Subjects: The Spectra of Stars of Classes R and and Their Relation to Tbheories of Stellar Evolution, by Prof. W. C. fus. The Production of Plantation Rubber, by Mr. Carl LaRue. R. O. BRIGHAM, Secretary. medy Club: Members of Comedy club will try out for "Bunty Pulls the Strings" ednesday and Thursday, Dec. 8 and 9, at 7 p. m. in Room 206 University Il. Copies of the play have been placed on the Reserve Shelves in the ading Room:of the Library. J. RALEIGH NELSON. see and Abuses of Twist Drills": "Uses and Abuses. of Twist Drills," a four reel film, will be shown on .esday at 8 p. m. in the auditorium of the Natural Science building. This for all sections in Machine Shop. Visitors are invited. J. AIREY. WHAT'S GOING ON TUESDAY 4:00-4-Hop committee meets in room 302, Union. 5:00- Representatives of sororities, fraternities and house clubs meet in Lane hall auditorium to make ar- rangements for the entertainment of poor children ata Christmas parti'. 5:30-Episcopal fellowship dinner In the assembly hall of the Union. 6:30-Ann Arbor chapter of American Association of Engineers holds, din- ner and business meeting at the Union. 6:30-Upper Room Bible class meets in Lane hall. Topic: "Study of the Gospel of St. John." 7:00-All class traditions committees of the engineering college meet in Engineering society rooms. 7:1-Aero club meets at Union. 7:15-Choral Union ticket takers re- port at Hill auditorium. 7:15-Rehearsal of Mandolin club at Union. 7:30-Michigan Aeronautical society meets in room 325, Union. 7:80 - Reception for Dr. Frederick Griffin, of Philadelphia, in Unitarian church parlors. 7:30-Kentucky club meets in room 304, Union. 8:00 - Motion picture, "Uses and Abuses of Twist Drills;" Natural Science auditorium. 8:00-Junlor Research club meets in room F 426, Natural Science build- ing. 8:00-Local chapter of the Associa- tion of American College Professors meets in room 304, Union. 8:00-Spotlight vaudeville in 11111 au- ditorium. 8:00-Michigan Dames meet in Lane hall. Mr. George Wilner of the ora- tory department will give readings. WEDNESDAY 9:00-Sophomore engineer assembly in room 348, Engineering building. 12:15-Triangles meet for group pic.- tures at Rentschler's studio. '6:00-Dinner for all men of Ann Ar- bor or the University at Lane hall in honor of Dr. Frederick Griffin, of Philadelphia. 7:00 - Youngstown - Michigan club meets In room 32, Union. 7:00 - Glee club rehearsal in the Workshop. 7:15-Mandolin club rehearsal at the Union. 7:15-Cabinet club meets in room 319, Union. 7:15-Meeting of Intercollegiate Zion- ist society in Lane hall. 7:80 - I Cirolo Italiana meets In Alumni Memorial call. Prof. Her- bert R. Cross will deliver an illus- trated lecture on "Raphael." 7:80--Forestry club smoker, room F 214, Natural Sciencebuilding. 7:80-Student council committee on underclass conduct meets in the Un- Ion. 7:80-Adelphi House of Representa- tives meets on fourth floor, Univer- . -ity hail. :00-Freshman dental smoker at the Union. U-NOTICES Because of the Spotlight vaudeville, Adelphi House of Representatives will meet at 7:30 tomorrow night instead of tonight as previously an- nounced. At that time the question "Resolved, That the United States should give full racial equality un- der law to the Japanese in the Un- ited States or wishing to enter the United States," will be discussed. All shriners who have 'not turned in their names to Prof. Frank A. Mickle, 1031 Michigan avenue, sec- retary of the University Shrine club, are asked to do so at once. Officers of the junior lit class and chairmen of the various committees will meet at 8 o'clock Thursday evening in Lane hall. La Sociedad Ilispanica will meet at 7:15 o'clock in room 202, South Wing, Thursday evening instead of Tuesday. Freshman engineering class dues will be collected from 8 to 5 o'clock to- day on the second floor of the Eng- inoering building. "AMERICAN SEEKS HIS PERSONAUTY" -GUNSAULUS. "The American is the one being in the history of the race who is in search of his personaliay." Such was the keynote of the address of Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus on-"The Educa- tion of the American," at the First Methodist church, Sunday night. "To him (the American) personality is a thing for more rich because it is to be achieved, it is more important be- cause it is a goal," he said. "We have just had the hand of Ger- many at our throats," he exclaimed. "But we were victorious because it was the hand of Germany, directed by the head of Germany that came against us." Mr. Gunsaulus stated that the Red is a believer in medio- crity, he has no use for outstanding personality. For this reason medio- crity is a menace to American civiliza- tion today. ROMOEOP HOSPITAL STAFF FORMS INSTRUCTION CLUB Aim is to Become Familiar with Mod- ern Affairs Outside of Medicine Members of the Homoeopathic hos- pital staff have organized themselves into a club, the purpose of which is not to instruct, but to be instructed. They will hold fortnightly meetings at which they invite members of their own and other staffs to speak upon any subject that they wish. Their object is that of becoming familiar with affairs, of the day that are foreign to medicine. A number of the members of the general staffs have been scheduled to speak. Conduct Committee to Meet Wed. Members of the Student council un- derclass conduct committee will meet Wednesday night at the Union instead of Tuesday night as originally an- nounced. The meeting was postpon- ed so as not to conflict with the Spot- light vaudeville which is. to be held at that time. MASQUES TO ENTERTIN 9T CH T PARTY Plans for the Women's league Christmas party to be given on Dec. 17 were discussed at the meeting of the board of directors of the Women's league Saturday morning in Barour gymnasium "The Greatest Gift," the Masques Christmas play, will furnish the entertainment for the afternoon,. and following it there will be the us- ual dance. Announcement was made of the fact that, owing to the anticipated con- struction of a women's building, the allotment of money to meet the league expenses for the year was small At- tendance at the parties has been so large th t the amount allowed, ac- cording to the financial budget, for the use of the social committee has been almost exhausted. It was there- fore decided that a per capita tax of 10 cents should b' collected at the Christmas party. "It was a question of having fewer parties, or of im- posing a small tax," said Theodosia Burton, '23, chairman of the social committee "and we felt that the girls would prefer the latter." Other business considered at the meeting was the coming drive for in- cluding nurses in league memebr- ship. TOWN, FACULTY TO DINE AT ARMORY University and town will join to- gether in a banquet Wednesday night in the new banquet rooms at the Armory, carrying out the policy started some years ago, of drawing the town and University into closer contact. Faculty men will be the speakers this year with Pof.' E. C. Goddard as the principal speaker. He will tell of the work of the city charter com- mission of which he is chairman. Oth- er short talks on city and University affairs will be given by Prof. David Friday of the economics department and by Prof. A. H. White, of the chem- ical enginering department. The toast- master as yet has not been chosen. COS-11OPOI ITAN CLUB TO HOLD CONVENTION IN ANN ARBOR Representatives of the Cosmopoli- tan cu'b from 58 universities and collegs will meet at an annual con- vention Dec. 27 28- and 29 in Ann Ar- bor. Both 'he United States and Can- ada are to be represented at this meeting and Cosmopolitan club offi- cials expect this to be the largest con- vention in the annals of the society. President Marion L. Burton and Dr. Harry B. Hutchis are among the speakers who will address the meet- ings. PROFESSORS SPEAK BEFORE FE DRAT'ION OF TEACHERS Prof. James W. Glover, professor of mathematics and insurance, and Prof. James B. Edmonson, of the education department, spoke Saturday in Bay City before the State Federation of Teachers' clubs. Professor Glover spoke upon "The Cost of a State Pen- sion System for Teachers" while Pro- fessor Edmonson's subject was: "The Need for an Adequate Pension for Teachers." "DUKE" DUNNE CHOSEN LEADER OF FOOTBALL TEAM FOR 1921 (Continued from Page One) ate in Big Ten contests were explain- ed by Professor Aigler. "The -eight game schedule was vot- ed down and a committee appointed to investigate and fix the amount of time for practice because' of the de- sire to prevent any repetition of the feeling in 1906 that football should be abolished in universities. There is a tendency to get more excited and for too intense rivalry to develop, which may prove dangerous to foot- ball.yWe want to avoid suchra pos- sibil ity," said Professor - Aigler. Goetz Thanks Team In a farewell speech to the team ex- Captain Goetz thanked the men for their support during the past two years, and he asked them to get be- hind "Dunne. A short talk by Cap- tain-elect Dunne followed. After ex- pressing his appreciation of the hon- or given him by the eleven, he prom- ised his best as leader in 1921. S 9 FRATERNITY TANK MEN TO COMPETE WEDNESDAY NIGHT (Continued from Page Three) Delta, Phi Gamm-a Delta, Zeta Beta Tau, Trigon, Phi Rhi Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Kappa Nu, Alpha Sigma . i Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Kappa. 7:45 o'clock Thursday: Delta Up- I silon, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Chi Psi, Del- r ta Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Lambda kIL iEItLJIJ IChi Alpha, Phylon, Nu Sigma Nu, Psi Upsilon, Theta Chi, Alpha Tau Ome- E 'ga, Theta Delta Chi, Phi Kappa Sig- ma, Zeta Psi, Alpha "Delta Phi. Finals will be held at 3:30 o'clock - STATE STREET at the CAMPUS Friday. MANY FOOD LISTS SHOW iiiiitniiii1[1111iliiiii MARKED DECLINE IN PRICE (Continued from Page One)Try a iCloUS decrease in their charges. The "Y" D lciu Inn says their raise was due to in- creased cost in preparing food. Chubb's contend that there are not high labor cost as an expensive item. Freeman's lay it to overhead, and Mr. Freeman makes the statement, "Board would be $10 a week if it were raised in proportion to prices." In- crease in cost of production held pric - esup, according to the Arcadia man- W ith C ream - V t .C emagement. 11- A : Our Special Blend of Coffee ResidenceU E o J ersey Mil . Mercanutile= Personal Effects Furs, Jewelry, Etc. c VACATION IS NEAR A We can cover your baggage and effects fromloss of any kindain =.= any part of the world by a = TOURIST POLICY -FIRE -TORNADO -AUTO - POTTER & ALLSHOUSE UpS Telephone 2072 = J. FINGERLE NICKELS ARCADE FIRST NATIONAL BANK =_= dE ERSOySAL GREETING CARDS Lecave Your Order Early - Special Attention Given to Michigan Dames to Hear Readings Michigan Dames will hold a meet- ing at 8 o'clock Tuesday night at Lane ball. Mr. George D. Wilner of the oratory department will give read-' ings. Plaus for a party to be given Ube the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. Dec. 10 will be at time. at CHRISTMAS ENGRAVING at H 'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES pp Schumacher llardw are Co lay A Store of Individual Shops 308-10-12 South Mail Street ONLY 16 MORE SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS The Store oft he Christmas Spirit" HELPFUL HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS,' c v, "z SERVING TRAYS FOOD CHOPPERS BREAD MIXERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS ELECTRICAL GOODS BAKING DISHES CASSEROLES LUNCH BOXES ELECTRIC GRILLS BRASS GOODS PYREX GLASSWARE ALUMINUMWARE TABLE AND FLOOR LAMPS COFFEE PERCOLAT- ORS TEA & COFFEE POTS BREAD TRAYS CH-AFING DISHES Itoys Toys Toy s For every Kid, big and little, there is here an endless va viety of marvelous fun-making Toys. Come in tomorrow PASTRY SETS WAR GAMES BOOKS TRAINS ROLLER SKATES COON JIGGER CLIMBING MONK BOXERS TRIKAUTO CHECKERS PING PONG MACHINE GUNS DISHES MODELLER SETS BLOCKS ICE SKATES SKIS SLEDS TOOL CHESTS DOLL HOUSES TINKERTOYS STUFFED ANIMALS , : ; i1 PHOTOGRAPHERS WANTED Michiganensian wantstphoto- graphers right away to take snap shots. Call Avery, phone 2220, or call at office in the Press building. DOLL FURNITURE HORNS DRUMS KIDDIE KARS Surprise Her With a Crystal Electric Washer I . _________________________