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December 04, 1920 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-12-04

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' f

clamation) should help the Central up the nation's wounds; to care for
DEFENDS USIHIAN OH Powers to "step down and out?" him who shall have bourne the battle,
Have Aided Friends and for his widow, and his' orphan-
. T ft nnn thto do all which may achieve and cher-


lame I


Number 52.1

the Members of the University Senate:
In accordance with the action of the Senate at its meeting held on
v. 22, I desire to announce that a special meeting will be held on Mon-
r evening, Dec. 6, 1920, at 8 o'clock in Room C of the Law building. This
eting is called for the purpose of giving special consideration to the re-
t of a committee of the Senate council which was presented by the
airman, Dean Bates, at the last meeting. This report makes recommenda-
ns in regard to our answers to a questionnaire sent out by the American
incil on Education of which this University is a member. The subject
the questionnaire is federal legislation dealing with educational mat-
s, notably the Smith-Towner Bill.
Other matters will be presented for which there was not time at the
t meeting.
A full attendance of the members of the Senate is highly desirable. We
ve real obligations to these large national problems of education. The
cussion at the recent meeting of the Senate clearly indicated that we
re willing to accept these responsibilities.
M. L. BURTON, President.
oral Union Ticket Takers:
Choral Union ticket takers will report to Hill auditorium for the Spot-
ht Vaudeville Dec. 7, 1920, at 7:15 o'clock.
ention, Members of Classical Club:
The attention of the .members of the Classical club is called to the fact
t the club picture for the Michiganensian will be taken Saturday, Dec. 4,
12:15 o'clock at Rentschler's studio on Huron street. All members are
;ed to be present. ORMA F. BUTLER.
ilor Electricals:
Those men who have not yet filled out classification slips for the second
iester will report to Room 273 New Engineering building today between
hours of 9-12 and 1-3. BENJ. F. BAILEY.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
I have read with interest and some
surprise Professor McLaughlin's em-
phatic protest against the campus
drive for the benefitbof Austrian stu-
dents. There can be no doubt but'
that we all agree that the crimes con-
mitted by thearmies of the Central
Powers, not only on the soldiers of
the Allies but on numerous innocent
victims as well, have been such as to
deserve the utmost condemnation.
But now that the war has been over
for more than two years, does it
speak well for the human soul to
harbor fierce hatred against our form-
er enemies? Does the spirit or relig-
ion not enjoin upon us to be human,
generous, and forgiving? By contin-
uing to cherish hatred and the feeling
of revenge are we not also becoming
Prussianized? Are we not following
the worst example of barbarism in
modern times.
Questions Statement
Is it true, as Professor McLaughlin
states, that it would be an insult to
French universities and to French
students if we held out a helping hand
to Austrian students? I claim that no
kind or noble deed, no act of charity,
can ever under any circumstances be
an insult to any one-not if the teach-
ings of Christ have any meaning to-
As I see it, the Central Powers have
received and are still receiving the
most severe punishment for their
wicked deeds-and justly so!
Does it not follow that we as gen-
erous and "virtuous" Americans (see
President Wilson's Thanksgiving pro-

1Iam or te o pnon iaL We enraEI
Powers and more especially Austria
(conditions in Austria are said to beg-
gar description!) should be helped-
not so much for their sake as for our1
own, our humanity, and our souls.{
Professor McLaughlin asks the fol-
lowing question in the last para-
graph of his protest: "Humanity may
dictate thought and care for all that
suffer, but does it preclude considera-
tion of our friends and must it be

ish a just and lasting peace among
ourselves, and with all nations."
My contribution to the cause of
the Austrians is a mere pittancewhen
compared with what I have contribut-
ed to the fund for French orphans. I
shall continue to contribute to both.
Professor of French.

ONLY (the capitals are my own) to I PURCHASE TICKETS EARLY
the profit of our enemies?" Is this
according to the facts? Have we not Business, equal in volume to the
done everything for our friends and day before vacation rush, marked yes-
are we not still doing everything for terday's ticket sales at the Michigan
them? Then why make a statement Central ticket office and A. J. Wise-
for which there is no foundation? logel, in charge of the local office, is
By all means, let us do all we can deeply gratified with the spirit shown

our friends, but at the same ime t l

us not forget the miseries of our form-
er enemies, however responsible they
may be for them. Are we benefiting
the civilization of the world by har-
boring a spirit of revenge?
Commends Spirit
Let us have peace and good will to
all. That, as I understand it, is the
true religion, true humanity, and true
nobility of soul.
I take this occasion to extend
hearty congratulations to all those
who have contributed to the Austrian
cause. The young and old, men and
women, who have shown a magnific-
ent spirit in that they have returned#
good for evil. Nothing can hasten
theprogress of the world more than
"charity for all."
Let me conclude with that noble
American utterance: "With malice
toward none; with charity for all;
with firmness in the right, as God giv-
es to see the right, let us strive on to
finish the work we are in; to bind

I i

by the students in heeding the warn-
ings issued by the railroad company.
All 'day long there was a continual
stream of students pouring into the
station and in no instance was any-
one disappointed in an endeavor to
secure reservations. If the reserva-
tions are bought at this time there
can be no congestion and disappoint-
ments for the various railroads have
promised ample cars to care for
everyone in case the reservations are
made early enough so that arrange-
ments can be made for the extra
As no checks are being received
by the railroad officials, students are
urged to bring cash to the station
when purchasing their tickets, in or-
der not to be inconvenienced.
Prof. Mithenthal will teach on Sat-
urdays instead of Fridays, beginning
this Saturday. Single admission-
Gents. $1.25; ladies. $.75. Class, 7:00
to 8:30.-Adv..

(Continued from Page One)
said, "A certain conservatism is a
good thing. The trouble is that its
conservatism is motivated."
L A. W. Stowe, of the Grand Rapids
Press replied, contending that a con-
science is present in many newspa-
pers, and cited policies of the paper
on which he worked as proof.
Explaining the work of thet new de-
partment of engineering research at
the University, Dean M. E. Cooley dis-
cussed the subject, "The University
and Industry." "There is no more
potent word today than the work 're-
search'," he said.
Should Use~Library
"The use of the Library by news-
papers has to be learned," W. W. Bis-
hop, librarian, said, and added, "We
have frequently helped out the papers
of the state." Libraries should be
called upon for instant services, dates,
views and material for editorials and
feature 'stories'," he explained.
Humor was the order of the evening
at the banquet, the concluding session
of the convention. Prof. F. N. Scott,
toastmaster, introduced Rev. Lloyd C.
Douglas who spoke on "Newspaper
Humor and Otherwise." He said
humor was America's distinct contri-
bution to the world, but observed that
it was decreasing. Attributing .this
to greed and the movies, he. declared,
"The movies are largely responsible
for the loose morals, thefts, and arson
prevalent to such a large extent to-
day." The newspaper could exert a
more powerful inffuence for good 6y
its cartoons, humor column and "fill-
ers," he declared.
For live progressive up-to-date ad-
vertising use The Michigan Daily.-

15-Classical club meets at Rent-
chler's studio for group picture.
0-Varsity band meets at the'Delta
n marching uniform.
O--Glee club rehearsal at the Un-
0--Upper Room Bible class meets
a Lane hall.
0---Greater Newark club meets in
oom 304, Union, for initiation of
ew members.
O-Bayonne, N. J., club meets in
>om 306, Union.
-J. T. Doran speaks on "The
orthwestern Labor Movement" in
atural Science auditorium under
he auspices of the Socialist so-
0-President Marion L. Burton
nd Mrs. Burton hold reception for
)reign students at the President's

Suit Over Dog Goes to Higher Court
Pontiac, Dec. 3. - With the filing
of an appeal Wednesday from the
verdict of a jury in Judge Henry L.
Wood's court at Rochester Nov. 10,
Rochester's dog case will come up
in circuit court here.aGeorge A.
Hemple, owner of an airdale pup
which is alleged to have been killed
when run over by an automobile
driven by John Vincent, of Roches-
ter, Oct. 20, sued Vincent for $50 dam-
ages. A jury composed of four
women and two men heard the case
and decided against Hemple, so the
court taxed the cost of the proceed-
ings, $19.95, against Hemple.

Caters to Fraturnities and

Leave Your Order Early - Special Attention Given to







President May Go Before Congress
Washington, Dec. 3. - President
Wilson was represented today as be-
inge strongly desirous of appearing in
person before congress next week to
deliver what will be his last annual
message to that body. He has not
yet, however, made known his plans.
Those in close touch with the
President have stated that his health
has improved so rapidly in the past
few weeks that there was no doubt
of his ability to go before congress, if
he desired to do so.

:30 - University Men's Bible class
meets in Lane hall.
:80-Graduates of Detroit Northwest-
ern high school meet in Lane hall au-
ditorium to organize club.
:80-Student Volunteers meet in Lane
:45-Social hour for young people's
meeting, Unitarian guild hall.
:80-Prof. John F. Shepard speaks on
"Some Modern Conceptions of God,"
in Unitarian guild hall.
0---Judge Harry M. Fisher, of Chi-
cago, addresses Menorah society on
"The Jew in Soviet Russia and East-
ern Europe," in Lane hall.
he Union orchestra will hold a re-
hearsal for the Spotlight vaudeville
at 7 o'clock Monday evening in Hill
11 engineering class presidents are
asked to meet with George Gregory,
'22E; S. Schwart, '22E; and Douglas
Dow, '22E; at 10 o'clock this morn-
ing in the Engineering society,
(Continued from Page One)
stant curator of rare books, was
ppointed to fill the position of cura-
nr left vacant by the death of Pro-:
ssor Emeritus Isaac N. Demmon. 3
Provide for Store RoomF
Construction of a fire proof storeI
om in the Chemistry building'for
flammable chemicals was author-
ed. The Regents passed a resolu-
m for full time chairs for clinicalI
rvice at the University hospital ast
on as the new building is ready toI
Arthur S. White was given the de-
ee of Jurus Doctor. The M. A. de-
ee was awarded Jesse E. Thornton
d George G. Wright, and the M. S.
gree to Luis B. Viceus, Charles S.
ark, Donald T. Lester, George Es-
to and Henry C. Simonds received
e B. A. degree.
For results advertise in The Mich-
an Daily.-Adv.

Chinese Students Discuss Plan
The Chinese Students' club held its
second monthly meeting last night at
Lane hall. The social committee, an-
nounced that plans were being made
for the reception to be given soon for
President Marion L. Burton. Plans
for a national convention to be held
next summer in Chicago, to which a
delegate will be sent, was also dis-
Effinger to Speak at Niagara Falls
Dean John R. Effinger will make
several addresses during the Christ-
mas holidays. On Dec. 29 he will be
in Niagara Falls, N. Y., to speak be-
fore the local Rotary club and the
Niagara Falls Alumni association in
the evening.
Britain Offers Aid to Wilson
Geneva, Dec. 3.-A dispatch was re-
ceived by the council of the League
of Nations by Earl Curzon, British
foreign secretary, saying Great Brit-
ain would offer her moral and diplo-
matic aid to President Wilson in his
Armenian mediation.
No More Socialist Party in R. I.
Providence, Dec. 3. - The Social-
ist party ceased to exist in Rhode
Island as a political party under the
laws of the state in the last election,
according to the state returning
Finns Ratify Peace with Russia
London,- Dec. 3.-The Finnish par-
liament today ratified the peace
treaty with soviet Russia by a large
majority, says a dispatch to the Cen-
tral News of Helsingmors.
All fraternities, sororities, and
organizations must have. pic-
tures taken for the Michiganen-
sian before Chmristmas vaca-
tion. This is final.

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