fHE MICHIGAN DAILY - f W( omen lirls are needed for social service rk in the hospitals. Any girl in-. ested is requested to call at New- ry hall. [here will be a meeting of the ard of directors of the Women's gue at 10:30 o'clock Saturday rning in Barbour gymnasium. Im- diately after the meeting, the Mich- .nensian picture will be taken at 3 Corbett-Hamilton studio. i'reshmen are requested to pay their Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00 Resources .........$5,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron 707 North University Ave. social tax of 50 cents either at Dean Myra B. Jordan's office in Barbour gymnasium or to Helen Delbridge, '24, at Helen Newberry residence. There will be a meeting of all girls interested in writing music or lyrics for the Junior Girls' play at 10 o'clock Saturdayumorning in Barbour gym- nasium. Entertainment is being planned by the Womens' league for women who are expecting to spend the holidays in Ann Arbor. In order to facilitate ar- rangements, these persons.. are asked to sign at the office of the dean of women. Any girls desiring work dur- ing vacation will so indicate at this tim.e Board of representatives of the Wo- men's league will meet at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Barbour gym- nasium. ARMORY Prof. Mithenthal will teach on Sat- urdays instead of Fridays, beginning this Saturday. Single admission- Gents, $1.25; ladies. $.75. Class, 7:00 to 8:30.-Adv. For results advertise in The Mich- igan Daily.--Adv. .... AI 1 Per EXCLU Hear I- AIlmending 12 ft1Iii llItl iiilillll ill llllll111III lI ltDl1 tiDfi iil Y Graiger JSIVE COLUMBIA ARTIST = fs Records at or 's Music Shop 2 E. Liberty w er Midmonth ds Released Today kR THEll tlDlll il ilnlI nII lIuIIItIII IiDlD IiunilIIII1h - League Cabaret To Rival Follies Blue-book time and the annual fall rains are on with a vengeance. The campus swims with gloom and mud. But right now, in the midst of the gen- eral grayness, an opportunity to for- get troubles amid the glitter and gaiety of a real Winter Garden show, is open to all girls who come to the Women's league cabaret. Promptly at 4 o'clock this afternoon Barbour gymnasium will open its doors to all who are willing to leave their wor- ries outside for the afternoon. After the first dance when every- one is ready to sit down at the ta- bles at the side of the gymnasium, and sip something refreshing, the show proper will begin. A masqued mys- tery will arouse the admiration, and curiosity of all by her graceful danc- ing. Then again the orchestra will set up a healthy rag-time tune, and the guests will dance, .cabaret style. Another number of the program will be an act from the "Follies," performed by the Delta Gamma fresh- men, and worthy of George Cohan at his best. Later Alexander and his famous "Kitchen Band" will render a jazz selection. The center of the room is to be roped off into a circluar space which will b eused alternately by the danc- ers and the performers. Foreigners To Be Burton's Guests Invitations have been issued by President Marion L. Burton and Mrs. Burton for a reception to be given to the students of other lands at the President's house from 8 o'clock to 11 o'clock Saturday evening. All stu- dents from foreign countries have been invited, and those who are mar- ried are asked to bring their wives. As many as can possibly do so are requested to come attired in the cos- tume of their native land. Students from the different countries will band together and give songs and short acts interpreting their own customs. The house will be decorated in flags of all the nations, and all of the foreign students who have flags of their own land are asked to leave them with Prof. J. A. C. Hildner in room 302 University hall today. Union Prepares Song Booklets Booklets of Michigan songs have been prepared by the Union entertain- ment committee for use in the tap room sings and will be distributed for the first time tonight. These book- lets are not to be jaken from the tap room but are to be turned in for fut- ure use, at the conclusion of the sing. The Kemp Music Studios -Piano, Organ, and Voice Instruction. Es- tablished 1880. 312 S. Division St. Phone 212-J.-Adv. Paronize Daily Advertiers.-Adv. WOMEN DELEGATES PRAISE PRESS CONVENTION PROGRAM "The University has provided pro- grams which would do much good if they were more fully attended by big newspaper men," said Miss Mabel Clare Ladd, of the women's and chil- dren's department of "The National Gleaner Forum," a monthly fraternal magazine. Miss Ladd is of the opinion that these annual conventions are worthy of larger attendance and greater ap- preciation. The large number of Un- iversity women attending the after- noon meeting attracted her attention. Miss E. L. Spoor, manager of the Indicator, the only insurance mag- azine in Michigan, said that although she is personallyi nterested in trade Journals, she feels that such a con- vention is generally beneficial. Disease Preventives Lecture Subject Dr. Eloise Walker gav the fourth hygiene lecture for freshmen girls at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. She discussed the importance of the care of the skin, the study of the diet, and an abundance of fresh air in preventing disease, particularly common colds and tonsilitis. UNIVERSITY MEN! Best and saf- est place to put your money is with HURON VALLEY BLDG. &sSAVINGS LASSO. Dividends never less than 6 per ct. Can withdraw money anytime and receive 5 per ct. from day of in- vestment. Wm. L. Walz, Pres., H. H. 1 erbst, Secy., Saving Bank Building.- Adv. Ice Skating 40 Admissions in Book Form-$5.50 Individual Season Tickets-$4.50.... Family Tickets, per Person-$3.50.. Before Dec. 7 Before Dec. 7 Before Dec. 7 $5.00 4.00 .00 WILL SOON BE HERE WEINBERG'S COLLISEUM - 725 S. 5TH AVE. 0 - As a special inducement to students we offer our Season Tickets and Admission Books at reduced prices on condition that all orders are in on or before December 7. Recor 1 Library The Ford is a RATTLING good car but who wouldn't rather ride in a A NEW WRINKLE? CAD I-LLAC It Costs the Same Cadillac Taxi Phone 1625 All"Inclosed Cars YES BUT IT'S GOING STRONG - WHY NOT? OUR PROPOSITION: Decemb Every month we receive the Latest\and Snappiest Records Out Recor JOIN OUR LIBRARY AND FOR J i Seven Cents a Day THESE RECORDS ARE YOURS TO USE C-V Phonograph Shop H114 640 HAVEN AVENUE r I LOSES 3P. LASIHE ADVERTISING THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT3P. M. A Special Selling of Men's and Young Men's Fine tuilts aftd Overcoats WANTED ANTED-Two or three students to ell absolutely first class mining stock in Ann Arbor and vicinity, luring spare time. Must be abso- utely honest and only tell the truth t all times. Good commission paid. Good opportunity to make money; il encouragement given. Write tating qualifications to Wm. B. Goodfellow, 303 Farwell Bldg., De- roit, Michigan. 50-3 ANTED - University men to re- nember that Huron Valley Build- ng & Savings Association provides he best medium forSavings. Can withdraw your savings anytime and eceive 5 pr ct. from date of invest- nent. Every day's delay is your oss. H. H. Herbst, Secy., Saings Bank Building. 51-2 ANTED--Three or four unfurnish- d rooms for housekeeping by single woman near the campus. Box B. J. 50-3 ANTED- Student to share double oom at 425 S. Division. Price $3.50 er week. Call 1565-J. 46-6 kNTED-A roommate. 319 Thomp- on St. 50-2 FOR RENT R RENT - Pleasant front second loor suite on Tappan-Ave. One-half dock fromcampus. Apply fox, B. I., Michigan Daily office. 48-4 R RENT-Good room within half lock of campus. Price very reas- nable. Phone 1121-W. 50-2 R RENT-Pleasant suite; no oth- r roomers. Two blocks from cam- us. 337 E. Liberty. Phone 2059. 50-3 R RENT-Large suite, half block rom campus. Call 1724-M. 49-3 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Diamond ring either in My Dairy Lunch or in lower hall of Natural Sciencerbldg. Finder please leave at Daily office and receive re- ward. 51-2 LOST-Silver 'mesh purse containing $5.00 bill and change. Finder please return to E. V. Alleman, 1003 E. Univ. Phone 383-J. Reward. 49-3 LOST - Delta Sigma Phi fraternity pin. Initials "L. H. J. D." on back. Call Dornbos, 551 Church St. or Phone1526-R. 50-3 LOST-Small black gold capped founr tain pen Tuesday. Please call H. E. Mellin, 1015-R. 51-2 LOST-A grey pocketbook. Please call 1700. Reward. 51-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Slightly worn overcoat. A bargain at $15.00. Inquire by mail, Box T. L., Daily. 51-2 FOR SALE-Farland Banjo, wooden rim. Beautiful instrument. If in- terested call 1791-M. 48-6 MISCELLANEOUS WILL THE Person who took pack- age containing a pair of trousers fromthe Arcade Barber Shop, Wed- nesday afternoon, Nov. 25, kindly call Stoddard, Phone 909. Reward. 50-4 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for your old clothes. Phone 1981-W, and will call at your convenience. 50-12 FOR RENT FOR RENT- Large pleasant, front room, $6.00 for two, near Huron car line. Enquire, 332 Eighth St., Ann Arbor. 51-3 Regularly Sold amt $75.00, $80.00, $85.00 $58. I This group is made up from the finest Suits and Overcoats, made by the House of Kuppenheimer. Every one is of late fall and winter style. The highest grade suits of the year are here for you. It's a real opportunity, men. It will pay you well to investigate. BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS MEN'S SUITS Regularly priced at $15.00 and $18.75, some with two pairs of trousers ............... ........ $12.00 Regularly priced at $50 and $55 Friday and Saturday at the very low price of ............. $ 35.00 Prices throughout our entire store are based on present markets KUPPENHEIMER SUITS AND OVERCOATS F ALLE COU i