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December 03, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-12-03

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Alumni Favorl7ichigan Competition
With Eastern Schools; Would Not
Drop Out Of Western Conference)


Eastern alumni are uniting with
Western on the question of games
out of the Big Ten, and with teams
from the Atlantic seaboard. Two let-
ters, one sent by Frank W. Pennell,
'12, former managing editor of The
Daily, from New York, and the other
from E. R. Hurst, now in Boston, ad-
vance strong arguments in favor of
resuming athletic relations with the
Michigan alumni, who have gone to
the East in great numbers, are desir-

ous of seeing the- Wolveriens in ac-
tion, both because it keeps them more
in touch with the University, and be-
cause it is the best means of inter-
esting that section of the country in
Michigan. Both writers feel that
Michigan's true place is in the Con-
ference, but that~some Eastern games
should be scheduled each'year for the
football and. baseball teams, and that
Michigan should participate in the
annual Eastern Intercollegiate track,
and field meet.



Lowell, Carr, Prof. Sunderland
Prof. Reeves to Speak This


"Training for Journalism," by Prof.
F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric depart-
ment, and "The Problems of Business
Management," by Lee- A. White, of the
Detroit News,,where the subjects dis-
cussed at the Unio'n yesterday after-
noon, the second day of the University
Press club three-day convention. No
session was held in the forenoon as
only a small number of editors had
arrived at that time.. Last evening
the visitors were guests of -the Uni-
versity School of Music at the Percy
Grainger recital in Hill auditorium.
"The newspaper is not a private
business-it is a social Institution.. It
is the basis upon which our democracy
rests. It is from the newspapef by
first or second hand that people ge,
the truth which keeps them free."
Such was Professor Scott's estima-
tion of the newspaper.
Afraid of Public
"Some people think that the pub-
lishers are afraid of advertisers, but
- this is a great mistake. It is tb'd
public of which the papers are afraid.
They anxiously await every circula-
tion statement," declared Mr: White
who followed Professor Scott.
Discussing particularly the training
of the proprietor or editor-in-cheif.
Professor Scott said: "The first re-
quirement I would make ais that he
should have a liberal education. He
must know human nature and have
broad sympathies. Continuing, he
said that the proprietor must also
have an instinct for truth and set the
standard at "a passion for truth which
would lead him to treat with wither-
ing contempt all falsity."
Must Be Gentleman
Moral courage and a sunny dispos-
ition were also named as vitally es-
sential among the editor's qualifica-
tions. Last of all he must.be a gen-
tleman, Professor Scott insisting, "If
he causes an injury, he will make a
generous reparation for it. I regret
to say that while many have reform-
ed, it is still true that a newspaper who
has kicked a man down will smear his
face with mud while pretending to
help him up."
A. W. Stace, of the Grand Rapids
Press, following Professor Scott, dis-
cussed one or two points of the lat-
ter's address.
White Speaks
"One of the gravest problems we
(Continued on Page Eight)

Editor, The Michigan Daily:l
Since the close of the football sea-
son, the press of the Eastern cities1
has been filled with discussion pf in-;
tersectional games in 1921, and of an-j
nouncements of games already sched-
uled between the leading Eastern and,
Western universities and colleges. We
are told almost daily that Michigan is
not averse to coming East, and we
are also informed that such colleges
as Yale, Harvard, and Princeton are
not averse to going West. It seems
pertinent, therefore, that at this time
the University of. Michigan club of
New York should place itself on rec-
ord, and present a few facts as veiw-.
ed by those of us who have our homes
in the East.
Alumni Come East
More and more, it seems, since the
conclusion of the war, there has been
a steauy influx of Michigan graduates
into cities along the Northern Atlantic
seaboard. . To New York alone have
come hundreds of the graduates of the
more recent classes, and from these
men, as well as from those of us who
have been longer out of the Univer-
sity, comes an ever growing demand
for the appearance of Michigan
teams, football, baseball, and track,
in Eastern competition.
Games Drew Well
H'owever, we present this only as
an incidental reason why Michigan
should broaden its schedules to in-
clude Eastern games. Athletics, un-
fortunately perhaps, but nevertheless
true, constitute the chief medium
through which our universities get
their principal publicity and recogni-
tion among the class of young man-
(Continued on Page Eight)

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
I note in the recent Boston papers
that Princeton and Chicago have made
a home and home arrangement for
football games for the coming two
years. ThIs morning's paper, in dis-
cussing the Harvard football sched-
ule, mentions the possibility of a
game next year with Indiana, Kan-
sas or Nebraska. The Eastern papers
have suggested to a great extent 'of
late the possibility of games between
the East and Conference schools.
I fail to notice, however, any ref-
erence to the possibility of games
with Michigan. Can it be possible
that Michigan, who for years met va-
rious Eastern schools, has abandoned
all such games for the Conference,
while the other .Conference, schools
are now taking on the Eastern
Favored Retirn to Conference
While I believe most of the alumni
of the East favored Michigan's return
to the Conference, we did not think
that this meant the severing of all re-
lations with Eastern schools.

Every Effort Will Be Made to Com-'
plete Swimming Tank Before
End of School Year
Five hundred dollars was added to
the Union swimming -pool fund yes-
terday by Pond and Pond, of Chica-
go, the architects of the building..
This, with the gift of Roy D. Chapin,
'03, makes a total of $1,500 in two
Officials of the drive are noW com-
piling lists of the alumni in every
city in the United States and this
work will be completed in time be-
fore the students leave Ann Arbor for
the Christmas vacation. These. lists
will be kept in the Union lobby for
reference and each solicitor is ex-
pected to obtain from them the names
of the prospective donors in his town.
Teams to Meet
Early next week the campaign com-
mittee plans to have a meeting of the
teams who sign up the solicitors. At
that time the details of the project
will be explained and the requisite
enthusiasm instilled in the workers.

Members of the Varsity football
team, the reserves, the freshmen
squads, and members of the Michi-
gan Athletic association :were ten-
dered a dinner last evening in the
Union by the Conopus club, an or-
ganization of Ann Arbor townspeo-
The banquet was served in the As-
sembly hall of the Union to about
125 persons.
Ray K. Immel of the oratory de-
partment was introduced as toastmas-
ter by Wm. L. Walz, while Frank B.
Devine gave an appreciation of the
football team.
Billy Heston, of the All-time myth-
ical eleven, a member of the '02 team,
gave some reminiscences. John
Schwer sang a solo. Angus Goetz, cap-
tain of the team, spoke for the play-
ers, and Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the
Law school responded for the Board
in Control of Athletics. Short talks
were given by others.

Massachusetts Representative Urges
Hoosier to Remain at
Present Post
(By Associated Pres)
Washington, Dec. 2.-EIlmination
of Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts,
and New, of Indiana, as prospective
members of President Harding's cab-
inet was announced as a definite de-
velopment of the visit here today of
Harry M. Daugherty, of Ohio, advisor
of the President-elect.
Mr. Daugherty conferred with
prominent Republicans Including
Senators Lodge and New. There was
no announcement of the subject or
results. of the conference, but close
friends of the two senators said both
had advised Mr. Daugherty that they
desired no cabinet position, believing
that they could perform service for
President Harding and their party by
remaining in the senate.
The Massachusetts senator made
public a statement urging that course
for Senator New. Friends of Sena-
tor Lodge believe that his position
regarding Senator New applied to
himself as well.
Many matters of legislation were
said to have been discussed by Mr.
Daugherty with his Republican con-

Recitifies Long-Standing Wrongs
Labor; Will Do Away with


Football is only one sport. How I
about track and baseball?E
Michigan has for years been at-1
tending the Eastern intercollegiate1
track meets, until last year, and I1
sincerely hope that Michigan's failure
to participate last year was not due1
to any policy suggesting withdrawal,
from the intercollegiate, but simply
due to the peculiar conditions of last
year. Up to this time, this has been
Michigan's only participation in ath-
letics of the East, I believe, since.
1914; and whether or not other activi-
ties are scheduled, participation in
the Eastern intercollegiate certainly.
should be continued.
Keeps Alumni Interested
It is hard to overestimate the effect
such participation has in keeping
alive the interest of Michigan's alum-
ni in the East. We here in Boston
can see the direct result, and I note
each time the intercollegiates are held
at the Harvard stadium there is great
interest among the Michigan alumni.
Of course this is only part of the
story, as at the same time the news-
papers always carry considerable ac-
count of the games, both before and
I realize that there is considerable
expense connected with the sending
of teams, without very substantial fi-
nancial return. I believe, however,
the indirect return-that of keeping
the spirit of Michigan alumni alive-
is worth a great deal to Michigan.
(Continued on Page Eight)

Union officials yesterday called at-
tention to the fact that the drive will
not be limited to alumni of the Uni-
versity. It is expected that a largeI
portion of the fund will be subscrib-
ed by men, who, though not formert
University students, are none the less
interested in Michigan through con-
tact with its alumni or through the'
various activities, such as the foot-'
ball games, which draw them to Ann
Cards Passed Out
After the life membership banquet
last Wednesday evening pledge cards
were passed out to the committeemen
who worked in that campaign on
which they indicated the amount they
would endeavor to raise for the pool
during the holidays. A total of 176
cards were signed and these averag-
ed a fraction more than $26 each. If
this is any indication of the manner
in which the movement will be ac-
cepted by the campus at large work
will be staited on the pool shortly
after the vacation ends, according to
Union officials.
Bids will be let as soon as it is
assured that the necessary amount
has been subscribed, it was stated,
and every effort made to have the
pbol completed befoer the, school year
is ended.

(By Associated Press)
Harrisburg, Dec. 2.-Gov. Henry J.
Allen, of Kansas, recommended today
to the conference of governors here
a nation-wide extension of the meth-
od adopted in Kansas of setting up
a Court of Industrial Relations. He
cited many occasions on which he

said the Kansas court had rectified
long-standing wrongs to labor and
declared that experiences in his state
had proved that strife between capi-
tal and labor should be settled
through impartial adjudication rath-
er than by arbitration. This method,
he asserted, will do away with the
"soft-handed radicals who make their
living off the quarrels they foster be-
tween labor and its employers.
Abolishes Quarrels'
Governor Allen said that every oth-
er form of quarrel except the;strike
had been done away with by the es-.
tablishment of courts and asked: "Is
there any reason for assuming that
government may not find justice for
the laboring man in his controversy.
with his employer?".
Right to Work Sacred
Describing the operation of the
Kansas law he said that under it any
man or group, of men might quit
work whenever they chose but after
they had> done so, "they shall not
come with their pockets full of dy-
namite in order to prevent those from
working who wish to continue on the
job. The law holds that the right to
work is just as sacred as the right
to quit work."

(Special to The Daily)
Detroit, Dec. 2.-Prof. R. W. Aigler,
chairman of the board in control of
athletics, spoke today at the regular
weekly luncheon of the Detroit Alum-
ni association of the University of
Michigan, reviewing the existing ath-
letic situation and outlining plans for
the future regarding the stadium at
Ferry field.
It was pointed out by the speaker
that the situation was, on the whole,
of the best, that for three successive
years Michigan had finished as cham-
pions of the Conference in baseball,
had made a creditable showing in bas-
ketball and had done fairly well in

Six requisites for successful pub-
lic speaking were outlined by- ex-
Senator Albert J. Beveridge before a
group of students yesterday morn-
Mr. 'Beveridge showed first how im-
portant was the subject of public
speaking, and that properly used, the
real result was public teaching. Car-
rying this thought still further, he
utterly condemned "high 'falutin'
flights of oratory," or "spreadeagle
fiubdub," and insisted that such style
or so called oratory was a thing of
the past,which had been replaced
by clear cut, simple, and comprehen-
sive talks.
.Names Rules

Sphinx Takes 10
Into Mysteries-
Once more the sacred caravan of
the Nile wended its mystic way
through the avenues of Ann Arbor,
stopping ten times to collect ten
mummies, which were born away to
the pyramids in the east, there to be
reborn and sit in the councils of the
Egyptian gods.
The juniors who made the journey
and who shall henceforth be known
as members of the ancient tribe of
Sphinx were: Robert F. Wieneke
Brewster P. Campbell, John I. Dakin,
Nelson "Joyner, Frank W. Steketee,
Joseph A. Bernstein, Maurice Atkin-
son, Francis Smith, George Reindel,
and Allan Sunderland..
Hugh-W. Hitchcock acted as toast-
master, other speakers being Prof.
Charles P. Wagner, James I. McClin-
tock, '21L, Thomas McAllister, '21L,,
and Joseph A. Bernstein.
Civil Engineer Committees Appointed
Civil Engineer society committees
for the coming year appointed yester-
day ire: Membership, J A. Barger,
'21E, chairman; Don Kennedy, '21E,
Stewart Warner, '-22E, Murray Van,
Wagoner, '21E; social, Fred Starrer,
'J1E, chairman, 0. L; Jenks, HIE,
John Kuschinsk, '21E; publicity, Har-


Candidates for Varsity bask-
etball report at 7 o'clock Fri-
day night for practice at Wat-~
man gymnasium. .

l r
( jj(_I

ii Ride B rush
Into Triangles

Wisconsin And Minnesota Budgets
fillidns Larger Than Michigan 's

Lucky to Get Pratt .
The change in baseball coache
was discussed and' the speaker ex
pressed the sentiment that Michiga:
was "lucky to get Derrill Pratt to ac
as baseball mentor for the next sea
son." He pointed out the fact tha
the new coach had not only made
recprd in baseball but also in footbal
and basketball at the University c
Professor Aigler further explaine
the seating conditions which are no'
prevalent at Ferry field and discusse
the three plans which could be fol
lowed in building additional accom
modations, that is, the construction
a concrete stand on the north side
the field, the erection of the "U"
the west end, or a combination of ti
two ryesulting 'in a finished stadium
He also mentioned the proposed pla
of selling seats for five years in ad
vance as a theans' of financing th

The rules which Mr. Beveridge
mentioned were "to say nothing un-
less you have something to say, and
to attempt no 'public address unless
you are equipped mentally to talk,'
and can really instruct your hearers."
"When you speak, be so plain that the
dumbest person in the audience can
comprehend what you are saying.
Don't be a play actor, consider your
audience as a composite individual,
and taking into consideration the
make up of this composite person,
shape your talk accordingly.
"Of the utmost. importance is the
idea of fairness," said Mr. Beveridge.
"Be so fair that your worst enemy,
personally, politically, or religiously,
cannot but admit that you played
Compliments Trueblood
"And, lastly, for no consideration
whatever, do not say anything that
tyou do not actually;firmly, believe."
Mr. Beveridge complimented the
work of Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood,
of the oratory department, who"intr.o-
duced the former senator.

(By J. E. 0.) '
A tentative budget reaching the.
total of $11,492,250 recently submitted
by President Lotus D. Coffman, of the
University of Minnesota, to the Re-
gents of that institution and the re-
quest made by President Birge of the
University of Wisconsin for $15,350,000
for the coming biennium of 1921-23
afford an' interesting comparison with
the budget of $8,690,000 which Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton and the Board
of Regents placed before the Michigan
state budget commission for the same
Included in the Minnesota budget
are the regular working fund for the
next biennium, an emergency fund to
carry the university through the per-
iod for which appropriations have al-
ready been made that are insufficient
to meet all the expenses of the institu-
tion for the period, and items for new
At the same turne the Minnesota

budget was under consideration, a.
special committee of Regents was ap-
pointed at the' suggestion of J. A.
Burnquist, governor of Minnesota, to
investigate the establishment of the
dormitory system there. A total out-
lay of $15,000,000 was mentioned as
the probable cost ofcreating the dor-
mitory system, according to President
Coffman, who declared the system
could be expected to raise scholarship
standards and work a general im-
provement in university life. Sugges-
tion of the dormitory system was
made In discussion of housing condi-
tions at the university.
Wisconsin's proposed budget of $15,-
350.000 is the largest sum ever asked
by that institution. Of this amount,
$284,000 is asied for a dormitory
building fund for 1922 and $250,000
for the same purpose for 1923. To
raise the entire sum the university
proposes a new additional 2-8 mill tax1
and $4,557,370 from the general fund
of the state.

Engineering once again 'honored its
most distinguished disciples of the
third year, when yesterday it showed
to 11 juniors its mysteries and de-
vices as a reward for faithful service
on the Michigan campus.-
The " medium through which it
worked was Triangles, junior honor,
society. After the last particle of dirt'
had been remoyed the men were taken
away, where the secrets of the order
were divulged to them.
In order that fatigue might not
weaken them, nourishment was serv-
ed at the Union.

The newest Triangles are: William
E. Bandermer, Arthur Stauffer, E. P.
Lovejoy, E. S. Bradley, A. E. Carson,
G. F. Godley, M. A. Goetz, H. J. Lau-
ver, Robert Vail, J. Madden, and G.
W. McCordie.
The men were welcomed by Emer-
son Swart of the actives. Arthur
Stauffer answered for the neophytes.
Other speakers were Ridhard Mar-
shall, '21E, and Prof. J. . Parker.
George Gregory , acted as toastmas-

Valor Program
The alumni at the luncheon expre
ed- themselves as being heartily
favor 'of going ahead, but were di'
ed both -asto the building plantwi
should be followed. and as. to1
*method of raising the necessary fu
A committee was appointed to inv
tigate both of these matters, and
make'a report at the Football Sm
er which will be held in this city
urday evening.
James K. Watkins, president of
"M" club, spoke qat the luncheon
talk largely devoted to the outlin
of plans for the Football Smoke
be held here Saturday evening at
auditorium in the Board of C

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