IRS, CLUB MEETS; IM OF SOCIETY GIVEN f. R. D. Hollister, sponsor of the rs' club, outlined the purpose, ization, and conditions of mem- ip of the club at its first meeting yesterday afternoon in Mason The purpose will be three-fold, presentation of plays, the oral pretation of literture, and the ntation of programs for the bers, including speeches .by out- s. Beside the programs for the bers there will occasionally be c programs. e organization will be governed by student officers and by an execu- tive board chosen from the faculty. The membership is to be composed of students, faculty, and friends from among the town people. Prof. R. W. Cowden, Dr. J. R. Moore, Prof. T. E. Rankin, and Dr. A. S. Warthin supplemented Professor Hollister's explanation of the organi- zation by showing how a club whose aims are so broad can supply a de- mand which has been felt in the Uni- versity for many years. The club will seek to further work in higher art through play writing, translation and producing. DANCE at Dexter tonight.-Adv. Patronize DIly advertisers.-Adv. JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY A4N DAILY THE TURKISH CIGARETTE I I 7 i, -4m Mrs. Fox was bragging rge number of her cubs. one day about the "How .many cubs do you bring into the word at one time? she asked the LIONESS. "Only ONE," replied the Lioness-"but iX a LION." MURADS COST 20 CENTS for a BOX of 10-BUT THEY'RE MURADS! MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the 100% Turkish tobaccos of the purest and best varieties grown-or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco. TO BE READ0 ATURDA The first meeting of girls wo are interested in writing music and lyrics for the Junior Girls' play will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning in Barbour gymnasium. Parts of the play will be read and explained at that time in order to give a general idea of the sort of material required. Edna Groff, chairman of the play committee, has appointed Florence Shirey, music chairman, and Eliza- beth Vickery, publicity chairman. Tryouts for individual parts and choruses in the play will be held on Dec. 15, 16, and 18, in University Hall. W1omen Girl Reserve leaders will meet at -7 o'clock Thursday night in Newberry hall.A Girls are needed for social service work in the hospitals. Any girl in- terested is requested to call at New- berry hall., There will be a meeting of the board of directors 'of the Women's league at 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning in Barbour gymnasium. Im- mediately after the meeting, the Mich- iganensian picture will be taken at the Corbett-Hamilton studio. Freshmen are requested to pay their social tax of 50 cents either at Dean Myra B. Jordan's office in Barbour gymnasium, or to Helen Delbridge, '24, at Helen'Newberry residence. There will be a meeting of all girls interested in writing music or lyrics for the Junior Girls' play at 10 o'clock saturday morning in flarbour gym- nasium. The fourth hygiene lecture will be held at 4 oclo&k today in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall. Beginners' class in dancing will meet at 5 o'clock thi afternoon. caba retPuts To Shame Broadway New York, {with its great white way, and gay cabarets is a thousand miles away., In spite of this, a real cabaret show, with every detail per- fect, may be witnessed at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Barbour gym- nasium. It is to be no mere make- shift - a poor imitation that would shame the name of "cabaret," but the real thing, music, dancing, vaude- ville, n'everything. The gymnasium, it is said, will be so changed as to be almost unrecog- nizable. Tables will be arranged around the outer edges of the room, and the entire central part is to be roped off into a circualr dancing space. Between dances "drinks" will be served by white-capped waitress- es, and vaudeville numbers will be put on in the empty space in the cen- ter of the room. Y. W. C. A. CABINET HONORS SECRETARY * send-off party was given by the cabinet of the University Y. W. C. A. and the councils of the nurses' units in honor of Ermina Fillingham, '16, assistant Y. W. C. A. secretary, yes- terday afternoon at Newberry hall. Miss Fillingham will sail for Singa- pore Jan. 13, where she will be sec- retary of the national Y. W. C. A. In behalf of the cabinet, Lois Devries, '21, presented Miss Fillingham with a silk American flag. After the pre- sentation, a short program was held. Miss Fillingham is the second Mich- igan woman to be chosen by the na- tional board of the Y. W. C. A. to rep- resent the, association in the Orient. She will leave Ann Arbor Dec. 16 for New York, where she will be with the national board until the date of her sailing. The Play That Made Pajamas Famous gested by members of 'th% organiza- tion should be communicated to Ho- ratia Corbin, '22, chairman of the nomination committee. A meeting of the house presidents will be held at 4:15 o'clock Wednes- day afternoon, Dec. 8, at Barbour gymnasium. MISS BAUMGARTNER GIVES ' PROGRAM OF ASSOCIATION "Health is the keynote of the Y. W. C. A. work program for this year," said Miss Lola Baumgartner, girls' work executive for Michigan, Indi- ana, Wisconsin and Illinois, in an in- terview. "It is an individual rather than a mass plan; and we are at- tempting to establish health habits in' the girls with whom we come in con- tact." Miss Baumgartner's work is with' the Girl Reserves and their leaders. She is intereste4 in explaining to University women how they may continue their work outside of the Y. W. C. A. as well as in the organiza- tion. Interviews with Miss Baum- Gartner may be arranged for by cal- ing the city Y. W. C. A. Read The Daily advertisemients. adv.. MAJESTIC STARTING NEXT SUNDAY MRS. BURTON TO SPEAK TO GIRL RESERVE LEADERS "The Y. W. C. A. as a Profession," will be the subject of a talk by Mrs. Marion L. Burton at 7 o'clock tonight at Newberry hall. Miss Elizabeth Mc- Gee, industrial executive of Detroit, will speak on "Industrial Work," and 20 PER CENT REDUCTION ON ALL RAIN COATS PRICES RANOEr FIOM $10.00 tO $%AO Pre-LVacationSae As most of our sales come from the Student Body we think it only fair to them to make our reduction at this time in order that you may take advantage of the same before vacation. 20 PER CENT REDUCTION ON ALL GORDON & FERGUSON SHEEP-LINED COATS AND FUR-COLLARED WOOL CLOTH COATS PPRICES RANGE FRZOM $20.00 TO $3.00 "TWIN BEDS" i I THE AUTO SERVICE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS Our car is always'at your j door, whenever and wher- ever you want It. If you or your family is about to go on a journey you can depend I ' i on our chauffeur to be there promptly and get you to your train or destination on time.' 15 Promptness, courtesy, con- venience and comfort are our guides. CITY TAXI PHOE 230 LEATHERS AT COST "Girl Reserve Work," will be the sub-' ject of a talk by Miss ILla katimgart- ner, girls' work exeOutive for Mich. igan, Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. The meeting is especially for Girl Reserve leaders but' all women inter- ested in. the subjects will be welcome. Patronize Daily advertisers.-Adv. A Riot of Fun from Start to Finish, And It's WELL PEPP RED TOO PRICES RANGE FROM $20.00 TO $60,00 We are limited in sizes - Come early J. KARL MALCOLM LIBERTY AT MAYNARD ! .. % 1 i But they wouldn't bel Foxes! MURADS-they'd only be Pione Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled "Judge for Yourself-!" fecial attention is called Murad#Os in Tin Boxes aI - """""" IST. 1857 r. LA Ir I I ADVERTISING THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P. M. LOST AND FOUND WANTED w T-Silver mesh purse containing .00 bill and change. Finder please urn to E. V. Alleman, 1003 E. iv. Phone 383-J. Reward. 49-3 T-Surveyor's tape reel on boule- rd, east of, Observatory. Return surveyors' dep't. in Library bldg. call Wolfe, 2186-R. 50 T - Delta Sigma Phi fraternity a. Initials "L. H. J. D." on back. 11 Dornbos, 551 Church St. or one 1526-R. 50-3 T-Black fur glove. Finder please 1 33. 49-2 FOR RENT RENT-Room with south and st exposure, steam heat.w Also om mate wanted for another room. one 1194-M. 47-4 RENT - Pleasant front second or suite on Tappan Ave. One-half Eck from campus. Apply Box, B. , Michigan Daily office. 48-4 RENT-Room for two gentlemen $6.00 a week. Modern. Near ate and Packard. Phone 2645-W. 48-3 RENT-Single room for lady, one ck from campus. Everything dern. 1724-J. 50 RENT-Good room within half ck of campus. Price very reas- ible. Phone 1121-W. 50-21 WANTED-Two or three students to sell absolutely first class mining stock in Ann Arbor and vicinity, during spare time. Must be abso- lutely honest and only tell the truth at all times. Good commission paid. Good opportunity to make money; all encouragement given. Write stating qualifications to Wm. B. Goodfellow, 303 Farwell Bldg., De- troit, Michigan. 50-3 WANTED-500 students to subscribe for Webster's New International Dictionary on our fifty cents'a week plan. For further information get in touch with Mr. Underwood at 207 S. Ingalls. Phone 1808-M. 47-4 WANTED-To rent either small furn- ished house or accommodations for eight students near campus. T. J. Finger, 805 E. Huron. 49-2 WANTED-Three or four unfurnish- ed rooms for housekeeping by single woman near the campus. Box B. J. 50-3 WANTED- Student to share double room at 425 S. Division. Price $3.50 per week. Call 1565-J. 46-6 WANTE -To rent a small apartment or suite of rooms near campus. Box B. G., Daily office. 48-3 WANTED - Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call 349-J. 48-3 New Evening Dresses are Included in The Sale of Silk and Wool Dresses 1A2 OFF Evening Dresses of Satin Tulle, Metal Cloth, Taf- feta and Brocaded Sill in Maize, Blue, Pink, Rose and Salmon. Made in the Newest Styles and trimmed in Flowers, Metal Lace, Fancy Ribbons and. Tulle. These Fluffy, Shimmering Dresses I RENT-Pleasant suite; no roomers. Two blocks from . 337 E. Liberty. Phone oth- cam- 2059. 50-3 WANTED-A roommate. 319 Thomp- HOUSE PRESIDENTS NOMINATE son St. 50-2 OFFICERS OF ORGANIZATION R RENT-Large suite, half block om campus. Call 1724-M. 49-3 FOR SALE 2 SALE-Slightly worn overcoat. bargain at $15.00. Inquire by all, Box T. L., Daily. 49-2 1 SALE-Farland Banjo, wooden m. Beautiful instrument. If in- rested call 1791-M. 48-6 :I M[SCELLANEOUS WILL THE Person who took pack- age containing a pair of trousers from the Arcade Barber Shop, Wed- nesday afternoon, Nov. 25, kindly call Stoddard, Phone. 909. Reward. 50-4 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for your old clothes. Phone 1981-W, and will call at your convenience. 50-12 are Simply Irresistible. Marion Crohn, '21, was nominated president of the House Presidents' or- ganization, at a meeting of the nom- inating committee of that body held yesterday. Other nominations were as follows: Helen Arnot, '21, vice-president; Beatrice Smith, '22, secretary; and I (Ready-to-Wear Salon, Second Floor) -4 _-_---, ---. -.-. y , - - I Frances Oberholtzer, '21, treasurer. Any further, nominations to be sug-