I WITH "TWIN BEDS" i ., . _ SECOND AA', ~Zict'rij4 tfrom, WILLIAM JIARWON'S E V O'LO:H.,. VDrecteds, hc Also DEMPSEY IN "Dareo~eviI ;ack and COMEY To~ay - Tomorrow at the OpHEUMl NOVEMBER ALUMNUS MAKES,1a PPEARANCE .Containing several articles concernl- ing the inauguration of President Marion L. Burton, the November num- ber of the Michigan Alumnus made its appearance yesterday. The leading article, entitled "The Inauguration of President Burton," describes the academic procession and inaugural ceremony and reprints the address of President-emeritus Harry B. Hutchins, the inauguration speech of Regent Victor M. Gore, part of the address of the Hon. William L. Ab- bott, trustee of the University of Illin- ois, and extracts from the speech of Prof. Joseph/A. Leighton, of Ohio State university. Other articles deal with the inaug- ural conference and its various ses- sions, the banquet, and the meeting of the Regents- of state universities. Many of the addresses of the various speakers are reprinted, either in whole or in part. A picture of the literary faculty of 1876 is published with a short ex- position of it in an editorial. Other editorials deal with "Early Enroll- ment,"' "The Union Makes Prqgress." and "Administrative Problems." The usual news items relative tp~ the Up4- versity, a review of part of the ath- letic season, and the regular depart- ments make up the balanceo of he magazine. MACHINE SHOP MAKES FIST SHIPMENT TUNDER Nff PLAN The new production plan of the eng- ineering machine shop resulted in shipment last week of one-half gross of spring separators to the Spring Leaf Lubricator company of Ann Ar- bor, to be follo'wed by another ship- ment this week. The shop is doing production work this year for the first time, and -ac cording to Emory M. Sweet, instructor and foremfan of the shop, an average of. 500 separators per week will be produced. Traffic Signs Being Placed on Cwmpus Traffic signs, regulating auto, park- ing and bicycle riding on and about the University property, afr being Placed about the campus, according to a-n announcement by the Building and Grounds department yesterday. SCHUBER T DET R 01T Guy Bates Post in "The Masquerader" A RR IPK CHARLOTTE QREENW O in "Linger Longer LOty DRIVE FOR CHARIT Y MAY END TIS WEE] With subscriptions amounting $29,508.30 already reported, the cor to _ mitteet in charge of the community budget drive being conducted for the benefit of the charitable organizations of Ann Arbor announces that it ex- pects to bring the campaign to a close at the end of this week, providing the objective of $40,000 is realized. Several wards of the city have not as yet been canvassed, and subscrip- tion teams have been assigned to these districts, from which it is hop- ed that a large part of the necessary $11,500 will be secured. Substantial amounts are also expected from. fra- ternity houses, city banks, and busi- ness concerns, whose reports have al- ready been turned in but which have not yet been compiled. AT THE TJREATERESI - TODAY IScreen 1 aJpste-- Bryant Washburn it "Burglar Proof." Pathe News ada comedy, "L~oose tLions. ~ Areade-"Dew Wter~s,1 a Maur- ice Tourneur production with an all-star cast, and a comn- edy, "The Town Lockp." Wnerth-Co rinne Griffith in "A Broadway Bubble. " gino- grams and a Sunshine comn- edy. Orpheirm -- Taylor Holmes in "The Very Idea." Also Jack Dempsey in "Daredevil Jack,", and a comedy. TIS WEEK IWhltney-.Sunday-Fanch n March in thei~ e rnscl revielw, "The Satires of 1920." Garrick -- D4it-- Oharlotte G1°euwood in "Linger Long- er Letty," the popular musical comedy, sequel to "So L46r Letty.' 'Sebubert-Detrot- Quy ]Oaten Post in ono of America's most popular dramas, "The 11as- t querader." The Kempf Music Studios---Piano, Organ, an±d Voice Instruction. Es- tablished 1880. $12 S. Division St. Phone -212-3-44Y. COMEDY CLUB WILL PRESENT be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow eve-I of, "ut ul h t , TWO PLAY§ AT NEXT MEETING ning in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. At discussed. Albert C. Jac K this timhe, two short plays will be pre-'of the club, urges all u A meeting of the Comedy club will sented, and plans for the production present.4 I- /r~a -r, r -,- * ~ a # r ra f. -~ - ' .r r4~ s" 1I- - 9, _ aaiaaon/cw Today and Tomnorrow r w y i /JY 1py r ' 1 aX " !!Yy J. t ! , f - \J 0 *1 tip ! g -A' , ,- +yy~till r.* , I )f -a- A human thrift stamp! Whenever he got a dol- lar. he taught it to play dead. But one night he met a bee-utiful dancing baby lamb., and she brought a look to his eye as if some one had 'put something in his coffee. Now, it's a shame the careless way he-treats his money! EXTRA FEATURE "LOOSE LIONS" A Chester Comedy ,~ FRIDAY and SATrURDAY 'Held by the Enemy" liii! IIIIUII lii 111111111111111 lii 111111111111111 I11111111 II1I1I111 wlt1o au ALL STAR CAST ai WVEDNESDAY THURSDAY 2 DAYS ONLY UERTH. Admission Adults 30c Children 10c A MULML 11=R FIE C AM A D E A Sig Musical Comedy of the Screen 0 Today and Tomorrow MAURICE TOyINV Waters" With an ALL-STAR CAST Beautiful Corinne Griffith at the 1bead of A BROADWAY B[AUIY CHORUS , M lJ.t3 kSS LLiiyy 1Nry/ " }j( J i J SPECIAL SNAPPY U P-TO-DA' MrUSIC especially this arranged Feature In Addition Adapted from a popular story. from- Young 's Mtagazine b~y spedlal request of ti Univ. School aof Music The frierry Wibes of Windsor bY" tto'icolai King Pins of Jazz I ISCENES UNDER The girl was Spring, wed- ded to December. When she went the way of her heart- The rest is a fishing vil- lage idyll of struggle and love, and some of the bravest ocean exploits ever thrown on- the screen. See the rescues under the seas! A-i IT~S Lavishly Staged Beautiful Gowns Masters of THE S1A THRILLER Y' OH BOY!I Wuerib Orchesti Bray Comic The Lcu CORINNE GRIFFITH IN Arcade Orchestra Lovely Maoriland "THE BROADWAY B UBBLE" DOORS WILL OPEN 10 MINVTE S EARLY AT 6:30