1920. THE MICHIGAN DAILY ____ NEW PLANS ADOPTED 150 CENT RECITALS FOR JOHNeCRANE S D Coal, Ck and WoodCE Em 1FOR ENGINEER CLASSES CHIAGO THIS WINTER Officeon F-20 ard 2S-P-' In "LOOI INCREASED ATTENDANCE MAKES NECESSARY CHANGES NEXT HALF The increase in the Colleges of Eng- ineering and Architecture has made it necessary to adopt new plans in the arangement of classes and laboratory work. To enable the classification commit- tee to have a more definite basis on which to work in arranging the sched- ule of courses and sections to be giv- en next semester, a pre-classMication of students is being made. Members of the faculty in charge of classifica- tion of various classes are making out each student's schedule for next sem- ester. From these schedules showing the work which would be normally taken, the classification committee will make up the courses to be given for second semester. Methods used by the classifiers vary in different departments. Those in charge of the work for the junior me- chanical engineering class- have noti- fled the members of that class, through the Daily Official Bulletin, to report Monday or Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 29 or 30, in room 246, Engineering build- ing. AT THE THEATERS TODAY LORNA DOONE JACKSON, STAR OF "CARMEN," WHICH PLAYS AT WHITNEY THEATER, TONIGHT. News From The Other Colleges Washington-- More than 100 fresh- men at the University of Washington have turned out for the class rowing crew. This -indicates that there is no lack of interest in rowing at the col- lage and bids well for the future of Washington on the water. Notwith- standing the fact that Stanford may stand by its decision not to have a crew next year the sport may be kept alive if California and Washington can turn out eights that give close competition. Utah - Establishment of a Utah chapter of the Sigma Delta Chi na- tional pr~essional journalistic fra- ternity on the campus is probable, ac- cording to a statement made by the assistant city editor of the Salt Lake Tribune, a member of the organiza- tion at Denver university. Washington-The last seat has been installed in Washington's new $318,- 000 stadium and the field is now being prepared and rolled iito shape for the dedication of the stadikm and the Dartmouth-Washington football game, Saturday, Nov. 27. The seating cap- acity is 30,000 persons. The construc- tion of the Washington stadium has established a speed record for engi- neering work of this kind. The Yale Bowl which has twice as many seats was four years in process of com- pletion. The Washington stadium will be completed just six months after the ground was broken for it. 4 Houses Over Top in Red Cross Drive Phi Sigma Delta, Alpha Kappa Kap- pa, Phi Rho Sigma, and Phylon have subscribed 100 per cent to the Red Cross membership drive, which closed Thanksgiving day. UNPAID SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 All subscriptions to The Mich- igan Daily should now be paid. If you have not paid, please do so at once. The $4.00 rate is now being charged in accord- ance with notices to this effect which have been given. Please bring check or money in per- son to The Daily office any time between 8:30 and 5 o'clock. Screen Majestic-Fatty Arbuckle in his biggest hit, "The Round Up." Arcade- Tom Moore starring that Cohen and Harris success, "Officer 666." Also two com- edies, "Edgar's Jonah Day," and a Bray comic. Wuerth - "Rio Grande," from 'Augustus Thomas' great play, with an all-star cast. Vanity Fair maids comedy. Orpheum- Conny Talmadge in "In Search of a Sinner," and Johnny Hines in "Torchy." THIS WEEK Whitney - Tonight - Ralph Dunbar's brilliant musical drama, "Carmen," with Lorna Doone Jackson in the lead. Garrick (Detroit)-Barney Ber- nard in "His Honor Abe Pot- ash." that Montague Glass farce with the original New York cast. Schubert (Detroit) - Cecil Lean production, "Look Who's Here," a snappy musical com- edy with Cleo Mayfield. Regular Saturday dance, Academy tonight.-Adv. Packard p WUERTH Orchestra and Organ Music LAST TIMES TODAY rwe r \ LAST SHOWS TODAY Roscoe (Fatty) ARBUCI IN Edmund Day's Great Western Melodram All Star Cast IN "Rio rnde" A Palsating Romance of the Southwest Land of Passion and Tenderest Love. Pollard Comedy and Pathe Review Our Standard Price 30c All Day