rHE )AIL Of Interest to University Women No Holiday Rush Expec ted At T'he Nickle Emporium There will be no Christmas rush at the five' and ten cent stores this year. troubles, they wouldn't tell the rem- edy for them, then occurred to one of the thinkers.x Directly the whole thing got rather complicated. Socialistic, bolshevis- tic, anarchistic, ideas began to formu- late themselves in the minds of the "brooders." In a case like that the only emedy ' was that "gorgeous movie' 'at the Maj. .loom Vanishes At League Party Despite the dismal grayness of thg eather on Thanksgiving day, gloom as completely banished from Bar- our gymnasium while the Women's ague was giving its first big Thanks- Ling party. After the singing of a umber of Michigan songs by the udience, a program of clever stunts as presented. Right before everybody's eyes Dr, ill'em and his nurse performed a onderful cure, the secret of which, ere it only known to the medical rofession would bring it wealth un- ld. A rather plump young lady ithout so much as a weight-reduc- g exercise or abstinence from a sin- e sundae, was reduced to slim and rlph-like proportions in one treat- ent. Another girl of the "My love like a yard of tape" variety gained pidly under the very came treat- ent, and was soon of dimensions at would have delighted the heart of an Ann Arbor. boarding house keeper. Musical numbers by Margaret Col- cord, '21, and Lavisa Young, '21, were followed by an impersonation of Gal- li-Curci by Esther Wheeler, '21. Theodosia Burton, '23, megaphone in hind, directed the circle two-steps and marches,'which were features of the dance in the gymnasium. Several tables' of cards were started in the Wo'en's league, rooms, which were decorated for the occasion with streamers of maize and blue. Ruth Deemer, '22, was in charge of the party. League Dancing Classes Postponed Dancing classes to be given under the auspices of the Women's league, with W. J. Ryan, of Detroit, instruct- or, will not start today, as previously announced. Lists of women from va- rious houses on the campus have not been completed and announcement will be made later, when plans have been matured, concerning time and ,place for the lessons. Read The Michigan Daily advertee- Good Writers for Every # Student Eversharp Pencils Sheaffer Fountain Pens Sharp Point Pencils THE EBERBACH & SON CO. 200 - 204 EAST UBERTY STREET flany Unclaimed Articles Remarin Without Owners "Have you lost anything?" A great many people find things and turn them in to the lost and found depart- ment of the secretary's office, but few people seem to look there for their lost articles, is the belief in that de- partiment. Articles of ranging value are pick- ed up around the campus, and in the buildings, and after every event such as "pep" meetings, or class games, there is always a considerable num- ber of things turned in. Following the Chicago "pep" meeting, five Ever- sharps were turned in, along with eight fountain pens of varying manu- facture. For the most part all these objects have no marks of identlfica- tiWn. Duplicate Slip Made When the article found is brought in, Mrs. Smith, who has charge of the department, makes out a dupli- cate slip, pinning one to the article and handing the other to the person finding it. Then if the object is not called for at the end of the 60-day period this person is entitled to it. This is the janitor in about three- fourths of the cases. The collection from the fall games brought in caps innumerable, one or two toques, two cloth coats and one leather coat. From the football game were brought umbrellas and rubbers, plus several sweaters of nondescript colors. "Write your name in your books" Is the suggestion of the department, as quite a number have accumulated with no mark of identifleation what- ever, and it is impossible to notify the owner. Gloves there are in quantity, despite the colder weather, together with scarfs. Then too, the women succeed in losing even hair nets. As for belts, rings, knives, even railroad tickets, powder puffs, gymnasium checks, buckles, University receipts, Union buttons, cuff links, spectacle cases, they are too numerous to count. Some- times purses are found with money in them but no cards or names. An excellent set of drawing instruments was picked up in the Engineering building just a few days ago with nd name on it whatever. Panama Hat in Collection Keys and key rings exist in quant- ity rivaling the collection of any sec- ond-stor'y worker. Among the collec- tion of hats, is a panama which will undoubtedly remain till summer, since the department has installed a special closet in which to store wearing ap- parel. Even furs have been in the collection but were called for. Then (Continued on Page Eight) dence of the disease among our citi- zens to a great extent," says Dr. Rich, "for in childen tuberculosis develops rapidly and the chaices for an infected child to transmit the dis- ease to others are very high. Aid in Battle 3"Thus the battle against the great white plague is being waged not only by the anti-tuberculosis societies and the State Department of Health, but by the Bureau of Animal Industry, by the constantly' growing number of farmers who employ the tuberculin test to cull their herds of tubercular cattle, and by dairies and by cities which enforce ordinances requiring , the pasteurization of milk." I . gllltflfllg~lgglfigiftlll ilifliffitflilitflttillilllltlitltfliffigigggigliffliglitftllltlilliglil, ENG. NOTICE- Just Received a Bunch of LOG LOG SLIDESRU Special Price while They Last at tb4 =STUDENTS' SUPPLY 5' li South University s WOMEN'S HABERDASHERY I - w I. 'I S Sane n1 Ieton e hop College Notes I Nickels Arcad -- 'I LASSOIFII ADVFRTISI N THIs COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P. M. it3 P. MI LOST AND FOUND 5T-Lady's Gold Watch. Will the ap that found a lady's gold watch lease notify address below and re- eive reward. W. Braybrooks, 522 onroe. Phone 2612-J. 46-1 IT-Plain gold cuff button with nall diamond set. Near left bal- my stairs, Majestic theater, Wed. ght. Finder call M. C. Hawkins. 'one 964-MI. 46-2 T--Black pocket wallet. ;In Eng- eering Bldg. or between there and ill St. Valuable to me. Reward. amsdell at 1066-J. 45-2 IT-Rhetoric theme, Tuesday aft- mnoon. Finder is requested to leave aper at office of Secretary Smith or 0 Linden St. 45-2 IT--On Thanksgiving a Delta Gam- a pin bearing owner's name, Louise appes. Please return to 632 Oak- nd Ave. Reward. 46-2 T -- Black umbrella with ring andle. Was left in Room 210 of the brary. Daily Box B. D. 45-2 T - An Aristolochite badge be- reen the Chemistry building and 4 Hill. Call 2372. 46-2 WANTED WANTED-- Student to share double room at 25 S. Division. Price $3.50 per week. Call 1565-J. 46-6 WANTED - Roommate. Room two squares from Campus. 'Phone 2059. 46-2 WANTED--Single room, Oithin four blocks of campus. Call Barrett. Phone 1188.. 46-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Good Knabe Upright Piano, $4.00 per month. Phone 1700. 46-1 FOR RENT-- Single room at 506 E. Jefferson. Phone 516-M. 44-3 Regular schedules for basketball practice are as follows: Sophomores at 5 o'clock on Mondays; juniors and seniors at 5 o'clock on Tuesdays; freshmen at 2 and'3 o'clock on Wed- nesdays. There will be a meeting of the cast for "The Greatest Gift," at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon in Barbour gymnas- ium. Dean Myra B. Jordan will be at home to University women from 3:30 to 5:30 every Tuesday afternoon at her residence at 1215 Hill street. University Nurses .Attend Reunion The Vassar training camp for nurs- es, at which several girls on the Un- iversity hospital staff were present, is holding its first reunion at Vassar college during this week end. The girls from the University hospital, who attended are Miss Mary Welch, sup- erintendent of nurses at the hospital, Hazel Atwood, Alberta Chase, Nan Halbert, Rosamond Praegar, and Mag- na Tillatson. This camp was held during the sum- mer 'of 1918 at Vassar college. Prof. Herbert Mills of the economics depart- ment of Vassar, was dean of the camp. The enrollment totaled 450. These girls represented 100 different colleges located in every state in the Union. Now is the time to order your PER- SONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS. Engrav- Ing and Embossing. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Aarcade.-Adv. IM~T AND &OUlND . ... LOST - Gray kid gauntlet glove for right hand. Around campus. Re-, turn to Daily Office. Box B. E. 46-3 LOST-Pair of grey kid, wool-lined gloves. Week ago. Call 2226-M. 46-3 UKMCELLANEOUS WILL THE person who found gold Eversharp, name engraved, at Sped- ding's Nov. 16, please return same to Betsy Barbour House. 45-2