,. . { _XI I VI RELIEF CO1DITITTEE DECIDES TO GIVE ENTERTAINMENT IN ORD- ER TO RAISE FUNDS. Editor, The Michigan Daily: I am fully aware of the fact that there are several charitable campaigns going on in our city, and each of them will not fail to secure contribu- tions. In one sense it is a great finan- cial burden upon you at so short a time, but in another sense it is your unsurpassing pride that our city has so great a spirit to give, a pride much dearer and nobler than the economic value of the dollars you contributed. The China famine relief committee. of the Chinese Students club of the University of Michigan has proposed to the committee of the European relief campaign conducted by all the church- es in Ann Arbor, that they may under- take -a double function to relieve both Europe and China, by conducting a single campaign and proportioning the contributions between Europe and China as it sees fit. Unfortunately, this proposal was re- jected by all except the Baptist and Episcopal churches, on the grounds that this proposal was too late as the campaign was too near: The only way left to the China fam- ine relief committee is to independent- ly ask your generous help to save those starving Chinese farmers who are preyed upon by this terrible drought. There are 45,000,000 people affected, and about 80,000 are dying daily. They eat roots, grasses, and some of them drowned themselves, some of them, suicided, and the rest are going to be starved at any moment. One dollar can save 10 lives in China, while it can save only one in Europe, because the standard of living in China is AT THE THEATERS TODAY ~ Majestie-Fatty Arbuckle in his biggest hit, "The Round Up." Arcade-Wallace Reid and Bebe Daniels in their latest success, "Sick Abed." Wuerth - Warren Kerrigan 4n "The Green Flame." Orpheum-Frank Mayo in "The Red Lane." Also Jack Demp- sey in "Daredevil Jack," and a comedy. THIS WEEK Stage Whitney -- Saturday - Ralph Dunbar's brilliant musical drama, "Carmen," with, Lorna. DoohneJackson in the lead. Garrick (Detroit)-Barney Ber- nard in "His Honor Abe Pot- ash," that Montague Glass ,farce with the original New York cast. Schubert (Detroit) - Cecil Lean production, "Look Who's Here," a snappy musical com- edy with Cleo Mayfield. lower, and yet the lack of food is the worst in the famine territory. Failing to find any better ways and means to approach all of you for your help, the China famine committee, to- gether with other organizations, will give a public entertainment, the pro- ceeds of which will 'go to the famine relief funds. The date of the enter- tainment will be announced later. It is my sincere request that you will not fail to attend oan that occasion and be the saviors of another world be- yond the Pacific. Any contributions will be highly appreciated, and may be sent to Miss' H. L." Wong, 1328 Washtenaw avenue, City. Phone 110-M. G. T. NIE, Graduate. (China Famine Relief Committee). Sociedad Hispanica Elects Officers At a meeting of La Sociedad His- panica the following officers were elected: President, Octave Antonio, '21; vice-president, Dorothy Baisley, '22; secretary, Harriet Wilson, '23, School of Music; and Thompson Stock, '21, treasurer. YOU TELL 'EM MAIN STREET, THEY ALL TAKE LIBERTY. SSCHEUR RT CECIL LEAN In "LOOK WHO'S HERE" GA R R I c K 'D E T R O I T BARNEY BERNARD in "His Honor, Abe Potash riptsal New York Cast hitney Theatre SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY NOV. 27 ALIHIIIDIUII rillIsIeIt R LPH, DUNBAR present Bizet's Wonderful Masterpiece "CAR Elf Typewriters of leading makes for sale or rent. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade.-Adv. IN ENGLISH . ,I "EAT AT THE CASTLE" Cor. Hill and State STRICTLY HOME-COOKED MEALS $5.50 MEAL TICKET FOR $5.00 REGULAR BOARDERS $7.00 PER WEEK I with Lorina Doono Jackson in the title role (You saw her last season as Alan-a-Dale in "Robin Hood") SUPPORTED BY JAMES STEVENS AND NORMAN ARNOLD ANDA COMPANY THAT IS 100 PER CENT AMERICAN FOOTBALL THANKSGIVING GAME HOLLAND HI vs.'ANN ARROR HI Holland Held Muskegon O to 0 Admission 60c Wines Field, 10:30 A. M. Consisting of Sixty ' " Athletic Equipment For Every And Outdoor Sport Cstglozup on request A. G SPALDING & BROS. 1 S. State St., Chicago, Ill. .. t INCLUDING THE COMPANY'S OWN SYMPHOY ORCHESTRA PRICES: 75c-$.O-$I.50-$202.O-$2.50 f-- p -r wn e r '! A I A i THREE DAYS STARTING TODAY 4. 'I 0 wyn Officer! Call a Cop! Tom Moore is caught in the act again -- caught "starting a riot of laughter, this time with a screen inter- pretation of one of the funniest shows that ever made a hit on Broadway. If you are partial to a high-class com- edy, don't miss this film. presents TOMMOORE 'Ofic666 the Cohan Harris Notable stage success by AigustiuMlghEWChelSmIt Directed by HIry Beaumont.j A-2- 3-!Co I ,.w _ "Edgar's I Jonah Day"' "The Bananra Special Bray Comic