SUNDAY FEATURE SECTION SUPPLEMENT FEATURES THEATRES LITERARY fLt an 4atj VOL. XXXI. No. 36 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1920. Looking For Job? Visit Lane Hall is Kindly Advice (By L. P. W.) Can you tend furnace, run a Ford, or lather faces? Do you know any- thing at all about bible teaching, or selling eggs? If you do or have any ability whatsoever, whether it be for delivering lectures or just plain work, the imployment Bureau of the Student Christian Aesociation will get you the place you want. This work of student employment is being carried on in a plain little office on the mainef y of Lane Hail. The pleasant young lady at the desk, who records yotur name, address, and real or fancied talents in the financial line is Miss Mary Notley. She 'in cooper- ation with Harry G. Mershon, the em- ployment secretary, is placing stu- dents in every conceivable position. It is to her that the restaurant own- er, the storekeeper, and the tired land- lady come when they need the brain or brawn of a collegian. And you may be sure that Miss Notley will find some- thing, somewhere, for you. Last year, from September until June, 2500 jobs with an approximate cash value of $100,00 were given out. They included work for board, for rooms, and for cash. This "year, from September 14th to October 26th, 577 students were given places. This is an average of 14 a day, and conveys some idea of what the bureau is accomplishing. BIBLE, RELIGION DISCUSSED AT "Y" "Upper Room" of Lane Hall, conduct. ed by Thomas M. Iden; a Feature of S. C. A. DIFFERS FROM ORDINARYA SUNDAY SCHOOL TYPE, SAY If you should drop into Lane Hall any Saturday evening between seven and eight o'clock, and should steal up to the "Upper Room," you would ob- serve a religious meeting in progress. and in all likelihood you would wonder about the origin of the class and some- thing about the number of men who have come under its influence. Thomas M. Iden, the instructor, is the originator of the "Upper Room" idea, and during the past 30 years more than 6,000 students have taken religious work under him. While an instructor in Butler college at Indian- apolis, he started to work, and con- tinued it when he later taught science in the Kansas State Normal at Em- poria. Seven years ago he came to Ann Arbor, and until this fall, con- ducted the class at the residence at the corner of State and Jefferson streets. Outgrow Quarters Student Chrst Association bsor spampus Religious LANE HA1L, SE&T OF ALL ACTIVITY, Y. XI C. A., Y.1 nominational bined Under berry W. C. A., and Interde- Organizations Corn- Single Head; New- Hall Assists MWANY LINES OF ENDEAVOR INCLUDED IN NEW PLAN ( By Thomas E. Dewey) "The Students Christian Associa- tion", Michigan's religious organiza- tion including all branches of the work in Ann Arbor, has officially been formed, and absorbs in itself the work of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. Lane Hall and Newberry Hall are now under its direction and all the re- ligious work of the University among both the men and the women will be in its hands, and for the first time in the histor'y of this country, all of this work at a university, both denomina- tional and open field, has been unite under one head. And the reason for all this is, that the religious work on the campus has outgrown the facilities provided for it under the old form of organization and a new one was found necessary, or which will allow for the uniting of the men's and women's work, for the development of the interdenomna- tional idea, and for the advance of the work generally. Governed by Board The basis of the organization as it has been incorporated is the Board of Trustees, which is made up of men and women, mostly from the faculty, chosen proportionately to the number of men and women on the campus, and proportionally divided as to de- nominations, according to the students on the campus who indicate member- ship or preference in the different churches. Members hold office for three years, one third to be elected annually by the students at large. In the hands of this board is the property of both Lane Hall and New- berry Hall, and in its name the or- ganization is incorporated. Directing of important matters of the associa- tion is the duty of the board and it approves all paid workers in the or- ganization. The executive secretary, who is the author of the plan, Mr. Thomas S. Evans, is in complete charge of all the Lane Hall work. FromAthe student standpoint, the S. C. A. is completely organized. The students at large, in their spring elections choose what has formerly been the president of the Y. M. C. A., the men and women voting for their respective branches. They also, each voting for his own church only, have elected one representative from each church to th Y. M. and Y. W. C. A., who have coplete charg'e of the stu- dent work for the men and women on the campus who belong to that church or have expressed their preference as being there. Representative Cabinet These representatives constitute the cabinets of the men's and women's parts of the organization an.d are each entitled a vice-president, all under their respective presidents and co- operating with the paid workers of the S. C. A. in their respective bran- ches. Thus is the organization intricately The Home of the S. C. A. -, T L - SHeadquarters of University Relig ions Organizations, including Men's 1) epartment of the Student Christian Association, the Ann Arbor Bible Cha ir, Baptist, Congregational, Disciple, Lutheran, and Presbyterian student offices, the Cosmopolitan Club, the C hinese Student Club, the Japanese Stu dent Club, the Hindustan Club, the "Y"' Inn, supplying meals to 200 stu dents daily, the office of the Student Employment Bureau, meeting place of ~. . . . the Jewish Student Congregation, the Menorah Society, the Zionist Society, the Christian Science Society, Bohe- mian Club, Student Volunteers, etc. dents of the different branches, in the both those of the state and University tions far larger than its original shape. spring, and -of their vice-presidents students. Reiman started the idea with the frmtedfeetcuceec p Aid Local Poor plan of sending- prominent students points the committee chairmen who,Loaporeciehlfomtm of the University out into the state in the fall, take their places as mem- to talk to organizations of all kinds bers of the cabinets of the two organ- at different times of the year and the weee vial.Te akdo izatioins. children are often given clothing and all kinds of subjects, from Michigan's Anld it is the committee chairmen, presents of different kinds. Get-to- standing among universities to mis- working with the paid workers in each gethers 'of University women are also sionary work in China and from religi- department, of which there is one under the direction of the women's ous history to scientific problems. head, who provide the actual work of branch. Whenever they talked they mentioned the varied phases of religious work Lane Hall Work Michigan and told something about it. in University life. Of all the branches of Lane Hall Continued from that time until now, The women are confining their work work perhaps the biggest task is that the system has grown until it has more to Ann Arbor social lines, than of the Extension service. Established now assumed the proportions of a sep- the men, but are supporting Dr. Clara in 1916 when _Lewis C. Reiman, '16, crate department of the '.,ane Hall M. Sargent, '15MV, who is working in former varsity tackle and the present work and is sending out many speak- China as a part of the foreign service. secretary of the service, was a senior ers every week to all parts of the In the hospitals they are doing differ- on the campus and president of the state. Expenses of the men are usual- ent kinds of service for the invalids, Y. M. C. A., it has grown to propor- ly paid by the organizations before an. Scear fS.CY Quarters haying been outgrown to a very marked extent,'it was planned to erect a $100,000 home for the class as the enrollment reached nearly 600 last year. Circumstances, however, would not permit the building, and therefore Mr. Iden accepted the in- vitation of the Student Christian As- sociation to hold meetings there. He became also director of the "Y's" "Re- ligious Educational Department," and leader of the Ann Arbor Bible Chair.- At the "Upper Room" meetings there is the introductory song service which is followed by the reading of a letter or two received by Mr. Iden from one of his "boys" as he calls those who have been in his classes.I These letters come from all over the Thomas F. Evans, general secretary of the Christian Association for the past year and in complete charge of the affairs of Lane Hall, was appoint-' ed to this office because of the ex-g cellent reputation he established as an. administrator of religious work in uni- versities in the University of Penn-f sylvania where in a period of seven- teen years through his diligence he obtained for that association a prestige which is not equalled anywhere in the y - East or West. Graduated from Princeton with an A.B. degree in the class of '97, Mr. Evans started on the career which he has since followed without interrup- tion.X Worked at Princeton; versity of Pennsylvania-known as "Religion in a Modern University"- "It is far to look back to 1897, when Mr. Thomas S. Evans, now the Gen- eral Secretary of the University of Michigan Christian Association, start- ed, almost single handed, the work of the Association of Pennsylvania, but it is fitting to recall that our present prestige is due in large measure to his untiring service, extending over a period of seventeen years." Year at Michigan Mr. Evans has been connected with religious work in Michigan slightly more than a year. In that time he has succeded in in- stalling here the system in use at Penn and thereby putting the Student Christian Association on a firm basis. With that, other concrete results of his torgani-ability have been showing that pro- motion of religious interests at Michi- gan is keeping well abreast of the nu- the Uni- merous activities on the campus. world, and within the past few weeks 'interwoven in All its parts and thus it After his graduation he took an ac- some were received from Thibet and is tlhat, though covering a field never tive part in 'promoting religious work: China. Two large banners with Chi- before united under one head, it is in Princeton and then went to Penn nese inscriptions referring- to Mr. made a unit, entirely interdependent where he installed an efficient Chris-p Iden were sent here by one of the and'working as one big institution. tian Association which is described by zation in the world." (Continued on Page 4) Following the election of the presi- authorities as being "the most com-' From a report, issued by ANION' raha m .+msnrr.rrn+ rrrr n®ri y Christmas Gift Boxes of Stationery Now on Display' Both Ends of Diagonal Walk TWO STORES